更新时间:2024-04-19 04:51:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
In the United States, it is not usual to telephone someone very early in the morning. If you telephone him early in the day, while he is taking a shower or having breakfast, the time of the call shows the matter is very important and requires attention at once. If someone receives a call after 11:00 pm., he thinks it is a matter of life and death. The time chosen for the call communicates is importantce. In social life, time plays a very important part. In the US, guests will feel they are not highly regarded if the invitation to a dinner partly is only three or four days before the party date. But it is not sure in all countries. In other areas of the world, it may be considered foolish to make an appointment too early because plans that are made for a date more than a week away will be forgotten. The meaning of time is different in differen parts of the world. Therefore, misunderstandings appear between people from different cultrues that treat time differently. Being on time is thought of highly in American life. (A) if people are not on time, they may be regarded as impolite. In the US, keeping business companies waiting for an hour is too impolite .(B) A person is expected to say sorry when he is 5 minutes late. If he is less than 5 minutes late, he will say a few words of explanation, though perhaps he will not complete the sentence.
1. What do you think of the call after 11:00 pm.in the US? __________________________________________________________
2. Can you make an invitation more than a week before the date in the US? _______________________________________________________________
3. What is thought of highly in American life according to the author? _________________________________________________________________ 4. 将(A)句改为含有定语从句的同义句。
_______________________________________________________________________ 5. 将(B)改为主动语态。
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