六年级下第一单元 A B试题 - 图文

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一、看图用“taller / shorter than, younger / older than, stronger than”



1)____________taller than_________. 2)____________shorter than_________. 3)____________stronger than_________.


1)____________taller than_________. 2)____________shorter than_________. 二、看图答题。(44分)


1. _______ is taller than Liu Xiang.

2. Lang Ping is 4 years______ than Li Ning. 3. ______is 20 cm shorter than______.

4. Li Ning is______ heavy. Liu Xiang is______heavy. ______ is heavier than______.

(二)判断对错。(12分)(对的写T 错的写F) 1. Liu Xiang is 3 years older than Yao Ming. ( ) 2. Li Ning is 20 cm shorter than Lang Ping. ( ) 3. Yao Ming is taller and younger than Li Ning. ( )

三、根据实际情况选词填空。(20分)(taller shorter younger older )

1. My uncle is ______than my father. 2. My aunt is ______than my mother. 3. My cousin is ______than me. 4. I am ______than my cousin. 四、介绍你的家庭成员。(16分)

This is my father. This is my . He is ______ years old. She is ______ years old.

My mother is ______ than my father.

答案: 一、

1.1)Yao Ming is taller than the girl. 2)The girl is shorter than Yao Ming. 3)Yao Ming is stronger than the girl. 2.1)Snow White is taller than the dwarf. 2)The dwarf is shorter than Snow White. 二、(一)1. Yao Ming 2. older 3. Li Ning, Lang Ping 4. 58

kg, 74 kg, Liu Xiang, Li Ning .

(二)1.F 2.T 3.T


taller / shorter / younger / older / stronger 四、My mother is younger / older than my father.



一、Look and find out.(找出不合群的一个)(20分)

( ) 1. A. big B. younger C. older D. taller ( ) 2. A. 12years B. 12kg C. 50kg D. 15kg ( ) 3. A. bigger B. thinner C. hotter D. taller ( ) 4. A. yellow B. little C. brown D. red 二、将下列对话补充完整。(15分)

A: Look at my photo. This is my sister. B: How_____is she? A: ______twelve years old.

B: Oh, she’s three years______than you. How______is she? A: She’s 148 cm. I’m 150 cm. She’s 2cm _____than me. 三、单项选择。(20分)

1. He is taller than_____. A. my B. mine C. me

2. You are 2 cm____ than your sister. A. taller B. older C. heavier 3. How____ are you? I’m 48 kg. A. tall B. heavy C. old

4. This is me. That is____ friend. A. I B. me C. my

5. She____ big eyes and long hair. A. have B. is C. has


1. 42 cm, is, Its, about, tail, long(连词成句)


2.I’m 11years old. (对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ you?

3. taller, than, heavier, I, and, am, him(连词成句) I_______________________.

4. Jack is 54 kg.(对划线部分提问) _____ _____ _____ Jack?

5. Amy is shorter than me.(对划线部分提问) _____ shorter than______? 五、读一读,写出同意句。(15分)

1. I’m taller and stronger than you.

____________________________. 2. My hands are bigger than yours. ____________________________. 3. My arms are longer than yours. ____________________________. 六、阅读理解。(10分)

Children in the USA like K Day very much. K is for kites.

March 7th is the day. On that day a lot of children go out to fly kites. They take their kites with them. Some kites are very big. Others are small. They are in different colors(颜色). To get the kites up, the children begin to run(开始跑). Now the kites are flying in the sky. The one like a bird is the highest(最高的). They are very happy.


( ) 1. K Day is on March 7th in the USA. ( ) 2. Children fly kites in their garden(花园). ( ) 3. Some kites are bigger than others. ( ) 4. The biggest kite is like a bird.


一、1. A 2. A 3. D(提示:尽管它们都是形容词的比

较级,但A,B,C结尾都双写了) 4. B(提示:A,C,D都是颜色) 二、old She’s older/younger heavy shorter 三、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 四、1. Its tail is about 42 cm long. 2. How old are

3. I am taller and heavier / heavier and taller than him. 4. How heavy is 5. Who’s you

五、1. I’m shorter and thinner than you.

2. My hands are smaller than yours. 3. My arms are shorter than yours. 六、1. √

2.× (提示:由?go out to fly kites 知) 3. √ 4. √


一、1. A 2. A 3. D(提示:尽管它们都是形容词的比

较级,但A,B,C结尾都双写了) 4. B(提示:A,C,D都是颜色) 二、old She’s older/younger heavy shorter 三、1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 四、1. Its tail is about 42 cm long. 2. How old are

3. I am taller and heavier / heavier and taller than him. 4. How heavy is 5. Who’s you

五、1. I’m shorter and thinner than you.

2. My hands are smaller than yours. 3. My arms are shorter than yours. 六、1. √

2.× (提示:由?go out to fly kites 知) 3. √ 4. √

