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Lesson1. Salvation

1. 许多人滥用上帝的名义。Many people do things in the name of God too often.

2. 我代表中国人民向您表示热烈欢迎。

I extend you an enthusiastic welcome in the name of the Chinese people.

3. 工厂的生产突飞猛进。Production in the factory was increasing by leaps and bounds.

4. 让我护送你到家。Let me escort you home.

5. 暴风雨终于平息了。The storm quieted down at last.

6.他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。His speech was punctuated by bursts of applause.

7.你在这个句子中漏掉了一个词。You have left out a word in the sentence.


If you read English newspapers every day, your English should improveby leaps and bounds.

9. 该货物将依法充公。The goods will be confiscated in the name of the law.


Four police motorcycles escorted the President’s car all along the way.

1. 那位电影明星走下飞机时,立刻就被欢呼的影迷们围住了。

When the movie star stepped off the plane, he was immediatelysurrounded by cheering fans.

2. 这个村子和它周围的景色非常美丽。

The village and its surrounding scenery are very pretty picturesque.

3. 学生们在这样优美的环境中过得很愉快。

The students live happily amid such beautiful surroundings.

4. 这个可怕的消息使我们都惊呆了。The terrible news struck us all dumb. 5.

6. 她总是穿着引人注目的衣服。She always wears striking clothes. 7.

8. 政府组织遭受水灾地区的人民重建家园。

The government organized the people in the flood strickenarea to rebuild their homes.

9. 工人们把电缆深埋在地下。The workmen buried the cable deep in/under the ground.

10. 她用枕头把面孔掩盖住。She buried her face in the pillow.

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11. 他专心读者报纸。He buried himself in the newspaper.

12. 冰太薄,承受不了你的重量。The ice is too thin to bear your weight.

13. 他忍受着失望,毫无怨言。 He bore his disappointment without complaining.

14. 这植物生有许多小小的白花。 The plant bears a great many small white blossoms.

Lesson4. 38 Who Saw Murder Didn’t Call the Police

1. 库帕医生负责这个病室。 Dr. Cooper is in charge of this ward.

2. 兔子在和乌龟的赛跑中竟输给了乌龟,不是因为他跑不快而是因为他太骄傲了。

The hare lost the race to the tortoise not because he could not run quickly, but because he was too conceited.

3. 我们在雕像下放了一个花圈。 We placed a wreath at the foot of the statue.

4. 他报出了一连串他所访问过的城市的名字。

He rattled off a string of names of the cities he had visited.

5. 我们用无线电话和搜索组保持联系。

We kept in touch with the search party by radiophone.

6. 医生对于病人能恢复健康不抱很大希望。

The doctor did not hold out much hope of the patient’s recovery.

7. 厨房位于房子的后面。 The kitchen is in the rear of the house.

8. 当特德生气时,别去惹他。 When Ted gets mad, just let him alone.

9. 现在把这首诗再朗读一遍,这次不要像放连珠炮似地把它一口气读完。 Now read the poem again, and this time don’trattle it off without a pause.

10. 他一直步行到了市政厅。 He walked as far as the City Hall.

1. 我们的目的是寻求友谊和合作。 Our purpose is to seek friendship and cooperation.

2. 这些叛乱分子企图推翻政府。 The rebels were seeking to overthrow the government.

3. 我们找了个老乡来了解情况。We sought out a local villager to find out about the situation.

4. 一个行动谨慎的人通常要考虑各方面情况之后才行动。

A deliberate person usually acts after considering all the aspects of a situation.

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5. 我相信这座房子是有人故意放火烧的。 I believe the house was deliberately set on fire.

6. 他仔细考虑了几天才做出决定。 He deliberated about his decision for several days.

7. 他胃口好了,除了偶尔想到自己是个病弱者之外,他的心情保持愉快。

His appetite has recovered, and is in a better mood except when occasionally he remembers that he is an invalid.

8. 这个语法规则有一条例外。 There is an exception to this grammatical rule.

9. 教师把乔奇排除在应试者的名单者之外。

The teacherexceptedGeorge from the examination list.

10. 他深深地陷入债务之中。 He is deeply involved in debt.

11. 这项工作需要大量的额外劳动。 The task involves a lot of extra work.

12. 有些作家的文体晦涩难懂。 Some authors write in an involved style.

Lesson5. What Body Language Can Tell You That Words Cannot


They made an experiment to adapt this variety of shrimp to fresh water.

2. 木屑可以压缩成木板。 Sawdust can be compressed into boards.

3.这条河朝哪个方向流? IN which direction does the river run?

4.要是你去而不是我去将会怎么样? What if you go instead of me?


I was just about to touch the machine when the man called out “Hands off!”

6.思想借助言语表达出来。 Thoughts are expressed by means of words.

7. 相比之下,詹姆士就心直口快得多了。

By contrast, James is much more frank and straightforward.

8. 教师当着全班同学的面责备了那个男孩。

The teacher blamed the boy in the presence of the whole class.

9.要是我请你母亲下星期来,你觉得怎么样? What if we invite your mother next week?

10. 渔夫借助一根漂浮的圆木救了自己The fisherman saved himselfby means of a floating log.

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1. 飞机驾驶员告诉乘客系好座位上的安全带,因为飞机很快就要接近跑道了。

The pilot told the passengers to fasten their seat belts because the plane would soon be approaching the runway.

2. 让我们去找总工程师,看他怎么说Let’s approach the chief engineer for his point of view.

3. 在他的书里,他以一种崭新的观点处理了这个有争议的问题。 In his book he approaches the issue form a totally different point of view.

4. 我们可以在里面画一条箭头来指出正确的路。

We can draw an arrow here to indicate the right path.

5. 打喷嚏并不一定表明感冒。 A sneeze doesn’t always indicate a cold.

6. 有明显的迹象表明战争马上就要结束。There are clear indications that the war will soon be


7. 珍妮控制了整个谈话。 Janedominatedthroughout the conversation.

8. 对她一生最有影响的就是她父亲。The dominant influence on her life came from her father.

9.这个岛屿在英国的控制之下。 The island was under the domination of Britain.

10.他们马上听出是她的声音。 The immediately recognized her voice.

11. 国际上承认他是这方面的一个权威。

He is internationallyrecognized as an authority in this field.

12. 他对科学事业的贡献赢得了公众的承认。

His contributions to science have won him public recognition.

Lesson6. Americans and the Land

1. 孩子们喜欢去农场是不足奇怪的。It is little wonder that the children love to visit the farm. 2.

3. 那人手持大棍向我打来。 The man came at me with a big stickin his hand.

4. 邮政局靠近银行。 The post office stands close to the bank.

5. 把属于别人的东西留在自己那里就相当于偷窃。 Keeping other people’s belongings amounts to stealing.

6. 他们扯下墙纸后,开始给房间上漆。They ripped off the wallpaper before painting the room.

7. 他们谈判购买一批微电脑。 They bargained for a stock of minicomputers.

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8. 他病倒了是不奇怪的,这几年他一直劳累过度。

It is little wonder his health has broken down, for he has overworked in recent years.

9. 这场事故造成三人死亡。 The accident resulted in three deaths.

1. 这封信表扬了这位丹麦青年的勇敢以及他冒着生命帮助中国人民的国际主义精神。

The letter praised the Danish youth for his bravery and his international spirit of endangering himself to help the Chinese people.

2. 这些教科书现在全国范围内被采用。These textbooks are now in use throughout the country.

3. 该企业在稳固的基础上经营着。 The enterprise is managed on a solid basis.

4. 这个剧的发生地点是在一个西班牙的村庄。 The setting of the play is a Spanish village.

5. 济慈和雪莱是同时代的人。 Keats was contemporary with Shelley.

1. 我真不知道是走好还是不走好。 I have been wondering whether to go or to stay.

2. 就这样他最后离开了她吗?我对此一点也不感到吃惊。

Is that the way he at last left her? I don’t wonder at it.

3. 他从窗口跳下去却没有受伤,真是个奇迹。

It’s a wonder that he did not hurt himself when he jumped out of the window.

4. 别人要安静,而他却讲个不停。 He persisted in talking when others wanted to be quiet.

5. 雨整夜下个不停。 The rain persisted throughout the night.

6. 这么坚持不懈的努力,我们会按时完成任务的。 With persistent efforts we can finish the job on schedule.

7. 他把他们带领到办公室。 He conducted them to the office.

8. 招待会上,他的举止很文雅。 He conducted himself in genteel manner at the reception.

9. 他的企业经营得很成功。 His conduct of the business was very successful.

10. 她供儿子上完大学。 She maintained her son through college.

11. 那时候,他们简直不能维持最低的生活水平。

In those days they could hardly maintain the barest living.

12. 维修这座房子的费用是很贵的。 The maintenance of the house is very expensive.

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