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VOCABULARY LIST Preliminary English Test (PET)


Introduction to the PET Vocabulary List

The PET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the PET examination.

Background to the List

The PET list was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the PET examination. It includes vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Threshold (1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high-frequency. The list covers vocabulary appropriate to this level of English and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus of a question), and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know to answer a question).

The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the PET question papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list alone. How the List is Updated

The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the PET list is updated on an annual basis by the addition and removal of words, using a corpus-based approach. Suggested additions to the wordlist are collated and the frequency of these words is obtained by reference to established corpora (electronic databases). The corpora in question represent receptive and productive language in general contexts. The main corpora used for the validation of the PET Vocabulary List are:

? the Cambridge Learner Corpus (CLC) which includes over 20 million words of written learner English at six


? the British National Corpus (BNC) which includes 100 million words of written and spoken native speaker


Organisation of the List

? Word sets

Some categories of words a learner at this level might be expected to know are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed separately. Words formed with common affixes, some compounds and words from some common word sets, e.g. days of the week are described below and in Appendix 1. Although some ‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modals, etc.) are included, the ‘Language Specification’ section of the PET Handbook (available under ‘Downloads’) should be consulted for a more complete listing.

? Exemplification

Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where words with different meanings need to be constrained e.g. the use of case is limited to ‘suitcase’: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a legal case’. PET Vocabulary List 2 ? UCLES 2006


? Prefixes and Suffixes

A list of possible prefixes and suffixes is provided in Appendix 2, and these may be combined with the vocabulary items in the list as appropriate. Words with an affix which is not included in the appendix are listed separately in the alphabetical list.

? Compound Words

Compound words are not included in the list where both individual words are present and the meaning of the compound is literal and transparent, e.g. coursebook, schoolboy, shoemaker, underwater. A similar approach has been adopted with two-word and hyphenated compounds, for example, coffee bar, leisure centre, home-made, open-air.

? Multi-word Verbs

Multi-word verbs are not included in the list if they have a literal meaning and are composed of verbs and particles already in the list. Examples of ‘literal’ multi-word verbs are come into, sit down, as in ‘Why not come into the kitchen and sit down?’ If the meaning of the verb is not transparent, e.g. put through, get along, then the verb is listed and an example of usage given.

? Topic Lists

In Appendix 3 words have been grouped together under common PET themes, such as ‘House and Home’, ‘Sport’, ‘Food and Drink’. Unsuitable Topics

Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. A number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in PET, for example, war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the Vocabulary List.

Personal Vocabulary

The content of the PET list is general in nature and is unlikely to cover completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by all candidates. Candidates should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for example, work, hobbies, likes and dislikes. Abbreviations

Abbreviations used in the Vocabulary List are: abbrev abbreviation or acronym adj adjective adv adverb

Am Eng American English Br Eng British English conj conjunction det determiner

exclam exclamation int interjection n noun

phr v phrasal verb pl plural


prep preposition

prep phr prepositional phrase pron pronoun sing singular v verb

Summary of Points to be noted

? The list does not include every word that may appear on a PET paper.

? The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.

? It is updated every year.

PET Vocabulary List 4 ? UCLES 2006 PET Vocabulary List 5 ? UCLES 2006



ability (n) 能力 able (adj) 能够

about (adv & prep)大约,关于 ? about 500 students (adv) 大


? The film is about a small

boy. (prep) 这部电影是关于一个小男孩的

above (prep) 在之上 abroad (adv) 在国外地 absent (adj) 缺席 accept (v) 接收 access (n) ['?kses]

n. 通路,进入,使用之权 v. 存取

? disabled access ? internet access accident (n) ['?ksid?nt] 基本翻译

n. 事故,意外的事

accommodation (n) 住宿 accompany (v) 陪同,伴随 according to (prep) 通过,根据 account (n) 账户

accurate (adj) 准确的 ache (n & v) 疼痛 achieve (v) 到达 across (prep) 穿过 act (n & v) 行动

? in the second act (of the play)

(n) 第二幕

? to act in a play (v)表演 ? to act strangely (v) 行为怪

action (n)行动 active (adj) 积极的 activity (n) 活动 actor (n) 演员 actress (n) 女演员 actual (adj) 事实上的

ad (advertisement) (n) 广告 add (v) 增加 addition (n) 附加 ? in addition 另外

additional (adj) 附加的 address (n) 地址

admire (v) 羡慕,崇拜 admission (n) 准许 ? charges/cost/price admit (v) 准许

adult (adj & n)成年人 advanced (adj) 先进的 advantage (n) 有点 adventure (n) 冒险 advert (n) 提及 advertise (v) 广告

advertisement (n) 广告 advice (n) 意见 advise (v) 提意见 aeroplane (n) 飞机 afford (v) 提供 afraid (adj) 害怕 after (prep) 之后 afternoon (n) 下午

afterwards (adv) 后来地 again (adv) 又

against (prep) 反对 age (n) 年龄

aged (adj) 上了年纪的 agent (n) 代理人 agency (n) 代理处 ago (adv) 从前 agree (v) 同意

ahead (adv) 在前面 aim (n & v) 目标 air (n) 空气

air-conditioning (n)冷气机 airforce (n) 空军 airline (n) 航空 airmail (n) 空邮 airport (n) 机场 alarm (n) 警报

alarm clock (n)闹钟 alike (adv) 同样的 alive (adj) 活着的

all (adj, adv, det & pron)所有 all right/alright (adv) 好的 allow (v) 同意 almost (adv) 几乎 alone (adv) 独自一人 along (adv & prep) 伴随


aloud (adv) 大声的 alphabet (n) 字母表 already (adv) 已经 also (adv) 也

although (conj)尽管

altogether (adv) 在一起地 always (adv) 总是 a.m. (adv) 上午

amazed (adj) 吃惊的

amazing (adj) 令人惊讶的 ambassador (n) 大使 ambition (n) 野心 ambulance (n) 救护车

among (amongst) (prep)在三者之间

amount (n)数量

amusing (adj) 有趣的 ancient (adj) 古代的 and (conj) 和

angry (adj) 愤怒的 animal (n) 动物 ankle (n) 脚踝

anniversary (n)周年纪念 announce (v) 宣布

announcement (n) 宣布 annoy (v)使恼怒 annual (adj) 年度的 another (adj) 另一个 answer (n & v) 回答

answer phone (n) 答复电话 antique (adj & n) 古董 anxious (adj) 担心的

any (adj & pron) 任何一个 anybody (pron) 任何一个人 anyhow (adv) 不管怎样 anyone (pron) 无论谁 anything (pron) 任何事 anyway (adv) 无论如何 anywhere (adv) 无论何地 apart from (prep) 分开 apartment (n) 公寓 apologise (v) 道歉 apology (n) 道歉 appear (v) 出现 appearance (n) 出现 apple (n) 苹果

application (n) 申请

apply (v)

appointment (n) 约会 approach (v) 到达

approve (v) 赞同,批准 architect (n) 建筑师 area (n) 地方,面积 argue (v) 争论 arm (n) 胳膊 armchair (n) 扶椅 army (n) 军队

around (adv & prep)大约 arrange (v) 分配 arrest (v) 逮捕 arrival (n) 到达 arrive (v) 到达 art (n) 艺术

article (n) 文章,陈列品 artist (n) 艺术家

as (adv & conj) 最为,因为 as well (adv) 也

as well as (prep)和什么一样好 ashamed (adj)感到羞愧的 ask (v) 问

asleep (adj)睡着的 aspirin (n) 阿司匹林 assistant (n) 助手 at (prep) 在

at all (prep phr)根本 at first (prep phr) 首先 at last (prep phr) 最后 at least (prep phr) 至少 at once (prep phr) 曾经 at present (prep phr) 目前

at the same time (prep phr) 同时 athlete (n)运动员

athletics (n) 体育运用

atmosphere (n) 气氛,空气 attach (v) 附属 attack (n & v) 攻击 attempt (v) 尝试 attend (v) 参加 attention (n) 注意 attitude (n) 态度 attract (v) 吸引 attraction (n) 吸引

attractive (adj) 有吸引力的 audience (n) 观众 aunt (n) 阿姨

automatically (adv) 自动地

available (adj) 有的,可得到的 average (adj & n) 平均 avoid (v) 避免 awake (adj) 唤醒

away (adv) 远处,离开

awful (adj) 糟糕的,可怕的

B baby (n) 婴儿

back (adv, adj & n)回去 background (n) 背景 backpack (n) 背包

backwards (prep) 向后的 bad (adj) 坏的 bag (n) 包

baggage (n)行李 bake (v) 烤

balance (v) 平衡 balcony (n) 阳台

bald (adj) 秃子,秃头的 ball (n) 球 ballet (n) 芭蕾 balloon (n) 气球 banana (n) 香蕉 band (n) 乐队 bandage (n) 绷带 bank (n) 银行

bank balance (n) 银行余额 banknote (n)

bar (n) 酒吧,门栓 barbecue (n & v) 烧烤 bare (adj) 荒凉

base on (phr v) 基于,建立在。。基础上

baseball (n)棒球 basement (n) 地下室 basic (adj) 基础的 basin (n) 脸盆 basket (n) 篮子 basketball (n)篮球 bat (n) 球拍,蝙蝠 bath (n & v) 洗澡 bathroom (n) 浴室 battle (n) 战斗 bay (n) 海湾 be (v) 成为,是 beach (n) 海滩


bean (n) 豆子 bear (n) 忍受 beard (n) 胡子 beat (v) 击打

beautiful (adj) 漂亮的 because (conj) 因为 because of (prep) 因为 become (v) 成为 bed (n) 床

bedroom (n)卧室 bee (n) 蜜蜂 beef (n) 牛肉

before (prep) 从前 begin (v) 成为

behave (v) 表现,行为 behind (prep) 后面的 believe (v) 相信 bell (n) 铃声 belong (v) 属于

belongings (n) 所有物

below (adv & prep) 在下面的belt (n) 带

bend (n & v)弯曲

beneath (adv & prep)在下面 benefit (n & v) 利益 beside (prep) 旁边

between (prep) 在两者之间 beyond (prep)超越 bicycle (n) 自行车 big (adj) 大的 bike (n) 自行车 bill (n) 账单

? electricity bill

bin (n) 垃圾箱,储物柜 biography (n) 专集 biology (n) 生物学 bird (n) 鸟 birth (n) 出生 birthday (n) 生日 biscuit (n) 饼干 bit (n) 一点 bite (n & v) 咬 bitter (adj) 苦的 black (adj) 黑的 blackboard (n) 黑板 blame (n & v) 责备 blank (adj) 空白的

? a blank piece of paper

blanket (n) 毯子 bleed (v) 流血

blind (adj & n) 瞎的,盲目的 block (n) 街区,阻止

? block of flats 街区公寓 blond(e) (adj & n) 金发女郎 blood (n) 血

blouse (n) 女士衬衫 blow (n & v) 吹 blue (adj) 蓝色的

board (n & v) 板,牌子,上飞机 boarding pass (n) 登记证 boat (n) 船 body (n) 身体 boil (v) 煮

bold (adj) 大胆的 bomb (n & v) 炸弹 bone (n) 骨头 book (n & v) 书本

booking office (n) 售票处 bookshelf (n) 书架 bookshop (n) 书店 boot (n) 靴子 ? leather boots

? the boot of the car 后备箱 border (n) 边缘,边界 bored (adj) 厌烦的

boring (adj) 令人讨厌的 born (adj) 出生 borrow (v) 借 boss (n) 老板

both (adj & pron)两个都 bottle (n) 瓶子 bottom (n) 按钮 bowl (n) 碗

box (n & v)盒子 boy (n) 男孩

boyfriend (n)男朋友 brain (n) 脑子 brake (n & v) 刹车

branch (n) 树枝,分公司 brave (adj) 勇敢的 bread (n) 面包 break (n & v) 破坏

break down (phr v)停下来 ? The car has broken down. break in (phr v) 插话

? Someone broke in and stole

the computer. break up (phr v)

? When does school break up? ? The pop group has broken up.

breakfast (n) 早餐 breath (n) 呼吸 breathe (v) 呼吸 brick (n)转 bridge (n) 桥 brief (adj) 信念 bright (adj) 明亮的 brilliant (adj) 光辉的 bring (v) 带来

bring up (phr v)抚养长大 ? She was brought up in London. broad (adj) 宽广的 brochure (n) 小册子 brother (n) 哥哥 brown (adj) 棕色的 brush (n & v) 刷子 bucket (n) 桶

buffet (adj & n)餐车 bug (n) 虫,错误 build (v) 建

building (n)建筑物 bulb (n) 电灯泡 ? light bulb bull (n) 公牛 bullet (n) 子弹 bureau (n) 办公处 burger (n) 汉堡包 burglar (n) 窃贼

burglary (n) 入室盗窃 burn (n & v) 烧 bury (v) 埋 bus (n) 公交车 business (n) 生意 bus station (n) 公交站 bus stop (n) 公交站点 busy (adj) 忙的 but (conj) 但是 butcher (n) 屠夫 butter (n) 黄油 button (n) 纽扣 buy (v) 买 by (prep) 靠


by accident (prep phr) 意外的 by all means (prep phr) by hand (prep phr) by mistake (prep phr) by name (prep phr) 命名

C cab (n) 出租车 cabbage (n) 洋白菜 cabin (n) 小木屋,机舱 cable (n) 电缆 café/cafe (n) 咖啡馆 cage (n) 笼子 cake (n) 蛋糕

calculator (n) 计算器 calendar (n) 日历

call (n & v) 叫做,打电话 call for (phr v) 接送,需要 ? I’ll call for you at 7. call in (phr v) 拜访

? She called in to see a friend. calm (adj) 平静的 camel (n) 骆驼

camera (n) 照相机,摄像机 camp (n & v) 野营 campsite (n) 营地 can (n) 罐子 canal (n) 运河 cancel (v) 取消

candidate (n) 考生,参与选举人candle (n) 蜡烛 canteen (n) 小卖部 cap (n) 帽子

capital (adj) 首都,大写 ? capital city ? capital letter

captain (n) 上尉,船长 car (n) 汽车

car park (n) 停车 card (n) 卡片

? birthday card生日卡片 ? credit card 信用卡

? identity (ID) card 身份证 ? playing card 玩牌 cardboard (adj & n)硬纸板 care (n & v) 关心

? take care of someone (n)照顾

? to care (about/for) 关心

someone/something (v)

career (n) 事业 carpet (n) 毯子 carrot (n) 胡萝卜 carry (v) 搬

carry on (phr v) 继续进行,实现 ? He carried on walking

despite the rain.

cartoon (n) 卡通动画 case (n) 箱子

? suitcase 行李箱 cash (n & v) 现金 cassette (n) 磁带

cassette player/recorder (n) 磁带播放机

castle (n)城堡 cat (n) 猫 catch (v) 抓

cathedral (n)大教堂 cauliflower (n) 花菜

cause (n & v) 因为,引起 cave (n) 山洞 CD (n)光盘

CD-Rom (n)只读光盘 ceiling (n) 天花板 celebrate (v) 庆祝 celebration (n) 庆祝 celery (n) 芹菜

cellar (n) 地下室,地窖 cent (n) 一分钱

centimetre (cm) (n)厘米 central (adj) 中间的

central heating (n) 中央供暖设备

centre (n)中心 century (n) 世纪 cereal (n) 谷类植物 certain (adj) 一定的

certificate (n) 执照,证书 chain (n) 锁

chair (n & v)椅子 chalk (n) 粉笔

challenge (n & v)挑战 champion (n) 冠军 chance (n) 机会 change (n & v) 改变

changing room (n) 更衣室

channel (n) 渠道,频道 chapter (n) 章节 character (n) 角色

charge (n & v) 费用,索要费用 chat (n & v) 聊天 cheap (adj) 便宜 cheat (v) 欺骗

check (n & v) 检查 check in (phr v) 登记

? They checked in to a hotel. check out (phr v) 检查

? He checked out of the hotel at the end of his stay. checkout (n) 校验 cheerful (adj) 高兴的 cheerio! (exclam) 加油 cheers! (exclam) 敬酒 cheese (n) 奶酪 chef (n) 主厨

chemist (n) 药剂师 chemistry (n) 化学 cheque (n) 支票 chess (n) 棋 chest (n) 胸

chicken (n) 鸡肉 chief (adj) 主要的 child (n) 孩子 childhood (n)童年 chimney (n) 烟囱 chin (n) 下巴 chips (n) 炸薯条 chocolate (n) 巧克力 choice (n) 选择 choose (v) 去选择 church (n) 教堂 cinema (n) 电影院 circle (n) 圈

circus (n) 马戏团 city (n) 城市 clap (v) 拍

class (n) 班级,等级 ? language class

? first class, second class classical (adj) 经典的,古典的 ? classical music classroom (n) 教室 clean (adj & v) 干净 clear (adj & v) 清晰的


clever (adj) 聪明的 click (v) 喀嚓声 cliff (n) 悬崖 climate (n) 气候 climb (v) 爬 clinic (n) 诊所

cloakroom (n) 衣帽间 clock (n) 钟表

close (adj, adv & v)结束,关闭 cloth (n) 衣料 clothes (n pl) 衣服 cloud (n) 云 club (n) 俱乐部 ? to join a club coach (n) 教练,班车 coal (n) 煤炭 coast (n) 海岸线 coat (n) 外衣

cocoa (n) 可口可乐 coconut (n) 椰树 coffee (n) 咖啡 coin (n) 钱币 cola (n) 可乐

cold (adj & n)冷的 collar (n) 衣领 colleague (n) 同事 collect (v) 手机

collection (n) 结合物,收藏品 college (n) 学院 colour (n & v) 颜色 comb (n & v) 梳子 come (v) 来

come down (phr v) 降价,下落 ? The house had come down in price.

come on (phr v) 加油,快点 ? Come on or we'll miss the bus.

comedy (n) 喜剧

comedian (n) 喜剧演员 comfort (n)安慰,舒适 comfortable (adj)舒服的 comic (adj & n) 连环画,喜剧的command (v) 命令

commercial (adj) 商务的 committee (n) 会议 common (adj) 一般的

? a common surname大众姓

? have something in common communicate (v) 交流 communication (n) 交流 compact (adj) 压紧,协议 company (n) 公司 compare (v) 比较 comparison (n) 比较 competition (n) 比赛 complain (v) 抱怨 complaint (n) 抱怨 complete (v) 完成

complicated (adj) 复杂的 composition (n) 作文 computer (n) 电脑 concentrate (v) 集中 concert (n) 演唱会 conclusion (n) 总结 condition (n) 情况 ? in good condition conference (n) 会议 confident (adj) 信心的 confirm (v) 确定

congratulations! (exclam) 恭喜,祝贺

connect (v)链接

connection (n) 连接,联通 consider (v) 认为 consist (v) 组成 consul (n) 领事 consulate (n) 咨询 contact (n & v) 联系 contain (v) 包括 contents (n) 内容 continent (n) 大陆 continue (v) 继续 contract (n) 合同 control (n & v) 控制 convenient (adj) 方便的 conversation (n) 谈话 cook (n & v) 做饭 cooker (n) 餐具

cookie (n) (Am Eng)小饼干 cool (adj & v) 冷静 copy (n & v) 抄

corn (n) 玉米,谷物 corner (n) 角落

correct (adj & v) 纠正

correction (n) 纠正 corridor (n) 走廊 cost (n & v) 花费 costume (n) 服装 cottage (n) 小木屋 cotton (n) 棉花 cough (n & v) 咳嗽 count (v) 数

country (n) 国家,乡村 countryside (n) 乡村 couple (n) 夫妻,一对 courage (n) 鼓励 course (n) 课程 ? English course ? main course主菜

? of course (exclam当然) court (n) 院子

? law court法院 ? tennis court 网球场 cousin (n) 表哥表姐等 cover (n & v) 封面,覆盖 cow (n) 母牛

crash (n & v) 撞,冲 crazy (adj) 懒惰的 cream (adj & n) 乳脂 create (v) 创造

creative (adj) 创造性的 creature (n) 生物 credit (n) 信用 ? credit card crew (n) 成员 crime (n) 犯罪 criminal (n) 罪犯

cross (n & v) 穿过,生气的 crossing (n) 十字架,人形横道 ? pedestrian crossing cross out (phr v) 划掉

? Cross it out and write it again.

crossroads (n) 十字路口 crowd (n) 人群

crowded (adj) 拥挤的 crown (n) 皇冠 cruel (adj) 残酷的 cruise (v) 乘船游览 cry (n & v) 哭泣 cucumber (n) 黄瓜 cultural (adj) 文化的


culture (n) 文化 cup (n) 杯子

cupboard (n) 橱柜 cure (n & v) 治愈 curious (adj) 好奇的 curly (adj) 卷发的

currency (n) 现金,流行

current (adj) 现在的,通行的 curriculum (n) 总课程

curriculum vitae/CV (n)简历,履历

curry (n)咖喱 curtain (n) 窗帘

curve (n & v) 曲线,使成弧形 cushion (n) 气垫,坐垫 custom (n) 风俗 customs (n) 海关

customs officer (n) 海关人员 customer (n) 顾客 cut (n & v) 割

cut up (phr v) 切开,切碎 ? She cut up the cake into small pieces. cute (adj) 可爱的

cycle (n & v) 自行车,环形的

D dad (n) 爸爸 daddy (n) 老爸

daily (adj & adv)每日的 damage (n & v) 破坏 damp (adj) 潮湿的 dance (n & v) 跳舞 danger (n) 危险

dangerous (adj) 危险的 dark (adj & n) 黑暗的 date (n & v) 日期 ? today’s date (n)

? to date a letter (v)记载日期 daughter (n) 女儿 day (n) 天

dead (adj) 死亡的 deaf (adj) 聋的 deal (with) (v) 处理

dear (adj & exclam)亲爱的 ? too dear to buy (adj) 贵的 ? Dear Sir (adj)

? Oh dear! (exclam) 天哪

death (n) 死亡 decide (v) 决定

decimal (adj & n) 十进位小数的(电脑和算数) decision (n) 决定 declare (v) 宣布 deck (n) 甲板

? the deck of a boat decrease (n & v) 减少 deep (adj & adv) 深的 defeat (n & v) 打败 defence (n) 防卫 defend (v) 守卫

definitely (adv) 绝对地 degree (n) 度,学位 ? 90 degrees

? a degree in maths delay (n & v) 耽误 delighted (adj) 高兴的 deliver (v) 发送 delivery (n) 发送 demand (n & v) 要求 demonstration (n) 展示 dentist (n) 牙医 depart (v) 使分开 department (n) 部门 departure (n) 离开

depend (v) 靠,决定于

? It depends on what you want

to do.

deposit (n) 存款 ? pay a deposit depressed (adj) 失落的 depth (n) 深度

? the depth of the water describe (v) 描绘 description (n) 描述 desert (n) 沙漠 deserve (v) 值得 design (n & v) 设计 desk (n) 桌子

despite (prep)尽管 dessert (n) 甜点

destination (n) 目的地 destroy (v) 破坏 detail (n) 细节 detective (n) 侦探 develop (v) 发展

diagram (n) 图表 dial (v) 拨打

diary (n) 日记,乳制品 dictionary (n) 字典 die (v) 死亡

diet (n & v) 节食 differ (v) 不同,区别 difference (n) 不同之处 different (adj) 不同的 difficult (adj) 困难的 difficulty (n) 困难 dig (v) 挖

digital (adj)数码的 dining room (n) 餐厅 dinner (n) 正餐 diploma (n) 毕业证 direct (adj & v) 指导 direction (n) 方向 director (n) 导演 directory (n) 电话簿

? a telephone directory dirt (n) 泥土,灰尘 disabled (adj) 伤残的 disadvantage (n) 弱势 disagree (v) 不同意 disappear (v)消失 disappoint (v) 约定 disc/disk (n) 盘

? compact disc/CD ? hard disk 硬盘 ? floppy disk 软盘 disc jockey (n) 唱片骑师 disco(theque) (n) 迪斯科厅 discount (n) 打折 discover (v) 发现 discuss (v) 讨论 discussion (n) 讨论 disease (n) 疾病

disgusting (adj) 令人恶心的dish (n) 菜

dishwasher (n)洗碗机 dislike (n & v) 不喜欢

display (n & v) 演示,展示 distance (n) 距离 distant (adj) 遥远的 district (n) 地区 disturb (v) 打扰 dive (v) 跳


divide (v) 区分 dizzy (adj)晕的 do (v) 做

doctor/Dr (n) 医生 document (n) 文件

documentary (adj & n) 纪录片 dog (n)

doll (n) 玩具 dollar (n) 美元 dolphin (n) 海豚 door (n) 门

double (adj)双的 doubt (n & v) 怀疑 down (adv & prep)下 downstairs (adv) 在楼下地 dozen (n) 一打,12个 drama (n) 喜剧,剧本 draw (v) 画,拉,靠近

? to draw a picture of someone or something

? to draw the curtains 拉窗帘 ? to draw near drawer (n) 抽屉

dream (n & v) 做梦,梦 dress (n & v) 连衣裙 dressing (n) 穿衣 drink (n & v) 喝 drive (n & v) 开车

driving license (n)驾驶证 drop (n & v) 跌,掉

drugstore (n) (Am Eng) 药店 drum (n) 鼓

dry (adj & v)干的 dry cleaning (n) 干洗 duck (n) 鸭子

due (adj) 因由的,适当的 ? The next bus is due in five minutes.

due to (prep phr) 归因于 dull (adj) 愚笨的,迟钝的 during (prep) 在期间 dust (n & v) 灰尘 dustbin (n) 垃圾箱 duty (n) 责任

duty-free (adj)免税的 duvet (n) 羽绒被 DVD (n)

DVD player (n)


each (adj & pron)每个 ear (n) 耳朵

earache (n) 耳疼 early (adj) 早的 earn (v) 赚

earring (n) 耳环 earth (n) 地球

east (adj, adv & n) 东方的 eastern (adj) 东方的 easy (adj)容易的 eat (v) 吃

economics (n) 经济学 edge (n) 边缘 educate (v) 教育 education (n) 教育 effect (n) 影响 efficient (adj) 效率 effort (n) 努力 egg (n) 鸡蛋

either (adv, det, pron & conj)两者中的任意一个

elderly (n & adj)年纪大的,中年以上的

elect (v)挑选 election (n) 选举 electric (adj) 电动的

electrical (adj) 和电有关的 electricity (n) 电流 electronic (adj) 电子的 elementary (adj) 基础的,小学的 elephant (n) 大象 else (adv) 其他

email (n & v) 电子邮件 embarrassed (adj) 尴尬的

embarrassing (adj) 令人为难的,尴尬的

embassy (n) 大使馆 emergency (n) 紧急状况 employ (v) 雇佣 employee (n)雇员 employment (n) 雇佣 empty (adj & v) 空的 encourage (v) 鼓励 end (n & v) 末尾 end up (phr v) 结束 enemy (n) 敌人

engaged (adj) 订婚的,预定的 ? to be engaged to someone ? The phone was engaged. engine (n) 发动机 engineer (n) 工程师 enjoy (v) 享受

enormous (adj)巨大的

enough (adj, adv & n)足够的 enquiry (n) 询问 enter (v) 进入 entertain (v) 娱乐

entertaining (adj) 愉快的, entertainment (n) 娱乐业 entrance (n) 入口 entry (n) 进入 envelope (n) 信封 environment (n) 环境 equal (adj) 平等的 equipment (n) 设备 escalator (n) 电梯 escape (n & v) 逃避 especially (adv) 尤其是 essay (n) 论文

essential (adj) 尤其是 euro/Euro (n) 欧元 even (adv) 甚至

? He couldn't even do that. evening (n) 夜晚 event (n) 事件 ever (adv) 曾经 every (adj) 每个

everybody (n) 每个人 everyone (n) 每个人,事 everything (n) 事事 everywhere (adv) 处处 exact (adj) 确切的 examine (v) 检查

examination/exam (n) 考试 example (n) 例子

excellent (adj) 优秀的 except (prep, conj) 除了 excitement (n) 兴奋 exchange (n) 交换

? an exchange visit互换式的访问

? in exchange for交换 exchange (v) 交换 exchange rate (n) 汇率


excited (adj) 兴奋的 exciting (adj)令人兴奋的 excuse (n & v) 借口,劳驾 exercise (n & v) 练习 exhibition (n)展览 exist (v) 存在 exit (n) 出口 expect (v) 期望

expensive (adj) 贵的

experience (n)经历,经验 experiment (n & v) 试验 expert (n) 专家 explain (v) 解释 explanation (n) 解释 explode (v) 爆炸 explore (v) 开发

extra (adj & adv)额外的

extraordinary (adj) 非同一般的 extremely (adv) 尤其地 eye (n) 眼睛

F face (n) 脸,面对

? a sad look on his face facility (n) 设备

? The hotel has excellent facilities. fact (n) 事实 factory (n) 厂 fail (v) 失败 failure (n) 失败

faint (adj & v) 模糊地,虚弱的 fair (adj & n) 公平的,集市 fairly (adv) 公平地,十分

faithfully (adv) 诚信的,忠实的 fall (n & v) 失败,掉下

(n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn) false (adj) 错误的

familiar (with) (adj) 和某人和熟悉

family (n)家庭

famous (adj) 著名的 fan (n) 电扇,迷

fantastic (adj) 极好的,荒诞的 far (adv) 远地

fare (n) \\费用,票价

? The return fare is £26. farm (n & v) 农场

fascinate (v) 吸引,迷人 fashion (n) 时尚

fast (adj & adv) 快地 fasten (v) 系紧,栓牢 fat (adj & n) 胖的 father (n) 父亲 fault (n) 错误

favour (n) 帮助,恩惠

favourite (adj & n) 最喜欢的 fax (n & v)传真 fear (n) 害怕 fee (n) 费 feed (v) 抚养 feel (v) 感到

feel like (v) 感觉像

? to feel like doing something female (adj) 女性的 fence (n) 篱笆 ferry (n) 渡口 festival (n) 节日 fetch (v) 取 fever (n) 发烧

few (adj) 几乎没有,修饰可数 fiancé(e) (n) 未婚夫 fiction (n) 小说 field (n) 田地 fight (n & v) 打斗 figure (n) 形象,数字 fill (v) 填

fill in (phr v)填补,填空

? You need to fill in a form. fill up (phr v) 使充满

? He filled up the car with


film (n & v) 电影

film maker (n) 电影制作人 film star (n) 电影明星 final (adj & n) 最终的 financial (adj) 金融的 find (v) 找到

find out (phr v)找出

? I must find out when he’s


fine (adj, n & v) 罚金 finger (n) 手指 finish (n & v) 结束 fire (n) 火

firefighter (n) 消防员

firm (adj & n) 公司

? firm ground (adj) 固定的 ? a good firm to work for (n) first (adj, adv, n & pron) 第一 ? first name (adj) ? first of all (adv)

? He was the first. (pron) fish (n & v) 鱼 fit (adj & v) 合适

? keep fit (adj)保持健康 ? These shoes don't fit. (v) fitness (n) 适当 fix (v) 固定 flag (n) 旗

flat (adj & n)平的,公寓 flight (n) 飞行

flight attendant (n)飞机服务人员 float (v) 漂流

flood (n & v) 洪水 floor (n) 层,楼 flour (n) 面粉 flow (n & v)流 flower (n) 花 flu (n) 感冒 flute (n) 笛子 fly (n & v) 飞 fog (n) 雾 fold (v) 折叠

folk (adj & n)民间的 follow (v) 跟随

following (adj)接下来的 fond (adj) 喜欢的 ? to be fond of喜欢

something/someone food (n) 食物 fool (n) 傻子 foot (n) 足

football (n)足球 for (prep) 为了 forbid (v) 禁止

force (n) 强迫,武力 forecast (n & v) 预告 foreign (adj) 外国的 foreigner (n) 外国人 forest (n) 森林 forever (adv) 永远 forget (v) 忘了 forgive (v) 原谅


fork (n) 叉子

form (n) 形式,形成 former (adj) 前者的 fortnight (n) 十四天 fortunately (adv) 幸运的 forward(s) (adv) 向前地 fountain (n) 喷泉 free (adj) 自由的

freeze (v) 冰冷的,冷冻 freezer (n) 冷藏室

French fries (n) (Am Eng) 法式炸薯条

frequent (adj)频繁的 fresh (adj) 新鲜的 fridge ( n) 冰箱 friend (n) 朋友 frighten (v) 使惊恐 from (prep) 来自

front (adj & n) 前面的 frontier (n) 前线 frost (n) 结霜 fruit (n) 水果 fry (v) 煎炒

frying pan (n)煎锅 fuel (n) 燃料 full (adj) 满的

full time (adv) 全职的 full-time (adj)兼职的 fun (n) 有趣

funny (adj) 有趣的,滑稽的,奇怪的

? a funny story (amusing) ? a funny thing happened奇怪的事情发生了 (strange) furnished (adj) 布置的,装修的 furniture (n) 家具

further (adv & adj) 更加的,更进一步的

future (adj & n)未来

G gallery (n) 艺术馆 ? an art gallery game (n) 游戏 garage (n) 车库 garden (n) 花园 gas (n) 气

? a gas cooker燃气灶

? to put some gas in the car

(Am Eng) 天然气

gate (n) 大门

general (adj)一般的,普遍的 generation (n) 代

generous (adj) 慷慨的

gentle (adj) 和善的,绅士的 gentleman (n) 绅士 geography (n) 地理 get (v) 得到

get along (with) (phr v)相处 ? How do you get along with


get back (phr v) 回去

? When did you get back from

New York?

get down (phr v) 拒绝,写下 ? Get down at once!

? Did you get all the notes


get in (phr v) 插话,到达,看到 ? Can you get in through the


get off (phr v) 下车

? We get off at the next stop. get on (phr v) 穿衣服

? Get your coat on and then

we can leave.

? How are you getting on now?


get on (with) (phr v)

? She got on with her work. ? I’m getting on well with

French. ? Do you get on well with


get rid of (phr v) 处理 get up (phr v) 起床

? What time do you get up in

the morning?

gift (n) 礼物

giraffe (n) 长颈鹿 girl (n) 女孩

girlfriend (n)女朋友 give (v) 给

give back (phr v)回去

? Give me back this book on

Tuesday, please. give in (phr v) 投降

? Have you given in your homework yet? ? Do you give in? give out (phr v) 分发

? Will you give out these papers for me, please? give up (phr v) 放弃

? Has David given up playing tennis?

give way (phr v) 让道

? You must give way to traffic at a roundabout. glad (adj) glance (n & v) glass (n)

glasses (n pl) 玻璃,眼镜 glove (n) 手套 go (v) 去

go for (phr v) 争取,寻找 ? He went for the job.

? The dog went for the man. go off (phr v) 离开

? They went off to Australia. ? Suddenly the lights went off. go on (phr v)继续

? The meeting went on until six o'clock. ? What's going on? go out (phr v) 熄灭,出去 ? The fire has gone out.

? Are you going out with Thomas tonight? go with (phr v) 配合,搭配

? Your tie doesn't go with your shirt. goal (n) 目标 goat (n) 山羊

gold (adj & n)金子 golf (n) 高尔夫

good (adj) 好的,擅长

? The film was very good. ? to be good at maths goodbye (exclam) 再见 good-looking (adj) 好看的 goodnight (exclam) 晚安 goods (n pl)商品


govern (v) 统治,管理 government (n) 政府 grade (n) 级别 gram(me) (n) 克 grammar (n) 语法 grandchild (n) 孙子

grandad, granddad (n)祖父 granddaughter (n) 孙女 grandfather (n) 祖父 grandma (n) 祖母 grandmother (n) 祖母 grandpa (n) 祖父

grandparent (n) 祖父母 grandson (n) 孙子

grant (n) 准入金,奖学金,奖励? He was given a grant to study in Australia. (n) grape (n) 葡萄 grass (n) 草

grateful (adj)感激的 great (adj) 伟大的 green (adj) 绿色的

greengrocer (n) 卖蔬菜的杂货店grey (adj) 灰色 grill (n & v) 烧烤架 grocer (n) 杂百货

ground (adj & n) 地方,理由 group (n & v) 组 grow (v) 生长

grow up (phr v)长大

? Children grow up fast. guard (n & v) 守卫 guess (n & v) 猜 guest (n) 宾客

guest-house (n)客房 guide (n & v) 指导

guidebook (n) 指导手册 guilty (adj) 负罪感 guitar (n) 吉他 gum (n) 胶

? chewing gum 口香糖 ? sore gums 齿龈疼 gun (n) 枪

gym(nastics) (n)体育馆

H habit (n) 习惯

hair (n) 头发

haircut (n) 剪头发 hairdresser (n) 理发师 hairdryer (n) 烘干机 half (adj, adv & n)一半 hall (n) 大厅

hallo/hello (exclam) 你好 hammer (n & v) 锤子 hand (n & v) 手 hand-held (adj) hand in (phr v)

? Please hand in the answer

sheet when you’ve finished.

hand out (phr v)

? Hand out the books please,


handbag (n) 手提包 handkerchief (n) 手绢 handle (n & v) 把手 handsome (adj) 英俊的 handwriting (n) 书法 hang (v) 挂,绞死 ? to hang a picture hang up (phr v) 挂电话

? She hung up at the end of

the phone call.

happen (v) 发生 happy (adj) 高兴 harbour (n) 港口

hard (adj & adv)艰难的 hardly (adv) 几乎不 ? hardly any time

? He could hardly wait. hat (n) 帽子

hate (n & v) 讨厌 have (v) 有

have got (v)得到, he (pron) 他

head (n & v) 头,领导者 ? to hit one's head (n)

? at the head of the company


? The child was sent to see the

Head Teacher. (n) ? to head a ball (v) headache (n) 头疼

headline (n) 新闻提要,大字标

health (n) 健康 hear (v) 听 heart (n) 心脏 heat (n & v) 热量 hedge (n) 篱笆 heavy (adj) 重的 height (n) 高度

helicopter (n) 直升飞机 hello/hallo (exclam)你好 help (n & v) 帮助 her (adj & pron) 她 here (adv) 这里 hero (n) 英雄 hers (pron)

herself (pron)她自己的 hide (v) 隐藏

high (adj & adv)高的 hill (n) 山 him (pron) 他

himself (pron) 他自己的 hire (v & n) 租,雇佣 ? to hire a boat (v) ? for hire (n)

his (adj & pron) 他的 historic (adj) 历史有名 historical (adj) 历史的 history (n) 历史 hit (n & v) 击打

? The song was a great hit. (n) ? to hit the ball (v) hitch-hike (v) 徒步旅行 hobby (n) 爱好 hockey (n) 曲棍球 hold (v) 举

hold up (phr v)举起抬起,支撑 ? He was held up in the heavy traffic for over two hours. hole (n) 洞

holiday (n) 假期

home (adv & n) 家庭 homework (n) 家庭作业 honest (adj) 诚实的 honey (n) 蜜

hope (n & v) 希望 horrible (adj)恐怖的 horse (n) 马

hospital (n) 医院


hostel (n) 青年宿舍 hot (adj) 热的 hotel (n) 宾馆 hour (n) 小时 house (n) 房子

housewife (n) 家庭主妇 housework (n) 家庭作业 hovercraft (n) 飞行器 how (adv) 怎么

how much (adv) 多少地 however (adv) 然而 huge (adj) 巨大的 human (adj & n) hunger (n) 饥饿 hungry (adj) 饥饿的 hurry (n & v) 匆忙的 hurt (adj & v) 伤害的 husband (n) 丈夫 hut (n) 小屋,棚屋 hydrofoil (n)水翼艇

I I (pron) ice (n) 冰

ice cream (n)冰激凌 ice hockey (n) 冰球 idea (n) 注意 identity (n) 身份

? identity (ID) card 身份证 if (conj) 如果 ill (adj) 病的 illness (n) 疾病

imagination (n) 想象力 imagine (v) 想象

immediate (adj) 迅速的 immigration (n) 移民 import (v) 进口

importance (n) 重点,重要性 important (adj) 重要的 impossible (adj) 不可能的 improve (v) 提高 in (adv & prep) 里面

in advance (prep phr)提前,预先 in any case (prep phr) 在任何情况

in case of (prep phr) 万一

? in case of fire 防备 ? in case of delays

in danger (prep phr) 处于危险的

in the end (prep phr) 最后 in fact (prep phr) 事实上

in front of (prep phr) 在前面的 in half (prep phr) 对半 in ink (prep phr)

in love (prep phr) 恋爱中 in order (prep phr) 有秩序的 in order to (prep phr) 为了 in pencil (prep phr) 用铅笔写 in pieces (prep phr) 成片的 in place (prep phr) 在适当的位置

in private (prep phr) 私底下的 in public (prep phr) 公共的 in stock (prep phr) 有现货的 in time (prep phr) 及时 in turn (prep phr) 轮流 in two (prep phr) 分成两半 include (v) 包括 income (n) 收入

incorrect (adj) 不正确的 increase (n & v) 增长

indeed (adv) 的确,真实的 independent (adj) 独立的 index (n) 索引

? the index of a book individual (adj & n) 个人的 indoor (adj) 室内的 indoors (adv) 在室内的 industry (n) 工业的 influence (n & v) 影响 inform (v)通知

information (n) 信息 ingredients (n) 成分 inhabitant (n) 居民

initial (n) 最初的,开头 ? His initials are J.B.H. injure (v) 受伤 ink (n) 墨水 inn (n) 小酒馆 inquiry (n) 询问 insect (n) 昆虫

inside (adv & prep)里面的 insist (v) 坚持 instance (n) 例子 instead (adv) 相反

instead of (prep) 相反,而不是 instruction(s) (n) 指导,命令 instrument (n) 仪器,

? musical instrument乐器 insurance (n) 保险

insure (v) 确保,为投保险

intelligent (adj) 聪明,有智慧的 intend (v) 打算

? to intend to do something 打算做某事

interest (n & v) 兴趣,名胜 intermediate (adj) 中间的 international (adj) 国际的 internet (n)网络

interpret (v) 口译,解释说明 interrupt (v) 打断,打扰 interval (n) 中间的

? an interval in a play 中场休息

interview (n & v)面试,面谈 into (prep)

introduce (v) 介绍 introduction (n) 介绍 invade (v) 入侵 invasion (n) 入侵 invent (v) 发明

invention (n) 发明物 invitation (n) 邀请 invite (v) 邀请 involve (v) 卷入

iron (n & v) 铁的,熨斗 island (n) 岛

issue (n) 事情,问题,争论,发行

IT (Information Technology) (n) 信息技术 it (pron) 它 item (n) 项目 its (pron) 它的

itself (pron)它自己的

J jacket (n) 夹克


jail (n) (Am Eng) 监狱 (Br. Eng: prison) jam (n) 果酱

? strawberry jam 草莓酱 ? traffic jam 交通堵塞 jar (n) 罐子 jazz (n) 爵士乐

jealous (adj) 嫉妒的 jeans (n pl) 牛仔 jet (n) 喷气式飞机

? to go by jet (plane) jewellery (n) 珠宝 job (n) 工作 jog (v) 慢跑

? to go jogging join (v)

? The rivers join there. ? to join the army ? to join (in) a game joke (n & v) 笑话 journalism (n) 新闻业 journalist (n) 新闻记者 journey (n) 旅途

judge (n & v) 判断,法官 jug (n) 水壶 juice (n) 汁 jump (n & v) 跳 jury (n) 受伤

just (adv)公平地,刚才

K kangaroo (n) 袋鼠

keen (adj) 喜好的,热衷的 ? He's keen on cycling.

? to be keen to do something keep (v) 保持

keep in (phr v) 留在家里

? She kept the children in as it was so cold. keep on (phr v) 继续 ? He kept on talking.

keep up (phr v) 赶上,不减弱 ? Keep up the good work! kettle (n) 烧水壶 key (n) 钥匙

? key to a lock

? key to success成功的方法

keyboard (n) 键盘

? computer keyboard ? keyboard music kick (n & v) 踢 kids (n pl) 孩子

kilo(gram[me]) (kg) (n)公斤 kilometre (km) (n)千米 kill (v) 杀死

kind (adj & n)类型 king (n) 国王

kiosk (n) 公用电话亭 kiss (n & v) 亲吻 kitchen (n) 厨房 kitten (n) 小猫 knee (n) 膝盖 kneel (v) 跪 knife (n) 刀子

knit (v) 针织,编织 knock (n & v) 敲击

knock down (phr v)击倒 ? He was knocked down by

the car as he stepped into the road.

knock out (phr v) 打败,击倒 ? The fall knocked him out. know (v) 知道 knowledge (n)知识

L laboratory (lab) (n) 实验室 laborer (n) 劳动力 lack (n & v) 缺乏 ladder (n) 梯子 lady (n) 女士 lake (n) 湖水 lamb (n) 羔羊 lamp (n) 灯

land (n & v) 土地,着陆 landlady (n) 女地主 landlord (n) 地主 landscape (n) 风景 language (n) 语言

laptop (computer) (n)笔记本电脑large (adj) 大的 laser (n) 激光

last (adj, adv & v)最后 late (adj) 晚了

lately (adv) 近期的 later (adj & adv)后来 latest (adj) 至少 laugh (n & v) 笑 laundry (n) 洗衣店 lavatory (n) 马桶 law (n) 法律 lawn (n) 草坪 lawyer (n)律师 lay (v) 搁

lazy (adj) 懒惰的

lead (v) 主要的,引导

? to lead someone by the hand ? Where does this road lead? leaf (n) 树叶 learn (v) 学习

least (adj & adv)至少

? the least amount (adj)最少的数量

? at least (adv)至少 leather (n) 皮革 leave (v) 离开

leave out (phr v) 删去,忽略 ? He left out several important facts.

lecture (n & v) 演讲 left (n, adj & adv) 离开 leg (n) 腿

leisure (n)空闲时间 lemon (n) 柠檬

lemonade (n) 柠檬汁 lend (v) 借出 length (n) 长度

less (adj, adv & pron)更少 lesson (n) 课程 let (v) 让

? Let her do it. ? Let me think.

? Let’s go out tonight. letter (n) 信,字母 letter-box (n) 信箱 lettuce (n) 莴苣 level (adj & n) 水平 library (n) 图书馆 license (n) 执照

? a driving/marriage/TV license

lie (n & v) 躺,撒谎


life (n) 生命

lift (n & v) 电梯,烟云消散 ? Can you give me a lift, please? (n)

? The lift is going up. (n) ? Please help me to lift this table. (v) light (adj, n & v) 光 lighter (n) 打火机 ? a cigarette lighter lightning (n) 照明,亮的 like (prep & v)像 likely (adj) 可能的 limit (n & v) 限制 line (n)

? a line on a page ? a clothes line ? a railway line link (n) 链接

? a link to a website lion (n) 狮子 lip (n) 嘴唇 lipstick (n) 口红 liquid (n)液体的 list (n) 清单 listen (v) 听

literature (n)文学 liter (n) 升

litter (n) 废弃物

little (adj & pron)一点 live (v) 住

live (adj) 现场的 ? live music/sport lively (adj) 可爱的 living (adj) 活着的 living room (n) 起居室 load (n & v) 载 loaf (n) 块,片 loan (n) 贷款

local (adj) 当地的

location (n) 位置,场所 lock (n & v) 锁 locker (n) 储物柜 lonely (adj) 孤独的 long (adj) 长的 look (n & v) 看

look after (phr v)照顾

? Who's looking after your

baby now?

look forward to (phr v)

? I’m looking forward to the


look like (v) 看上去像

? She looks like her sister. look out (phr v) 小心

? Look out or you'll have an


look up (phr v) 查字典

? Look up the meaning of the

word in your dictionary.

loose (adj) 松的 lorry (n) 卡车 lose (v) 失败

lost property office (n) 失物招领处

lot (n) 多

loud (adj) 大声的 lounge (n) 休息厅 love (n & v) 爱 lovely (adj) 可爱的 low (adj & adv) 低的 lower (v) 更低的 luck (n) 运气 luggage (n) 行李 lump (n) 肿块, lunch (n) 午饭

lunchtime (n) 午饭时间 lung (n) 肺

luxury (n)奢侈的

M machine (n) 机器 mad (adj) 疯了 Madam (n) 女士

made of (adj) 由制成 magazine (n) 杂志

magic (adj & n) 魔力的

magnificent (adj) 宏伟的,壮丽的

mail (n & v)邮寄 main (adj) 主要的 majority (n) 主要性 make (v) 制作 make-up (n) 化妆

make sure (phr v) 确定

male (adj & n) 女性 man (n) 男人 manage (v) 经理

? to manage a business 经营生意

? to manage to do something (succeed in) 成功做成某事

manner (n)经理

many (adj & pron)很多 map (n) 地图

mark (n & v)分数 market (n) 市场

? to buy something from a market marriage (n) 婚姻 marry (v) 结婚 master (n) 大师

match (n & v) 比赛,火柴 ? a box of matches (n) 一盒火柴

? a tennis match (n) 网球比赛

? This tie matches your shirt. (v)这条领带很搭配你的衬衫 mate (n) 伴侣 material (n) 材料

mathematics/maths (n)数学 matinée (n)

matter (n & v) 事情,关系 ? Is anything the matter? (n) ? It doesn't matter. (v)

maximum (adj & n) 最大化的 maybe (adv) 也许 me (pron) 我,宾格 meal (n) 饭,餐

mean (v) 意思是,小气的 ? What do you mean? ? What does it mean? means (n) 方法 measure (v) 测量 mechanic (n) 技工 meat (n) 肉 medicine (n)药

medium (adj)媒介,中间 meet (v) 遇见 melon (n) 瓜


melt (v) 融化 member (n) 成员

membership (n) 会员身份 memory (n) 记忆

? to have a good/poor memory ? happy memories

? computer memory 电脑内存

mend (v) 修补 mention (v) 提到 menu (n) 菜单

merry (adj) 欢乐的 message (n) 信息 metal (n) 金属 method (n) 理论

? modern methods of teaching metre (m) (n) 米 microwave (n) 微波 midday (n) 中午,正午 middle (adj & n) 中间的 midnight (n) 午夜 mild (adj) 温和的 mile (n) 英里 milk (n) 牛奶

millimetre (mm) (n)毫米 mind (n & v) 介意,思想 ? His mind was on other things. (n)

? Would you mind if I called tomorrow? (v)

? I don’t mind (v) ? Mind your head! (v)

? Who's minding the baby for you? (v)

mine (pron) 我的,名词性物主代词

mineral (adj)矿物的 mineral water (n) 矿泉水

minimum (adj & n) 最小化的 minister (n) 部长

? government minister minute (n) 分钟 mirror (n) 镜子

miserable (adj) 可怕的,悲惨的 miss (n & v) 想念 Miss (n) 小姐 mist (n) 薄雾 mistake (n) 错误

mix (v) 混合

mobile (phone) (n)移动电话 model (adj & n) 模特,模型 ? a model railway (adj) ? It's cheap because it's last

year's model. (n)

? She’s a fashion model. (n) modern (adj) 时尚的 moment (n) 时刻 money (n) 钱 monkey (n) 猴子 month (n) 月份 moon (n) 月亮

more (adj, adv & pron)更多 morning (n) 赞哦啊上 mosque (n) 清真寺

most (adj, adv & pron) 最多 mother (n) 母亲 motor (n) 发动机 motorbike (n) 摩托车 motorcycle (n) 摩托车 motor-racing (n) 赛车 motorway (n) 高速公路 mountain (n) 山

mouse (n) 老鼠,鼠标 moustache (n) 胡子 mouth (n) 口 move (v) 移动

movie (n) (Am Eng) 电影

movie theatre (Am Eng) 电影院 movie star (Am Eng) 电影明星 Mr (n) Mrs (n) Ms (n)

much (adj, adv & pron)

mug (n) 傻瓜,大杯,行凶抢劫multiply (v) 相乘 mum (n) 妈妈

mummy (n) 木乃伊 murder (n & v) 凶手 museum (n) 博物馆 mushroom (n) 蘑菇 music (n) 音乐

musical (adj & n) 音乐的 musician (n) 音乐家 mustard (n) 芥末 my (adj) 我的

myself (pron) 我自己的

mystery (n)神秘


nail (n) 指甲,钉子 ? fingernail手指甲

? hammer and nails 钉锤 name (n & v) 名字 narrow (adj) 窄的

nasty (adj) 令人讨厌的,道德败坏的

national (adj) 国家的,国内的 nationality (n) 国籍 natural (adj) 自然的 nature (n) 自然 ? nature studies

near (adv & prep) 附近地 nearby (adj & adv) 在旁边的 nearly (adv) 几乎 neat (adj) 洁净的

necessary (adj) 必要的 neck (n) 脖子 need (v) 需要 needle (n) 针

negative (adj)否定的,消极的 neighbour (n) 邻居

neighbourhood (n) 相邻的地区 neither (pron) 两者都不 nephew (n) 侄子 nervous (adj) 紧张的 ? a nervous person ? to feel nervous net (n) 网

network (n)网络 never (adv) 从不 new (adj) 新的 news (n) 新闻

newsagent (n) 新闻工作者 newspaper (n) 报纸

next (adj, adv & pron)下一个 next to (prep) 旁边 nice (adj) 漂亮 niece (n) 侄女 night (n) 夜晚

nightclub (n) 俱乐部 no (adv) 不

nobody (pron)没有人 noise (n) 噪音


none (pron) 都不,没有 nonsense (n) 没有意义 noon (n) 中午

no one (n) 没有一个 nor (conj) 也不

normal (adj) 平常的 north (adj, adv & n) 北 northeast (adj & n) 东北 northwest (adj & n) 西北 nose (n) 鼻子 not (adv) 不

note (n & v)投票

? to write a note (n)

? a ten-pound note (n) 10磅大额纸币

? Please note. (v)请注意 notebook (n) 笔记本 notepaper (n) 便条纸 nothing (pron) 没有东西 notice (n & v) 注意到

? to read a notice (n)通告,评价

? until further notice (n) 另行通知

? Did you notice anything wrong? (v) 通告 novel (n) 小说 now (adv) 现在

nowadays (adv) 现时 nowhere (adv) 没有地方 number (n) 数字,号码 ? numbers 5 to 7

? a large number of cars 很多的车

? What’s your (phone) number? nurse (n & v) 护士 nut (n)坚果,傻子

O object (n) 物体

obvious (adj) 明显的 occasion (n) 场合

occasional (adj) 偶尔的 occupation (n) 工作,职业 ocean (n) 海洋 o’clock (adv) 整点

of (prep) 有

of course (adv)当然

off (adv & prep) 掉,离开 ? It fell off the table. (prep)落

? The meeting is off. (adv)结

? I’ve got the afternoon off.


offer (n & v) 提供 office (n) 办公室 officer (n) 职员 often (adv) 经常 oh! (int) 噢

oh dear! (int) 噢,亲爱的 oil (n) 油

OK/O.K./okay (adj)好的 old (adj) 老的

old-fashioned (adj)过时的 online (adv & adj) 在线的,网络的

? to book/buy something

online (adv)

? an online facility (adj) omelette (n) 煎蛋

on (adv & prep) 在之上

on board (prep phr) 在船上,在车上

on business (prep phr) 正在经营,因公

on fire (prep phr) 着火 on foot (prep phr) 步行

on holiday (prep phr) 在假期 on loan (prep phr) 暂借贷款 on purpose (prep phr) 目的是,故意的

on request (prep phr) 一经要求 on sale (prep phr) 打折出售 on time (prep phr) 准时 once (adv) 一旦,一次 ? once a year

? I once saw him dancing. one (n & pron) 一个

oneself (pron) 一人自己的 one-way (adj) 一种方式的 onion (n) 洋葱

only (adj & adv)仅仅 onto (prep)

open (adj & v) 打开

opening hours (n pl) 开放时间 opera (n) 歌剧

operation (n) 操作,手术 operate (v) 操作 operator (n) 操作者 opinion (n) 意见 opportunity (n) 机会

opposite (adj, n & prep)相反的 option (n) 选择,选项 or (conj) 或者,否则 orange (adj & n) 橘黄色 orchestra (n) 管弦乐队

order (conj, n & v) 命令,为了 ? in order to (conj) 为了

? to put something in order (n) 让某事有秩序

? to order a meal (v)点餐 ordinary (adj) 大众的,普通的 organisation (n) 组织 organise (v) 组织

original (adj) 原始的,土著的 other (adj & pron) 其他的泛指 our (adj) 我们

ours (pron) 我们的

ourselves (pron) 我们自己的 out (adv) 在外地

out of (prep) 在什么之外 out of date (prep phr) 过期 out of doors (prep phr) 门外 out of order (prep phr) 不服从命令

out of stock (prep phr)无现货 out of work (prep phr) 失业 outdoor (adj) 在门外的 outdoors (adv) 在门外地

outside (adv, n & prep) 外边地 oven (n) 炉子

over (adv & prep) 超过 ? I’m going over the road. (adv) 穿过

? over 40 people (more than) (adv) 超过

? to be over (finished) (adv)结束

? Several birds were flying over the roof of the school. (prep) 飞跃


overnight (adj & adv)一夜之间 overtake (v) 追上,赶上 owe (v) 欠钱

own (adj & v)自己的 ? my own pen (adj) ? to own a car (v) owner (n)所有人

P pack (n & v) 打包

? an information pack (n) ? to pack a case (v) packet (n) 包裹 page (n) 页 pain (n) 痛苦

paint (n & v) 油漆,画 pair (n) 双

palace (n) 宫殿

pale (adj)苍白的,灰白的 pan (n) 平底锅

pants (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: trousers) 裤子 paper (n) 纸

? a sheet of paper ? a (news)paper parcel (n) 包裹

pardon (n) 再说一遍

? Pardon? I didn’t hear what you said. parent (n) 父母亲

park (n & v) 公园,停车 ? a public park (n) ? to park a car (v) parliament (n) 国会 part (n & v) 部分,

? a part of something (n) ? to part from someone (v) partly (adv) 部分地 particular (adj) 尤其地 partner (n) 伙伴

part time (adv) 部分时间的,兼职

part-time (adj)

party (n) 活动,排队,政党 ? a birthday party 生日聚会 ? a political party 政党 pass (v) 通过,传递

? Several cars passed. ? to pass the sugar

? to pass an examination passenger (n) 乘客 passport (n) 护照

past (adj, n & prep) 过去的 ? the past few weeks. (adj) ? in the past. (n)

? It’s half past one. (prep) 一


pasta (n) 面食

pastry (n) 面糊,糕点 path (n) 路径

patient (adj & n) 耐性的,病人 ? to be patient (adj) ? a hospital patient (n) pattern (n) 款式 pause (n & v) 暂停 pavement (n) 付费 pay (n & v) 支付 pea (n) 豌豆 peace (n) 和平 peanut (n) 花生 pear (n) 梨

pedestrian (n)行人 peel (n & v) 剥落 pen (n) 笔

pence (n pl)一分钱 pencil (n) 铅笔 pen-friend (n) 笔友 penknife (n) 铅笔刀 penny (n) 一分钱 pension (n) 养老金 people (n pl) 人,民族 pepper (n) 铜

? to pass the pepper (spice) ? red peppers (vegetable) per (prep) 每

per cent (n) 百分比 perfect (adj) 完美的 perform (v) 表演 performance (n) 表演 perfume (n) 香水 perhaps (adv) 也许 period (n) 时期

permanent (adj)永恒 permission (n) 许可 permitted (adj) 允许的

person (n) 人

personal (adj)个人的 persuade (v) 说服 pet (n) 宠物 petrol (n) 汽油

petrol station (n) 加油站 pharmacy (n) 药店 phone (n & v) 电话 photo (n) 照片 photocopy (n) 映印 photograph (n) 照片 photography (n) 摄影术 physician (n) 内科医生 physics (n) 身体的,物理 piano (n) 钢琴 pick (v) 捡,挑

pick up (phr v) 挑选

? I picked up a pencil.

? I’ll pick up my sister from the station. 接送某人 picnic (n & v) 野餐 picture (n) 图片 pie (n) 馅饼

piece (n) 片,条,件

? a piece of cheese 一块奶酪 ? to break into small pieces 断成碎片

? a piece of furniture/advice 一件家具,一条意见 pig (n) 猪 pile (n) 堆 pill (n) 药片 pillow (n) 枕头

pilot (n & v) 飞行员

pin (n & v) 大头针,别针 pink (adj & n) pipe (n) pity (n) 可怜 pizza (n) 披萨 place (n & v) 地方

? a safe place (n)安全之地 ? I’ve lost my place in the book. (n) 某个段落 ? third place in a race (n) ? to place something on the table (v) 空间

? London is a big place. (n) plain (adj) 平的,普通的,坦白


? It’s plain to me. (clear) ? a plain T-shirt (no design) plan (n & v)

? a street plan (n)

? a plan to do something (n) plane (n)飞机

planet (n) 星球,行星 plant (n & v) 种植,植物 plastic (adj & n) 塑料 plate (n) 盘子

platform (n) 讲台,平台,舞台 play (n & v) 喜剧,玩耍,打球

? a play at the theatre (n)

剧院的一出喜剧 ? children playing (v) 孩童


? to play football (v)踢足球 ? to play the guitar (v) 弹

吉他 ? to play a

record/cassette/CD (v) 播放唱片

? to play the part of

someone (act) (v) 扮演一个角色

player (n) 选手

playground (n) 操场 playing cards (n pl) 玩牌 pleasant (adj) 开心的 please (int & v) 取悦于,

? Come in, please. (int) ? to please someone (v) pleasure (n) 愉快,快乐 plenty (pron) 足够的 plug (n) 插头,插座

? a plug for the bath ? an electrical plug plug in (phr v) 插上 p.m. (adv)下午 pocket (n) 口袋

pocket money (n)零花钱 poem (n) 诗歌 poet (n) 诗人 poetry (n) 诗集

point (n & v) 点,指出

? to point at something (v) ? The pencil has no point to it.


police (n) 警察 policeman (n) 警察 police officer (n) 警官 policewoman (n) 女警官 police station (n) 警察局 polite (adj) 礼貌的 political (adj) 政治的 politics (n) 政治 politician (n) 政治家 pollution (n) 污染 pool (n) 池

? a swimming-pool poor (adj) 穷的

? She is very poor. (financial) ? The poor man. (sympathy) pop (adj) 流行的

? pop song/music/star/group popular (adj) 流行的 population (n) 人口 port (n) 港口 porter (n) 搬运工

position (n) 地位,地址 positive (adj) 正面的 possibility (n) 可能性 possible (adj) 可能的 post (n & v) 邮寄

? to post a letter (v) ? to send it by post (n) post office (n) 邮局 postage (n) 邮资 postcard (n) 明信片 poster (n) 海报 postman (n) 邮递员 pot (n) 锅

potato (n) 土豆 pound (£) (n) 磅 pour (v) 倒

poverty (n)贫穷 powder (n) 粉末 power (n) 能力 practice (n) 锻炼

practise (v) (n = Am Eng) pray (v) 祈祷 prayer (n) 祈祷 prefer (v) 宁愿选择 preparation (n) 准备 prepare (v) 准备

prescription (n) 处方

? medicine on a prescription present (adj & n) 现在的;礼物 ? to be present (adj) 出现 ? at the present time (adj) 目前

? That will be all for the present. (n) 存在的 ? I got some lovely birthday presents. (n) presenter (n) 演讲者 president (n) 总统 press (v) 压力,出版 ? to press a button ? to press a suit pretty (adj) 漂亮 prevent (v) 防止

previous (adj) 宝贵的 price (n) 价格 priest (n) 牧师

primary (adj) 初级的 ? primary school 小学 prime minister (n) 总理 prince (n) 王子 princess (n) 公主

principal (adj) 主要的,校长 print (n & v) 打印

? in large print (n) 大量出版 ? print a document (v) 印刷文件

? to print your name in capitals (v) prison (n) 监狱 prisoner (n) 囚犯 private (adj) 私人的 prize (n) 奖品

probable (adj) 有可能的 probably (adv) 有可能地 problem (n) 问题 produce (v) 生产 product (n) 产品 profession (n) 专业

professional (adj & n)专业的 professor (n) 教授

program(me) (n) 程序,节目 ? TV programme ? computer program progress (n) 进程


project (n) 工程

promise (n & v) 承诺

? to promise to do something (v)承诺做某事

? to keep a promise (n)遵守承诺

pronounce (v) 发音

? to pronounce a word correctly

pronunciation (n) 发音 proper (adj) 合适的 property (n) 财产 protect (v) 保护 proud (adj)自豪 prove (v) 证明 provide (v) 提供

public (adj & n) 公共的 ? public opinion (adj) 民意 ? to make something public (adj) 使某事公开

? to be open to the public (n) 对大众开放 publish (v) 公共的 pull (n & v) 拉 pullover (n) 套衫 pump (n) 泵,打气筒 ? petrol/bike pump punctual (adj) 准时的 punish (v) 惩罚

punishment (n) 惩罚 pupil (n) 小学生 pure (adj) 纯洁的 purple (adj & n) 紫色 purpose (n) 目的

? He did it on purpose. (deliberately)

purse (n) 钱包,女士的 push (n & v) 推 put (v) 放

put away (phr v) 收起来 ? He put the book away. put down (phr v) 写下

? She put her name down. put off (phr v) 推迟

? The meeting was put off until the following week.

put on (phr v) 穿上,打开,增

? He put on a suit.

? Can you put on the light? ? He didn’t want to put on weight.

put out (phr v)扑灭,熄灭 ? The fire was quickly put out. put through (phr v) 接通电话 ? Can you put me through to the manager, please?

put up (phr v) 张贴,提高 ? The company was forced to put up its prices. pyjamas (n pl)睡衣 Q

qualification (n)资格 qualify (v) 使有资格 quality (n) 质量 quantity (n) 数量 quarter (n) 4分之1 quay (n) 码头 queen (n) 皇后 question (n) 问题 ? to ask a question

? the question being discussed (subject)

questionnaire (n) 调查问卷 queue (n & v) 队列 quick (adj) 快的 quiet (adj) 安静的 quit (v) 推出 quite (adv) 十分 ? quite pretty ? quite certain quiz (n) 问答游戏 R

rabbit (n) 兔子

race (n & v) 比赛,人种 ? to win a race (n)赢得比赛 ? to race against fast runners

(compete) (v)

? to race home quickly (run)


racket (n) 球拍 ? tennis racket

radio (n) 无线电收音机 rail (n) 责备

? to go by rail

railway (n) 铁路 rain (n & v) 火车 raincoat (n) 雨衣

rainforest (n) 热带雨林 raise (v) 提高,饲养 ? to raise your arm ? to raise prices range (n) 范围

rank (n) 职位阶层,横列 ? a taxi rank rare (adj) 稀有的 rarely (adv) 稀少地

rather (adv & prep) 相当,在一定程度上

? rather earlier than usual (adv)

? I’d prefer to drink water rather than fruit juice. (prep) 而不是 raw (adj) 生的 ? raw meat razor (n) 剃刀 reach (v) 达到 read (v) 读

ready (adj)准备的 real (adj) 真的 realise (v) 认识到 realistic (adj) 现实的 really (adv) 现实地 reason (n)原因

reasonable (adj)有原因的 receipt (n) 收据 receive (v) 接收 recent (adj) 进来的 reception (n) 接待 recipe (n) 烹饪

recognize (v) 认识到,识别出 recommend (v) 推荐 ? to recommend someone/something record (n & v) 唱片,记录

? to keep a record (n) 保持记录

? to break a record (n)打破记录

? to record a song (v)录歌 recover (v) 恢复

? to recover from an illness



red (adj & n) 红 reduce (v) 减少

refreshments (n)茶点 refrigerator (n) 冰箱 refund (n & v) 归还 refuse (v) 拒绝

regarding (prep) 认为 register (n & v)

? He took the class register.


? He registered with a new

doctor. (v)

registration (n) 登记,注册 regret (n & v) 后悔

regular (adj) 有规律的,定期的 relation (n) 关系

? to visit a relation relationship (n) 联系 relative (n) 亲戚

? a relative came to stay relax (v) 放松

relaxation (n) 放松 reliable (adj) 可靠的 religion (n) 宗教

remain (v) 保留,仍然 remember (v) 记得 remind (v) 回忆 remove (v) 去除 rent (n & v) 出租 repair (n & v) 修理 repeat (v) 重说 replace (v)替代

reply (n & v)回答,回复 report (n & v) 报告 request (n & v) 要求 require (v) 要求 rescue (n & v) 拯救 research (n & v) 研究

reserve (n & v) 保留,预定

? She was a reserve for the team. (n)

? to reserve a seat (v) reservation (n) 预定 respect (n & v) 尊重

responsible (adj) 负责任的 rest (n & v) 剩下的,休息 ? a rest from work (n)

? the rest of them (n)

? The doctor told her to rest.


restaurant (n) 饭馆 result (n) 结果 retire (v) 退休

return (n & v) 回到 ? to return home (v) ? a return (ticket) (n) review (n & v) 复习,评论 revise (v) 修订

reward (n & v)回报 rice (n) 大米

rich (adj & n) 有钱的 ride (n & v) 骑

right (adj, adv & n)对的,权利 ? the right time (correct) (adj) ? the right person for the job

(suitable) (adj)合适的 ? my right foot (adj) 右边的 ? Everything will be all right.

(adj) 顺利的

? Go right there. (directly)

(adv) 方向,右边

? Fill it right to the top.

(completely) (adv) 完全地

? the right to vote (n)

ring (n & v) 环形,戒指,打电话

? stand in a ring (n)站成环形 ? a wedding ring (n)

? Give me a ring tomorrow.

(phone) (n)

? Suddenly the bell rang. (v) ring back (phr v) 回电话 ring off (phr v) 挂断 ring up (phr v) 打电话 ripe (adj) 成熟的 rise (v) 升起,增加

? The sun rises in the East. ? Prices are rising. river (n) 河流 road (n) 路

roast (adj & v)烤,烘焙 rob (v) 抢劫 robbery (n) 抢劫 rock (n) 岩石

? rock (music) (n) 摇滚乐 ? a hard piece of rock (n) role (n) 角色

roll (n & v)名册,卷,滚

? a roll of film (n) ? a bread roll (n)

? to roll into a ball (v) roof (n) 房顶 room (n) 房间

? the sitting room

? There’s lots of room in here. rose (n) 玫瑰

rough (adj) 艰苦的,粗糙的,粗


? a rough road 起伏路 ? a rough idea 大略的想法 ? rough work 艰苦的工作 round (adj, adv & prep) 圆的,


? a round object (adj)

? the wrong way round (adv) ? to sit round a table (prep) roundabout (n) 环形交叉路口 route (n) 路线 row (n)

? a row of seats rubber (adj & n)

? rubber tyres (adj) ? a rubber (eraser) (n) rubbish (n) 垃圾 rude (adj) 粗暴的 rugby (n) 英式橄榄球 ruin (n) 毁坏 rule (n & v) 规则

? the rules of grammar (n) ? to rule a country (v) ruler (n) 尺子

? draw a line using a ruler run (v) 经营,跑

? to run in a race ? to run a business run out of (phr v) 用完

? He ran out of time and didn’t finish.

S sad (adj) 悲伤的


safe (adj) 安全的

? to be safe from harm safety (n) 安全 sail (n & v) 远航 salad (n) 沙拉 salary (n) 月薪 sale (n) 出卖

salesman/saleswoman (n)售货员 salt (n) 盐

same (adj & pron)相同的 sand (n) 沙子

sandwich (n) 三明治

satisfactory (adj)令人满意的 satisfied (adj) 满意的 saucer (n) 茶碟 sausage (n) 香肠 save (v) 节省,保存

? ? to save someone 拯救


? ? to save money省钱,存

? ? to save time省时 say (v) 说

? to say something to someone ? I really can’t say. (give an opinion) scene (n) 幕,场景 scenery (n) 景色 school (n) 学校 science (n) 科学

science fiction (n)科幻小说 scientific (adj) 科学的 scientist (n) 科学家 scissors (n) 剪刀

scooter (n) 单脚滑行车 score (n & v) 得分

? The score was 3-0. (n) ? to score a goal (v) scream (n & v) 喊叫 screen (n) 屏幕 sculpture (n) 雕塑 sea (n) 大海

search (n & v)搜索 seaside (n) 海边 season (n) 季节 seat (n) 座位

seat belt (n) 安全带

second (adj & n) 第二,秒

? to be second in the race


? sixty seconds in a minute (n) secondary (adj) 中级的

? secondary school 中学 secret (adj & n) 秘密 secretary (n) 秘书 security (n) 安全 see (v)

? to see something (with the


? to see the joke (understand) ? to see someone about a

problem (consult)

seem (v) 看上去 seldom (adv) 很少 select (v) 选择

self-service (adj)自助 sell (v) 卖 send (v) 发送

sensible (adj) 明智的 sentence (n) 句子

? words in a sentence sad (adj) 悲伤的 safe (adj) 安全的

? to be safe from harm safety (n) 安全 sail (n & v) 航行 salad (n) 沙拉 salary (n) 月薪 sale (n) 卖

salesman/saleswoman (n) 销售人员,售货员 salt (n) 盐

same (adj & pron)同样的 sand (n) 沙子

sandwich (n) 三明治 satisfactory (adj) 满意 satisfied (adj) 令人满意的 saucer (n) 茶碟 sausage (n) 香肠 save (v) 保存

? to save someone ? to save money ? to save time say (v) 说

? to say something to someone ? I really can’t say. (give an


scene (n)幕,一场,背景 scenery (n) 景色,风光 school (n) 学校 science (n) 科学

science fiction (n) 科幻小说 scientific (adj) 科学的 scientist (n) 科学家 scissors (n) 剪刀

scooter (n) 单脚自行车 score (n & v) 分数

? The score was 3-0. (n) ? to score a goal (v) 射门得分

scream (n & v) 尖叫 screen (n) 屏幕 sculpture (n) 雕塑 sea (n) 大海

search (n & v)寻找 seaside (n) 海边 season (n) 季节 seat (n) 座位

seat belt (n) 安全带 second (adj & n) 第二

? to be second in the race (adj)

? sixty seconds in a minute (n) secondary (adj) 中级的

? secondary school secret (adj & n) 秘密 secretary (n) 秘书 security (n) 安全 see (v) 看见

? to see something (with the eyes)

? to see the joke (understand) ? to see someone about a problem (consult) seem (v) 看上去像 seldom (adv) 很少 select (v)

self-service (adj) 自助 sell (v) 卖 send (v) 送

sensible (adj)敏感的 sentence (n) 句子

? words in a sentence separate (adj & v)分开的


series (n) 系列 ? a TV series serious (adj) 严肃的 ? a serious person

? a serious illness 严重的疾病

servant (n) 服务员 serve (v) 服务

? to serve in a shop service (n) 服务

? a bus service 公交服务 ? customer service 客户服务 set (n) 设置

set free (phr v) 释放 set off (phr v) 点燃

? She set off early for work. set out (phr v) 出发

? They set out on the long journey.

set up (phr v) 建立,发起

? Her mother helped her to set up in business. several (adj) 几个 sew (v) 缝 sex (n) 性别

? the male/female sex sh! (int) 安静 shade (n) 树荫

? to sit in the shade shadow (n) 影子 shake (n & v) 震动 shallow (adj) 肤浅的 shame (n) 羞愧的 shampoo (n) 洗发水 shape (n) 外形,形状 share (n & v) 分享 shark (n) 鲨鱼 sharp (adj) 锋利的

? a sharp knife 锋利的刀子 ? a sharp corner 锐角转弯角 ? a sharp picture 清晰的图画 shave (n & v) 刮胡子 she (pron) 她 sheep (n) 羊

sheet (n) 被单,薄板,床单 ? sheets on a bed 床上的被单 ? a sheet of paper 一张纸 ? information sheet 信息表

shelf (n) 架,暗礁 shine (v) 闪光 ship (n) 船 shirt (n) 衬衫

shock (n & v)震动,震惊 ? to suffer from shock (n) ? The film shocked me. (v) shoe (n) 鞋店 shoot (v) 射击

? to shoot at the goal shop (n & v) 商店 shop assistant (n) 店员 shopkeeper (n) 店主 shore (n) 海岸 short (adj) 短的 shorts (n pl) 短裤 ? a pair of shorts shoulder (n) 肩膀 shout (n & v) 喊叫 show (n & v) 显示

? a film show (n)电影表演 ? Show it to me. (v)

? The picture shows a village.


? It shows that they care. (v) shower (n) 阵雨,淋浴 ? a shower of rain ? to have a shower shut (adj & v) 关 shy (adj) 天空 sick (adj) 生病的 side (n) 边 sight (n) 视力

? Her sight is better with


? in sight, out of sight视野范


sightseeing (n)风光,观光 sign (n & v) 标志

? a road sign (n)路标 ? to sign a document (v) ? no sign of life (n) 没有生命


? signs of winter (n)冬天的兆

signal (n & v) 信号 signature (n) 签名 signpost (n) 交通标志

silence (n) 沉默,安静 silent (adj) 安静的 silk (adj & n) 丝绸 silly (adj) 傻的 silver (adj & n)银的 similar (adj) 相似的 simple (adj) 简单的

since (conj & prep) 自从 sincerely (adv) 诚恳的 ? Yours sincerely sing (v) 歌唱

single (n & adj)单身的,

? a single (ticket) to

Cambridge (n)

? to be single (unmarried) (adj)

? a single room (adj) sink (n & v) 沉末

? a kitchen sink (n) 厨房洗


? The ship began to sink. (v) Sir (n) 先生 sister (n)妹妹 sit (v) 坐 site (n) 地址

sitting room (n) 起居室

situated (adj) 位于,坐落于 situation (n) 情况 size (n) 尺寸 ski (n & v) 滑雪 skill (n) 技术

skilled (adj) 有技术的 skin (n) 皮肤 skirt (n) 裙子 sky (n) 天空

sleep (n & v)睡觉 sleeve (n) 袖子 slice (n) 切片 slim (adj) 苗条的 slip (v) 滑

? to slip on the ice slow (adj)慢 small (adj) 小的

smart (adj) 聪明的,漂亮的 ? a smart idea (Am Eng) ? smart clothes smell (n & v) 味道 smile (n & v) 微笑


smoke (n & v) 吸烟 smooth (adj) 平滑的

? a smooth surface (level)

? a smooth ride in the new car (comfortable) snack (n) 快餐 snake (n) 蛇 snow (n & v) 雪 snowball (n) 雪球 snowman (n)雪人

snowstorm (n) 暴风雪 so (adv & conj) 如此 so-so (adj) 马马虎虎 soap (n) 汤

social (adj) 社会的 society (n) 社会 sock (n) 短袜 sofa (n) 沙发 soft (adj) 软的

? a soft material 软性材料 ? a soft drink 软饮料 software (n) 软件 soil (n) 土壤 soldier (n) 士兵 solid (adj) 固体的

some (adj & adv) 有些 somebody (pron) 某人

someone (pron) 某人,某事 something (pron) 某事

sometimes (adv) 有时,时时 somewhere (adv) 某地 son (n) 儿子 song (n) 歌曲 soon (adv) 不久 ? I’ll come soon.

? as soon as I can只要我能

sore (adj) 疼痛 sorry (adj) 抱歉的 sort (n) 类别

? the same sort 相同的类别 sort out (phr v) 分类

? We need to sort out this problem.

sound (n & v)听上去像 ? the sound of music (n) ? It sounds like/as if…(v) soup (n) 汤

sour (adj) 酸的 ? a sour taste

south (adj & adv, n) 南 southeast (adj & n) 东南 southwest (adj, adv & n)西南 souvenir (n) 纪念品 space (n) 空间

? a parking space 停车位 ? write in the spaces 在空白


? not enough space 没有足够


? outer space 外太空 spade (n) 铲子

spare (adj & v)共享的

? spare cash, spare time (adj)


? to spare the time (v) 匀出时

speak (v) 说

special (adj) 特殊的 speech (n) 演讲 speed (n) 速度 spell (v) 拼写 spend (v) 花费

? to spend money/time spill (v) 溢出,泄露机密 spinach (n) 菠菜 spite (n)

? in spite of尽管如此 spoil (v) 破坏 spoon (n) 勺子 sport (n) 运动

spot (n) 斑点,场所 spy (n & v) 间谍

square (adj & n) 广场 ? a square room (adj) ? a market square (n) squash (n) 挤压,壁球 stadium (n) 露天馆 staff (n) 全体人员 stage (n) 舞台

? to perform on a stage stain (n & v) 染色,退色 stairs (n pl) 楼梯 stall (n)

? market stall stamp (n) 邮票

? a postage stamp standard (n) 标准 star (n) 明星,星

? stars in the sky (n) ? a film star (n) start (n & v) 开始 ? a good start (n) ? to start a race (v)

state (adj & n) 国有的,国家 ? a state school statement (n) 状态 station (n) 站

? a bus/fire/radio station statue (n) 雕像 stay (n & v) 呆着

? to stay to dinner (v) ? to stay with friends (v) ? to stay looking young (v) ? a two-night stay (n) stay behind (phr v) 留下来

? She stayed behind after the lesson to speak to the teacher. steak (n) 牛排 steal (v) 偷 steam (n) 蒸 steel (n) 钢铁

steep (adj) 陡峭的 step (n) 踏,脚步

? two steps forward (n) 超前走两步

? to climb the steps (n) stick (n & v) 坚持,粘贴 ? a walking stick (n)

? to stick two things together (v)

sticky (adj) 粘的

stiff (adj) 僵硬的,不友善的 still (adv) 不动的,任然 ? Sit still. (adv)

? She’s still here. (adv) stir (v) 搅拌,激励激发 stomach (n) 胃 stone (n) 石头 ? a large stone

? a stone bridge 石桥 stop (n & v) 停止,站点 ? a bus stop (n)


? The car stopped. (v) ? It’s stopped raining. (v) ? The rain stopped me from going out. (v) store (n & v) 商店

? a department store (n) 百货商店

? to store things in a cupboard (v) 在柜橱里储藏 storm (n) 暴风雨 story (n) 故事

straight (adj & adv)径直的 ? to go straight on (adv) ? a straight road (adj) strange (adj) 奇怪的 stranger (n) 陌生人 strawberry (n) 草莓 stream (n) 小溪 street (n) 街道

stress (n & v) 强调,

? to stress the importance of something (v)

? He didn’t want the stress of a new job. (n) strict (adj) 严厉的

strike (n & v) 打击,罢工 ? to go on strike (n) ? to strike something (v) strong (adj) 强大的,强壮的 student (n) 学生

studio (n) 工作室(录音,画室等) ? TV/artists/recording studio study (n & v) 研究,学习 ? to study physics (v) ? to study the map (v) ? Social Studies (n) stupid (adj) 笨的 style (n) 样式

subject (n) 主语,学科,

? the subject of a discussion ? the subject of a sentence ? a school subject subtract (v) 做减法 subway (n) 地铁

? New York subway (Am Eng) (Br Eng: underground) succeed (v) 成功 success (n) 成功

such (adj) 如此 sudden (adj)突然的 sugar (n) 糖 suggest (v) 建议 suit (n) 一套衣服 ? to wear a suit suitable (adj) 合适的

suitcase (n) sum (n)大手提箱 sum up (v) 总结 sun (n)

sunbathe (v) 太阳浴 sunlight (n) 阳关 sunrise (n)日出 sunset (n) 日落 sunshine (n) 阳光 supermarket (n)超市 supply (v) 提供 support (v) 支持

? to support a weight ? to support a team suppose (v) 认为

? I suppose it’s true. 我认为


? You aren’t supposed to drive

fast. 你确定不能开快 ? It’s supposed to be a good


sure (adj) 肯定

? I’m sure you’re right我肯定


? to make sure确定 surfing (n) 冲浪 surname (n) 姓

surprise (n & v) 惊奇,惊讶 sweater (n) 毛衣

sweatshirt (n) sweep (v) 扫 ? to sweep the floor 扫地 sweet (adj & n) 甜的

? sweet food (adj) 甜食

? a sweet face (adj) 一张甜


? a sweet smell (adj) 香味 ? to eat a sweet (n) swim (n & v) 游泳

swimming costume (n) 游泳衣 swing (n & v) 摇摆,秋千 ? to play on a swing

? to swing backwards and

forwards switch (n & v)

? light switch (n) 电灯开关 ? to switch on a machine (v) system (n)

T table (n) 桌子

table-cloth (n) 桌布

table-tennis (n) 乒乓球,桌球 tablet (n) 药片 take (v) 拿

? to take someone’s hand 握着某人的手

? to take someone’s things借或偷某人的东西 (steal/ borrow)

? to take a photo 拍照

? to take a long time 花很长的时间

? to take a holiday度假 take away (phr v)带走

? Take 15 away from 78. take off (phr v) 脱下,起飞 ? Do you want to take off your coat?

? The plane takes off at 6. take part (in) (phr v) 参加

? Everybody took part in the meeting.

take place (phr v) 发生

? The meeting took place at six.

take up (phr v) 继续,拿起

? He decided to take up a new hobby. talk (n & v) 谈话 tall (adj) 高的

tap (n) 龙头,塞子,敲 ? a cold-water tap (n) tape (adj, n & v) 磁带,录音 ? a tape recorder (adj) ? a cassette tape (n)

? to tape a conversation (v) taste (n & v) 品尝

? to have good taste (n) ? to taste food (v)


? It tastes good. (v) tax (n & v) 税收 taxi (n) 出租车 tea (n) 茶 teach (v) 教 team (n) 组,队 tear (n) 眼泪

? Tears ran down her cheeks. tear (v) 撕

? to tear a piece of paper technique (n)技术,技巧 technology (n) 科技技术 teenage (n) 13-19岁的青少年 telegram (n) 电报

telephone (n & v) 电话 television (TV) (n) 电视 tell (v) 述说

? to tell a story

? to tell someone something ? to tell someone to do something

? you can’t always tell temperature (n) 温度

? to have a temperature ? air temperature temporary (adj) 暂时的 tennis (n) 网球 tent (n) 帐篷

term (n) 学期,任期

terminal (n) 末期,晚期,重点 terrible (adj) 糟糕的 test (n & v) 测试 text (n) 课本 than (conj)与。。。相比 thank (v) 感谢

thank you (int) 感谢你 thanks (n) 多谢 theft (n)贼

their (adj) 他们的 theirs (pron) 他们的 them (pron) 他们

themselves (pron)他们自己的 then (adv) 那时

there (adv & pron) 那里 therefore (adv) 因此 thermometer (n) 温度计 these (adj & pron)这些 they (pron) 他们

thick (adj) 密的,浓的 thief (n) 贼 thin (adj) 薄的 thing (n) 事情 think (v) 思考,想

? to think about something ? I think he’s left.

? What did you think of the


? I think I’ll go.

? I’m thinking of going. thirst (n) 口渴的

this (adj & pron)这个 those (adj & pron) 这些 though (conj) 尽管 thought (n) 想法

? to have thoughts about


? to be deep in thought thriller (n) 紧张的电影和故事 throat (n) 嗓子

through (prep) 通过

throughout (prep) 贯穿,自始至终

throw (v) 扔

throw away (phr v)扔掉

? He threw away the old TV. thumb (n) 大拇指 thunder (n) 打雷

thunderstorm (n) 雷电交加的暴风雨

tick (n & v) 钟的滴答声 ticket (n) 票

tidy (adj & v) 整洁的 tidy up (phr v)整理

? Please tidy up when you’ve


tie (n & v) 绑

? a shirt and tie (n) ? to tie with string (v) tiger (n) 老虎 tight (adj) 紧的 ? tight shoes tights (n pl) 紧身衣 ? a pair of tights till (conj & prep) 直到

? to wait till the end (prep) ? up till 1990 (conj)

time (n) 时间

? What time is it? ? It took a long time. ? the last time ? Is it time yet?

? Four times five is twenty. timetable (n) 时间表

tin (n) 听,罐头盒,可乐的容器 ? a tin of peas ? made of tin

tin-opener (n) 开罐工具,起子 tiny (adj) 细小的,细微的 tip (n) 消费

? the tip of the pencil ? a tip for the waitress tired (adj) 疲劳的 title (n) 标题 to (prep)

toast (n) 烤面包,敬酒 ? toast for breakfast today (adv & n) 今天 toe (n) 脚趾

together (adv)在一起 toilet (n) 马桶 tomato (n) 西红柿

tomorrow (adv & n) 明天 ton(ne) (n) 吨 tongue (n) 舌头

tonight (adv & n) 今晚 too (adv) 也

? I’ve been there, too. ? It’s too heavy to lift. tool (n) 工具

tooth/teeth (n) 牙齿 toothache (n) 牙疼 toothbrush (n) 牙刷 toothpaste (n) 牙膏 top (n) 顶端

? top of the class

? at the top of his voice topic (n) 话题

total (adj & n) 全部的 touch (v) 触摸 tour (n & v) 旅游 tourism (n) 旅游业 tourist (n) 旅行者 toward(s) (prep) 朝着 towel (n) 毛巾


tower (n) 塔,高楼 town (n) 城镇 toy (n)玩具 track (n) 轨道

? a race track 跑道 track suit (n) 运动服 trade (n) 贸易

traditional (adj) 传统的 traffic (n) 交通

traffic light(s) (n)交通灯 traffic jam (n) 交通堵塞 train (n & v) 火车 ? to travel by train ? to train in a skill

trainers (n pl) 旅游鞋,教练 ? a pair of trainers tram (n) 有轨电车 transfer (v) 转换

translate (v) 翻译(笔译) translation (n) 翻译

transport (n & v) 交通,运送 travel (v)旅游

travel agent (n) 旅游代办人 traveller’s cheque (n) 旅行支票 tree (n) 树

trip (n) 短途旅行 ? a weekend trip trouble (n) 麻烦 trousers (n pl) 裤子

truck (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lorry) 大货车,卡车 true (adj) 真实的 ? Is it true? ? a true friend trumpet (n) 小号 trust (v) 信任

? to trust someone truth (n) 真相,真理 try (v)

? to try to do something ? to try (out) something try on (v) 试穿

? to try on shoes T-shirt (n) T恤 tube (n) 管

? a tube of toothpaste tune (n) 调子 tunnel (n) 隧道

turkey (n) 火鸡

turn (n & v) 变换,改变,旋转 ? to turn your head (v) ? to turn the page (v) ? It’s my turn. (n)

? The wheels began to turn.


turn down (phr v) 调小

? Could you turn down the


turn into (phr v) 变成

? The water had turned into


turn off (phr v) 关闭

? She turned off the engine, turn on (phr v) 打开

? Can you turn on the TV? turn out (phr v) 关掉

? He turned out the lights. turn up (phr v) 调大

? Turn up the radio - I can

hardly hear it.

turning (n) 拐角

? the first turning on the left twice (adv) 两次

twin (n) 双胞胎中的一个 type (n & v) 类型

? a type of person (n) ? to type a letter (v) typical (adj) 典型的 tyre (n)轮胎

U ugly (adj) 丑陋的 umbrella (n) 雨伞 unable (adj) 不能的 uncle (n) 叔叔 under (prep)

? under the bed床底下 ? under £10.00 没有超过10


underground (adj & n)地下的 ? underground trains (adj) 地

? to travel by underground (n) underpants (n) 内裤 understand (v) 理解

uniform (n) 制服 universe (n) 宇宙 university (n) 大学 unleaded (adj)

unless (conj) 无用的 until (prep) 直到 up (adv & prep)

? to walk up the hill (prep) ? Are you up yet? (awake and dressed) (adv)

? Lift your head up. (adv) ? Speak up, please. (adv) up to (prep phr) 达到 ? up to six people

up to date (prep phr) 到目前为止,最符合潮流的,时尚的 update (n & v) 升级,更新 upon (prep)

upset (adj) 失落的

upstairs (adv) 在楼上地 urgent (adj) 紧急的 us (pron) 我们,宾格 use (n & v)用

? Can you use a computer? (v) ? It’s for the use of teachers only. (n)

? Is this any use to you? (n) used to (v) 习惯做某事

? I used to cycle a lot when I was younger. usual (adj)不寻常的

V valley (n) 山谷 value (n) 价值 van (n) 货车 vanilla (n) 香草 variety (n) 多样化

various (adj) 多样的,不同种类的

vase (n)花瓶 veal (n) 牛肉

vegetable (n & adj)蔬菜

vegetarian (n & adj) 素食主义者

vehicle (n) 机动车辆 very (adv) 非常


venue (n) 聚集地 victim (n) 受害者 victory (n) 胜利

video (n & v) 影像,录像机 video recorder (n) 录像机,视频录入设备

videotape (n) 录像带 view (n) 景色

? a beautiful view 漂亮的风光

village (n) 村庄 violin (n) 小提琴 visa (n) 签证 visit (n & v) 参观 visitor (n) 参观者

vocabulary (n) 词汇表, voice (n) 说话的声音 volleyball (n) 排球

vote (n & v) 投票,选举 voyage (n)航海

W ? to feel weak 感到无力的

? a weak excuse 一个没有说服力的理由、借口 wear (v)

? to wear a dress 穿连衣裙 wear off (phr v) 磨损,减轻,消退

? Has the pain worn off yet? wear out (phr v & adj)

? You’ll wear out those shoes.你将要穿坏这些鞋 weather (n) 天气 web (n) 网页 website (n) 网站 wedding (n) 婚礼 week (n) 周

weekday (n) 周一至周五 weekend (n)周末 weekly (adj & adv)

? a weekly magazine (adj) ? to phone home twice weekly (adv) weigh (v) 称重量 weight (n) 重量

welcome (n & v)欢迎

? a warm welcome (n)热烈的


? Welcome to London! (v) 欢


wage(s) (n) 周薪 wait (n & v) 等待 waiter (n) 侍者

waiting-room (n) 等候室 waitress (n)

wake (up) (v) 唤醒 walk (n & v)散步 wall (n) 墙

wallet (n) 男用钱包 want (v) 想要 war (n) 战争

ward (n) 病房,监房 warm (adj) 暖和的 warn (v) 警告 wash (n & v) 洗

wash-basin (n) 洗脸盆

wash up (v) 洗脸和手,洗厨具 washing machine (n) 洗衣机 washing up (n) 洗碗

? to do the washing up waste (adj & v)浪费

wastepaper basket (n) 废纸篓 watch (n & v) 表,看

? My watch keeps good time.


? I watched TV last night. (v) water (n & v) 水 waterfall (n) 瀑布 wave (n & v) 波浪 ? waves at sea 海浪

? to wave goodbye 挥手告别 way (n) 方式

? Is this the way? 是这条道

? the wrong way 错误的方式 ? a long way 很长一段路 ? to stand in the way 挡道 ? That’s the way to do it. 那


? way of life生活方式 ? way in, way out WC (n) 盥洗室 we (pron) 我们 weak (adj) 羸弱的

? to feel weak ? a weak excuse wear (v) 穿戴

? to wear a dress wear off (phr v) 磨损,逐渐消失 ? Has the pain worn off yet? wear out (phr v & adj)

? You’ll wear out those shoes. ? a weekly magazine (adj) ? to phone home twice weekly (adv) weigh (v) 称重量 weight (n) 体重

welcome (n & v)欢迎

? a warm welcome (n)热烈欢迎

? Welcome to London! (v) 欢迎到伦敦

Y year (n) 年

yearly (adj & adv) 年度的,每年的

yellow (adj)黄色的 yes (int) 是

yesterday (adv & n) 昨天 yet (adv) 也,尚,甚至 you (pron) 你

you know (int) 正如你所知 young (adj & n) 年轻的 your (adj) 你的

yours (pron) 你的,你们的 yourself (pron) 你自己,亲自 youth (n)青年时期,青春,活力

Z zebra (n) 斑马

zero (n) 零,zero-gravity 失重状态

zone (n)地带,划分出来的一片区域

zoo (n)动物园


