上海版新牛津英语2B M2U2教案

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Teaching plan

Period 1

Title Aims Look and learn Look and say Language aims: 1.Using nouns to indicate the food items.e.g. salad,carrot,fish,chicken,banana 2.Using Wh-questions to ask about one?s food preferences.e.g. What do you like eating? 3.Using modelled sentences to answer the questions .e.g. I like eating…. Ability aims: 1.Through the teacher's guidance, let the students pronounce the key words, phrases and sentences correctly. 2.Using modelled sentences to ask about one?s likes. Emotional aims: Help the students build their self- confidence in English learning Developing aims: 1.Let the students talk about their favourite food. 2.Tell them how to keep health and the importance of balanced diet. Main points Difficult points Using modelled sentences to ask about one?s food preferences and provide a response to factual questions. e.g. What do you like eating? I like eating… 1.The difference of cn. and un. 2.Using modelled sentences to ask about one?s food preferences and provide a response to factual questions. e.g. What do you like eating? I like eating… Teaching aids Power Point , masks of little animals Procedures Step Pre-task preparation chant Revision Contents Methods Say together: Play, play, I like playing. Fly, fly, I like flying. Sing, sing, I like singing. Ride, ride, I like riding. Eat, eat, I like _eating_. 1.T:What do you like eating? Purpose Chant 是低年级学生最容易操练的方式,充分培养学生的口头能力。简单的儿歌非常顺利的引入新授单词eating. 1 11

Sing a song Sing together: Ps: Eating, eating, I like eating____. Yummy, yummy. 承上启下,用新知识复习水果的单词,过度非常自然。 轻松活泼的儿歌营造英语的氛围,引导学生进入学习状态。 While-task procedure 1.banana bananas What do you like eating? I like eating bananas. 2.carrot(carrots) What do you like eating______? 1. (Show a picture) and Pleasant Goat?? (Watch DVD) eating? Teach: banana Read and spell it. 2.(Show two bananas) To elicit: bananas Say :Bananas, bananas, I like eating bananas. To elicit: I like eating bananas. Read the sentence. 3(Listen)Teach: What do you like eating?? Read the sentence. 4.Do pair work. 1.(Pleasant Goat appears) Listen and guess who is my friend (Show Mr. Rabbit) 开门见山直入今天羊羊与灰太狼,由这些小朋友们非常物带领小朋友们完成今天的学习旅途,学生们兴趣非常浓厚。并且通过观看一段动画片喜羊羊与灰太狼关于肥蕉吃香蕉的碟片,转入新语言知识点的学习,为学生创设了良好的学习语境。 通过猜谜的小游戏 进一步激发了学生学习的兴趣,由兔子自然而然的联想到胡萝卜,为新授T: Do you like watching ?Big Big Wolf 的主角人物——喜T: What does Big Banana Wolf like 喜欢的热门卡通人 2 22

I like eating carrots. They are nice. 3. salad apple/orange/banana/pear/ peach salad I like eating____ salad. It?s nice. What do you like eating for dinner? I like eating____ salad. It?s_____.(nice,sweet,delicious….) Teach: carrot Compare with parrot. To elicit the sound of /t/. Read a rhyme. I can see a carrot. I can see a parrot. A carrot and a parrot. A carrot is on a parrot. 2.Look and say: Hello, I?m Mr. Rabbit. I like eating carrots. They are nice. 3.To elicit the sound of /ts/. 4. Practise like this. 5.Ask and answer: What do you like eating, Mr. Rabbit? I like eating carrots. They are nice. 6. Practise like this: 7.Make a short dialogue. 1.(Listen) T: Look, Pleasant Goat and his friends are having dinner. Guess! What does Beautiful Goat like eating? To elicit: salad Read and spell. Rhyme: Salad, salad, apple salad. Salad, salad, I like eating apple salad. Nice and sweet. 2.Practise:I like eating_____ salad. It?s nice. 3.T: I like eating fruit salad for dinner. What do you like eating for dinner? To elicit: for dinner Read the sentence. carrot做铺垫。 适当的渗透辅音发音教学能很好的帮助低年级的学生理解记忆单词。 让学生扮演活泼可爱的小动物进行对话,学生觉得既有趣又敢说,想说,激发学生说的欲望。 创设喜羊羊和他的小伙伴们吃晚餐的情景,引出美羊羊爱吃色拉,这是个全新单词,甚至对我们农村的孩子们来说有点抽象,所以老师让学生亲身品尝一下自己做的色拉,并且通过儿歌,师生、生生之间的操练来进行巩固、操练。 3 33

4. fish fish soup I like eating fish.It?s nice. I like eating fish soup,too. 5.chicken I like eating chicken. It?s delicious. 4.Pair work. 1.Listen and circle. 2.(Screen)Look ,Big Big Wolf is fishing. Teach: fish 3.Read a rhyme: Fish, fish, swim like a fish. Fish, fish, I like eating fish. 4.T:Do you like eating fish? What do you like eating for dinner? Ps answer and read: I like eating fish. It?s nice. I like eating fish soup, too. Yummy, yummy. 5.Group work. 1.(Look and listen) Teach: chicken Read and spell. 2.Read the sentences: I like eating chicken. It?s delicious. 3.Pair work: 听说读写是学生的基本功,在此环节设计了听力训练,提高学生听的能力和对所学知识的认读能力。 这个儿歌看似简单,却能让学生知道fish有两层含义:鱼和鱼肉。 Chicken是新单词,但由旧单词chick引出来,从字,形,意上都方便学生记忆和理解,大大降低了难度。 Post-task activity Play a game: Brain storm. 1.(Listen)T: What can you hear? Ps answer. Let?s help the chick with Pleasant Goat, OK? Climb the word mountain. Read and choose. 创设营救小鸡的情景,把学习当作一件有意义的事,通过边玩边学,巩固了新知,达到了教学目标! 4 44

Dialogue Assignment Homework 1.Copy the new words and sentences. 2. Make the salad for your father and mother. 3. Make a dialouge with your deskmate. 板 书 设 计 教 学 反 思 T: Congratulations! Look,the goats Make a dialogue. 综合运用,提高学 德育渗透的必要性,教育学生不能挑食,均衡饮食,多吃蔬菜少吃荤菜,才能保持健康! 开展亲子活动,激发学生学习动机,让学生学会感恩,学会报答父母的养育之恩。 are having a party! Let?s join them. 生语言运用能力。 Module 2 Unit 2 My favourite food bananas corrots salad chicken fish What do you like eating? I like eating_______. (建议从目标反思、过程反思、效果反思、改进意见等方面反思)

Period 2

Title Play a game Listen and enjoy 5 55

