四川省2018学年七年级英语第一次月考试题 人教新目标版 精品 - 图文

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总分:120分 时间:90分钟 得分____________ 听力部分(20分)


( ) 1、What can Betty do? A.

( )2. What’s this in English?


( )3. What are these?

A. B. C.

( )4. What day is Lingling’s favourite day?


( )5. How is the weather?

A. B. C.


( )6.A.play football B. playing football C. playing the piano

B. C. B. C. B. C. ( )7. A. your friend B. You’re my friend. C. Are you my friend? ( )8. A. It’s a bed B. on the bed C. It’s on the bed. ( )9. A. They’re desks. B. These are desks. C. There are some desks. ( )10. A. these bags B. These are books. C. these books


( )11. A. They’re black. B. White. C. Yes, it’s a green bike. ( )12. A. Yes, I’m a boy. B. My name’s Li Ping. C. Yes, I’m Li Ping. ( )13. A. It’s three. B. Three desks. C. Three.

( )14. A. Yes, it is. B. No, there isn’t. C. There isn’t a cat. ( )15. A. It’s cool. B. Cold. C. It’s very warm.

四、语篇理解:请根据你所听到的短文,做16-20小题,选择正确答案,并将其字母代号填入题前括号内。爱学习的你一定能选对的,是吧!每题念三遍。(5分) ( )16. Tony is ___________.

A. an American boy B. fourteen C. in Grade One ( )17. Tony and Betty ____________.

A. are in Class Two B. in China C. English ( )18. Mr. Chen is ____________.

A. Tony’s teacher B. Betty’s Chinese teacher C. an English teacher ( )19. _________ likes basketball.

A. Tony B. Betty C. Mr. Chen ( )20. There are __________ students in Tony’s class. A. twenty-one B. twenty-five C. forty-six

笔试部分 (100分)

一. 下面有一些单项选择,看看谁做得最好,要认真考虑啊!请选择最符合题意的选项,并将字母代号填

入括号内。(共30小题,每小题1分;共30分) ( )21.下列字母中不含有E 的读音的是_________.

A. Z B. C C. V D. G

( )22. _______ the girls English?

A. Is B. Am C. Are D. Can

( )23. ---How are you? --- __________.

A. Fine, thanks. B. Yes, I’m fine. C. Good. Thank you. D. He’s fine. How are you?

( )24. --- __________? --- A bird.

A. What’s this B. What are they C. A bird D. Is that a bird ( )25. ---Is it a dog? ---__________.

A. Yes, it’s B. No, it’s a dog C. Yes D. It’s a dog. ( )26. ---How many birds are there? ---________.

A. They’re nine B. There are nine C. Nine bird D. It’s nine ( )27.---What’re these? ---____________.

A. There are flowers B. Are flowers C. Flowers D. It’s flowers ( )28. --- It’s Wednesday tomorrow. What day is it today? ---- It’s __________.

A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday D. Monday ( )29. These are _______ books..

A. you B. a C. 不填 D. her friend ( )30. _______ boy is my son.

A. This B. A C. 不填 D. An ( )31. Mike is ________ American boy.

A. an B. a C. 不填 D. my

( )32. ---How many ________ are there? ---There is one computer.

A. pens B. computer C. computers D. pen ( )33. --- A cup? --- _________.

A. No, it’s a orange B. Yes, is cup C. Yes, it’s a cup D. A cup

( )34. _________ is my favourite sport.

A. Play basketball B. A basketball

C. Basketball D. Playing the basketball ( )35. Let’s _________ football ________ Tuesday afternoon.

A. play, on B. playing, on C. play, in D. playing, in ( )36. _______ name is Sue. ________ is a girl from Canada.

A. His, he B. Her, She’s C. She’s, She D. Her, She ( )37. Li Lei is from _________, and he’s _________. A. China, American B. Chinese, China

C. Beijing, Chinese D. Chinese, Chinese ( )38. Tom and I _______ friends.

A. am B. is C. are D. be ( )39. --- are you from? --- I am from Wuhan.

A. What B. How C. When D. Where

( )40. I sports, but I don’t like __________. A. can, swim B. likes, swimming C. like, swim ( )41. ---_____ is the desk?

---It’s red.

A. What colour B. What C. Who D what’s colour ( )42. Mr Green is ______ teacher. He is _______English teacher. A. a; a B. a; an C. an; a D. an, an ( )43. ---What’s this in English?


A. A desk B. It’s desk C. It a desk D. Is a desk ( )44.当别人夸奖你英语说得好时,你应该说________ A.No. B.Good. C.Yes. D.Thank you. ( )45、My English teacher is .

A. Miss Chen B. Teacher Chen C. Chen Miss D. miss chen

( )46、--- Is Mike from England?

--- . He’s from Cambridge.

D. like, swimming

A. Yes, he is B. Yes, she is C. No, he isn't D. No, I'm not ( )47、--- Are these your friends?

---- .

A. Yes, these are B. Yes, it is C. No, they can't D. Yes, they are ( )48、How many are there in China? A. city

B. citys C. cities D. cityes

( )49. --- What’s your favourite sport?


A. Swiming B. Play football C. Swim D. Swimming ( )50. Wang Hui is my friend, ________ he isn’t in my class.

A. but B. and C. so D. 不填


Look at the picture(照片,图画). It’s a photo(照片) of my family(家庭). 51 are three people(人) in my family. My father is a worker. 52 likes 53 . And 54 favourite sport is 55 . Oh, the woman(妇女) on the left(左边) is my 56 . She is an English teacher

in my school. She 57 play table tennis very well(好). And her favourite 58 59 eggs(蛋) and fish. She 60 61 pingpeng(乒乓). The 62 in the middle(中间) is me, and my name is Lucy. Betty and I 63 good friends. 64 Class Four. I like listening to music and I can sing. But I 65 playing computer games. I think it is bad(坏的) for my lessons(功课). My father and mother love me very much. I have a happy family. ( )51. A. These B. There C. They ( )52. A. He B. She C. His

( )53. A. drive(驾驶) a car B. driveing car C. driving a car ( )54. A. he B. he’s C. his

( )55. A. play football B. football C. playing the football ( )56. A. mother B. father C. brother ( )57. A. likes B. like C. can ( )58. A. sport B. food C. colour ( )59. A. am B. is C. are ( )60. A. likes B. favourite C. like ( )61. A. play B. playing a C. / ( )62. A. boy B. girl C. dog ( )63. A. am B. is C. are ( )64. A. We B. We’re C. We’re in ( )65. A. like B. don’t like C. can’t



Hello. I am Chinese. My name is Wang Fei. I am thirteen. I’m from Beijing. But I am in No.5 Middle School in Nanjing now. This is my friend. His name is Tony Green. He is an English boy. He is twelve. He and I are in the same(相同) class. Our classroom is next to(相邻) the teachers’ office. We have Chinese and English lessons every day. Our English teacher is Mr. Read. He is English but he can speak Chinese, too. Our Chinese teacher is Mr. Ding. They are good teachers, and they are our friends, too. ( )66. Tony Green .

A. has a Chinese friend in England B. is in an English school now C. is Wang Fei’s English teacher D. has a Chinese friend in China now ( )67. Wang Fei .

A. is a student of No.5 school B. is in an English school C. is twelve

D. and Tony Green are in the same class

( )68. Mr. Read is .

A. Tony’s English teacher B. Tony's Chinese teacher C. a teacher of English school in Nanjing D. in Wang Fei’s class

( )69. Mr. Ding .

A. can speak English, too B. is a teacher of Chinese C. and Wang Fei have Chinese classes every day D. is our English teacher ( )70. Tony Green is from . A. China

B. America C. England D. Australia

四、完成对话:请根据对话的上下文填空,一空一词。(共10空,每空1分;共10分) A: Hello, I’m your teacher and 71 my students. Can you help me, please? B: Yes, of course.

A: 72 these in English? B: They’re chairs.

A: 73 74 chairs are there? B: 75 four chairs. A: 76 the chairs green? B: No, they 77 . They’re yellow. A: How old are you?

B: I’m twelve 78 old. 79 80 you? A: I’m thirteen.

71.__________ 72.________ 73. ________74. ________75. __________ 76. __________77. ________78. ________79. ________80. __________


一词。(共5小题,每小题1分;共5分) 81、London is the c_______ of England.. 82、B________ is her favourite sport. 83、It’s warm in New York in s________. 84、Please w________ it on the blackboard. 85、In English, the given name is f_______. 注意:答题卷上写完整的单词。

81.___________82. ___________83. __________84. ___________85. _________ 六、根据所给单词或汉语提示,用正确形式填空。(共10空,每空1分;共10分) 86. ________ (she) _________(brother) favourite colour is blue.

87. He likes _________(play) football and he’s _____________(美国). 88. Let’s __________(listen) to the tape(磁带). ________(be) you ready? 89. These are ________(we) ___________ (同学). We’re in Class 1.

90. It’s __________(星期六) today. There are six________(老师) in the classroom. 七、汉译英:将下列汉语译成英语,一空一词。(共10空,每空1分;共10分) 91、这是什么?是英语书。

_________this? ________ ________ English book. 92、纽约得冬季天气如何?很冷。

What’s the _________ ________ in New York in ________? It’s ________. 93、我们一起在放学之后去游泳吧!好主意。

Let’s go ________ ________ _______. Good idea. 八、书面表达:(共10分)

假设你是七年级四班的学生李大明, 请用英语写一篇短文,以“My friend and I”为题,介绍你自己和你的美国朋友Sam两人的基本情况,如:姓名、年龄、出生地(国籍)、学校班级、爱好等。约40至60词,介绍自己和朋友至少各五句话。


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