SAT基础阅读讲义1 - 图文

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SAT 基础班



1. 考试介绍和课程体系 ..................................................................................................... 4 1.1 阅读材料:各种角度 ............................................................................................... 4 1.2 资料页:SAT考试信息、阅读关键词 .................................................................... 9 1.3 工具推荐 ................................................................................................................. 16 1.4 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 17 1.5 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 17 2. 文体、题材、主旨、结构 ........................................................................................... 19 2.1 阅读材料:文体、题材、主旨、结构、方向词、长句分解1 .......................... 19 2.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 25 2.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 26 2.4笔记页 ...................................................................................................................... 26 3.阅读中的词汇,词汇中的阅读 ..................................................................................... 28 3.1 阅读材料:词汇题、长句分解2 .......................................................................... 28 3.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 34 3.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 34 3.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 34 4.推理问题 ......................................................................................................................... 36 4.1 阅读材料:推理 ..................................................................................................... 36 4.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 43 4.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 43 4.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 44 5.写法和态度 ..................................................................................................................... 47 5.1 阅读材料:写法、态度 ......................................................................................... 47 5.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 53 5.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 56 5.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 56 6.作用问题 ......................................................................................................................... 59 6.1 阅读材料:作用、长句分解3 .............................................................................. 59 6.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 66


6.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 66 6.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 66 7.虚拟问题 ......................................................................................................................... 68 7.1 阅读材料:虚拟、长句分解4 .............................................................................. 68 7.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 75 7.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 75 7.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 75 8.比较阅读 ......................................................................................................................... 77 8.1 阅读材料:比较题、排除题 ................................................................................. 77 8.2 资料页 ..................................................................................................................... 82 8.3 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 83 8.4 笔记页 ..................................................................................................................... 83


1. 考试介绍和课程体系

1.1 阅读材料:各种角度

SAMPLE 1. (0601-21-12) 选项难于文章 In line 27, “poor” most nearly means (A) pitiable (B) indigent (C) inferior (D) humble (E) petty

SAMPLE 2.(OG-736-8) 推理

8. In context, the word “hailing” (line 7) most nearly means (A) pouring down on (B) audibly greeting (C) summoning (D) operating (E) praising

原文:Invariably, the notice would be accompanied by an editorial comment hailing the meeting and expressing the editor’s hope that it “will have a powerful effect on the public’s mind.”

SAMPLE 3.(OG-93-21) 作者 = 一切答案出自原文

21. The author suggests that the “sticklike shape of desert plants” (line 41-42) can be attributed to the

(A) inability of the plants to radiate heat to the air around them (B) presence of irregular seasonal differences in the desert (C) large surface area the plants must expose to the Sun

(D) absence of winds strong enough to knock down tall, thin plants (E) extreme heat and aridity of the habitat

原文:A desert plant faces the opposite problem from that of an Arctic plant- the danger of overheating. It is short of water and so cannot cool itself by evaporation without dehydrating. The familiar sticklike shape of desert plants represents one of the solutions to this problem: the shape exposes the smallest possible surface 4

to incoming solar radiation and provides the largest possible surface from which the plant can radiate heat.

SAMPLE 4. 阅读流程: 带着问题看文章


SAMPLE 5. 阅读流程: 解题过程

The first and relatively simple question is whether the velvet monkey’s three types of alarm calls convey to other monkeys information about the type of

predator. Such information is important, because the animal’s defensive tactics are different in the three cases. When a leopard approaches, the monkeys climb into trees. But leopards are good climbers, so the monkeys can escape them only by climbing out onto the smallest braches, which are too weak to support a leopard. When the monkeys see a martial eagle, they move into thick vegetation close to a tree trunk or at ground level. Thus, the tactics that help escape from a leopard make them highly vulnerable to a martial eagle and vice versa. In response to the threat of a large snake, they stand on their hind legs and look around to locate the snake, then simply move away from it, either along the ground or by climbing into a tree.

In lines 4-8 (“When a leopard… level”), the author juxtaposed two kinds of behavior in order to______ SAMPLE 6: (0601-21)文体-记叙

The following passage is an excerpt from a 1909 novel. Georgia, the main character, is a reporter in an otherwise all-male newsroom. Georgia was to be married. … SAMPLE 7: (0910-43)文体-议论

This passage was written in 1971 by a woman who is a professor of art history. The question “Why have there been no great women artists?” is simply the tip of an iceberg of misinterpretation and misconception. …


SAMPLE 8: (OG-922-13) 主旨判断法-挖掘结构

背景: The following passages discuss the controversy that surrounded Napster, a service that allowed users to download recordings of music from the Internet at no cost. Both passages were written in 2000 by former songwriters.

P1首段: (首句)In 1950, when I was seventeen, Jerry Lieber and I had our first song recorded… (末句)Our songs were recorded by many great artists, including Ray Charles, …, … , … P1 第二段:(首句)But whatever the style and whoever the artist, there has been one constant: the songs that I have written have been my bread and butter….(末句)Each time a Napster user downloads a copy of a song that I have composed, I am deprived of the royalty that my work should have earned me. P1 第三段:(首句)Some say that …(末句)In fact, by taking the incentive out of songwriting, Napster may be pushing us closer to a time when there won’t be many songs left to swap.

SAMPLE 9: (OG-551-14) 主旨判断法-抽象共同点

I read a lot of books about mythology, and then about science: not the missiles and spaceships Brother preferred, but the birds and the bees-literally. I brought home a giant book of birds an searched the skies an trees for anything other than robins and pigeons. And I read about bees because I liked the idea that all of them listened to the queen and couldn’t go on without her. I went through a phase of loving books with practical science experiments and used up a whole bottle of white vinegar by pouring it on the sides of out apartment building to prove that it was constructed of limestone.

The primary purpose of the fourth paragraph (lines 41-51) is to

(A) contrast the books about mythology and science that the author had been reading

(B) discuss why the author enjoyed books that were a bout birds and bees

(C) characterize the author’s reading interests during a particular period of time” (D) distinguish between books preferred by the author and those preferred by her brother

(E) provide several examples of practical science experiments that the author conducted

SAMPLE10: (OG-91-12) 主旨判断法-记叙文中的议论或心理描写

背景:The following is adapted from a translation of a novel first published in 1894. The author of the novel was a Puerto Rican legislator.

首句:The thin crescent of the new moon was greeted by torrential rains. 末二段(心理描写):Juan enjoyed rereading it all. His son had imagination and wit. He loved everything with childlike candor, but was simultaneously a thinker


beginning the great journey along life’s rugged trail. Juan loved him infinitely, as though Gabriel were made of fragile Bohemian crystal. Thus passed the hours of that nostalgic day.

主旨题答案:The passage is primarily concerned with a father’s efforts to guide his son’s intellectual and emotional growth. SAMPLE 11: (0910-11) 主旨题练习

Some critics believe that the frequent use of repetition in Native American ceremonial texts was a result of their oral nature an helped make the works easy to remember. Native American scholar Paula Gunn Allen argue that this factor must be peripheral, however, because people in societies without writing traditionally have had more finely developed memories than do people who use writing. Native American children learned early to remember complicated instructions and long stories by heart. For a person who couldn’t run to a bookshelf to look up information, reliance on memory became very important in everyday life. Such a highly developed everyday memory is not likely to fail on ceremonial occasions.

11. The primary purpose of the passage is to (A) refute a claim (B) describe a process (C) analyze a discovery (D) advocate a practice (E) reveal a problem

SAMPLE 13: (OG-538-9) 结构把握法:同指

P1: The second World War was a watershed event for all Americans.… Chinese American women played an important role in these long-term changes.

P2: Galvanized by…, Chinese American women initiated an outpouring of… Which best characterizes the relationship between the first paragraph and the second paragraph

(A) The first paragraph relates an anecdote that illustrates a generalization made in the second paragraph

(B) The first paragraph presents acclaim that is supported in the second paragraph.

(C) The paragraphs offer different explanations for the same phenomenon.

(D) The second paragraph digresses from the topic discussed in the first paragraph.

(E) The second paragraph challenges the validity of the argument made in the first paragraph.


SAMPLE 14: 结构把握法:方向词

The majority of successful senior managers do not closely follow the classical rational model of first clarifying goals, assessing the problems, formulating options, likelihoods of success, making a decision, and only then taking action to implement the decision.

According to the passage, the classical models of decision analysis includes all of the following EXECEPT to

(A) evaluation of a problem = assess-> evaluation

(B) creation of possible solutions to a problem = formulating options

(C) establishment of clear goals to be reached by the decision = clarifying goals (D)action undertaken in order to discover more information about a problem ? (E) comparison of the probable effects of different solutions to a problem SAMPLE 15: 结构把握法:方向词

Faced with this situation, many historians based their investigations on the only records that seemed to exist: birth, marriage, and death records. As a result, much of the early work on the nonelite was aridly statistical in nature. SAMPLE 16: (OG-592-22) 结构题解答

Bats have always figured as frightening or supernatural creatures in the mythology, religion and superstition of peoples everywhere. Finnish peasants once believed that… Ancient Egyptians prized… Perhaps the most mystical, ghoulish, and intimate relationship between bats and humans occurred among the Maya… Zotzilaha Chamalcan, … , had … His image appears… One especially frightening engraving shows… A number of other Central American cultures raised… But it was Bram Stoker’s riveting novel Dracula that… If vampires were semihuman… The author develops the third paragraph (line43-66) by presenting (A) different sides of a single issue (B) details that culminate in truth

(C) a thesis followed by specific illustrations

(D) a common argument followed by a refutation (E) a common opinion and the reasons it is held SAMPLE 17: (0901-34-19) 结构题解答

上段:That is where vanity comes in. One wants to leave one’s mark on the world. Like…, like… I want to… I copy… I try to… But instead of…, I change… I alter… line 45: All art, of course, is full of deception.

下文:Nature, too, and human behavior, but more of that later. Remember the story of Zeuxis? No? Then I’ll tell you….


The statement in line 45 (“All arts… deception”) signals a shift from (A) a discussion about a vocation to a discussion about private life (B) a description of a person to a description of a community

(C) an analysis of a deception to a rumination on that deception’s consequences (D) an account of a particular individual’s action to an explanatory anecdote (E) a historical consideration of a trade to a mythical tale of the trade’s origins SAMPLE 18: 方向词专项练习:分类

Reports on an organization’s projects may fill several major functions at the same time. A report can be used to educate and gain support from key people and groups, to facilitate and inform decision- making about current and future projects, and to provide documentation for the organization’s records SAMPLE 19: 方向词专项练习:举例

Translation is a daunting task at best. Each language has its own peculiarities that are difficult, if not impossible, to convey effectively in another tongue. English is especially rife with such oddies. Even efforts to use computers have failed due to the difficulty of choosing from among so many definitions of a given word. SAMPLE 20: 方向词专项练习:下定义

(OG522-14)In most people’s minds, yawning- that slow, exaggerated mouth opening with the long, deep inhalation of air, followed by a briefer exhalation- is the most obvious sign of sleepiness. SAMPLE 21: 方向词专项练习:因果

Because the report contained much more information than the reviewers needed to see, the author was asked to submit a compendium instead. SAMPLE 22: 方向词专项练习:比较

(G94-2) Kohler in referring to the lack of great discoveries in psychology as compared with physics, accounts for this by saying that \with practically all territories of mental life a long time before the founding of scientific psychology.\

SAMPLE 23: 方向词专项练习:对比

Canon and Islamic law, were dominated by the dualism of religion and state,


where the state was not, in contrast with Judaism, an alien power but the political expression of the same religion. SAMPLE 24 : 长句分解练习

句子成分:_________ _________ _________ × _________ ________

词性:________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

(G) Hardy’s weakness derived from his apparent inability to control the comings and goings of these divergent impulses and from his unwillingness to cultivate and sustain the energetic and risky ones. 译文:哈代的缺陷一方面缘起于他的某种明显的无能,无法控制好那结不尽相同的创作冲动的穿梭往来;另一方面缘起于他不愿意去培养和维持那些富于生机活力和风险性强的创作冲动。

(G) Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent,he shows that the slaves’ preference,revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent,was very much for stable monogamy.


(G) In large part as a consequence of the feminist movement, historians have focused a great deal of attention in recent years on determining more accurately the status of women in various periods.

译文:在很大程度上,由于女权主义运动(feminist movement)的缘故,史学家近年来汇聚了大量的注意力,来更为准确地确定妇女在各个历史时期的地位。

(G) Is this a defect, or are the authors working out of, or trying to forge, a different kind of aesthetic? 译文:这究竟是一种缺陷呢,还是这些作者想要按照一种与众不同的美学体系进行创作,抑或是在试图创立一种与众不同的美学体系? 2.2 资料页 2.21 成分性质术语 事实类 anecdote, events, description, personal account (OG900-13), *recounting (OG976-23) , phenomenon, evidence, case study, observation, information (OG524-24), details argument, claim (OG438-9), theory, insight, thesis (OG592-22), hypothesis, comment, analysis, explanation(explaining), exhortation topic, sides, issue 25

观点类 事实/观点

In line 48, “translation” most nearly means (A) substitution (B) explanation (C) representation (D) transportation (E) correction

SAMPLE 10 (OG 542-18) 结构线索-修饰

But in 1997 a blue-ribbon panel of archaeologists visited a site in Chile called Monte Verde and agreed that people had lived there at least 14,500 years ago, about 1,000 years before the first sign of Clovis people. In line 33, “sign” most nearly means (A) omen (B) symbol (C) gesture (D) indication (E) figure

SAMPLE 11 (OC 3-2-20) 结构线索-修饰

This crude assortment of materials allowed a reasonable representation of what was known 40 years ago about the nine planet: … In line 33, “crude” most nearly means (A) natural and unaltered (B) rough and inexpert (C) obvious (D) vulgar (E) nonspecific

SAMPLE 12 (OC 1-5-8) 结构线索-宾语

Her favorite class was biology and she entertained thoughts of becoming a scientist.

In line 11, the word “entertained” most nearly means (A) regaled (B) hosted (C) flaunted (D) harbored (E) welcomed


SAMPLE 13 (OC2-3-19) 结构线索-主语

In the United States, the traditional view embraced by society is that fences are European, out of place in the American landscape. In line 1, “embraced” most nearly means (A) caressed (B) adopted (C) enfolded (D) included (E) encircled

SAMPLE 14(0601-21-12) 词汇题

The following passage is an excerpt from a 1909 novel, Georgia, the main character, is a reporter in an otherwise all-male newsroom.

…- if they care to risk another girl, and whether the other poor girl would slave through the years she should have been frivolous, only to have some man step in at the end and induce her to surrender the things she had gained through sacrifice and toil.

In line 27, “poor” most nearly means (A) pitiable (B) indigent (C) inferior (D) humble (E) petty

SAMPLE 15长句分解练习2

(G)A low number of algal cells in the presence of a high number of grazers suggested, but did not prove, that the grazers had removed most of the algae.

(G)The methods that a community devises to perpetuate itself come into being to preserve aspects of the cultural legacy that that community perceives as essential.

(G)Historians such as Le Roy Ladurie have used the documents to extract case histories, which have illuminated the attitudes of different social groups (these attitudes include, but are not confined to, attitudes toward crime and the law)and have revealed how the authorities administered justice.

(G)It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability of nitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growth even though the plants’ leaves are


bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.

(G)Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates, so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head.

(G)More probable is bird transport, either externally, by accidental attachment of the seeds to feathers,or internally,by the swallowing of fruit and subsequent excretion of the seeds.

(G)They are called virtual particles in order to distinguish them from real particles, whose lifetimes are not constrained in the same way, and which can be detected.

(G)Friedrich Engels, however, predicted that women would be liberated from the “social, legal, and economic subordination” of the family by technological developments that made possible the recruitment of “the whole female sex into public industry”.

(G)Inheritors of some of the viewpoints of early twentieth-century Progressive historians such as Beard and Becker, these recent historians have put forward arguments that deserve evaluation.

(G)This declaration, which was echoed in the text of the Fourteenth Amendment, was designed primarily to counter the Supreme Court’s ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford that Black people in the United States could be denied citizenship.

(G)With the conclusion of a burst activity , the lactic acid level is high in the body fluids , leaving the large animal vulnerable to attack until the acid is reconverted , via oxidative metabolism , by the liver into glucos , which is then sent (in part )back to the muscles for glycogen resynthesis.

(G)Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of-and so was crucial in sustaining-the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.

(G)His thesis works relatively well when applied to discrimination against Blacks in the United States,but his definition of racial prejudice as \negative prejudgments against a group generally accepted as a race in any given region of ethnic competition,\can be interpreted as also including hostility toward such ethnic groups as the Chinese in California and the Jews in medieval Europe.


(G)Other experiments revealed slight variations in the size, number, arrangement, and interconnection of the nerve cells, but as far as psycho neural correlations were concerned, the obvious similarities of these sensory fields to each other seemed much more remarkable than any of the minute differences.

(G)Although some experiments show that, as an object becomes familiar, its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel, the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.

3.2 资料页 3.3 参考文献

杨鹏,《GRE&GMAT阅读难句教程》,新东方大愚英语学习丛书 SAT 官方指南(OG) SAT 网上教程(OC) SAT 真题 3.4 笔记页

题目 词汇题: 标志:mean, refer to 解法:“Even if you don‘t know the meaning of the word, try to figure it out form the passage and the choices. Examine the context in which the word is used.(OGp70)” 一切答案来自原文 词性影响看什么 如何利用词典

文章 从结构线索猜测词汇义: 对比、转折 平行、递进 同指 解释、举例 修饰关系 主语宾 34


读懂释义:不、近、限 词义的扩大与缩小


见多识广 Read! Read! Read! 少翻译 Less Translation 多比较 More Comparison


(E) realized that Douglass had stopped publicizing their concerns SAMPE14 (OG828-17) 原因理由推理题

Bitterly criticized by Black people, Du Bois barely modified his statement when, two months later, he set the priorities for his readers: “first your Country, then your Rights”

It can be inferred that Du Bois’s July 1918 editorial in Crisis was “Bitterly criticized” (line 12) because it seemed to

(A) devalue the specific concerns of Black Americans (B) advocate military service for Black Americans (C) support Garvey’s back-to Africa movement (D) insist on racial rather than national priorities

(E) attack the official stance of the NAACP on race pride SAMPE15 (OG845-18) 原因理由推理题

To my delight, the trustees beamed. They, too, wanted the museum building itself to be unique and a work of art.

Getty indicates that the trustees “beamed” (line 51) because they were (A) amused by Getty’s cantankerousness (B) accustomed to Getty’s impulsiveness (C) in accord with Getty’s preferences

(D) pleased by Getty’s unexpectedly generous donation (E) impressed with Getty’s financial acumen


(T) This shape, combined with flexibility, enables them to squeeze into crevices where they are safe from predators and ocean currents.

(T) The difference between the chemical composition of the cell walls of fungi and those of plants is of enormous importance because it enables the tips of the growing hyphae, the threadlike cells of the fungus, to secrete enzymes that break down the walls of plant cells without having any effect on those of the fungus itself.

(T) Since architecture was not yet a specialized profession in the colonies, the design of buildings was left either to amateur designers or to carpenters who undertook to

interpret architectural manuals imported from England.

(T) fungi bring about the decomposition of dead organic matter, thus enriching the


soil and returning carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

(T) The pull on a rising column of water in a plant results from the evaporation of water at the top of the plant.

SAMPLE17 (OG 964-23) 言外之意推理题

“I trust you will not follow the example of many others who divert the discussion from its main intent and fasten upon some statement of mine which lacks a hair breadth of the truth and, under this hair, hide the fault of another which is as big as a ship’s cable.”

This is exactly what he argued that the ancient Geek philosopher Aristotle had done by focusing not on the similarities in the motion of objects but on the differences that are attributable to the effect of a medium. Line 83-86 reveal which of the following about Galeo?

(A) He respected Aristotle as one of the first philosophers to engage in scientific observation.

(B) He considered Aristotle and others like him mistaken in their approach to motion

(C) He believed that rival scientists would try to take credit for his discoveries (D) He feared that his studies of motion could have religious ramification (E) He conducted significant experiments that served to support his theories SAMPLE18 (OG914-24) 言外之意推理题

This passage is taken form the beginning of a short story by a nineteenth-century Russian writer.

One director, being a good-natured man and anxious to reward him for his long service, sent him something a little more important htan his ordinary copying; he was instructed from a finished document to make some sort of report for another office; the work consisted only of altering the headings an in places changing the first person into the thirds. This cost Akaky Akanyevitch such an effort that it threw him into a regular perspiration: he mopped his brow and said at last, “No, better let me copy something.” From that time forth they left him to go on copying forever.

It can be inferred from the incident described in lines 55-65 that

(A) the director was not really trying to reward Akaky for his hard work (B) the director understood Akaky better than anyone else in the office did (C) Akaky was not really a hard worker (D) Akaky wanted a promotion very much (E) Akaky feare increased responsibility



史学家门通常认为的西门庆与潘金莲合谋毒杀武大郎是不可信的。西门庆从来都只除掉干涉自己生活的人,于是没有必要杀害武大郎,毕竟武大郎早就知道妻子潘金莲不是善男信女。而且,注意到西门庆所拿的毒药并不包含PPA,这是一种可能引起人体重病的物质,因此,武大郎被二人合谋毒死毫无根据。 请问上述推理基于怎么的假设?



(丙)PPA可以和中药中的某些成分混合,导致毒性减弱到不会致死的程度。 (丁)杀害武大郎的计划从头到尾只有潘金莲一人参与。

(戊)西门庆对于自己拿的是毒药这一情况并不知晓,是王婆硬塞给他的。 SAMPLE20 (OG964-15) 预设推理题

A physicist, an engineer, and a psychologist are called in as consultants to a dairy farm whose production has been below par….

The next to report is the psychologist, who proposes: “The inside of the barn should be painted green. This is a more mellow color than brown and should help induce greater milk flow. Also, more trees should be planted in the fields to add diversity to the scenery for the cattle during grazing, to reduce boredom.”…

The psychologist’s remarks (line13-17) are base on the assumption that

(A) any implied psychological similarity between cows and humans is inappropriate (B) psychology derives insight from current theories of aesthetics

(C) individualized attention to cows will yield measurable increases in milk (D) contented cows will produce more milk than bored or anxious ones (E) each cow will respond differently to attempt to increase milk production

4.2 资料页 4.3 参考文献

www. SAT 官方指南(OG) SAT 网上教程(OC) SAT 真题



4.4 笔记页

题目 事实推理题: 对比事实题 标志: _____differs/be different from_____ _____contrast/distinguish between_____ 解法: Contrasted Items→Different Points→Differences → Paraphrase 比较事实题 标志: both, similar, parallel… 解法: Compared Items → Points of Similarity →Paraphrase 不定事实题 标志: 有时 (lines…) suggest sb. do___, sb./sth. /imply that be/have____ provide the most information about ... make which of the following points about... portray sth. as, best describe/characterize 解法: Topic Words →Location→Paraphrase 论点推理题: 支持对象题 标志: sth. best substantiate the claim that____ sth. are referred to as evidence of____ sb's view… coincide most consistently with support those of_____ 解法: Facts→ Person → View

文章 比较对比方向词 方向词:对比 “虽然”——看外面 “但是”——看里面 although, as opposed to, in contrast to, unlike, rather than, instead of but, yet, however, nevertheless, on the other hand, instead, on the contrary, conversely, whereas, different, difference… 方向词:比较 like/alike, resemble, likewise, in the same way/ manner , similar, parallels, compare to, compare with, in comparison, 态度词:正面 ?? 44

反对对象题 标志:

objection to (sth.)____ accuse_____ of… ____disappoint sb. fear______ 解法:

Facts→ Person → View against

不定对象题 标志:

concern about___ recognition of___

believe sth. amount to_____ idea about ______ 解法:

Evidence→Whose →About what?

原因理由推理题 标志: (原因) because___

___responsible for... attributed to___ caused by___

sb. be motivated by___, motivation

(理由) in that___, because___ 解法:

定位原因/理由关系词,直接改写 (批评理由-屡教不改/知错能改)


标志: imply/ infer/ suggest/ indicate/ demonstrate/ reveal/ add information/ emphasize/ point …out


态度词:负面 ??



(R=Result; C= Cause) why R? the outcome is R (V.) C cause R, C inspire R, C spur R, C spark R, C

stimulate R, C result in R, C lead to R, C contribute to R, C result in R, attribute R to C, R reflex C

(AD./P.P.) for this reason R, in effect R, therefore R, so that R, consequently R, thus, hence R, accordingly R,

(P.) Because C, since C, on account of C, due to C traceable as a result of C, (N.) reflection of C,

expansion of C motivation of R,



(定义)”Something taken for granted or accepted as

true without proof”/ “An




典型错误 – 以偏概全、过度类推 assumption is a proposition that is taken for granted, as if it were true based upon presupposition without preponderance of the facts.”



5.1 阅读材料:写法、态度 序号 态度词 1 approval 2 contemptuous 3 encouraged 4 indifference 5 neutral 6 greeting 7 apprehension 8 ambivalent 9 detachment 10 frustrated 11 accolade 属性 SAMPLE1 (OG550-7)正面态度

In the middle of the anger that was my home and the upheaval of a changing world in which it seemed I had no place, our semimonthly excursions to the library were a piece of perfection.

The author viewed the “semimonthly excursions” with (A) apprehension (B) detachment (C) resentment (D) pride (E) delight

SAMPLE2 (OG405-21)正面态度

This way of looking at cities has recently received the ultimate academic accolade- that creation of a subfield of science, called “urban ecology”, devoted to understanding it.

The author’s attitude toward the “subfield” (line 65) is best characterized as one of

(A) approval (B) curiosity (C) uncertainty


(D) surprise (E) dismay

SAMPLE3 (OG923-17)正面态度

The Grateful Dead, for whom I once wrote songs, learned by accident that if we let fans tape concerts and freely reproduce those tapes-“stealing” our intellectual “property” just like those heinous Napsterians-the tapes would become a marketing virus that would spawn enough Deadheads to fill any stadium in America.

The attitude of the author of Passage 2 toward the “marketing virus” (line 61) is largely

(A) positive, because it helped make the Grateful Dead more popular

(B) positive, because it made the Grateful Dead’s worldview more sophisticated (C) neutral, because it had little ultimate effect on music critics’ view of the Grateful Dead

(D) negative, because it caused the Grateful Dead to focus on monetary gain rather than on artistic integrity

(E) negative, because it created too many fans who could not fully appreciate the Grateful Dead’s musical innovations SAMPLE4 (OG914-22)负面态度

The young clerks made jokes about him to the best of their clerkly wit, and told before his face all sorts of stories of their own invention about him. They would enquire when the wedding was to take place, or would scatter bits of paper on his head, calling them snow. In the mist of all this teasing, Akaky Akakyevitch never answered a word, but behaved as though there were no one there.

The narrator’s attitude toward the young clerks in Aakaky’s office is primarily one of

(A) disapproval of their cruelty

(B) annoyance with their disrespect for supervisors (C) dissatisfaction with their laziness

(D) mock sympathy the their lack of challenge (E) amusement over their antics SAMPLE5 (OG460-13)负面态度

(Lewis) “We really ought to go up there before the real estate people get hold of it and make it over into one of their heavens.”

Lewis’ attitude toward the real estate people (line 23) is best described as (A) contemptuous (B) envious


(C) furious (D) puzzled (E) intrigued

SAMPLE6 (OG922-15)负面态度

I take further comfort in the fact that the human species managed to produce pretty decent creative work during the 5,000 years that preceded 1710, when the Statute of Anne, the world’s first modern copyright law, passed the British parliament.

The use of the phrase “pretty decent” in Passage 2 (line 50) conveys (A) solemn detachment (B) cheerful celebration (C) ironic understatement (D) lingering doubt (E) reluctant approval

SAMPLE7 (OG 923-16)负面态度

The Grateful Dead, for whom I once wrote songs, learned by accident that if we let fans tape concerts and freely reproduce those tapes-“stealing” our intellectual “property” just like those heinous Napsterians-the tapes would become a marketing virus that would spawn enough Deadheads to fill any stadium in America.

The tone of the author of Passage 2 in lines 59-60 (“stealing… Napsterians”) is best described as (A) ebullient (B) somber (C) quizzical (D) irate (E) satirical

SAMPLE8 (OG975-19)中性态度

Deeming that a serene and unconscious contemplation of him would best beseem me, and would be most likely to quell his evil mind, I advanced with that expression of countenance. The phrase “that expression of countenance” (line 17) refers to the narrator’s (A) guilty conscience (B) friendly greeting (C) feigned indifference (D) premonition of disaster (E) recognition of Trabb’s boy


SAMPLE9 (OG725-12) 态度限定

In this effort, the Harappan writings have not been totally useless; we have gleaned insights by examining the context of the writing’s use. The author’s tone in the final sentence is best described as (A) frustrated (B) resigned (C) ambivalent

(D) somewhat encouraged (E) unshakably confident


Apes raised by humans seem to pretend more frequently than do apes in the wild. Animal handlers see behaviors they interpret as pretending practically every day. But Anne Russon, a psychologist, says she has found only about 20 recorded cases of possible pretending in free-ranging orangutans, culled from thousands of hours of observation.

SAMPEL11 (OG405-22) 支持方法:作比较

At a somewhat deeper level, a natural ecosystem like a forest is powerful metaphor to aid in understanding how cities work. Both systems grow and evolve, and both require a larger environment to supply them with materials and to act as a receptacle for waste. Both require energy from outside sources to keep them functioning, and both have a life cycle- birth, maturity, and death.

The discussion of the forest ecosystem in lines 67-73 (“At a… death”) is best characterized as (A) a defense (B) a concession (C) a comparison (D) an exception (E) an allusion

SAMPEL12 (GNO3.2) 支持方法:作解释

The impact of a recently published collection of essays, written during and about the last presidential campaign, is lessened by its timing; it comes too late to affect us with its immediacy and too soon for us to read it out of historical curiosity.


