
更新时间:2023-04-07 23:18:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载










21. My brother will come to see me tomorrow. I’ll meet at the airport.

A. her

B. you

C. him

D. them

22. Paul’s mother is a nurse. She works a hospital.

A. with

B. on

C. of

D. in

23. - are these bananas?

_ $3.99.

A. How much

B. How long

C. How heavy

D. How big

24. Peter is 15 year old. He is than his father.

A. tall

B. taller

C. tallest

D. the tallest

25. – Where did you go last weekend?

- I to the Great Wall.

A. go

B. went

C. will go

D. have gone

26. Please d on’t make so much noise. The baby now.

A. sleeps

B. sl ept

C. will sleep

D. is sleeping

27. It’s nice to see you again. We each other since 2014.

A. won’t see

B. d o n’t see

C. haven’t seen

D. didn’t see

28. I got home, my sister was d oing here homework.

A. When

B. Because

C. If

D. Though

29. A new road near my school next year.

A. builds

B. will buil d

C. is built

D. will be built

30. – Can you tell me ?

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- He lives in Shanghai.

A. where Mark lives

B. where d oes Mark live

C. where Mark lived

D. where did Mark live



Mum’s Christmas Surprise

Molly ran back home from school and dropped her schoolbag on the sofa. Then on the table she saw “Mum’s Wish Book” – a mail order catal og(商品目录)from a gift shop. “Mum,” she said excitedly to herself, “this year you’ll get the gloves you want!” Molly had walked a d og for a neighbo r and saved her 31 all year to buy Mum the gloves.

She opened “Mum’s Wish Book” and hoped that she coul d find these 32 in it. Teas ran d own her face when she saw the gloves in the catal og. Mum wouldn’t buy them for herself, because the family had a 33 time on the farm. She once heard Mum say to Dad, “Maybe some day, I’ll have the money to get them.”

Molly ran out by the back d oor and went straight to the post office. There she carefully fill ed out the ord er form torn from the catal og.

“I need to buy a stamp to 34 the form.” She said to Mr. Smith, the only worker in the post office.

“Umm, a pair of gl oves?” said Mr. Smith, as he passed a stamp to her.

“Yes, It’s a Christmas gift for Mum, but please d on’t tell her. It’s our 35 , OK?” Molly didn’t realize how white Mr. Smith’s beard was until that moment. In face, he remind ed her of Santa Claus.

As Molly walked back home, she d ecid ed to tell Dad her secret. “You’ve got to check the mailbox every day,” said Molly 36 to Dad. He nodd ed, with a big smile.

Coming home from school every day, Molly peeked at (偷看)Dad hen Mum wasn’t 37 , but every time he shook his head.

On Christmas Eve, Dad came back from mailbox, still empty handed. Molly felt 38 when she went to bed, because she didn’t have the gl oves for Mum.

Before Christmas dinner, as Mum took the appl e pies out of the oven, Molly began 39 the tabl e. Sud denly, they heard someone pulling up the driveway. From the wind ow they saw Mr. Smith making his way to the door, with a box in his hand. Mr. Smith 40 Mum the box, “I believe this is yours.”

Mum looked from Dad to Molly and opened the box. Her eyes lit up when she saw the gloves. “Oh, who bought these for me?” she asked.

“Santa did,” said Molly smilingly.

“Ho! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas!” Mr. Smith, with a l oud laugh.

It was Christmas that no one woul d ever forget.

31. A. time B. money C. energy D. food

32. A. fl owers B. sunglasses C. gloves D. chocolates

33. A. hard B. lonely C. short D. busy

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34. A. design B. check C. complete D. send

35. A. secret B. choice C. dream D. task

36. A. patiently B. d oubtfully C. proudly D. quietly

37. A. working B. looking C. smiling D. talking

38. A. sad B. strange C. angry D. tired

39. A. pushing B. changing C. setting D. booking

40. A. bought B. handed C. lent D. returned




The Bl og of Rosie

The Weekend

By Rosie | June 6, 2016

Hi! I’m on vacation here in Lond on… and it’s fantastic! On Saturday I was in the British Museum for three hours. On Sunday I visited Tower Bridge. Where were you over the weekend? Tell me your news!



Glad you’re having a great vacation. I was in the Summer Palace in Beijing

on Saturday. I was there for a fl ower show. It was amazing! And there

were lots of people. But on Sunday it was rainy and I wasn’t very well. I

stayed in bed for a whole day.

●Replay ● Share


It was cl oudy the whole weekend in Paris. On Saturday I was at a football

game with my classmates. It was exciting! On Sunday I was at the shops

with Ann for four hours.

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I wasn’t at home over the weekend. On Saturday I was in Scotland for a

trip. It was a lovely, warm day and I had a picnic with friends. It was great!

Sunday was boring. It took me five hours to get back home. It was a long


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On Saturday I was at Heathrow Airport. I met a friend there and we

talked together for two hours. I was very happy. On Saturday I was in

Sydney for a concert. It is winter in Australia. And it was windy and col d!

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41. On Saturday Sophia was .

A. in the Summer Palace

B. in the British Museum

C. at Tower Bridge

D. at Heathrow Airport

42. What was the weather like when Steve was in Paris?

A. Rainy.

B. Warm.

C. Cloudy.

D. Cold.

43. How l ong did it take Jack to get back home?

A. Two hours

B. Three hours

C. Four hours

D. Five hours

44. Kate was in Sydney for .

A. a picnic

B. a concert

C. a football game

D. a fl ower show


From Nobody to Somebody

Brian was a funny stud ent. He loved watching comedies(喜剧)best and hoped to become a comedy actor one day.

When he heard about the talent show to be held at this school, Brian decided to take part in. He had never acted on stage(舞台)before, and he was very excited. But some students laughed at him. “You are not funny but silly,” Ken, one of his classmates, said to his face. “No one will like what you d o,” another boy also said to him, l oudly.

Brian couldn’t und erstand why they were so unkind to him. For a moment, he thought about giving up the show. But he remembered how much his friends liked his jokes, and also his teachers said he was very funny. So he decided to prepare for the show.

Brian did a great job at the tal ent show. Everyone loved his performance, and he won the first prize! His teachers and friends were proud of him. Even so, Ken tol d Brian that he was not funny, and that he woul d never be successful. Brian didn’t understand why Ken said so, but he realized that it had nothing to d o with him. He confidently continued to work towards his goal.

As the years went on, Brian met more people like Ken. “you’ll do a terrible job,” they said to him. Luckily, most people encouraged him and some helped him to become even funnier. He got a lot of opportunities to perform in movies. He was even invited to appear on television. His fans thanked him because his comedies made them feel good when they were unhappy.

Now Brian is a big comedy star! He is doing what he l oves best. He never feels stressed like those unkind people, and he laughs all day long!

45. What did Brian love best when he was a student?

A. Going to school.

B. Helping classmates.

C. Watching comedies.

D. Meeting new friends.

46. Brian decided to prepare for the show because .

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A. his friends liked his jokes

B. he was invited by a TV station

C. he wasn’t busy acting in movies

D. Ken was expecting his performance

47. After winning the first prize, Brian .

A. began to und erstand Ken

B. became a teacher of acting

C. encouraged others to join him

D. continued to work towards his goal

48. Brian’s fans thanked hime because his comedies brought them .

A. success

B. happiness

C. luck

D. pride


Are You Right Handed or Left Handed?

Which hand d o you use when write? About 8 to 15 percent of peopl e are left handed. They often have to use tools that are d esigned for right-handed people. So it is difficult for l eft-handers to use most tools. If you are right handed, try this experiment: Take a knife with your left hand and try cutting a potato into pieces. Don’t be surprised if you feel awkward(别扭的).

In the past, people thought it was strange to use the left hand. Young students l ooked d own upon their l eft-handed classmates. Some children were even punished for using their left hand to write. But these days parents and teachers have accepted that. In almost every school in the world, l eft-handed students can use their left hand to write.

What causes people to be left hand ed or right handed? Experts have searched l ong and hard on this. They conclud e(得出结论)that left-handed people are left handed for the same reason that right-hand ed people are right handed. One out of every ten peopl e just is a left-handed people are right handed. One out of every ten people just is a left-hander. It’s simply like the col or of our eyes – some people have brown eyes, whil e some others have black eyes.

However, may researchers think that left-hand ers and right-handers are different in some aspects. Right-handers are more talkative and outgoing than l eft-hand ers. Many right-handed people und erstand spoken words better. For exampl e, after they listen to directions to a supermarket, they can find it easily. Right-handers are good at organizing people, too. They are also better basketball guards. Just ask Yao Ming.

Research shows that l eft-handers are creative and artistic. Many famous performers, like Jim Carrey and Paul McCartney, are left handed. Many l eft-handers learn better visually(在视觉方面). In art, both Leonard o da Vinci and Michelangel o were left handed. In music, Ludwig van Beethoven was left handed. In science, you find Newton and Einstein. The left-handed people are also really good at tennis and other single sports.

If you prefer one hand, but you are still good at writing with the other, you are mixed. Research shows mixed-handers can remember everyday things better than other peopl e. What did you eat for lunch two weeks ago? If you’re mixed handed, you can probably remember.

49. If right-handers cut up potatoes with there l eft hand, they will .

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A. get hurt

B. give up cutting

C. feel awkward

D. change their tools

50. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. Causes of being left hand ed.

B. Encouragement to left-handers

C. Punishment for using the left hand.

D. Changes in opinions on l eft-hand ers.

51. According to the passage, right-handers .

A. learn better visually

B. are good organizers

C. are better at single sports

D. give clear directions to others

52. From the passage, we can learn that left-handers .

A. may be more talkative and outgoing

B. are ordinary people like right-handers

C. might remember everyday things better

D. no l onger need to use right-handed tools


Shoul d Children Be Allowed to Get Bored?

Children need time to stand and stare. They should be all owed to get bored to that they can devel op their ability to be creative.

Children are expected by their parents to be reading a textbook all the time. However, research shows that it may hamper the d evelopment of their imagination, while bored om can give them opportunities to devel op creativity.

Bored om is often linked with l oneliness, but a writer named Meera Syal said bored om had helped here in developing her mind. She told researchers about her childhood. Having few things tod o, Syal often talked with her neighbors. She also tried to do things like learning to bake cakes. “But importantly, I Thought and wrote a lot, because I was bored,” Syal said. She kept a diary, filling here time with short stories and poems she mad e up.

Grayson Perry, an artist, grew up in a family with little money. He enjoyed himself by making up stories, drawing pictures for his stories and reading many books in the library. Bored but free, he spent hours looking out of the wind ow, watching the changing clouds and seasons. Perry filled up his free time with what he liked. He became creative, because he coul d think freely.

Dr. Belton is an expert on the effects of emotions on l earning. “Bored om coul d be an uncomfortable feeling,” she said. “But some young people cannot deal with that bored om creatively. So sometimes they may break a classroom wind ow, or drive a car out for a mad race.”

Usually, when children have nothing to d o, they would turn on the TV, the computer, or the phone. Their time on these things has increased, yet they need to have time to think about their experiences through play or just watching the worl d around them.

It is this kind of thinking that can inspire the imagination. On the other hand, the TV or phone may

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cut short the thinking process. That can be harmful to the devel opment of creativity. “For developing the ability to be creative,” Dr. Belton advised, “perhaps we need to stand and stare, and stay off-line from time to time.”

53. What does the word “hamper” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Sl ow d own.

B. Keep up with.

C. Go beyond.

D. Give rise to.

54. The writer talks about Syal and Perry to .

A. stress the great differences between them

B. introduce a popular writer and a famous artist

C. suggest good ways of going through boredom

D. show effects of bored om on devel oping creativity

55. What can we l earn from the passage?

A. Bored om provid es children with space to think freely.

B. It’s much b etter for children to be busy than be bored.

C. Boredom helps children d eal with difficulties properly.

D. It’s boring for children to think about their experiences.


Tips for Writing Better Articl es

Many of us don’t spend a l ot of time improving our writing skills. This can be a problem when we hand in our articles. Good writing skills will help us improve our grad es and benefit us later in life.

56 .

Make good word choices.When we’re not sure which word is the right one for a sentence, look it up in a dictionary. Many of us choose words in a hurry and don’t take the time to d ecide if they’re proper.

57 .

Check facts. If we want peopl e to believe what we write, we must make sure our facts are true. We should use dependable facts.

Rewrite. A common probl em is that we don’t like to rewrite. In fact rewriting is the best way to find out and correct some mistakes, like grammar and spelling mistakes. 58 , though it takes more time and more work.

Read aloud.Sometimes it’s easier to find problem with spelling, word usage, and grammar when we read al oud. Reading al oud helps us not only find out our problems but also devel op our writing.

59 . Preparing a list is necessary for writing a good article. Such a list includ es: Is there a proper title? Have we explained every point? Are all the parts of the articl e includ ed? This can help us to make sure that we have covered everything.

60 . But with a few simple steps, we can improve our writing skills and learn how to write better articles.

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A 108-year-ol d Message in a Bottle

On November 30, 1906, George Bidd er dropped a bottl e from a boat into the North Sea. The weighted glass bottl e sank almost to the sea fl oor, and then it move sl owly for 108 years and 138 days.

Its journey ended when Marianne Winkl er found the bottl e in 2015. Winkler was then on vacation on Amrum Island. She picked up the bottl e when it was washed up onto the beach. She saw a piece of paper inside, but didn’t break it open. She coul d tell that the bottle was old. So she didn’t want to damage it.

Finally she got the piece of paper out of the bottl e. She found that the paper was actually a postcard. On the back of the card there was this message: The Marine Biological Association(海洋生物学协会)woul d pay a shilling(先令)for the bottle. A shilling was a unit of money that was used in Great Britain before the early 1970s.

Winkl er filled out the card and posted it. The association was surprised to get a postcard addressed to George Bid der, the president of the association from 1939 to 1945. The workers of the association searched on the Internet to find a shilling. They found one and sent it to Winkler as a reward.

The message in the bottl e was the ol dest ever re-discovered. For this reason Marianne Winkler got a place in “Guinness Worl d Records”(吉尼斯世界纪录). She broke the record for the ol dest message in a bottl e.

Winkl er’s bottle was not the only one Bid der sent to sea. Between 1904 and 1906, he spent away more than one thousand bottles. He placed postcards inside them. The bottl es were part of a research project to map currents(洋流)in the North Sea. This was the best method at that time. But whether the association coul d get the bottles back depended on the people who found them. The association reported that about 55 percent of the bottl es were returned. They ad ded that the experiment was a success as it showed the east-to-west fl ow of the North Sea’s currents.

61. How l ong did the weighted glass bottle move in the sea?

62. Did Marianne Winkler find the bottl e in 2015?

63. What was in the bottle?

64. Who was George Bid der?

65. Why did Bid der drop bottles into the sea?



66. 从下面两个题目中任选一题,根据中文和英文提示,完成一篇不少于50词的文段写作。文中已给出内容不计入总词数。所给提示词进攻选用。请不要写出你的校名和姓名。



提示词语:sign up(报名), on the school website, sports shoes

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提示问题:·When and where will you have the race?

·How can Peter sign up for the race?

·What d o you advise Peter to prepare for the race?



提示词语:d onate(捐赠), book, schoolbag, clothes, toy, help, proud

提示问题:·What did you donate?

·Why did you d onate the things?

·How d o you feel?

At my school, we made donations to children in the flooded areas last week.

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61. For 108 years and 138 days.

62. Yes.

63. A piece of paper.

64. The presid ent of the association from 1939 to 1945.

65. Because the bottles were parts of a research project to map currents in the North Sea.

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