美国大学英语写作(第六版)part - four

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23 Subjects and Verbs Activity,410

1. The ripening tomatoes glistened on the sunny windowsill. 2. Acupuncture reduces the pain of my headaches. 3. Elena twisted a strand of hair around her fingers.

4. My brother built his bookshelves from cinder blocks and planks. 5. A jackrabbit bounds up to fifteen feet in one leap. 6. The singer?s diamond earrings sparkled in the spotlight. 7. My roommate crashed his car on the icy highway.

8. On St. Patrick?s Day, our neighborhood tavern serves green beer. 9. My six-year-old brother survives on a diet of peanut butter and jelly.

10. During my parents? divorce, I felt like a rag doll being torn between two people. Activity, 412

1. A thick layer of dust covers the top of our refrigerator.

2. In June, sagging Christmas decorations were still hanging in the windows of the abandoned house.

3. The people in the all-night coffee shop seemed weary and lost. 4. Every plant in the dim room bent toward the small window.

5. A glaring headline about the conviction of a local congressman attracted my attention.

6. Two of the biggest stores in the mall are going out of business. 7. The modem?s tiny red lights suddenly started to flicker.

8. A neighbor of mine does all her work at home and E-mails it to the office. 9. The jar of peppercorns tumbled from the spice shelf and shattered on the floor. 10. The scar in the hollow of Brian?s throat is the result of an emergency operation to clear his windpipe. Review Test, 413

1. With one graceful motion, the shortstop fielded the grounder and threw to first base.

2. Like human mothers, sheep and goat mothers develop close bonds with their babies.

3. Before class, Antonietta and Jorge rushed to the coffee machine in the hall. 4. I shifted uncomfortably on the lumpy mattress before falling into a restless sleep.

5. Waiting in the long ticket line, Matt shifted his weight from one foot to the other.

6. Ancient Egyptians were branding cattle more than four thousand years ago. 7. Dogs and cats crowded the veterinarian?s office on Monday morning.

8. The driver abruptly halted her Jeep and backed up toward a narrow parking place.

9. During the American Revolution, some brides rejected white wedding gowns and wore red as a symbol of rebellion.

10. The little girl?s frantic family called a psychic to locate the child.

24 Fragments

Note: For each item the fragment, or that part of the original fragment not changed

during correction, is underlined.

Activity 2 (Dependent-Word Fragments), 417–418 1. Whenever I spray deodorant, my cat arches her back.

2. We had a great time playing football in the house until he came home for the weekend.

3. If Kim takes too long saying good-bye to her boyfriend, her father will start flicking the porch light.

4. Scientists are studying mummified remains that are thousands of years old. 5. Before I turn on the microwave oven, I have to turn off the overhead light in the kitchen.

Activity 1 (-ing Fragments), 419

1. Marble-sized hailstones fell from the sky, flattening the young plants in the cornfield.

2. They came to a stop at my house.

3. The reason for this is that I am partially deaf. Activity 2 (-ing and to Fragments), 420

1. Looking at the worm on the table, Shelby groaned.

2. I put a box of baking soda in the freezer to get rid of the musty smell. 3. Staring at the clock on the far wall, I nervously began my speech. 4. Fantasizing about the upcoming weekend, Jerome sat quietly at his desk. 5. To get to the bus station from here, you have to walk two blocks out of your way.

Activity 1 (Added-Detail Fragments), 421-422 1. For example, he sees the new movies first. 2. And his fingertips are always black, like ink pads.

3. Electronic devices, such as video cameras and cell phones, keep getting smaller.

Activity 2 (Added-Detail Fragments), 422

1. Left-handed students face problems. For example, they must sit at

right-handed desks.

2. Mrs. Fields always wears her lucky clothes, such as a blouse printed with four-leaf clovers, to bingo. 3. Hundreds of moths were swarming around the stadium lights like large flecks of snow.

4. For instance, he buys and sells comic books and movie posters. 5. I wonder now why I had to learn certain subjects, such as geometry. Activity (Missing-Subject Fragments),423–424 1. Then she does fifty sit-ups.

2. I like all kinds of pizza but refuse to eat frozen pizza.

3. They break out in hives when they eat it, and they can even have trouble breathing.

4. To distract me, the dentist tugged at a corner of my mouth. Then he jabbed a needle into my gums and injected a painkiller.

5. Last semester, I took six courses and worked part-time in a discount drugstore. Review test 1Corrections (methods of correction may vary): p425 2. I?m starting to think there is no safe place left to ride a bicycle.

3. When I try to ride in the highway, in order to go to school, I feel like a rabbit

being pursued by predators.

6. Drivers whip past me at high speeds and try to see how close they can get to

my bike without actually killing me.

7. When they pull onto the shoulder of the road or make a right turn, drivers

completely ignore my vehicle.

