Academic Word List 1-10讲解注释

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Academic Word List

Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most Frequent Words in Families

analysis n.分析 analyze

approach n.方法, vt.接近 写作


The time is approaching when we must be on board.

He decided to adopt a different approach and teach theBible through story-telling. area n.区域

assessment n.评估 听力


appraise 表示专业水准的评估 ,名词appraisal

assess 表示为确定某物的应税价值而作出的权威估价

evaluate 表示在确定价值时经过了深思熟虑,不一定是金钱价值 听力词汇

Assessment method assume vt.假定, 承担 suppose最不正式,表示根据一定证据作出的见解,assume用于逻辑推理,强调一种缺乏证据的结论,以检验某种建议。

sum, sumpt = take 表示”拿,取”

consume v 消费,吃光 consumer n 消费者 assumption n 假设,承担 authority n.权威, 权力

available adj.可利用的, 可得到的 听力

There is no room available. I am not available tonight. 可以课下翻译


If works can be finished by machines or robots, there will be few economic opportunities available to individuals, which may bring about high unemployment rate.

benefit n.利益, 好处 vt.有益于 写作词汇必备搭配 A is beneficial to B A brings benefit to B A is of great benefit to B

The discovery of oil brought many benefits to the town.

beneficial /?ben.??f??.?l/

The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial (= helpful or good) effect/influence on the company as a whole.

A stay in the country will be beneficial to his health. concept n.观念, 概念 consistent adj.一致的 be consistent with

The results are consistent with earlier research.

补充讲解consist of

constitutional adj.宪法的, 本质的 扩充词根

context n.上下文, 语境 contract n.合同 v.收缩 词根扩展

create vt.创造, 创作 be creative

data n.datum的复数, 资料, 数据 definition n.定义

define 定义 definite确定的 There's a definite link between smoking and some types of cancer. indefinite无限的,不定的

an indefinite number of people

derive vt得到, 源自

Many English words are derived from Latin.

distribution n.分配, 分布 词根扩展tribute

establish v.建立, 创办

estimate v.&n.估计,评估 evidence n.证据 evident

export vt.输出, 出口 factor n.因素, 要素

financial adj.财政的, 金融的 formula n.公式

function n.功能, 职责, 函数 identify vt.识别, 鉴定, v.确定 identification鉴别,证明 identity card

income n.收入 小作文写作图表 同义词 wage/salary/ indicate vt.指示, 表明 造句子练习


Excellent academic achievements may indicate potential success in future career.



imply表示这种暗示更复杂,来自ply层次,故此是有一定结构的复杂,名词implication; 写作词汇

The table indicates/ shows that individual n.个人adj.个人的 interpretation n.解释, 翻译 involved adj.复杂的, 涉及的 写作词汇


Both individuals and governments should be involved in the environmental protection. issue n.问题 vt.发行 Controversial issue labour n.劳动, 分娩 labour force 劳动力 legal adj.合法的, 法律的 legislation n.立法, 法律 major adj.主要的


The majority of people interviewed prefer TV to radio.

◆ The majority was / were in favour of banning smoking.

◆ This treatment is not available in the vast majority of hospitals. the majority of 反义词 minority method n.方法

occur vi.发生, 出现 occurrence n.发生

【辨析】happen强调偶然性 There happen to be no money with me.

It so happens that...

take place指有计划的使某事发生 Great changes have taken place in my hometown.


percent n.百分比 period n.时期

policy n.政策, 方针 principle n.原理, 理念

procedure n.程序, 手续, 步骤 process n.过程vt.加工, 处理 required adj.必需的

It requires that ... 有...的必要

require sth. of sb. 对某人有...的要求 research n.研究, 调查

response n.回答, 响应, 反应 role n.角色, 作用

play an important role in 在...中起重要作用

教师在教学起中的关键作用 Teachers play a key role in the learning process section n.部分, 地区 sector n.部门, 扇形

significant adj. 重要的, 重大的, There




differences between the two groups of students

There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.

similar adj.类似的 similarity n. 口语

We have some similarities. be similar to与...相似, 类似于 source n. 来源;水源 conserve energy sources natural resources specific adj.具体的

structure n.结构, 构造, 建筑物 【助记法】struct表示结构

【衍】construct 建筑con表示加强,destruction 毁坏, theory n.理论, 学说

variable n.变量 adj.易变的

Sublist 2 of Academic Word List –Second Most Frequent Words in Families

achieve vt.实现, 达到, 取得 achievement

acquisition vt.获得 acquire 写作口语


One of the advantages of studying abroad is to acquire a fluent foreign language.


We can acquire knowledge through various kinds of interesting activities.

administration n.管理 affect vt. 影响

appropriate adj适当的, 合适的 aspect n. 方面

assistance n.帮助, 援助 financial assistance category n.种类, 类别 chapter n.章, 回, 篇

commission n.委员会, 佣金 community n. 社区, 团体

complex adj. 复杂的complicated

compute n.&v.计算 conclusion n.结论

In conclusion/To conclude, I'd like to express my thanks to my family.

arrive at(come to, draw, reach) a conclusion得出结论,告一段落 conduct v. 实施 n.行为 consequence n. 结果, 后果 课件

construction n.建设; 建筑物 consumer n.消费者, 顾客

credit n.信誉;贷款;学分v. 相信

cultural adj.文化的 design n.&v.设计 distinction n.区别

draw (make) a distinction between对…加以区别

A is distinct from B

feature n. 特色, 特征 final adj最后的, 最终的

focus vt. (使)集中 n. 焦点; 中心 impact n.影响, 撞击

give an impact to对....起冲击作用 have (make) a strong (great, full) impact on对....有巨大影响 injury n. 伤害, 受伤

institute n. 协会; 学院vt. 制定; investment n.投资 item n.项目, 条目

journal n. 期刊,日记 maintenance n.维护;维修 maintain

normal adj. 正常的 obtain v.获得 gain/attain 造句子练习

In order to obtain the real and reliable information, we have no choice but to appeal to different sources.

participation n.参与, 参加 perceive v.认识到, 理解 写作/阅读

The two concepts are quite distinct (from each other).

Element n. 要素, 元素 equation n. 方程式, 等式 evaluation n.评价

perceive sth as

Children who do badly in school tests often perceive themselves to be failures. 8-2-3 Our noses are able to recongnise thousands of smells, and to perceive odous which are present only in extremely small quantities.

positive adj.积极的, 正面的 potential adj.潜在的 n.潜能 previous adj.先前的, 以前的 阅读词汇

剑桥原文 5-1-1

Working to a deadline, he had to draw on the best of all previous dictionaries, and to make his work one of heroic synthesis.

primary adj 主要的; 初级的

primary education purchase n+vt购买 range n.范围, 系列

a wide range of knowledge广博的知识

region n. 地区

regulation n.规则; 法规 relevant adj.有关的, 相关的 resident n.居民 residential area permanent resident resource n.资源 restrict vt.限制 题目:

It would be best to attempt to slow down economic growth

原文: And finally, most forms of environmental pollution either appear to have been exaggerated,

or are transient-associated with the early phases of industrilalisation and therefore best cured not by restricting economic growth, but by accelerating it.

security n. 安全, 保障

for security为了确保安全; 为了安全起见

sought seek的过去式和过去分词 select vt. 选择; 挑选 听力词汇selective course optional course

site n.位置, 场所, 地点 strategy n. 策略, 战略 survey vt调查;测量 text n. 文本, 课文 traditional adj.传统的 transfer v.& n.转移; 转让

银行、交通Sublist 3 of Academic Word List – Third Most Frequent Words in Families

alternative adj.两者选一的 n.选择

写作:alternative energy renewable energy alter v. alternate v. 阅读: 7-2-3

Road traffic was extremely rare within the district, and alternative means of transport were restricted to donkeys in the north of the district. 【同】choice, option, preference 【辨析】 choice 表示从一个系列的人或物中进行挑选;

alternative强调在只有两种可能性或者行为方式之间所作的选择: option常常侧重于已经被权威等所授予的一种选择能力或自由:preference指基于个人价值观、偏见或偏好上的选择,不一定很理性: We were offered our preference of wines.

我们可以选择自己喜欢的葡萄酒。 selection含有可供选择的许多不同的人或物的意思;

circumstance n.环境, 情况 词根 课件补充stance 写作必备短语

under no circumstances无论如何不;决不

例子:under no circumstances should we ignore the negative effect of the internet.

On no account can we ignore the importance of health.

comment n.意见, 评论v. 评论 compensation n.补偿, 赔偿

make compensation for补[赔]偿 component n.成分,组件 阅读 computer conponets consent n. 同意, 答应

consent仅用于对别人的意见,建议要求给予答应,暗示着保留否定的权利,常用于上级对下级的应允; agree强调平等主体意见的相合,有签定协议,承担义务的暗示。

considerable adj.相当大(或多)的 写作必备:

Considerable amounts of large amounts of 例子:


Actually, considerable amounts of problems and challenges have emerged as a result of modern communications technology. Considerate—thoughtful consider sb/sth as/to be

constant adj.经常的,不断的 词根:stant

例子: there is a constant stream of visitors to QD every year. constraint n.局促,约束 contribution n.贡献,捐赠 词根tribute

Contribute to 导致 同义词 课件 convention n.大会,惯例,习俗 coordination n.协调 core n.果核,核心 corporation

corresponding adj. 相应的, 对应的

corresponding period of last year去年同期

The new exam is longer and correspondingly more difficult to pass. 新的考试需时较长, 因而相应地较难及格.

correspondent 指现场报道的记者,指对一定的事件作出反应,journalist指期刊记者,着重写稿件,reporter 指记者的泛称

criteria n.标准 雅思口语考试

deduction n.扣除,减除;演绎 demonstrate v.证明,展示;示威 写作 indicate、show, demonstrate document n.公文,文件,

dominant adj.占优势的,主导的

例子:Unemployment will be a dominant issue at the next election. Dominate 控制,支配 例子:world science is dominated today by a small number of languages. The issue of climate change was the dominant theme of the conference.

emphasis n.强调,重点

emphasise the importance of sth lay/place/put emphasis on sth ensure v.确保,保证 exclude v.排除,排斥 词根:clude

framework n.框架

fund n.基金v.投资,资助 illustrate v.阐明,举例说明 课件练习

immigration n.移民 emigrant

imply v.暗示,意味 indicate、suggest initial adj.最初的

an initial word首字母词(如NATO) instance n.例子

写作必备for instance

interaction n.相互作用,交互 词缀inter interact

justification n.理由;辩护 just justify

layer n.层,层次

link n.&v.连接,联系

阅读、写作 There's a direct link between diet and heart disease. Exposure to ultraviolet light is closely linked to skin cancer.



unite强调多个个体单位结合,丧失了个体特性,如the United States (uni-有统一的意思);



be associated with /to be connected with something in some way:

His social problems were associated with heavy drinking. relate指一种真实的连接客观存在。

Experts believe that the large number of cancer cases in the area are directly related to the new nuclear power station.

location n.位置,场所 写作词汇

be located/be situated/ lies in maximum adj.最大的,最高的 minimum

minority adj.少数的n.少数民族 the majority of

negative adj.消极的n.底片 同义:adverse effect


outcome n.结果,结局 组合记忆法 课件补充 partnership n.合作,合伙 philosophy n.哲学,人生观

physical adj.身体的,物质的,物理的 physical and mental health proportion n.比例 写作必备词汇

publish vt.出版,发表 reaction n.反应,回应 register n.&v.注册,登记 听力学术场景

reliance n.依赖,信赖 rely


as a consequence consequently sex n.性别,性

shift,转变,转移 specify v.指定

sufficient adj.足够的 【同】adequate, enough


enough和sufficient偏重数量的足够,enough能放在名词后面,sufficient不能 task n.工作,任务 technical n.技术的 technique n.技术,技巧 advanced technique technology n.技术 validity n.有效性 valid adj.

volume n.卷,册;音量;体积

a low volume of business 少量的生意 a considerable volume of

Many people now rely on the Internet for news.

Reliable/dependable man remove,迁移;搬家

scheme n.计划,方案;阴谋,诡计 sequence n.顺序,次序

subsequent 随后的/后来的 describe the sequence of events

Sublist 4 of Academic Word List –Fourth Most Frequent Words in Families

access n.& v. 接近; 使用; 访问 have access to

Students must have access to a good library.

adequate adj. 足够的; 充分的 annual adj. 每年的; 年度的n.年鉴 apparent adj. 显然的; 明显的 approximate v.近似adj. 近似的 写作词汇 课件展示

In 1940,the proportion of old people accounted for approximately attitude n. 态度; 看法

例子:his attitude to life really encouraged me .

attribute n. 属性; v. 把…归于 attribute to 课件

They attributed their success to their friends’ encouragement.

The global increase in greenhouse gases has been attributed to industrial pollution in developed countries

civil adj. 公民的,民间的;有礼貌的 code n.密码, 代码

commitment n. 承诺;委托

communication n. 交流; 通讯,通信

concentration n. 集中;浓度;浓缩 写作

conference n. 会议; 讨论会 contrast n. 对比 v. 使对比 写作,课件展示


Submerge /emergency

error n. 错误, 过失

ethnic adj. 种族的; 民族的

ethnic minorities

the country's population consists of three main ethnic groups.

goal n. 目标, 得分, 终点 grant v.授予;允许

例子:There is a sharp contrast between his earlier and later works. cycle n.周期; 循环;自行车 debate n. &v.辩论,争论 despite prep.尽管 写作

In spite of

dimension n. 维度, 尺寸 domestic adj.家庭的,国内的

domestic goods (products)国产, 国货 emerge v. 浮现, 出现;暴露

grant sb/sth,grant sth to sb 例子:The bank finally granted a £400 loan to me. ◆ The bank finally granted me a £400 loan. take it for granted认为理所当然

hence adv. 因此

例子:The cost of transport is a major expense for an industry. Hence factory location is an important consideration.

hypothesis n. 假设

implementation n. 执行; 实施

