
更新时间:2023-04-15 10:23:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
















5.(1分)(2018?安徽)A.put up

B.turn up

C.pick up

6.(1分)(2018?安徽)Which animal does the woman want to see?

7.(1分)(2018?安徽)What will the woman probably use to eat noodles?

8.(1分)(2018?安徽)What place does the woman want to find?


9.(1分)(2018?安徽)How will the man go to Beijing?

10.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Peter usually do after school?

11.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Dad want Julie to do?

A.Forget the test.

B.Go to sleep.

C.Study math.

12.(1分)(2018?安徽)Why is Mary worried these days?

A.Because she has much work.

B.Because she has lost some money.

C.Because she is putting on weight.

13.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Jessica think of the Chinese song ?A.The music is nice.

B.The words are great.

C.The song is short.

14.(1分)(2018?安徽)Where does the conversation probably take place?A.In a bank.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a hospital.

15.(1分)(2018?安徽)How soon will the concert begin?

A.In 10 minutes.

B.In 20 minutes.

C.In 30 minutes.

16.(2分)(2018?安徽)(1)What will Lisa do for her father?


A.Make a cake.

B.Buy a T﹣shirt.

C.Order some flowers.

(2)What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Teacher and student.

B.Brother and sister.

C.Boss and secretary.

17.(3分)(2018?安徽)(1)When did Lucy go to the old people's home?A.Last weekend.

B.Last month.

C.Last year.

(2)What did Lucy and Laura take there?

A.Milk and books.

B.Milk and clothes.

C.Books and clothes.

(3)Who played erhu then?



C.Grandpa Li.

18.(5分)(2018?安徽)(1)Who is Tony living with?

A.His classmates.

B.His uncle.

C.His parents.

(2)What is Tony doing in Paris?

A.Learning the piano.

B.Working in a company.

C.Traveling with friends.

(3)How long has Tony studied there?

A.For three months.


B.For two months.

C.For one month.

(4)Why is Tony's family going to the town?A.To visit his teachers.

B.To see his grandparents.

C.To find his relatives.

(5)What will Tony do for his relatives?A.Cook a big dinner.

B.Take some photos.

C.Play a piece of music.




20.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣May I use your computer,Mr.Black?

﹣____.I will use my iPad instead.()

A.Go ahead B.Thank you

C.Sorry,you can't D.I'm afraid not

21.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣What is the ____ of your excellent spoken English?﹣Practice makes perfect!()

A.result B.influence C.duty D.secret

22.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣The fridges are on sale in the supermarket today.

﹣Really?Let's go and buy ____ for our new kitchen.()

A.one B.it C.that D.them

23.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣I'm afraid I might forget to buy the bread after work.﹣Don't worry.I will ____ you then.()

A.notice B.allow C.remind D.promise

24.(1分)(2018?安徽)Before the sun ____ ,we need to get to the top of the mountain.()

A.set B.sets C.is setting D.will set

25.(1分)(2018?安徽)Our class are much sure to win the basketball game ____ Class Three.()

A.of B.in C.against D.from

26.(1分)(2018?安徽)Some animals can ____ the color around to protect themselves.()

A.take on B.give up C.put away D.see off

27.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣May I watch TV,Dad?

﹣When your homework is finished,you ____.()

A.should B.can C.must D.need

28.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣I wonder ____ Jane gets on so well with her classmates.


﹣Because she always cares much about others.()

A.whether B.who C.when D.why

29.(1分)(2018?安徽)The speaker showed some ____ examples to make the science report easy to understand.()

A.awful B.stupid C.proper D.thick

30.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣Will you go to the picnic this Saturday?

﹣I'd like to ,____ I'll have to help look after my baby sister.()

A.but B.or C.and D.so

31.(1分)(2018?安徽)Little Jack has learned to do lots of things on his own,____ he is only four years old.()

A.if B.though C.for D.since

32.(1分)(2018?安徽)Yuan Longping is ____ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting.()

A.suddenly B.patiently C.hardly D.generally

33.(1分)(2018?安徽)The weatherman says a rain shower ____ this afternoon in the south.()

A.expects B.expected C.is expected D.was expected

34.(1分)(2018?安徽)﹣It's said that shopping online is safe.

﹣____.You'd better be careful.()

A.I agree B.That depends C.I think so D.No problem


35.(15分)(2018?安徽)When the Spring Festival falls,red flowers bloom(盛开)on the windows of my home.Of course,these are not (1)flowers.But in the cold of (2),these wonderful flowers bring warmth to us.They are made of paper by my (3),who is now aged 70.With,a few cuts,she (4) a piece of paper into a beautiful work of art.

When my grandma was young,she was considered clumsy(笨拙的)in the


(5).But on a cold winter night,she saw some beautiful red paper (6)on her new neighbor's windows.She was so interested in it and decided to (7)from her neighbor.Tons of paper was wasted,and her fingers were cut many times.But she(8)practicing.I took 10 years (9)my grandma could make paper art skillfully (娴熟地).The red flowers,blooming like burning fire,light up her world.Now,everyone in the village (10)her.My grandma's story has shown me what it takes to realize one's dream.

(1)A.nice B.real C.full D.sweet

(2)A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

(3)A.sister B.aunt C.moth D.grandma

(4)A.changes B.spreads C.places D.burns

(5)A.city B.town C.village D.block

(6)A.art B.money C.walls D.books

(7)A.buy B.steal C.learn D.borrow

(8)A.ended up B.kept on C.put off D.thought about

(9)A.before B.after C.while D.since

(10)A.serves B.pardons C.respects D.warns

36.(15分)(2018?安徽)As a foreigner,it's hard for me to tell what Chinese people are,like.But my(1)in Beijing said something.

A couple of weeks ago,I went to buy four big suitcases(行李箱)for travel.(2)I was going down the street,it suddenly rained,heavily.A stranger called me into his little shop.He (3)me a cup of tea and a chair.When the rain got (4),I thanked him and rushed to a (5)nearby to buy my suitcases.

If you've ever tried to push four big suitcases by yourself,you may understand my (6).I looked silly,for the suitcases were dancing wildly across the floor.Then I got a (7)on the shoulder.It was the seller.He signed that I should wait.A few minutes later,he (8)in a car,and put the


suitcases inside.Then we went driving (9)along the road to my home.I offered him some money,but he(10).In broken English he said,"Feel good .. help you."

Now,you can see Chinese people are always ready to help you.

(1)A.friend B.teacher C.invention D.experience

(2)A.If B.As C.Although D.Because

(3)A.found B.bought C.made D.offered

(4)A.harder B.lighter C.thicker D.faster

(5)A.store B.hall C.lab D.school

(6)A.language B.sentence C.situation D.advantage

(7)A.wing B.coin C.scarf D.touch

(8)A.lay down B.drove up C.fell behind D.went away

(9)A.happily B.lazily C.bravely D.poorly

(10)A.missed B.nodded C.refused D.failed


37.(5分)(2018?安徽)A.Glad to help you.

B.What else can we enjoy?

C.Is it worth traveling there?

D.Have you decided where to go?

E.Then it must have something special.

F.I don't think it fun to travel in big cities.

G.Do you have any plan for the summer holiday?


B.Yeah.I'd like to do some traveling.


B:Not yet.

A:Do you want to travel in big cities?



A:How about Huangshan Mountain?


A:Sure! In China,it's considered to be the king of all the mountains.


A:Right.You can see special pines(松树),rocks and clouds.You can enjoy hot springs as well.

B:Great! Thank you.


38.(8分)(2018?安徽)Children's Games in Ancient China

During ancient times,children didn't have much to enjoy themselves.However,they came up with interesting games to play in their childhood.


(1)According to the text,the game of kicking a stone ball was.A.played in summer

B.like flying kites

C.invented in Beijing

D.popular in North China

(2)How is hide﹣and﹣seek usually played ?

A.One plays and others watch

B.Others laugh and one must cry

C.Others hide and one tries to find

D.One runs and others try to catch

(3)What does the underlined word "feature" mean in the text?





(4)Which ancient game is like watching a film?

A.Kicking stone balls

B.Flying kites

C.Playing hide﹣and﹣seek

D.Watching shadow plays

39.(8分)(2018?安徽)Job interviews can be very different from country to country.An interviewer's "body language" and questions,and the form of an interview are not the same around the world.

If you're at a job interview in Japan,don't look directly into the eyes of the interviewer.It is considered impolite.But if you're at an interview in the US,you


should make eye contact(交流)with the interviewer.If you don't,the interviewer may think you are not sure about your ability.

In the US and some other countries,interviewers aren't supposed to ask questions about family and personal information.In most countries,however,personal questions are very common during job interviews.

In Germany,your interview might begin with a very short conversation followed by a formal (正式的)interview.In Mexico and many other countries,the whole interview might not be formal.

(1)In Japan,looking directly into the eyes of the interviewer is





(2)What is suggested at an interview in the US according to the text?A.Sitting by the interviewer.

B.Making eye contact.

C.Talking about family background.

D.Asking personal information.

(3)In,a short talk usually begins before a formal interview.A.Japan

B.the US



(4)In which part of a magazine can we read the text?





40.(8分)(2018?安徽)It's a cold,grey Sunday afternoon in March.The British


are all working in their gardens.They're digging,cutting leaves and planting new seeds(种子).By summer,their gardens will be full of bright colours.The British love their gardens.A British newspaper recently asked people for their opinions about them.Around 70% of the people felt it was important to spend time in the garden,and over 50% of these described gardening as the most enjoyable thing they ever did.

Only one in ten houses in Britain do not have a garden.People who live in houses without gardens often rent(租用)land from the government.At first,only very rich people had gardens.You can still see the gardens around houses with a long history,such as Chatsworth House or Castle Howard.In the early twentieth century,however,gardening became a hobby.People bought different kinds of seeds and plants for their gardens.Although roses,sunflowers and tomatoes are often grown in British gardens,they originally(起初)grew wild in other countries.

Every year,there are competitions for the largest vegetables,but don't expect to win;Britain's biggest carrot is almost six metres long.

(1)In summer,British gardens are often.

A.full of people digging there

B.colorful with different plants

C.too hot for people to work there

D.covered with grey leaves and plants

(2)A recent survey showed that of the British felt it important to do some gardening.

A.around 70%

B.over 50%

C.only 20%

D.about 10%

(3)We can infer from Paragraph 4 that.

A.seeds were provided for free


B.roses were first grown in Britain

C.gardening is a hobby in the world

D.the owner of Chatsworth House was rich

(4)What does the writer mean by the underlined sentence?

A.It is easy to grow big vegetables.

B.It is hard to win the competition.

C.The carrot is much easier to grow.

D.The carrot is his favorite vegetable.

41.(10分)(2018?安徽)Would you like to live in a city where buildings turn the lights off for you,and self﹣driving cars will find the nearest parking space themselves?Although it might sound a little far from you,living in a "smart" city like this could happen sooner than you think.

Great changes have taken place in towns that we have lived in for centuries,while completely new cities are being built.One such place is the city of Songdo.Every home there will have a "telepresence" system(远程遥控系统)﹣allowing users to control the heating and locks,take part in video meetings,and receive education,healthcare and government services.Around the city,escalators(自动扶梯)will only move when someone is on them,and offices and schools will all be connected to the system.

The great mind behind Songdo is from the company Cisco.In fact,technology companies around the world such as IBM,Siemens and Microsoft are already in the business.

About 75% of the world's population will live in cities by 2050,so cities will need to be more modern to deal with the coming problems." Making cities smarter is one way out,and I think this will in turn make cities greener,"said Dan Hill,


head of a research company.

(1)According to the text,living in a "smart" city.

A.is not a green way

B.will be far from you

C.will soon become true

D.is completely impossible

(2)What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A.A city of the future.

B.A meeting In Songdo.

C.A plan to build a house.

D.A report on public health.

(3)Which company offers the great mind to build Songdo?





(4)Dan Hill thinks that making cities smarter is one way to.

A.drive people out of cities

B.control the world's population

C.develop his own company

D.solve the cities' coming problems

(5)Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A.Future Education

B.Smart Cities

C.Government Services

D.Famous companies

42.(6分)(2018?安徽)Mr.Reynolds,my teacher,hand us a list of thoughts,and asked us to write a paper on one of those thoughts.I chose the topic "I wonder why things are the way they are."


I wrote down all the questions that puzzled(困扰)me about life.I realized that many of them were hard to answer,and perhaps others could not be answered at all.When I handed in my paper,I was afraid that I might fail because I did not answer the question.

The next day,Mr.Reynolds handed me the paper and asked me to read it for the class.The other students became quiet as I began to read my story:Mum,why are the roses red?Why is the grass green and the sky blue?Why do I have to graduate(毕业)?Why do I have to grow up?Why do I have to be called "Grandma" ,one day?…

Dad,why can't I stay out until 12:00?Why do I miss my old friends?Why do I miss being at home?Why do you love me so much?..

Mum,Dad,why did you have to leave me?I need you.

At the end of my story,I looked at Mr.Reynolds,and I saw a tear slowly coming down his face.Then I realized that life is not built on the answers we receive,but on the questions we ask.

(1)Why was the writer afraid that she might fail?(不超过10个词)

(2)What did the teacher ask the writer to do for the class?(不超过15个词)(3)What did the writer realize at the end of the story?(不超过15个词)


43.(1分)(2018?安徽)My grandparents are b(忙碌)making zongzi for the Dragon Boat Festival.

44.(1分)(2018?安徽)Everyone has a r(角色)to play in making our country more beautiful.

45.(1分)(2018?安徽)The little boy is always keeping his bedroom clean and t (整齐).

46.(1分)(2018?安徽)A good hobby a(增加)a lot of fun to our spare life.


47.(1分)(2018?安徽)Please think t(两次)before you hand in your paper.


48.(25分)(2018?安徽)某英文杂志社正面向九年级毕业生征文,请从以下要点中选择一至两个方面,并结合具体事例,用英语写一篇题为" Thank you,my teacher!"的短文参加此次活动.要点如下:









































5.(1分)(2018?安徽)A.put up

B.turn up

C.pick up





6.(1分)(2018?安徽)Which animal does the woman want to see?





7.(1分)(2018?安徽)What will the woman probably use to eat noodles?






8.(1分)(2018?安徽)What place does the woman want to find?





9.(1分)(2018?安徽)How will the man go to Beijing?





10.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Peter usually do after school?






11.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Dad want Julie to do?

A.Forget the test.

B.Go to sleep.

C.Study math.





12.(1分)(2018?安徽)Why is Mary worried these days?

A.Because she has much work.

B.Because she has lost some money.

C.Because she is putting on weight.





13.(1分)(2018?安徽)What does Jessica think of the Chinese song ?A.The music is nice.

B.The words are great.

C.The song is short.





14.(1分)(2018?安徽)Where does the conversation probably take place?


A.In a bank.

B.In a hotel.

C.In a hospital.





15.(1分)(2018?安徽)How soon will the concert begin?A.In 10 minutes.

B.In 20 minutes.

C.In 30 minutes.





16.(2分)(2018?安徽)(1)What will Lisa do for her father?A.Make a cake.

B.Buy a T﹣shirt.

C.Order some flowers.

(2)What is the relationship between the speakers?A.Teacher and student.

B.Brother and sister.

C.Boss and secretary.






