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一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) It is very important that the students' voice is heard by the authorities of all our schools. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: B 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:B.改为be heard。Important后面的从句要用特殊的虚拟语气提示: (should+do,should可以省略)。本句大意是“让学生的声音被学校的领导听见,这是很重要的。” 2. (错误) He wished he didn't tell her the truth that brought her so much pain. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 B 学生答[] 标准答案: 案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 5.0 答案:B.改为hadn?t told。Wish后面的从句要用虚拟语气,本句是提示: 对过去事情的虚拟。本句大意是“他希望自己当初没有告诉她那个给她带来这么多痛苦的事实。” 3. (错误) With the sun setting, we stopped working, putting away our tools and were going to go home. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 答案:C.改为put。And前后的动词要用同样的形式即平行结构,本句前面的动词是stopped,后面的动词是were 提示: going to,所以此处的putting应该改为put(put的过去式还是put)。本句大意是“日落时分,我们停止了工作,收起了工具,准备回家。” 4. (错误) He finds it easier to do the cooking himself than teaching his wife to cook. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: C 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:C.改为to teach。And前后的动词一般都用同样的形式,这就提示: 是所谓的平行结构,本句and前面是to do,所以and后面得用to teach。本句大意是“他发现自己做饭远比教会他妻子做饭容易得多。” 5. (错误) We are all for your proposal that the discussion is to be put off. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: 得分: Identification1 [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: D 5.0 答案:D.改为be put off。Proposal后面的从句要用特殊的虚拟形提示: 式(should do,其中should可省)。本句大意是“我们都支持你提出的推迟讨论的建议。” 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. (错误) The seventeenth International AIDS Conference opened Sunday in the Mexican capital, Mexico City. About twenty-five thousand people are taking part in the six-day event. They include AIDS researchers, community leaders, policy experts, activists and delegations of young people from around the world.

The conference is expected to call for improvement in the

prevention and treatment of H.I.V., the virus (病毒)that causes AIDS. Delegates are also expected to praise the greater ability of patients to receive anti-retroviral(抗逆转录病毒的)drugs. Several meetings at the conference will examine efforts to discover a vaccine(疫苗) to prevent the disease.

Pedro Cahn is one of the leaders of the AIDS conference. He says there is growing support for efforts to guarantee(确保) that all people are able to receive HIV prevention and treatment. An estimated thirty-three million people are living with H.I.V./AIDS. About seven thousand people become infected with H.I.V. every day.

There is no cure(治疗) for AIDS. However, a report last week from a United Nations agency says fewer people are dying because of it. UNAIDS says the number of deaths linked to AIDS dropped to about two million last year. This is two hundred thousand fewer than the number reported in two thousand five. (198字)

1. Which of the following people do not take part in the AIDS Conference?

A. AIDS researchers B. Community leaders C. Country leaders D. Activists

2. What is the aim of the AIDS Conference?

A. to study AIDS patients B. to prevent AIDS

C. to praise some AIDS patients

D. to call for improvement in the prevention and treatment of H.I.V.

3. How many people are infected with the AIDS virus every day?

A. 33,000,000

B. 7,000 C. 25,000 D. 2,000,000

4. What is true about AIDS?

A. AIDS can be cured.

B. More and more people are dying of AIDS. C. Fewer people are dying because of AIDS. D. UNAIDS can cure AIDS.

5. What is not true about the AIDS Conference?

A. The conference was held in Mexico City. B. About 25,000 people attended the conference. C. It is the first AIDS Conference. D. Pedro Cahn is one of its leaders.





1. Which of the following people do not take part in the AIDS Conference?

A. AIDS researchers B. Community leaders C. Country leaders D. Activists

2. What is the aim of the AIDS Conference?

A. to study AIDS patients B. to prevent AIDS

C. to praise some AIDS patients

D. to call for improvement in the prevention and treatment of


3. How many people are infected with the AIDS virus every day?

A. 33,000,000 B. 7,000 C. 25,000 D. 2,000,000

4. What is true about AIDS?

A. AIDS can be cured.


More and more people are dying of AIDS. C. Fewer people are dying because of AIDS. D. UNAIDS can cure AIDS.

5. What is not true about the AIDS Conference?

A. The conference was held in Mexico City.

B. About 25,000 people attended the conference. C. It is the first AIDS Conference. D. Pedro Cahn is one of its leaders.


试题分值:50.0 得分:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

提示:1. 本题题目问“下面哪些人没有参加这次的艾滋病大会?”这个是细节题。中心词就是“take part



2. 本题题目问“这次艾滋病大会的目的是干什么?”,这也是细节题。中心词是“aim”和“AIDS conference”。答案在第二段,但是第二段中并没有出现aim,而是出现了和aim意思相近的同义词组“is expected to”。第二段大意是“本次大会致力于呼吁HIV病毒的预防和治疗。与会代表也会表扬那些接受抗逆转录病毒的病人们所付出的努力。大会还会举办几次研讨会来调研艾滋病疫苗的研发情况。”据此得知大会的目标是D。A的意思是“研究艾滋病病人”;B的意思是“预防爱滋病”,C的意思是“赞扬一些艾滋病人”。A明显是不对的,B和C不是大会的主要目标,所以都不对。

3. 这道题目问“每天有多少人感染艾滋病病毒?”。这是细节题,中心词是“infect”,这样定位答案在第三段的最后一句。该句大意是“每天大约有7千人感染艾滋病病毒。”,故答案是B。 4. 本题题目问“关于艾滋病,下面哪个说法正确?”,这种题目归属于是非题,首先得阅读选项。A说“艾滋病可以治好”;B的意思是“有越来越多的人死于艾滋病”;C说“死于艾滋病的人变少了”;D说“联合国艾滋病机构可以治好艾滋病”。答案在最后一段的前两句,这两句的大意是“目前还没有办法治好艾滋病,然而上周联合国一个机构的报告指出死于艾滋病的病人在变少。”,据此C是正确答案。

5. 本题问“关于这次艾滋病大会,下面哪个不对?”。此题属于是非题。首先得阅读选项。A的意思是“这次会议在墨西哥城举办。”;B的意思是“大约2万5千人参加了本次大会。”;C的意思是“这是第一届艾滋病大会。”;D说“Pedro Cahn是大会的领导人之一。”做完上面的4题后,这个题目就很简单了。据第一段的第一句我们知道本次大会是第17届了,所以C是正确答案。


1. (错误)

As it turned out, the speaker was shout down by the _________ crowd. A. B. C. D. hostile cold friendly hospitable 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: A 5.0 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“正如所证明的那样,演说者被不友好的人群轰下了台”。 hostile:unfriendly;showing dislike;belong to an enemy不友好,不喜欢;敌对的 1. The proposal was met with a hostile reaction.这一建议遭到了反对。 2. Don?t be 提示: hostile to the new ideas and changes.不要对新观念、新变化持反对意见。 3. The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday.州长昨天访问该市时,群众纷纷举行抗议。 4. The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.西方对这个颇具影响力的国家的敌视态度已逐渐缓和。 2. (错误) Johnney has been warned time and again that reading in bed will ________ his eyesight, but he just won?t listen. A. B. C. D. influence affect effect interfere Choice5 B 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 标准答案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“已经多次劝诫约翰尼,在床上看书会影响他的视力,可他就是不听”。 affect:cause some result or change;influence影响 1. Reading in the sun will affect your eyesight.在阳光下看书会影响视力。 2. The economic 提示: crisis has seriously affected its exports.经济危机严重地影响了该国的出口。 3. More than seven million people have been affected by drought.已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。 4. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害。 3. (错误) We must ___________ about our work or we?ll fall behind the schedule. A. B. C. D. bring go set come Choice5 B 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 标准答案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“我们必须着手干这项工作,否则我们将赶不上时间了”。 go about:make a start at; undertake 着手做 1. How shall we go about the job. 我们该如何着手干这件工作呢。 2. We′ll have to 提示: go about it more carefully.我们必须愈加小心地做此事。 3. I want him back, but I just don′t know how to go about it.我想让他回来,但就是 不知道该怎么做才好。 4. I want to make a dress, but I don?t know how to go about it.我想做件衣服,但不知道怎么动手。 4. (错误) Daydreaming was __________ a waste of time. A. B. C. D. viewing taken viewed as impressed 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“白日做梦曾被视为浪费时间”。 view…as:look upon as把…看作(认为,考虑,看待) 1.He views the whole thing as a joke. 他把这一切视为开玩笑。 2. We should 提示: view things in their totaling.我们应该总整体来看待事物。 3. She should not be viewed as a serious threat. 个体并不构成太大的威胁。 4. Are you be viewed as a trusted advisor by your key clients? 你是否在你的关键客户心目中树立了一种可信任的顾问形象? 5. (错误) The Americans spend Christmas Day __________ that the Europeans do. A. B. C. D. in much the way same in much the same way in more the same way in the same much way Choice5 知识点: 学生答案: [] 得分: [0] 标准答案: 试题分值: B 5.0 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“美国人过圣诞节的方式与欧洲人差不多”。 先行词为the same way 的that引导的是一个定语从句,表示:提示: “以同样的方式”。 Mrs. Lu, born and brought up in France, does cooking in much the same way that the French do.陆太太在法国出生并长大,做出来的菜也与法国人的相似 一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) Let's go and watch that new movie at eight tonight, won't we? A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: D 5.0 答案:D.改为will you。Let?s引导的祈使句,后面的反意疑问句要提示: 用will you。本句大意是“今晚八点我们一起去看那部新电影,好吗?” 2. (错误) Mary found it difficult to talk calmly about which she had experienced at the station. A B C D

A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: C 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:C.改为what。what 引导后面的宾语从句,并且在该从句中提示: 做谓语had experienced的宾语。本句大意是“Mary发现很难平静地谈论自己在车站经历的事情。” 3. (错误) Polite manners in China demand that a person stands up when anyone enters a A B C room or when anyone hands him something. D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: 答案:B.改为stand up。动词demand后 提示: 面的从句用特殊的虚拟语气(should+do,should可省)。本句大意是“中国的礼仪要求在别人进屋或者递东西给你的时候,你要站起身来。 B 5.0 4. (错误) What does Mr. Johnson like? He?s a friendly sort of man. I like to work with him. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: A 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:A. 提示: 改为is。Like作介词用时的意思是“长得像……”,此时助动词用“be”;like作动词用时的意思是“喜欢”,助动词用“do”。本句大意是“Mr. Johnson长得什么样子?他挺和善。我喜欢和他一起工作。” 5. (错误) Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: [] 标准答案: A 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:A. 5.0 提示: 改为women。Woman修饰复数名词的时候得用women。本句大意是“昨天的会上有两名女教师和四个女学生受到了表扬。” 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. (错误) As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through lift, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first signs of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form, we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make a choice between \days the choice made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long, through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and heart disease have established links with stress. Since we cannot remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if we could), we need to find ways to deal with it. 1. People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves because_____. A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health B. they are traveling fast all the time D. they are becoming busier with their work

2. According to the writer, the most important character for a good

manager is his ________. A. not fearing stress

B. knowing the art of relaxation C. high sense of responsibility D. having control over performance 3. Which of the following statements is true? A. We can find some ways to avoid stress. B. Stress is always harmful to people.

C. It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with work. D. Different people can withstand different amounts of stress. 4. In Paragraph 3, \ A. \

B. \ C. \ D. \

5. In the last sentence of the passage, \ A. \ B. \ C. \

D. \


1. People are finding less and less time for relaxing themselves


A. they do not know how to enjoy themselves

B. they do not believe that relaxation is important for health C. they are traveling fast all the time

D. they are becoming busier with their work

2. 2. According to the writer, the most important character for a good manager is his ________. A. not fearing stress

B. knowing the art of relaxation C. high sense of responsibility

D. having control over performance

3. 3. Which of the following statements is true?

A. We can find some ways to avoid stress. B. Stress is always harmful to people.

C. It is easy to change the habit of keeping oneself busy with


D. Different people can withstand different amounts of stress. 4. 4. In Paragraph 3, \

A. \

B. \ C. \

D. \

5. 5. In the last sentence of the passage, \______.

A. \ B. \ C. \

D. \

试题分值:50.0 得分:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

提示:1. 本题问“人们的放松时间越来越少,这是因为_____。”这是细节题,中心词是“less and less

time for relaxing”。答案在第一段,该段大意是“随着我们的生活节奏不断变快,我们正在失去放松这项艺术。一旦你形成了匆忙赶电梯,从早忙到晚的习惯,你就很难再慢下来了。但是放松对我们的身心健康太重要了。”可见人们放松时间少是因为太忙了,所以D是答案。A的意思是“他们不知道如何来享受生活”,B的意思是“他们不相信放松对健康很重要”,C的意思是“他们总是来去匆匆”。

2. 本题问“根据作者,一个好的经理要具有的最重要的性格是什么?”这是细节题,中心词是“the most important character”。答案在第三段的第二句,该句大意是“有些人不惧怕压力,这种性格明显是管理职位的人所必需具备的基本条件”。所以,答案是A。B的意思是“知道放松的艺术”,C

的意思是“高度的责任心”,D的意思是“控制自己的表现”。 3. 本题问“下面哪句话是正确的?”这是是非题,先要浏览一下选项。A的意思是“我们可以找到一些方法来避免压力”,B的意思是“压力对人总是有害的”,C的意思是“忙于工作的习惯很容易就可以改变”,D的意思是“不同的人可以承受不同程度的压力”。第二段的第一句说道“我们是没有办法躲避压力的”,可知A是错误的。第二段的第二、三句说道“实际上,压力并非我们想象的那样糟。一定的压力会给我们提供动力,给我们的生活赋予目标。”,可知B是错误的。第一段的第二句说道“一旦我们形成了这种忙碌的习惯,我们就很难慢下来了”,可知C是错误的。第三段的第一句意思是“个人所能承受的压力取决于个人”,可知D是正确的。 4. 本题问“第三段中的?such a reaction?指的是前面提到的_____。”这是细节题,先找到该词组所在的句子及其前后句。答案可以从第三段的4、5、6、7这几句看出来。该部分的大意是“无论我们面对着什么样的压力,我们都会产生化学和生理上的反应。实际上我们会在?迎接压力?和?逃避压力?之间做出选择,在古代的时候,这种选择有着生死之别。我们如今不太可能遇到这么极端的压力,但是不管压力是多么的小,都会让我们产生相同的反应。只有当我们持续面对压力,我们的反应时间过长时,才会让我们的健康受到危害。”可见,“such a reaction”指的是B。 5. 本题问“文章最后一句话中的?do so?指的是_____。”这也是细节题,先找到该词组所在的句子及其前后句。答案在最后一句,该句大意是“既然我们无法将压力从我们的生活中消除掉(就算我们能够消除压力,我们这样做也是不明智的),那么我们就要找到处理压力的方法。可见“do so”指的是C。 三、单项选择题(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) The quickest ___________ of travel is by plane. A. B. C. D. route technique means method Choice5 标准答案: 试题分值: C 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 得分: [0] 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“最快的旅行途径是乘飞机”。 means:method;way方法;手段 提示: 1. A train is a means of transportation.火车是一种交通工具。 2. We have no means of helping that poor man.我们没办法帮助那个穷人。 3. We must destroy it by whatever means necessary.我们必须使用一切必要手段摧毁它. 2. (错误) As it turned out, the speaker was shout down by the _________ crowd. A. B. C. D. hostile cold friendly hospitable 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: A 5.0 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“正如所证明的那样,演说者被不友好的人群轰下了台”。 hostile:unfriendly;showing dislike;belong to an enemy不友好,不喜欢;敌对的 1. The proposal was met with a hostile reaction.这一建议遭到了反对。 2. Don?t be 提示: hostile to the new ideas and changes.不要对新观念、新变化持反对意见。 3. The Governor faced hostile crowds when he visited the town yesterday.州长昨天访问该市时,群众纷纷举行抗议。 4. The West has gradually relaxed its hostile attitude to this influential state.西方对这个颇具影响力的国家的敌视态度已逐渐缓和。 3. (错误) Great efforts are needed before we can __________ our goal of economic reform. A. B. C. D. acquire obtain attain gain Choice5 C 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 标准答案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“只有付出了极大的努力之后,我们才能完成经济改革的目标”。 attain goal:达到目标 1. He has 提示: exerted all his strength to attain his goal.他已经尽了全力以达到自己的目标。 2. The salesperson attained her sales goal for the month.这名销售员完成了当月的销售目标。 4. (错误) Unfortunately, he died before his wish to be an astronaut could _________. A. B. C. D. come to come out come up come true 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: D 5.0 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“不幸的是,他想成为宇航员的愿望尚未实现,便去世了”。 提示: come true:happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt (愿望,设计)实现,成为现实 1. Mary hopes her dreams come true.玛丽希望她梦想成真。 2.His childhood wish to become a scientist has come true.他童年时梦想成为科学家的愿望实现了。 3. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true. 对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的白日梦统统变成了现实。 5. (错误) Daydreaming was __________ a waste of time. A. B. C. D. viewing taken viewed as impressed 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“白日做梦曾被视为浪费时间”。 view…as:look upon as把…看作(认为,考虑,看待) 1.He views the whole thing as a joke. 他把这一切视为开玩笑。 2. We should 提示: view things in their totaling.我们应该总整体来看待事物。 3. She should not be viewed as a serious threat. 个体并不构成太大的威胁。 4. Are you be viewed as a trusted advisor by your key clients? 你是否在你的关键客户心目中树立了一种可信任的顾问形象? 一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) We saw a big dog that was fierce and felt frightened in our way home. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: 得分: Identification1 [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 答案:C.改为on。“on one?s way home”是个固定词组,意思是“在提示: 某人回家的路上”。本句大意是“在回家的路上,我们看到一只凶恶的大狗,感到非常恐惧。” 2. (错误) The room, which window faces the south, is the nicest one of all on this floor. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: A 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:A.改为whose。前面的名词room在定语从句中修饰window,提示: 所以用whose来引导定语从句,表示“房间的窗户”。本句大意是“那个窗户朝南的房间是这层最好的房间。”

三、单项选择题(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) It seems to me that I have been __________ my duty. A. B. C. D. overlooking concealing neglecting ignoring 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“似乎一直以来我都在忽视自己的责任”。 neglect:pay no attention to; give no or not enough care to 忽视, 疏忽,玩忽,不顾,漏做,遗忘 1. He neglected to write and say “thank you”.他忘记写并说“谢谢你”了。 2. No one trusts 提示: Bob, for he is never punctual and often neglects his duty. 没有人相信鲍勃,因为他从不守时,而且经常玩忽职守 3. If you are not careful, children tend to neglect their homework.如果你不注意的话,孩子们往往会不重视他们的家庭作业。 4. He′d given too much to his career, worked long hours, neglected her.他为事业付出太多,长时间地工作,忽视了她。 2. (错误) Johnney has been warned time and again that reading in bed will ________ his eyesight, but he just won?t listen. A. B. C. influence affect effect D. interfere Choice5 B 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 标准答案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“已经多次劝诫约翰尼,在床上看书会影响他的视力,可他就是不听”。 affect:cause some result or change;influence影响 1. Reading in the sun will affect your eyesight.在阳光下看书会影响视力。 2. The economic 提示: crisis has seriously affected its exports.经济危机严重地影响了该国的出口。 3. More than seven million people have been affected by drought.已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。 4. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害。 3. (错误) I wrote to ask him how he was getting along _________ his colleagues. A. B. C. D. with in to on Choice5 标准答案: 试题分值: A 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 得分: [0] 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“我写信问他和同事相处得怎么样”。 get along with:have a friendly relationship with 与…友好,与…和睦相处 提示: 1. The girl was very easy to get along with.这女孩很容易相处。 2. How do you get along with your co-workers?您与同事的关系如何? 3. He gets along with his colleagues.他与同事关系相处的非常融洽。 4. The project team member responsible for this part of the project does not get along with the subcontractor.负责项目这部分的项目团队成员与这个分包商的关系也不好。 4. (错误) Daydreaming was __________ a waste of time. A. B. C. D. viewing taken viewed as impressed 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“白日做梦曾被视为浪费时间”。 view…as:look upon as把…看作(认为,考虑,看待) 1.He views the whole thing as a joke. 他把这一切视为开玩笑。 2. We should 提示: view things in their totaling.我们应该总整体来看待事物。 3. She should not be viewed as a serious threat. 个体并不构成太大的威胁。 4. Are you be viewed as a trusted advisor by your key clients? 你是否在你的关键客户心目中树立了一种可信任的顾问形象? 5. (错误) Fruits and vegetables __________ to our health greatly. A. tribute B. C. D. improved contribute led up 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“水果和蔬菜对于增进健康益处极大”。 contribute:help in bring about; have a share in促成,有助于;起一份作用,(为…)做贡献 1. contribute to health对健康有益 2. contribute to the solution of the problem有助于解决问题 提示: 3. The three sons also contribute to the family business.这三个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。 4. I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.我相信我们每一个人都能够对世界的未来有所贡献。 5. He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the uprising.他认为自己能够为有关起义的讨论提供一些信息。 一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) There was too much dust that we couldn?t see what was happening. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答[] 标准答案: B 案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 5.0 答案:B.改为so,因为“so…that…”是一个固定结构,意思是“如提示: 此……以致……”。本句大意是“灰尘太多了,以致于我们根本看不清发生了什么?” 2. (错误) Have you noticed her coat is wet? She must be caught in the rain. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: 得分: Identification1 [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: 答案:C.改为must have C 5.0 提示: been caught。这里考察情态动词对过去事情的判断,must have done的意思是“当时肯定做了某事”。本句大意是“你注意到她的大衣湿了吗?她肯定淋雨了。” 3. (错误) Every now and then he would come here paying a visit to his old aunt, who lived A B C all alone in a small house. D

3. (错误) With the sun setting, we stopped working, putting away our tools and were going to go home. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 答案:C.改为put。And前后的动词要用同样的形式即平行结构,本句前面的动词是stopped,后面的动词是were 提示: going to,所以此处的putting应该改为put(put的过去式还是put)。本句大意是“日落时分,我们停止了工作,收起了工具,准备回家。” 4. (错误) Two woman teachers and four girl students were praised at the meeting yesterday. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: [] 标准答案: A 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:A. 5.0 提示: 改为women。Woman修饰复数名词的时候得用women。本句大意是“昨天的会上有两名女教师和四个女学生受到了表扬。” 5. (错误) Since the injury is bad, the doctors will operate him immediately. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: C 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:C.改为operate on。Operate的意思是“运转,操作”;operate 提示: on sb.的意思是“给某人动手术”。本句大意是“因为他受伤很严重,所以医生将会立刻给他动手术。” 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. (错误) Credit cards let people buy things now and pay for them over months or even years. But some people get deep into debt. And critics say some banks have terms and charges that can make it harder for people to pay off that debt. In the United States, there are calls for stronger government supervision (监督)of the credit card industry. Credit cards have been heavily marketed through the mail and at stores. They offer economic power at a price. In two thousand four, Americans had about eight hundred billion dollars in credit card debt. Now they owe about nine hundred sixty-eight billion. The average interest rate on those cards is currently thirteen and a half percent.

Critics say banks made it too easy to get credit cards. But that may be changing. The crisis in the housing and credits markets is beginning to affect the credit card industry. More payments are late. Charges for late payments are a growing source of profit for banks. But late payments can also signal bad debts.

The central bank, the Federal Reserve, says two-thirds of

American banks have recently reported tighter lending requirements. Many people report having their credit limits reduced without warning. (199字) 1. What is a credit card?

A. a card showing your credit

B. a card which you can use to buy things and pay for it later C. a card which can get you deep into debt D. a card used in the United States.

2. What is not true about credit cards?

A. People can get them though mails or at stores. B. They can increase people?s economic power. C. They are issued by governments. D. There are too many credit cards now.

3. What is the average interest rate on credit cards in America?

A. 800,000,000,000 B. 968,000,000,000 C. 13.5%

D. we don?t know

4. Late payments for credit cards can bring profit to _____.

A. the government B. banks

C. credit card holders D. critics

5. According to the passage, who can reduce people?s credit limits?

A. the government B. banks

C. credit card holders D. critics






1. What is a credit card?

A. a card showing your credit

B. a card which you can use to buy things and pay for it later C. a card which can get you deep into debt D. a card used in the United States. 2. What is not true about credit cards?

A. People can get them though mails or at stores. B. They can increase people?s economic power. C. They are issued by governments.

D. There are too many credit cards now.

3. What is the average interest rate on credit cards in America?

A. 800,000,000,000 B. 968,000,000,000 C. 13.5%

D. we don?t know

4. Late payments for credit cards can bring profit to _____.

A. the government B. banks

C. credit card holders D. critics

5. According to the passage, who can reduce people?s credit limits?

A. the government B. banks

C. credit card holders


试题分值:50.0 得分:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]


提示:1. 本题题目问“credit card(信用卡)是做什么的?”这是细节题,中心词是“credit card”。利用


2. 本题题目问“关于信用卡,下面哪个说法不正确?”这是个是非题,所以我们先要阅读一下选项。A的意思是“人们可以通过邮件的方式或在商店里得到信用卡。”;B的意思是“信用卡可以提高人们的购物力。”;C的意思是“它们是政府发行的。”;D的意思是“现在的信用卡太多了。”。题目中的中心词是“credit cards”。现在我们再进行中心词定位,发现第一段和第二段应该是答案所在。第一段大意是“信用卡让人们先花钱买东西,几个月甚至几年后再换款。但是有些人却因此负债累累。批评家们说银行颁布的条文和进行的收费使得人们更难还清使用信用卡带来的债务。”。据此知道C是错误的,信用卡是银行而不是政府发行的。第二段的大意是“在美国,人们呼吁政府加大对信用卡行业的监督。信用卡通过邮件和商店的渠道已经过度市场化了。人们的经济能力得以提高,但也要付出代价。”A、B、D都是符合原文大意的。

3. 本题题目问“美国信用卡的利息率一般是多少?”这是细节题,中心词是“average interest rate”。经过中心词定位,发现答案在第三段最后一句。所以答案是C。这题的难点在于数字的辨认,所以同学们要弄清楚英语数字单位的知识。

4. 本题题目问“延迟信用卡还款汇给谁带来收益?”这是细节题,中心词是“late payments”和“profit”。经过中心词定位发现答案在第四段的倒数第二句。该句大意是“对延迟还款的收费是银行的一个不断增长的收益点。”据此可知答案是B。

5. 本题题目问“根据课文,谁能够降低人们的信用等级?”这是个细节题,中心词是“reduce”和“credit



1. (错误)

The quickest ___________ of travel is by plane.

A. B.



C. D. means method Choice5 标准答案: 试题分值: C 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 得分: [0] 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“最快的旅行途径是乘飞机”。 means:method;way方法;手段 1. A train is a means of transportation.火车是一种交通工具。 提示: 2. We have no means of helping that poor man.我们没办法帮助那个穷人。 3. We must destroy it by whatever means necessary.我们必须使用一切必要手段摧毁它. 2. (错误) Johnney has been warned time and again that reading in bed will ________ his eyesight, but he just won?t listen. A. B. C. D. influence affect effect interfere Choice5 B 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 标准答案: 得分: [0] 试题分值: 解析:该题选B,题目大意是“已经多次劝诫约翰尼,在床上看书会影响他的视力,可他就是不听”。 affect:cause some result or change;influence影响 1. Reading in the sun will affect your eyesight.在阳光下看书会影响视力。 提示: 2. The economic crisis has seriously affected its exports.经济危机严重地影响了该国的出口。 3. More than seven million people have been affected by drought.已有超过700万的民众受到旱灾的影响。 4. Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.尼古丁会对心脏及动脉功能造成损害。 3. (错误) Unfortunately, he died before his wish to be an astronaut could _________. A. B. C. D. come to come out come up come true 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: D 5.0 解析:该题选D,题目大意是“不幸的是,他想成为宇航员的愿望尚未实现,便去世了”。 come true:happen just as was wished, expected or dreamt (愿望,设计)实现,成为现实 1. Mary hopes 提示: her dreams come true.玛丽希望她梦想成真。 2.His childhood wish to become a scientist has come true.他童年时梦想成为科学家的愿望实现了。 3. For these notable achievers, it appears that their daydreams came true. 对这些著名的成功者来说,似乎他们的白日梦统统变成了现实。 4. (错误) Fruits and vegetables __________ to our health greatly. A. B. C. D. tribute improved contribute led up 知识点: Choice5 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: C 5.0 解析:该题选C,题目大意是“水果和蔬菜对于增进健康益处极大”。 contribute:help in bring about; have a share in促成,有助于;起一份作用,(为…)做贡献 1. contribute to health对健康有益 2. contribute to the solution of the problem有助于解决问题 提示: 3. The three sons also contribute to the family business.这三个儿子也为家族事业做出了贡献。 4. I believe that each of us can contribute to the future of the world.我相信我们每一个人都能够对世界的未来有所贡献。 5. He believes he has something to contribute to a discussion concerning the uprising.他认为自己能够为有关起义的讨论提供一些信息。 5. (错误) _________ and they will take a mile. A. B. C. D. Give them an inch As Giving them an inch To give them an inch Give an inch them Choice5 标准答案: 试题分值: A 5.0 知识点: 学生答案: [] 得分: [0] 解析:该题选A,题目大意是“得寸进尺,指一些人贪心不足”。 本句结构是“祈使句 + and + 陈述句”, 提示: 其中前半部分的“祈使句”相当于if引 导的条件句,后半部分的陈述句用一般 将来时,此结构表示“如果…,就会”。 例如: 1. Give us the tools and we will finish the job in two days.如果给我们工具,我们 就会在两天内完成任务。 2. Fail to pay and they will cut off the electricity. 你如果不付款,他们就会断 电。 3. Tell us what to do and we?ll get on with it. 你如果告诉我们怎么干,我们就继续 干下去。 一、句子改错(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) He wished he didn't tell her the truth that brought her so much pain. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: B 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:B.改为hadn?t told。Wish后面的从句要用虚拟语气,本句是提示: 对过去事情的虚拟。本句大意是“他希望自己当初没有告诉她那个给她带来这么多痛苦的事实。” 2. (错误) Mary found it difficult to talk calmly about which she had experienced at the station. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: C 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:C.改为what。what 引导后面的宾语从句,并且在该从句中提示: 做谓语had experienced的宾语。本句大意是“Mary发现很难平静地谈论自己在车站经历的事情。” 3. (错误) There was too much dust that we couldn?t see what was happening. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: B 5.0 答案:B.改为so,因为“so…that…”是一个固定结构,意思是“如提示: 此……以致……”。本句大意是“灰尘太多了,以致于我们根本看不清发生了什么?” 4. (错误)

There will be more than three hundreds students taking part in the sports meet. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: 学生答案: Identification1 [] 标准答案: B 5.0 得分: [0] 试题分值: 答案:B.改为three hundred。“数字+Hundred”中的hundred不用复提示: 数,但是却有“hundreds of”这样的短语,意思是“好几百, 许许多多”。本句大意是“运动会中将会有三百名学生参加。” 5. (错误) After she got married, Lily went to see her mother each other week. A B C D A. A B. B C. C D. D 知识点: Identification1 学生答案: 得分: [] 标准答案: [0] 试题分值: D 5.0 答案:D.改为every other week,意思是“每隔一周”。“every other+提示: 单数名词”的意思是“每隔一……”。本句大意是“婚后,Lily每隔一周去看她母亲一次。” 二、阅读理解(共1道小题,共50.0分) 1. (错误)

Seven weeks after the powerful 8.0 earthquake claimed more than 70,000 lives in China, Gail McGovern, the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross is in China seeing the needs of the survivors. “The purpose of this trip is to build bridges and to have an opening for a dialogue with the people of China,” McGovern said. “Just to tell them how important China is to our country and how much we want to help the people of China.”

McGovern and David Meltzer, senior vice president of

International Services for the American Red Cross, along several other humanitarian organizations and leaders of corporations?C such as Procter and Gamble, Honeywell, Cisco, Chevron and Johnson &

Johnson― traveled to China at the invitation of the U.S. Government?s Agency for International Development (USAID)

On Monday in city of Yingxiu, they talked to students and teachers who survived the collapse of their schools during the quake.

“By far the most heartbreaking, emotional sight that I saw was at the primary school where one young girl described the terror and what happened,” McGovern said. “She described losing her brother and losing her friend and the sounds; that was really the moment that it hit me: This isn?t just looking at construction, it?s looking at broken lives.” The American Red Cross has committed $20 million to help the earthquake survivors recover and sent two relief experts to the affected area. Later this week, another relief worker will be heading to China to work with the Red Cross Society in China to support longer-term recovery efforts and help determine additional needs.

Although the recovery is fading from the headlines, great needs still remain. Even though McGovern has only been in her new position two weeks, she says meeting these survivors has reaffirmed her commitment to the organization.(共302字) 1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. the earthquake in China

B. the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross C. the visit of the leader of the American Red Cross to the

earthquake-affected area in China

D. survivors in the earthquake which hit China

2. What is the purpose of McGovern?s visit to China?

A. to show that she was the new leader of the American Red Cross B. to build some bridges for the earthquake-stricken area in China C. to do business with China

D. to provide some help to the survivors in the earthquake

3. Which of the following did not come to China with McGovern?

A. people from some humanitarian organizations B. leaders of some American companies C. David Meltzer D. Johnson

4. What impressed McGovern most during her visit?

A. students and teachers

B. what a primary school girl told her C. the collapse of buildings D. the sounds of the earthquake

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

A. McGovern came to China several weeks after the earthquake happened.

B. The American Red Cross had already provided help to the survivors.

C. The Chinese government invited McGovern to China. D. The earthquake recovery appeared less in the headlines.






1. What is the passage mainly about?

A. the earthquake in China

B. the new president and CEO of the American Red Cross C. the visit of the leader of the American Red Cross to the

earthquake-affected area in China

D. survivors in the earthquake which hit China 2. What is the purpose of McGovern?s visit to China?

A. to show that she was the new leader of the American Red


B. to build some bridges for the earthquake-stricken area in


C. to do business with China

D. to provide some help to the survivors in the earthquake 3. Which of the following did not come to China with McGovern?

A. people from some humanitarian organizations B. leaders of some American companies C. David Meltzer D. Johnson

4. What impressed McGovern most during her visit?

A. students and teachers

B. what a primary school girl told her C. the collapse of buildings

D. the sounds of the earthquake

5. According to the passage, which of the following statements is not true?

A. McGovern came to China several weeks after the

earthquake happened.

B. The American Red Cross had already provided help to the


C. The Chinese government invited McGovern to China.

D. The earthquake recovery appeared less in the headlines.

试题分值:50.0 得分:[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

提示:1. 本题问“本文主要内容是关于什么的?”这是中心思想题,一般来说我们可以通过阅读每段的


字会的新任总裁和首席执行官”,D的意思是“中国地震的幸存者”。 2. 本题问“McGovern的中国之行有什么目的?”这是个细节题,可以采用中心词定位的方法。中心词是“purpose”,答案在第二段。该段大意是“McGovern说道,?这趟中国行的目的就是构筑交流的桥梁,就是开启和中国人民的对话之窗。??要告诉中国人民中国对于我们国家是多么的重要,我们是多么的想帮助中国人民?。”从此处可以看出她的中国行主要是来帮助灾区人民,所以D是答案。A的意思是“为了表明自己是美国红十字会的新领导”,B的意思是“为了给中国灾区修几座桥”(此处明显是混淆大家视线的,因为原文中有build bridges的字样),C的大意是“为了和中国做生意”。 3. 本题问“下面哪些人没有和McGovern一起来中国?”这是细节题,可以先浏览选项然后直接在原文中找答案。答案在第三段,第三段中提到来中国的有David Meltzer,他是美国红十字会下属机构的一个领导人;还有人道主义机构的人员(humanitarian organizations);还包括有一些大公司的领导人(leaders of corporations)。也就是说A、B、C都来中国了,所以D是答案。这里请注意,原文中的Johnson-Johnson(美国强生公司)是一个公司的名称并非是指某个人。 4. 本题问“中国之行中什么让McGovern印象最深?”这是细节题,但是题干中的中心词“impressed”似乎并没有在原文中出现,原文用了别的词来代替它。这也就是学位英语的难度所在了。答案在第五段,该段大意是“?最让我心碎,动情的地方就是我在一所小学的所见。有个小姑娘向我讲述了发生在那里的事情和她的恐惧,?McGovern说道,?她告诉我她失去了弟弟和伙伴,向我描述了可怕的声音,这一切真让我震惊:我们看到的不仅有灾后的建设,而且有受伤的心灵。?”从这里可以看出,答案是B(一个小学女生告诉她的话语)。 5. 本题问“根据文章,下面哪个说法不正确?”这是是非题,我们解题时先要浏览四个选项。A的意思是“McGovern是在地震发生了好几周后才来到了中国”,本文第一段提到了这一点。B的意思是“美国红十字会已经向地震的幸存者提供了帮助”,倒数第二段提到美国红十字会向灾区捐款和派了救援专家,所以B是正确的。C的意思是“McGovern是应中国政府邀请才来中国的”,第三段的最后一句说到McGovern一行是由美国政府国际发展署的邀请而来中国的,所以C是错误的。D的意思是“地震的救援工作出现在新闻头条的频率变少了”,文章最后一段的第一句提到了这一点,值得注意的是此句中的“fading”(原形为fade)的意思。Fade的意思是“褪色、消失”。 三、单项选择题(共5道小题,共25.0分) 1. (错误) Guesswork is no ___________ for investigation. A. B. C. D. goal project achievement substitute Choice5 标准答案: D 知识点: 学生答案: []

