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(2009 -2010学年第2 学期)

英语语言学概论 课程 英 语 专业 07级英语教育2-5班 班级

考试时量 100分钟 学生人数 命题教师 周启强 系主任

交题时间:2010 年6月10日 考试时间: 年 月 日

I. Fill in the blank with ONE word, the first letter of which is already given as a clue. Note that you are to write down the whole word on your answer sheet without changing the letter given: (15*2=30 points)

1. That the denial of one member of two words implies the assertion of the other is the characteristic of c______ antonyms.

2. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate, and the more specific words are called its h______.

3. The sentence “John smokes” may be analysed as S(j) in terms of predication, where S represents the predicate and j an a____.

4. According to Searle’s classification of illocutionary acts, “to suggest that someone should see the doctor” should fall into the category of d______.

5. C______ analysis is a way proposed by the structural semanticists to analyze word meaning.

6. Some English learners will invent such words as “teached”, “hitted” , etc. by imitating the regular past form of the English verb. This error is said to result from o .

7. When a group of people come to take a pidgin as their mother tongue, it becomes a c language.

8. According to Leech, taboos and euphemisms often result from the r_____ meaning of some words relevant to death, sex, etc. .

9. In making conversation, the generally principle that all participants are expected to observe is called the C Principle proposed by J. Grice.

10. The sentence \three apples yesterday\p ____ the sentence \

bought some fruit yesterday.\

11. The phenomenon that a word may have several related senses is called p______. 12. Linguistic D____ is a theory which believes that our language will decide our way of looking at the world.

13. The level of syntactic representation after the transformational process is usually termed s___ structure.

14. At first, J. Austin made a distinction between performatives and c____, which he finally gave up for a variety of reasons.

15. In their course of language acquisition, children's utterances are one-word sentences, which are called the h_____ stage.

II. Match the linguists in Column A with the important works or papers on

linguistics in Column B. (10*1=10 points)


16. L. Bloomfield 17. N. Chomsky 18. Austin

19. M. A. K. Halliday 20. C. Fillmore 21. H. P. Grice 22. F. de. Saussure

23. C. K. Ogden & I. A Richards


a. Course in General Linguistics b. The Meaning of Meaning c. The Case for Case d. Logic and Conversation e. Syntactic Structures f. Language

g. How to Do Things with Words h. An Introduction to Functional Grammar

III. Judge whether each of the following statements is true or false. Write a T for true and an F for false on your answer sheet: (10*1=10 points) 26. Locutionary act expresses the intention of the speaker.

27. Speech variety refers to any form of speech used by a speaker or a group of speakers.

28. Social factors cannot be included in our description of language and language use. 29. Human capacity for language has a genetic basis, i.e. we are all born with the ability to acquire language and the details of a language system are genetically transmitted.

30.Culture in a narrow sense refers to culture that is concrete, substantial and observable.

31. The study objects of both semantics and pragmatics are meaning, with semantics focusing on meaning in context and pragmatics static meaning.

32. If G = girl, P = pretty, the sentence \


IV. Analyse linguistic data and finish the subsequent tasks as required. 36. Noam Chomsky has been quoted as saying:

It is about as likely that an ape will prove to have a language ability as that

there is an island somewhere with a species of flightless birds waiting for human beings to teach them to fly.

Does Chomsky think that an ape can be taught to master a human language? Do

you agree or disagree with him? Make a comment on his remark.

37. The following is a conversation between a boy and a girl: Boy: Do you love me. Girl: En... I like you very much.

1) What is the conversational complicature in the girl's reply?

2) Explain why there is such an implicature in terms of a pragmatic theory you

are familiar with.

3) Imagine an occasion on which the implicature is defeased.

38. The following sentences may be SEMANTICALLY or STRUTRUALLY

ambiguous. Explain the ambiguity by providing two sentences that paraphrase the multiple meanings. 1) He waited by the bank. 2) Is he really that kind? 3) You should see her shop. 4) Every man loves a woman.

座位号 湖南师范大学2006—2007学年第二学期2004级期末/补考/重修


课程代码:05023032 考核方式: 笔试闭卷 考试时量:100 分钟 试卷类型:A

别I. Multiple choice


名II. Fill in the blanks 姓

16. 18. 号 20. 学 22. 24.

师教III. True or False


26. __ _ _____ 级29. ____ ____ 年 32. _______ 35. _______ 38. ______ 业专

IV. Pair Matching

41—45: 院 学

6—10 11—15


19. 21. 23.


27. _________ 28. _____ _______ 30. ____ ______ 31. _____ ______ 33. ____ ______ 34. __________ 36. _____ ______ 37. _____ _______ 39. _________ 40. __________


学院 专业 年级 任课教师 学号 姓名 性别 座位号

V. Do as required





学院 专业 年级 任课教师 学号 姓名 性别 座位号 湖南师范大学2006—2007学年第二学期2004级期末/补考/重修


课程代码:05023032 考核方式: 笔试闭卷 考试时量:100 分钟 试卷类型:A


1—5: d a c c a 6—10: a b c c a 11—15: c a b d c


16. communication 17. manner 18. slang 19. complementary 20. specifier 21. hyponyms 22. predication 23. social

24. obstuction 25. synchronic


26. ____F_____ 27. _____T______ 28. _____F_______ 29. ____F_____ 30. _____F______ 31. _____T_______ 32. ____F_____ 33. _____F______ 34. _____F_______ 35. ____T_____ 36. _____F______ 37. _____T_______ 38. ____F_____ 39. _____F______ 40. _____F_______


41—45: b e f g h 46—50: j i d c a




B’s reply flouts the maxim of relevance. By saying something that seems totally irrelevant to A’s question, B intends to remind A that it is impolite

and improper to cast bad remarks on the hostess.


答案错误不给分,答案不完整或不符合要求者酌情扣分。 a. b.



X-bar theory: a general and highly abstract schema that collapses all phrase structure rules into a single format: X—(spec) X(compel).



Modern linguistics differs from traditional grammar in two ways. Traditional grammar is based on “high”(literary reilgious) written language. Modern linguistics studies whatever occurs in the language people use and mainly spoken language. Traditional grammar is prescriptive. They set models for language users to follow. On the other hand, moder linguistics is mostly descriptive. Linguistic study is supposed to describe the language people actually use, be it correct or not.

