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- 溶出度检查法规定的温度为推荐度:
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(USP39-NF34 Page 540) General chapter Dissolution <711> is being harmonized with the corresponding texts of the European Pharmacopoeia and/or the Japanese Pharmacopoeia. These pharmacopeias have undertaken to not make any unilateral change to this harmonized chapter.
Portions of the present general chapter text that are national USP text, and therefore not part of the harmonized text, are marked with symbols to specify this fact.
This test is provided to determine compliance with the dissolution requirements where stated in the individual monograph for dosage forms administered orally. In this general chapter, a dosage unit is defined as 1 tablet or 1 capsule or the amount specified. Of the types of apparatus designs described herein, use the one specified in the individual monograph. Where the label states that an article is enteric coated and a dissolution or disintegration test does not specifically state that it is to be applied to delayed-release articles and is included in the individual monograph, the procedure and interpretation given for Delayed-Release Dosage Forms are applied, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.
If the dosage form containing gelatin does not meet the criteria in the appropriate Acceptance Table (see Interpretation, Immediate-Release Dosage Forms, Extended-Release Dosage Forms, or Delayed-Release Dosage Forms) because of evidence of the presence of cross-linking, the dissolution procedure should be repeated with the addition of enzymes to the medium, as described below, and the dissolution results should be evaluated starting at the first stage of the appropriate Acceptance Table. It is not necessary to continue testing through the last stage (up to 24 units) when criteria are not met during the first stage testing, and evidence of cross-linking is observed.
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Gelatin, in the presence of certain compounds and/or in certain storage conditions, including but not restricted to high humidity and temperature, may present cross-linking. A pellicle may form on the external and/or internal surface of the gelatin capsule shell or on the dosage form that prevents the drug from being released during dissolution testing (see more information in Capsules—Dissolution Testing and Related Quality Attributes <1094>).
N OTE— All references to a chapter above <1000> are for information purposes only, for use as a helpful resource. These chapters are not mandatory unless explicitly called out for this application.
Dissolution Medium with pH ≤4.0 pH ≤4.0的溶出介质
Enzyme: Pepsin, activity determined by the procedure in purified pepsin, in the Reagent Specifications section
Amount: A quantity of pepsin that results in an activity of NMT 750,000 Units/L of dissolution medium
数量:一些胃蛋白酶对溶出介质提供NMT 750,000 单位/L的生物活性。Dissolution Medium with pH >4.0 and <6.8 pH >4.0 和<6.8的溶出介质
Enzyme: Papain, activity determined by the Assay test in the monograph for Papain; or bromelain, activity determined by the procedure in bromelain, in the Reagent Specifications section
Amount: A quantity of papain that results in an activity of NMT 550,000 Units/L of dissolution medium, or a quantity of bromelain that results in an activity of NMT 30 gelatin-digesting units (GDU)/L of dissolution medium
数量:一些木瓜蛋白酶对溶出介质提供NMT 550,000 单位/L的生物活性;一些菠萝蛋白酶对溶出介质提供NMT 30明胶消化单位/L的生物活性。Dissolution Medium with pH ≥6.8pH ≥6.8的溶出介质
Enzyme: Pancreatin, protease activity determined by the procedure in Assay for protease activity (Casein digestive power) in the monograph for Pancreatin
Amount: A quantity of pancreatin that results in a protease activity of NMT 2000 Units/L of dissolution medium
数量:一些胰液素对溶出介质提供NMT 550,000 单位/L的蛋白酶活性。
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Dissolution Medium Containing Surfactant or Other Ingredients Known to Denature the Enzyme含有表面活性剂或其他已知成分变性酶的溶出介质
If the dissolution medium contains surfactant or other ingredients that are known to denature the enzyme used, a pretreatment step in the dissolution testing of the dosage form may be applied. This pretreatment step is done using the specified dissolution medium without the surfactant or the ingredient and with the addition of the appropriate amount of enzyme according to the medium pH. The amount of enzyme added is appropriate to the volume of dissolution medium used in the pretreatment. To achieve the specified medium volume for the final dissolution testing, the pretreatment step may be conducted with a smaller volume of medium without the ingredient such that the final volume is obtained when the ingredient is added at the end of the pretreatment step. All of the other conditions of the test (apparatus, rotation, or flow rate) should remain as described in the method or monograph. Typically, the duration of the pretreatment step is NMT 15 min. The required pretreatment time should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and should be scientifically justified. This time should be included in the total time of the test. As an example, if the total time of the test is 45 min and 15 min are used in the pretreatment step, the test will continue for 30 min after the addition of the ingredient.
如果溶出介质中添加了表面活性剂或其他已知成分的变性酶,那么此溶出实验就要把预处理步骤考虑进去。预处理过程就是是根据溶出介质的pH来确定加入酶的量,此处的溶出介质不含有表面活性剂和原料。酶加入的量要适合预处理所用的溶出介质的体积。为了达到最终溶出试验所需要的特定的溶出介质的体积,预处理阶段所用的溶出介质(不含原料)的体积要稍微小点,如此在预处理最后阶段加入原料的时候方可获得最终的溶出介质体积。其他所有的测试条件(如:设备、转速、流速)应该与方法或专论中描述的一致。通常预处理阶段的持续时间为NMT 15 min。所需的预处理时间应该根据具体案例具体分析,且应该科学、合理。预处理时间应该包含在实验的总时间里。例如,如果实验的总时间为45min,预处理时间为15min,那么加入原料后实验还要继续进行30min。
USP Reference Standards ?11?—USP Prednisone Tablets RS.
Apparatus 1 (Basket Apparatus) 第1法(篮法)
The assembly consists of the following: a vessel, which may be covered, and made of glass or other inert, transparent material;1 a motor; a metallic drive shaft; and a cylindrical basket. The vessel is partially immersed in a suitable water bath of any convenient size or heated by a suitable device, such as a heating jacket. The water bath or heating device permits holding the temperature inside the vessel at 37 ± 0.5°during the test and keeps the bath fluid in constant, smooth motion. No part of the assembly, including the environment in which the assembly is placed, contributes significant motion, agitation, or vibration beyond that due to the smoothly rotating, stirring element. An apparatus that permits observation of the specimen and of the stirring element during the test is preferable. The vessel is cylindrical, with a
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hemispherical bottom and with one of the following dimensions and capacities: for a nominal capacity of 1 L, the height is 160–210 mm, and its inside diameter is 98–106 mm; for a nominal capacity of 2 L, the height is 280–300 mm, and its inside diameter is 98–106 mm; and for a nominal capacity of 4 L, the height is 280–300 mm, and its inside diameter is 145–155 mm. Its sides are flanged at the top. A fitted cover may be used to retard evaporation.2 The shaft is positioned so that its axis is NMT 2 mm at any point from the vertical axis of the vessel and rotates smoothly and without significant wobble that could affect the results. A speed-regulating device is used that allows the shaft rotation speed to be selected and maintained at the specified rate given in the individual monograph within ±4%.
Shaft and basket components of the stirring element are fabricated of stainless steel, type 316, or other inert material, to the specifications shown in Figure 1. A basket having a gold coating of about 0.0001 inch (2.5 µm) thick may be used. A dosage unit is placed in a dry basket at the beginning of each test. The distance between the inside bottom of the vessel and the bottom of the basket is maintained at 25 ± 2 mm during the test.
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Figure 1. Basket stirring element.
图1. 转篮组成
Apparatus 2 (Paddle Apparatus) 第2法(桨法)
Use the assembly from Apparatus 1, except that a paddle formed from a blade and a shaft is used as the stirring element. The shaft is positioned so that its axis is NMT 2 mm from the vertical axis of the vessel at any point and rotates smoothly without significant wobble that could affect the results. The vertical center line of the blade passes through the axis of the shaft so that the bottom of the blade is flush with the bottom of the shaft. The paddle conforms to the specifications shown in Figure 2. The distance of 25 ± 2 mm between the bottom of the blade and the inside bottom of the vessel is maintained during the test. The metallic or suitably inert, rigid blade and shaft compose a single entity. A suitable two-part, detachable design may be used, provided that the assembly remains firmly engaged during the test. The paddle blade and shaft may be coated with a suitable coating so as to make both of them inert. The dosage unit is allowed to sink to the bottom of the vessel before rotation of the blade is started. A small, loose piece of nonreactive material, such as NMT a few turns of wire helix, may be attached to dosage units that would otherwise float. An alternative sinker device is shown in Figure 2a. Other validated sinker devices may be used.
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Figure 2. Paddle stirring element.
图2. 搅拌桨组成
Figure 2a. Alternative sinker. All dimensions are expressed in mm.
图2a. 可选的沉降篮(单位均为mm)
Apparatus 3 (Reciprocating Cylinder) 第3法(往复圆筒法)
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The assembly consists of a set of cylindrical, flat-bottomed glass vessels; a set of glass reciprocating cylinders; inert fittings (stainless steel type 316 or other suitable material), and screens that are made of suitable nonsorbing and nonreactive material and that are designed to fit the tops and bottoms of the reciprocating cylinders; and a motor and drive assembly to reciprocate the cylinders vertically inside the vessels; if desired, index the reciprocating cylinders horizontally to a different row of vessels. The vessels are partially immersed in a suitable water bath of any convenient size that permits holding the temperature at 37 ± 0.5° during the test. No part of the assembly, including the environment in which the assembly is placed, contributes significant motion, agitation, or vibration beyond that due to the smooth, vertically reciprocating cylinder. A device is used that allows the reciprocation rate to be selected and maintained at the specified dip rate given in the individual monograph within ±5%. An apparatus that permits observation of the specimens and reciprocating cylinders is preferable. The vessels are provided with evaporation caps that remain in place for the duration of the test. The components conform to the dimensions shown in Figure 3, unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph.
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Figure 3. Apparatus 3 (reciprocating cylinder).
图3. 图3 第3法(往复圆筒法)设备
Apparatus 4 (Flow-Through Cell) 第4法(流通池法)
The assembly consists of a reservoir and a pump for the Dissolution medium; a flow-through cell; and a water bath that maintains the Dissolution medium at 37 ± 0.5°. Use the specified cell size as given in the individual monograph.
The pump forces the Dissolution medium upward through the flow-through cell. The pump has a delivery range between 240 and 960 mL/h, with standard flow rates
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of 4, 8, and 16 mL/min. It must deliver a constant flow (±5% of the nominal flow rate); the flow profile is sinusoidal with a pulsation of 120 ± 10 pulses/min. A pump without pulsation may also be used. Dissolution test procedures using a flow-through cell must be characterized with respect to rate and any pulsation.
泵将溶出介质推动,向上通过流通池。泵的传输能力在240到960mL每小时之间,标准速率为4,8,16mL每分钟。泵的流速必须均匀(名义流量的±5%以内)。泵的流量特性曲线应为正弦波,脉冲为每分钟120 ± 10 冲。无脉冲泵也可以使用。使用流通池法的溶出度测试必须对应特定的流速和脉冲。
The flow-through cell (see Figure 4 and Figure 5), of transparent and inert material, is mounted vertically with a filter system (specified in the individual monograph) that prevents escape of undissolved particles from the top of the cell; standard cell diameters are 12 and 22.6 mm; the bottom cone is usually filled with small glass beads of about 1-mm diameter with one bead of about 5 mm, positioned at the apex to protect the fluid entry tube; and a tablet holder (see Figure 4 and Figure 5) is available for positioning of special dosage forms, e.g., inlay tablets. The cell is immersed in a water bath, and the temperature is maintained at 37 ± 0.5°.
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Figure 4. Apparatus 4: large cell for tablets and capsules (top); tablet holder for the large cell (bottom). (All measurements are expressed in mm unless noted otherwise.)
图4. 第4法设备,盛装片剂和胶囊的大流通池(上),大药片架(下)。(除另有说明,所有尺寸单位为mm。)Figure 5. Apparatus 4: small cell for tablets and capsules (top); tablet holder for the small cell (bottom). (All measurements are expressed in mm unless noted otherwise.)
图5 第4法设备,盛装片剂和胶囊的小流通池(上),小药片架(下)。(除另有说明,所有尺寸单位为mm。)
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The apparatus uses a clamp mechanism and two O-rings to assemble the cell. The pump is separated from the dissolution unit to shield the latter against any vibrations originating from the pump. The position of the pump should not be on a level higher than the reservoir flasks. Tube connections are as short as possible. Use suitably inert tubing, such as polytef, with about a 1.6-mm inner diameter and chemically inert, flanged-end connections.
流通池使用一个架子和2个O形圈固定。泵与溶出单元分开,以防止泵的振动干扰到后者。泵的水平位置不得高于溶出介质容器。管线连接尽可能短。使用合适的惰性管线,如聚四氟乙烯,内径1.6mm。法兰连接也应为化学惰性。APPARATUS SUITABILITY设备适用性
The determination of suitability of a test assembly to perform dissolution testing must include conformance to the dimensions and tolerances of the apparatus as given above. In addition, critical test parameters that have to be monitored periodically during use include volume and temperature of the Dissolution medium, rotation speed (Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2), dip rate (Apparatus 3), and flow rate of medium (Apparatus 4).
溶出度测试仪器的适用性必须包括与上述各仪器在尺寸和限度上的一致性。另外,必须在使用过程中定期观测的关键测试参数包括:溶出介质的温度和体积,转速(第1法和第2法),浸没频率(第3法)和溶出介质流速(第4法)。Determine the acceptable performance of the dissolution test assembly periodically.The suitability for the individual apparatus is demonstrated by the Performance verification test.
定期检测溶出度测试设备的性能。单个设备的适用性由性能验证测试给出。Performance verification test, Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2: Test USP Prednisone Tablets RS according to the operating conditions specified. The apparatus is suitable if the results obtained are within the acceptable range stated in the technical data sheet specific to the lot used and the apparatus tested.
性能验证测试,第1法和第2法:根据规定的操作条件测试USP强的松片RS。如果结果在技术数据表上该批次和所用仪器的的可接受范围内,则设备是适用的。Performance verification test, Apparatus 3: [To come.]
Performance verification test, Apparatus 4: [To come.]
Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2第1法和第2法
Place the stated volume of the Dissolution medium (±1%) in the vessel of the specified apparatus given in the individual monograph, assemble the apparatus, equilibrate the Dissolution medium to 37 ± 0.5°, and remove the thermometer. Place 1 dosage unit in the apparatus, taking care to exclude air bubbles from the surface of the dosage unit, and immediately operate the apparatus at the specified rate given in the individual monograph. Within the time interval specified, or at each of the times stated, withdraw a specimen from a zone midway between the surface of
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the Dissolution medium and the top of the rotating basket or blade, NLT 1 cm from the vessel wall. [N OTE — Where multiple sampling times are specified, replace the aliquots withdrawn for analysis with equal volumes of fresh Dissolution medium at 37°or, where it can be shown that replacement of the medium is not necessary, correct for the volume change in the calculation. Keep the vessel covered for the duration of the test, and verify the temperature of the mixture under test at suitable times. ] Perform the analysis as directed in the individual monograph using a suitable assay method.3 Repeat the test with additional dosage form units.
If automated equipment is used for sampling or the apparatus is otherwise modified, verification that the modified apparatus will produce results equivalent to those obtained with the standard apparatus described in this general chapter is necessary.
Dissolution medium: A suitable dissolution medium is used. Use the solvent specified in the individual monograph. The volume specified refers to measurements made between 20°and 25°. If the Dissolution medium is a buffered solution, adjust the solution so that its pH is within 0.05 unit of the specified pH given in the individual monograph. [ N OTE— Dissolved gases can cause bubbles to form, which may change the results of the test. If dissolved gases influence the dissolution results, dissolved gases should be removed before testing.4 ]
Time: Where a single time specification is given, the test may be concluded in a shorter period if the requirement for the minimum amount dissolved is met. Specimens are to be withdrawn only at the stated times, within a tolerance of ±2%.
Procedure for a pooled sample for immediate-release dosage forms: Use this procedure where Procedure for a Pooled Sample is specified in the individual monograph. Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2 in the Procedure section. Combine equal volumes of the filtered solutions of the six or twelve individual specimens withdrawn, and use the pooled
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sample as the test specimen. Determine the average amount of the active ingredient dissolved in the pooled sample.
Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms.
Dissolution medium: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms.
Time: The test-time points, generally three, are expressed in hours.
Use Method A or Method B and the apparatus specified in the individual monograph. All test times stated are to be observed within a tolerance of ±2%, unless otherwise specified.
Method A Procedure (unless otherwise directed in the individual monograph)
Place 750 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid in the vessel, and assemble the apparatus. Allow the medium to equilibrate to a temperature of 37 ± 0.5°. Place 1 dosage unit in the apparatus, cover the vessel, and operate the apparatus at the specified rate given in the monograph.
向容器中加入0.1N的盐酸750mL,组装设备。将介质平衡在37±0.5℃。将1单位剂量的药品加入设备中,盖上容器,依照各论中规定的速率启动设备。After 2 h of operation in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, withdraw an aliquot of the fluid, and proceed immediately as directed in the Buffer Stage.
Perform an analysis of the aliquot using a suitable assay method. The procedure is specified in the individual monograph.
[ N OTE— Complete the operations of adding the buffer and adjusting the pH within 5 min. ] With the apparatus operating at the rate specified in the monograph, add to the fluid in the vessel 250 mL of 0.20 M tribasic sodium phosphate that has been equilibrated to 37 ±0.5°. Adjust, if necessary, with 2 N hydrochloric acid or 2 N sodium hydroxide to a pH of 6.8 ± 0.05. Continue to operate the apparatus for 45 min, or for the specified time given in the individual monograph. At the end of the time period, withdraw an aliquot of the fluid, and
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perform the analysis using a suitable assay method. The procedure is specified in the individual monograph. The test may be concluded in a shorter time period than that specified for the Buffer Stage if the requirement for the minimum amount dissolved is met at an earlier time.
Method B Procedure (unless otherwise directed in the individual monograph)
Place 1000 mL of 0.1 N hydrochloric acid in the vessel, and assemble the apparatus. Allow the medium to equilibrate to a temperature of 37 ± 0.5°. Place 1 dosage unit in the apparatus, cover the vessel, and operate the apparatus at the rate specified in the monograph. After 2 h of operation in 0.1 N hydrochloric acid, withdraw an aliquot of the fluid, and proceed immediately as directed in the Buffer Stage.
Perform an analysis of the aliquot using a suitable assay method. The procedure is specified in the individual monograph.
[ N OTE— For this stage of the procedure, use buffer that previously has been equilibrated to a temperature of 37 ± 0.5°. ] Drain the acid from the vessel, and add to the vessel 1000 mL of pH 6.8 phosphate buffer, prepared by mixing 0.1 N hydrochloric acid with 0.20 M tribasic sodium phosphate (3:1) and adjusting, if necessary, with 2 N hydrochloric acid or 2 N sodium hydroxide to a pH of 6.8 ±0.05. [N OTE— This may also be accomplished by removing from the apparatus the vessel containing the acid, then replacing it with another vessel containing the buffer, and transferring the dosage unit to the vessel containing the buffer. ]
[注:此阶段使用预先平衡在37±0.5℃的缓冲液。]抽干容器中的酸液,加入1000mL pH6.8的磷酸盐缓冲液(0.1N盐酸加0.20M磷酸钠,3:1)。必要时用2N的盐酸或2N的氢氧化钠调节pH至6.8±0.05。[注:也可以将设备中盛装酸液的容器移出,换以另一盛装缓冲液的容器,将药剂转移到缓冲液容器中。] Continue to operate the apparatus for 45 min, or for the specified time given in the individual monograph. At the end of the time period, withdraw an aliquot of the fluid, and perform the analysis using a suitable assay method. The procedure is specified in the individual monograph. The test may be concluded in a shorter time period than that specified for the Buffer Stage if the requirement for minimum amount dissolved is met at an earlier time.
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Apparatus 3 (Reciprocating Cylinder) 第3法(往复圆筒法)
Place the stated volume of the Dissolution medium in each vessel of the apparatus, assemble the apparatus, equilibrate the Dissolution medium to 37 ± 0.5°, and remove the thermometer. Place 1 dosage form unit in each of the six reciprocating cylinders, taking care to exclude air bubbles from the surface of each dosage unit, and immediately operate the apparatus as specified in the individual monograph. During the upward and downward strokes, the reciprocating cylinder moves through a total distance of 9.9–10.1 cm. Within the time interval specified, or at each of the times stated, raise the reciprocating cylinders and withdraw a portion of the solution under test from a zone midway between the surface of the Dissolution medium and the bottom of each vessel. Perform the analysis as directed in the individual monograph. If necessary, repeat the test with additional dosage-form units.
将指定量的溶出介质加入到设备的每个容器中,组装好设备,平衡溶出介质温度在37±0.5℃,移出温度计。在6个往复圆筒中分别加入1单位剂量的药品,注意避免表面产生气泡。立即按照各论中规定的速率开动设备。在上行和下行冲程中,往复圆筒移动的总距离为9.9到10.1cm。在规定的时间间隔或者每个给定的时间点,抬起往复圆筒,从溶出介质的表面到容器底部的中点区域取出一部分测试溶液。按照各论中的规定测试。必要时重复测试更多份的样品。Dissolution medium: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Time: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 3.
Dissolution medium: Proceed as directed for Extended-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Time: Proceed as directed for Extended-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Proceed as directed for Delayed-Release Dosage Forms, Method B in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2, using one row of vessels for the acid stage media and the following row of vessels for the buffer stage media, and using the volume of medium specified (usually 300 mL).
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同第1法和第2法下迟释制剂方法B 项下处理。酸性阶段使用一排容器,缓冲液阶段使用另一排容器。使用规定体积的介质(通常为300mL)。
Time: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Apparatus 4 (Flow-Through Cell) 第4法(流通池法)
Place the glass beads into the cell specified in the monograph. Place 1 dosage unit on top of the beads or, if specified in the monograph, on a wire carrier. Assemble the filter head, and fix the parts together by means of a suitable clamping device. Introduce by the pump the Dissolution medium warmed to 37 ± 0.5° through the bottom of the cell to obtain the flow rate specified in the individual monograph and measured with an accuracy of 5%. Collect the eluate by fractions at each of the times stated. Perform the analysis as directed in the individual monograph. Repeat the test with additional dosage form units.
Dissolution medium: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Time: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 4.
Dissolution medium: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 4.
Time: Proceed as directed for Immediate-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 4.
Proceed as directed for Delayed-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2, using the specified media.
Time: Proceed as directed for Delayed-Release Dosage Forms in Apparatus 1 and Apparatus 2.
Immediate-Release Dosage Forms速释制剂
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Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph , the requirements are met if the quantities of active ingredient dissolved from the dosage units tested conform to Acceptance Table 1. Continue testing through the three stages unless the results conform at either S1 or S2 . The quantity, Q, is the amount of dissolved active ingredient specified in the individual monograph, expressed as a percentage of the labeled content of the dosage unit; the 5%, 15%, and 25% values in Acceptance Table 1 are percentages of the labeled content so that these values and Q are in the same terms.
Acceptance Table 1
位少于Q -15%,没有任一单位少于Q -25%. Immediate-Release Dosage Forms Pooled Sample立即释放制剂集合样品Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements are met if
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Extended-Release Dosage Forms缓释制剂
Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements are met if the quantities of active ingredient dissolved from the dosage units tested conform to Acceptance Table 2. Continue testing through the three levels unless the results conform at either L1 or L2. Limits on the amounts of active ingredient dissolved are expressed in terms of the percentage of labeled content. The limits embrace each value of Q i, the amount dissolved at each specified fractional dosing interval. Where more than one range is specified in the individual monograph, the acceptance criteria apply individually to each range.
除各论中另有规定外,如果制剂单位中溶出的活性成分的量达到接受限度表2中的规定,认为合格。连续测试3个等级,除非结果符合L1或L2的限度。活性成分溶出量的限度以标示量的百分比的形式给出。限度包含每个规定给药间隔所测得的溶出量Q i。如果各论中规定了不止一个范围,接受限度适用于每个范围。
Acceptance Table 2
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Acid stage: Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements of this portion of the test are met if the quantities, based on the percentage of the labeled content, of active ingredient dissolved from the units tested conform to Acceptance Table 3. Continue testing through all levels unless the results of both the Acid stage and Buffer stage conform at an earlier level.
Acceptance Table 3
Buffer stage: Unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph, the requirements are met if the quantities of active ingredient dissolved from the units tested conform to Acceptance Table 4. Continue testing through the three levels unless the results of both stages conform at an earlier level. The value of Q in Acceptance Table 4 is 75% dissolved unless otherwise specified in the individual monograph. The quantity, Q, specified in the individual monograph is the total amount of active ingredient dissolved in both the Acid stage and the Buffer stage, expressed as a percentage of the labeled content. The 5%, 15%, and 25% values in Acceptance Table 4 are percentages of the labeled content so that these values and Q are in the same terms.
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