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篇一:august rush《八月迷情》英文观后感-英汉对照(原创)

August Rush

“Listen, can you hear? The music. I can hear it everywhere, in the wind, in the air, in the light, it's all around us. All you have to is open yourself up, all you have to do is listen.” This is the beginning of a film which is called August Rush. I saw this film in my class several weeks ago. Believe it or not, it is one of my favourate films now.

The story may sound simple, the truth behind it is remarkable. 11 years ago, Lyla, a renowned and beautiful cellist fell in love with a rock singer Louis at first sight. Since they had different life, they had to separate without seeing each other once again. However, Lyla had had their baby-Evan, a prodigy born to music. Before Lyla gave birth to the baby, she had an accident. Lyla's father gave the baby to an orphanage and lied to her that the baby was dead in case of affecting her career. After that, both Louis and Lyla gave up the music career. 11 years later, the poor little Evan believes that his parents are waiting for him and begins his journey to find his parents. It seems that fate contrives to bring these three people together. Finally, the family get together because of music.

The part impressed me most was when lyla met Louis on the roof for the first time. There are a lot of similarities between these two lonely souls. Both of them are musicians; Both of them are listening; Both of them wanted to get away from the noisy world. Thus, fate pushed them together. They kissed each other. How romantic it is!

That’s why I like this film very much: it encourages people to find true love, to appreciate the beauty of life, and the most important thing is to keep hope forever. Since Evan always believes that his parents are alive and waiting for him, he stick to finding them day by day. It is the main reason why this poor family can get together again. Therefore, even a man can live once, but if he keeps hope and keep on working, then once is enough.



“听,你听见了吗?那个音乐,无论到哪我都听得见,它在风里,在空气里,在光线里,它无处不在。你 只需敞开自己的心扉。你只需,去聆听。”这是电影《八月迷情》的开头。几个星期前,我看了这部电影。信不信由你,它现在是我最喜欢的电影之一。





August Rush has grown up in a group family for boys in upstate New York, where he hears music in the world, from the corn fields to the moonlight. He believed that he could find his parents through music. In order to find his parents, he escaped from the group family. The music leaded him to New York, where of the city turned into the rhythmic beginnings of a stomp number. There, he hooked up with a band of street musicians straight out of Oliver Twist, ran by the unstable and off-putting Wizard. When August discovered things like guitars and music that allow him to produce the music he hears, he becomes a prodigy.

And of course, because August Rush is all about the magic of fate and coincidence, this little boy's love of music comes from some sort of machinations of the gods: His mother Lyla is a star concert cellist; his father Louis is the guitarist and of a rock band. The two meet by coincidence on a rooftop and one perfect night of moonlight and music, and are separated after. As August is looking for them, they one another and him. it takes them a very, very long time to actually get together. After watching this film, I think I should cherish the relationship with my parents and other relatives more. In this film, the little boy tried his best to find his parents, although he didn’t see them before. He suffered a lot of difficulties, such as the laughing of other children, losing ways and misunderstanding. When we were children, our parents paid all their attentions to take care of us, however, with our growth, we become more and more independent, some of us even don’t want to go back home, what we is only work, study, boy friend or girl friend. You always say to your parents, “I have no time, I am so busy.”Yes, you are really very busy, you are busy with your work or any other things, what you mean is you have no time to chat with your parents, you have no time to go back home. Just think those guys who don’t have parents.



《八月迷情》(August Rush)是华纳兄弟于2007年出品的音乐剧情片。由Kirsten Sheridan执导,乔纳森莱斯·梅耶斯,凯丽·拉塞尔主演。影片讲述了孤儿奥古斯特·拉什(August Rush)为寻父母来到纽约,在遇到神秘陌生人后成为街头卖艺者,奥古斯特依靠自己非凡的音乐天赋最终与自己父母相认的故事。

电影类型 剧情,音乐 主演

乔纳森·莱斯·梅耶斯,凯丽·拉塞尔 片长113分钟制片地区 美国 对白语言 英语 导演Kirsten Sheridan 色彩彩色 编剧 Nick Castleimdb编码 7.5/10(25002votes) 制片人 华纳兄弟 中文名 八月迷情 外文名 August Rush 其它译名八月狂奔、声梦奇缘 获奖记录

奥斯卡(美国电影学院奖) 2008 最佳原创歌曲 (提名)

Charles Mack 最佳原创歌曲 (提名) Jamal Joseph 青年艺术家奖(Young Artist Award) 2008Best Family

Feature Film (Comedy or Drama) Best Performance

in a Feature Film - Supporting Young Actor - Fantasy or Drama Leon Thomas

III青年艺术家奖 2008

Best Performance in a Feature Film - Supporting Young Actress (提名) Jamia

Simone Nash Best Performance in a

Feature Film - Leading Young Actor (提名) 弗莱迪·海默 美国青少年观众票选大奖(Teen Choice Award) 2008

Choice Movie: Drama (提名) 美国青

少年观众票选大奖 2008 Choice

Movie Actress: Drama (提名) 凯丽·拉塞尔 广播影评

人协会奖(Critics Choice Award) 2008 Best Family Film

(提名) 广播影评人协会奖 2008Best Young Actor (提名) 弗莱迪·海默 土星奖

2008Best Performance by a

Younger Actor 弗莱迪·海默最佳音乐 (提名) 马

克·曼西纳 Grammy

Awards(Grammy) 2009 Best

Compilation Soundtrack Album for Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual

Media (提名) Golden Trailer Awards(Golden

Trailer) 2008 Best Animation/Family Poster (提名)


除此之外,片子所传达出的还有一种坚持不放弃的信念和敢于选择的勇气。正如Louis选择拾起吉他找回Lyla,Lyla选择拾起大提琴找回Even,而Even选择离开孤儿院寻找父母。有时候会觉得,倘若Louis真的选择上车和Jennifer“一起驶入落日余晖中”,后来会怎样?如果Lyla没有坚守,而是选择嫁人,抑或坚守了但是没有选择重拾大提琴,后来会怎样?如果Even选择和Wizard离开纽约,后来会怎样?可能后来,也无所谓后来了吧。总是记得在地铁的那一幕:面对Wizard,August坚定地说“I have to go now. I am not coming back this time ”。

《八月迷情》整部电影可以说是在音乐中开始的、在音乐中进行的、在音乐中结束的,一切让人觉得是那么完美,让人不自觉的沉浸在电影所表现的亲情、爱情中。影片有三条故事线既是三位主人公各自引领着一条线索,Louis、 Lyla和Evan的故事也可以说是三条音乐线,它们有各自的乐章,但又是交错重叠在一起的,表现出相同的爱情、亲情,这也许是音乐之间的相互联系,但更是他们之间有真情在,Louis和 Lyla是爱情相连,Louis、 Lyla和Evan是亲情相连,真情在美妙的乐章上轻轻的舞动这着,它是一个舞者向人们展现出最优美的一面,人类最伟大的情感莫过于爱情和亲情。






