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英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 前 言




1、与教材同步,学生可以从中获得多角度、全方位、省时高效的强化训练。 2、习题设计突出教材重点、难点,注重学生基础知识和基本技能的训练。 3、努力培养学生灵活的分析能力、思维能力和解决问题的能力,同一知识点以不同的形式呈现,力求做到一题多用,开拓思维,提高学生综合运用知识的能力。





英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 目 录

Unit 1 Ann’s dream Lesson 1………………………………………………1 Unit 1 Ann’s dream Lesson 2………………………………………………4 Unit 1 Ann’s dream Lesson 3………………………………………………7 Unit 1 Ann’s dream 单元综合练习 ………………………………………10 Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day Lesson 1…………………………………………14 Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day Lesson 2…………………………………………18 Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day Lesson 3…………………………………………21 Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day 单元测试…………………………………………25 Unit 3 School sports day Lesson 1 …………………………………………30

Lesson 2 …………………………………………32 Lesson 3 …………………………………………34

Unit 3 School sports day 综合测试 …………………………………………37 Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday Lesson 1…………………………………………43 Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday Lesson 2…………………………………………46 Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday Lesson 3…………………………………………49 Unit 4 Mocky’s birthday 综合练习…………………………………………52 Unit 5 I’m taller than Mocky Lesson 1……………………………………56 Unit 5 I’m taller than Mocky Lesson 2……………………………………59 Unit 5 I’m taller than Mocky Lesson 3……………………………………63 Unit 5 I’m taller 综合练习…………………………………………………65 Unit 6 Review 综合练习(一)……………………………………………69

综合练习(二)……………………………………………74 综合练习(三)……………………………………………79


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

Unit 1 Ann’s dream

Lesson 1

一、听音,选出你听到的词。 ( )1.A.star ( )2.A.planet ( )3.A.astronaut ( )4.A.yesterday ( )5.A.finally 二、听音,标号。

B. space C. spaceship B. moon B. afraid B. then

C. sun C. air C. dream C. first

B. friendly

( ) ( ) ( )

( ) ( ) ( ) 三、 选择正确的中文意思,将序号填入括号内。 1. ( ) planet 2. ( ) afraid 3. ( ) fun 4. ( ) kitchen 5. ( ) space 6. ( ) Martian 7. ( ) friendly 8. ( ) cold 9. ( ) earth 10. ( )where

A.行星 A.害怕 A.快速 A.鸡肉 A.宇宙 A.火星 A.朋友 A.寒冷的 A.地球 A.这里


B.盘子 B.高兴 B.快乐 B.厨房 B.宇航员 B.火星人 B.友好的 B.炎热的 B.星球 B.哪里

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

四、将答句序号填在问句左边括号里。 ( )1.Are you ready? ( )2.What are these? ( )3.Who are they? ( )4.Where are you from? ( )5.Is it cold today? 五、单项选择。

( )1.Last night I ______ a dream.

A. have B. has C. had

( ) 2.In the dream, I ______ an astronaut.

A. am B. were C. was

( ) 3.There were _______ stars and planets.

A. many B. much C. more

( ) 4.Wow! We are _______Mars now.

A. in B. at C. on

( ) 5.--- ______ are you from? ---We are from the earth.

A. Where B. What C. How

六、连词组句,注意标点符号和大小写。 1.holiday, you, were, where, this, (?)

2.a lot of, fun, had, we, yesterday (.)

3.the, space, in, were, there, many, planets, and, stars(.) 4.air, was, no, there(.)

5.was, I, home, at, afternoon, yesterday(.)

七、根据题意用am、is 、are、 was 、were填空 1.Aunt Tina ______thin now. But she ______fat in 1996. 2.I ______thin in 1996. Now I ______ fat and tall. 3.Lily’s hair ______short then. Now it ______ long.


A. Yes, I am . B. No, it’s warm. C. They’re my friends. D. We’re from the earth. E. They’re space suits.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 4.Bobby ______ a baby then. Now he ______ a little boy. 八、阅读短文,选择正确答案。

Lin Xin and Li Jun are sisters. They are Chinese, but they are in America now. They speak English. They look the same. Their sweaters look the same, too. They are yellow. They are very nice sweaters. Look at this sweater. It’s Lin Xin’s. Li Jun can’t find her sweater. She thinks her sweater is at home, but it’s in her backpack.

( )1.Lin Xin and Li Jun are ______ .

A. English B. England C. Chinese D. China ( ) 2. Lin Xin and Li Jun are ______ .

A. brothers B. sisters C. friends D. in China ( )3.They are______

A. boys B. girls C. workers D. teachers ( )4.Lin Jun’s sweater is ______ .

A. at home B. her C. in Lin Xin’s backpack D. in Li Jun’s backpack

( )5.Their sweaters are ______ .

A. yellow B. same C. color D. at home


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

Unit 1 Ann’s dream

Lesson 2

一、听音,选出你听到的单词。 ( )1. A. Robert ( )2. A. rabbit ( )3. A. Lily ( )4. A. Lisa ( )5. A. was

B. red B. run B. love B. lunch B. were

C. robot C. race C. like C.lot C. had ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二、听音,判断对( T )错( F )。 1.Mocky had a dream last night. 2.Sally goes around the moon. 3.We had a Chinese class. 4.We were in space.

5.Where were you yesterday?

三、读句子,根据课文的内容判断正( T )误( F )。 ( )1.In the dream, Ken and Ann were astronauts. ( )2.In the dream ,Ken and Ann were on the moon. ( )3.They met Martians on Mars. ( )4.The Martians were on Mars. ( )5.On Mars, it’s very cold. ( )6.There was water on Mars. ( )7.There was no trees on Mars. ( )8.There was air on Mars.

( )9.In the dream, they made friends with Martians. ( )10.Ken and Ann had fun on Mars. 四、好朋友,手拉手。 1.yesterday 2.then 3.space 4.spaceship 5.planet 6.moon 7.star

A.终于 B.有好的 C.星星 D.行星 E.月亮 F.昨天 G.然后


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 8.friendly 9.finally 五、单项选择。

1.Yesterday I _______ a banana. A. had A. has

B. has. C. have. B. have

C. had

2.He _______ an English class yesterday. 3.---Where were you yesterday? ---I _______at home . A. was

B. were

C. had

4.---Where was Lily last night? ---She _______in the park. A. is A. was A. having A. whose A. is A. was A. are; He

B. was B. were B. has B. What B. was B. are B. are; She

C. were C. are C. have C. Where C. has C. were C. is; She

5.Mary and Sue _______ at school yesterday afternoon. 6.We _______fun at the beach. 7. _______was Tom yesterday?

8.The red flower was small. It _______big now. 9.They _______ in the kitchen just now. 10.Lucy _______ a girl. _______ is a student. 11. — _______ was Ken ? — He was at home. A. Where

B. What

C. Who

12.Astronauts wear _______ in space.

A. space coats B. space suits C. space shorts 六、看图用过去时完成句子。

H.太空 I.宇宙飞船



英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 2.


4. 七、句型转换。

1.Was there air on Mars? ( 作否定回答 )

2.They were on Mars. ( 对划线部分提问 )

3.Mars was very cold. ( 改为一般疑问句 )

4.They were friendly. ( 改为否定句 )

5.Are you a student? ( 作肯定回答 )


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

Unit 1 Ann’s dream

Lesson 3

一、给下列句子排序。 ( ) I had a good dream. ( ) There was no water. ( ) There was no people. ( ) We had fun on Mars. ( ) Mars was very cold. ( ) There was no air.

( ) We were afraid but Martians were friendly. 二、选出与众不同的单词。 1. ( ) A. pilot B. teacher C. dancer 2. ( ) A. office B. classroom C. playground

3. ( ) A. Mars B. moon C. star

4. ( ) A. planet B. star

C. yesterday



( )1.What day is it today?

( )2.Were you at school last night? ( )3.How old are you this year? ( )4.Where were you last night? ( )5.Was she at home yesterday? B栏 A.I’m ten. B. It’s Monday. C. No, we weren’t. D. Yes, she was.

E. I was at the movie theater. 四、单项选择。

1.—Where were you last Sunday? —I _______ at home.


D. Mars D. moon D. dance D. space

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 A. am

B. was

C. were

2. —What can you see in the sky at night ? —I can see many _______ . A. moon — Yes, I was. A. Were A. on A. star A. are A. are A. have A. with A. in 五、连词组句。

1.an ,I, astronaut, was. ( . )

2.space, we, in ,were ( . )

3.where, you, yesterday, were ( ? )

4.some, had, they, fun ( . )

5.kitchen, she, in, was, the ( . )

六、选词完成短文,然后判断句子对( T )错( F )。

Yesterday afternoon, Bobby Bear visited his grandma. He_______ (had, have) a gift for her. It _______(was, were) a jug of money. But his grandma _______ (was, were) not in the living room. Where _______(was, were)she? Was she in the kitchen ? Was she in


B. stars C. sun

3. —_______ you in the park yesterday evening?

B. Was B. at B. stars B. was B. was B. had B. and B. at

C. Had C. of

C. a lot of stars C. were C. were C. has C. from C. on

4. We were afraid _______ the Martians, but they were friendly. 5. There were many _______ and planets. 6. We _______astronauts now.

7. We _______ astronauts in the dream last night . 8. I _______ a dream yesterday evening. 9. Amy went to the zoo_______ her parents. 10. Sam was _______ the movie theater.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 the bedroom? Oh, she _______(was, were) in the garden. She _______(has, had )many flowers in her hands.

1)Grandma was in the kitchen. ( ) 2) Grandma was in the garden . ( ) 3)The flower is a gift for Bobby Bear. ( )


I’m a student. After school I have a lot of things to do. When I get home, first I put the bag on the desk. Then I do my homework for about thirty minutes(分钟). At the same time, my mother cooks the dinner. About 6:30, we eat dinner together. After dinner, I watch TV with my parents. I usually go to bed at nine o’clock.

( ) ( ) ( )

4. 5.

( ) ( ) 八、阅读理解,判断正( T )误( F )。

Yesterday, I had a dream. In my dream, I couldn’t see. I couldn’t speak Chinese. I could’t walk and run. I was very afraid .Suddenly a Martian came and he helped me. He gave me some medicine. At that time, I could see. I could speak Chinese . I could walk and run. I was very ,very happy.

( )1. Yesterday, I had a dream. ( )2. In my dream, I couldn’t laugh. ( )3.At first, I was very happy. ( )4. The Martian couldn’t help me. ( )5.At last, I could see. I was very happy.


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

Unit 1 Ann’s dream


一、听音,选择你听到的单词。 ( )1.A.dream ( )2.A.earth ( )3.A.space ( )4.A.fun ( )5.A.easy

B. many B. planet B. class B. sun B. difficult

C. swim C. moon C. stop C. song C. then


Amy Lily Lisa Peter Tom Mike

Beijing Shanghai Guilin Xi’an Wuhan Xiamen 三、读单词,选同类词填空。 saw friendly spaceship yesterday evening where 1.quickly lovely lonely ( ) 2.ship train plane ( ) 3.had were was ( ) 4.who where what ( )

5.yesterday afternoon last night last Sunday ( ) 四、单项选择。

1.—Where _______ you yesterday afternoon? — I _______ at school. A. were, were A. have

B. was, were B. had


C. were, was C. has

2.Ann and Sue _______lots of fun there yesterday.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 3.There was no _______ . A. trees A. are A. singing A. last A. with A. at A. a A. about 五、连词成句。

1.did, you, yesterday, what, do ( ? )

2. yesterday, was, where, he ( ? )

3.a, spaceship, were, in, they ( . )

4.night, had, dream, he, last ,a ( . )

六、选词填空。 had was were is am are 1.I _______ a student in Grade 5 this year. Last year I _______ in Grade 4.

2.Ken ______ Ann’s brother. Ann ______ Ken’s sister. They ______ Mocky’s friend. 3.Peter and I _______ at the park yesterday.

4.On Sunday we usually _______ at home, but last Sunday we _______ at school. 5.Nancy _______ a dance class after school yesterday.

6.Ann _______ my friend. But in my dream, Ann _______ not my friend. 七、根据问句,选择相应答语,将序号填入括号内。 ( )1.Where were you ?


B. water B. were B. sing B. now B. to B. in B. an B. to

C. flower C. was C. are singing C. last night C. for C. on C.\\ C. for

4.Your shoes _______ not clean two hours ago. 5.We _______ a song now. 6.I had a dream _______ .

7.Lily was at the park _______ Kate.

8.There was a young man _______ a small town. 9.They had _______ old brown cow. 10.Tell your friends _______ your dream.

A. He was here.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 ( )1. A: How much is the cap? B:

( )2. A: What’s the matter with you? B:

( )3. A: B: Yes. I think it’s very interesting.

( )4. A: Whose bag is it? B:

( )5. A: B: It’s under the chair.

九. 单项选择,将正确答案的序号写在句前的括号里。 ( )1. We on vacation last weekend .

A. go A. slowly A. don’t A. play A. or A. is A. is , is

B. are going B. slow B. am not B. plays B. so B. are B. was , is


C. went C. slows C. didn’t C. played C. because C. am C. is , was

( )2. Please eat it . ( )3. Yesterday I visit my grandpa. ( )4. They didn’t football.

( )5. I like spring it’s green everywhere. ( )6. How old he?

( )7. Sam ______ ten years old last year. How old ______ he this year?

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 ( )8. I ________ an English class yesterday.

A. have A. How much A. are , am

B. has B. How old B. were , was

C. had C. How many C. are , was

( )9. ________ are you? I _______ eleven years old. ( )10. Where _________ you yesterday? I ______ at school.

Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day

Lesson 2

一. 看图听句子,判断图片是否与所听到的内容一致,一致在括号中用“√”表示,不一致用“×”表示。每句读两遍。

1 ( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( ) 4 ( )

5( ) 6( ) 7 ( ) 8( )

9 ( ) 10 ( ) 二.仿照例子写出单词的各种形式。

例:clean cleans cleaning cleaned 1. look 2. pat 3.watch 4. read


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 5. go 6. visit 7 .come 8. give 9. make 10. do 1. at home 5. in the morning 7.read the story 9.watch a movie 四.连词成句。

1. big , a , Mocky , banana , gave , Ann ( . )

2. patted , the , shoulder , on , Ken , him, ( . )

3. I , not , am , hungry, very, ( . )

4. he , what, doing, is , ( ? )

5. at , you , did, yesterday, what, school , do, evening ( ? ) 五.选择正确答案。

1. Ann hit Sam_____________ the back?

A. at A. come, with A. an A. anywhere

B. in

B. came , and B. a

B. everywhere

C. on C. came , with

C. / D. the C. somewhere

2. Yesterday , Mocky_________ to play ________ Ann. 3. They were eating ________ breakfast. 4. The banana went____________. 5. ---Do you want a banana? --- ___________________ .


___________ _____________ ____________

2. 在学校 4. 看电影 6. 在厨房 8.一条大鱼 10. 在早晨


3. clean the classroom

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 A. No, thank you.

B. Sorry, thank you. C. No, please.


1.Yesterday Peter _____________ (visit) Marina .

2. He wasn’t at school yesterday , because he was _________(sick). 3. Every evening, I ____________(watch) TV at home. 4. After dinner, I help Mom ____________ (clean)the table.

5. They _____________ (put)their schoolbags in the bedroom just now. 七.阅读短文,从括号中选出正确单词完成句子。

1.Last night I _____________( had , have ) a dream . In the dream , I_____________ ( was , were ) a king . I __________ (have, had ) a birthday party in the town . All the school closed .There ____________ ( was , were ) many people in my party. A singer _____________( come , comes , came ) to my party. We ___________( sing , sang ) and ______________( dance , dancing , danced ) . And then we _______________ ( play , played ) football and I ______________ ( get , getting , got ) a hamburger for that . I ____________ ( eat , eats , ate ) the hamburger. Suddenly I __________( wake , woke ) up .Oh ,no , I _________( am , was , were ) late for school.

2.It ___________ (is , was ) Saturday yesterday . Allen and Matt ___________ ( come ,comes ,came ) to play ___________ (football ,football )with their friends . It was___________ (cold , hot )yesterday and after the game they ___________ (are ,were ) all very thirsty .So they ___________ (go,goes, went ) back for some ___________ (bread ,hamburgers , water ). Allen drank quickly and suddenly he ___________ (cough, coughs , coughed ). Matt___________ (pat , patting , patted ) him ___________ (at , on, in ) the back then he___________ (is , was ) better .


Helen Keller was born ( 出生 ) in America in 1880. As a small child , she became blind( 瞎的 ) and deaf ( 聋的 )。 She could n’t hear. Later ,Helen had a teacher. The teacher drew letters in Helen’s hand. Helen learned to speak. Later she learned to read. She could also write .She wrote a book about herself .She went all over the world .And she lived to be 87 .Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for all of us .

1. Where was Helen Keller born ?

2. When was she born ?

3. Could she see anything ?

4. What did the teacher do for Helen ?


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 5. Was Helen very famous ( 著名的 ) ?

Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day

Lesson 3


( )1. Yesterday they went to town. ( )2. Yesterday we cleaned the house. ( )3.Today we all went to the park . ( )4. At last we went to school . ( )5. They weren’t at home.

二. 听对话,选择相应的情景图,将序号填在括号里。

1( ) 2 ( ) 3 ( )

4( ) 5 ( ) 三.写出3个同类词: 1. star 2. clean 3.sweater 4. went 5. one

planet pat dress looked nine


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 6. cabbage tomato 7.eating 8. banana



9. go to school , visit friends

10. with into 四.选词填空。

went was go

1. I often _____________ to school by bike , but today I _________by bus ,because my bike ______________ broken.

visited went to had ate

2. Last summer we _________________ Xi’an. We _______________ museums and we also _________________ Xi’an’s food. We ________________ a good time there.

had was came

3. The day before yesterday ____________ my birthday . I _____________ a birthday party at home . May friends ____________ to my house .We _________ a very good time .

五. 读句子,圈出正确的单词。

1. Lulu____ (was, were )at Ken's house yesterday. 2. Mocky _____ (was, is) eating an apple. 3. Ann (has, had) some milk for breakfast. 4. They ____ (are, were) in the park last Monday. 5. John ran in the _____ (first, one) race. 6. Where (were, are) you last night? 7. Mocky _____ (do, did) a high jump last Sunday. 8. Tom ___ (went, goes) to school yesterday. 9 . Last Sunday we____ (visit, visited) a friend. 10. Ann ____(clean, cleaned)the window yesterday. 六.单项选择。

( )1.They in the kitchen last night.

A. was A. was

B. were B. were


C. are C. are

( )2. Where you yesterday?

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 ( )3. We breakfast at seven yesterday morning.

A. have A. gets A. did A. looking A. eat A. one A. sees

B. has B. get B. don’t B. looks B. eats B. second B. see

C. had C. got C. didn’t C. looked C. ate C. two C. saw

( )4. He didn’t ______ up at seven thirty yesterday morning.. ( )5. I was sick this morning, I _____ go to school today. ( )6. Ann _____ sick last night. ( )7. He ______ an apple last night. ( )8. Ken was _____ in the race.

( )9. He ______ his best friend this morning. ( )10.---What ________ he do last Saturday?

---He ______ his homework. A. was , does


1. You were at school yesterday .( 改为否定句)

2. I was in the park last Wednesday. ( 对划线 部分提问)

3. He cleaned the bedroom at eight o’clock last night.. ( 对划线 部分提问) 4. They watched a movie last night . ( 改为否定句)

5. They did their homework at nine fifteen last Wednesday .(对划线 部分提问) 6. I was eleven last year.( 改为否定句)

7. My uncle was at home yesterday evening. ( 对划线 部分提问) 八.阅读短文, 用动词的正确形式填空。

Tilly ____________( be ) a mouse. Yesterday she ___________( go ) into a shop. She_____________( buy ) some cheese . Then she __________( eat ) the cheese . Tilly


B. did , did C. was , did

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 __________ ( see ) a cat . She __________ ( be ) scared ( 害怕的 ). Tilly ____________( break ) the door and ____________ ( run ) away.


Once upon a time ,there _____1______ a boy .He ______2______ after sleep. The boy was _____3______ . He ______4______ to the village and shouted .“Wolf ,wolf .” People ran to the field. ______5______ were no wolves. The boy______6_______. The next day the boy ran to the village. “Wolf ,wolf .” he shouted . People ran to the field. There were no wolves again. They were _______7_______ . But then one day , a wolf _______8______ . The boy ran to the village , people didn’t ______9_______

To the field . The wolf ________10_______ all the sheep. 为短文中的横线选择正确答案: ( )1. A. is ( )2. A. looks ( )3. A. happy ( )4. A. ran ( )5. A. It ( )6. A. laughed ( )7. A. angry ( )8.A. comes ( )9. A. run ( )10. A. eat


B. are B. looked B. angry B. Runs B. They B. laughs B. hungry B. come B. runs B. ate

C. was C. look

C. bored ( 无聊的 ) C. run C. There C. laugh C. happy C. came C. ran C. eats

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练

Unit 2 Mocky’s bad day



( )1. Jack and his cow went to a market . ( )2. He wanted some money . ( )3. Jack gave his cow to an old man . ( )4. He put the beans in the house. ( )5. The beanstalk was very tall.


Joy’s _____________ Joy’s _____________ Joy’s _____________

Joy’s _____________ Joy’s _____________ 三.听短文,根据短文内容填空。短文读两遍。

I ____________ to a National Forest Park with my parents last month. It _____________ very beautiful . There _____________ many different trees and animals. In the Mocky Kingdom we even __________________with monkeys .They ______________ friendly . I _____________ the monkeys nuts. But I __________________ have enough nuts for all of them.


1.Yesterday Lucy w__________ to school. He didn’t r_________ books in the library.


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 2. Yesterday morning, Lily v___________ the museum. She didn’t w_____________ TV. 3. Yesterday Sam p_____ football .He didn’t b_________ things in the supermarket. 4. I p____________ my bag in the bedroom.

5. She a_____________ dinner at six o’clock yesterday evening. 五.左右栏问答选择。 (A)

( ) 1.Did you go to the park? ( )2.Are you a teacher?

( )3.Was it a fine day yesterday? ( )4.What did she do last night? ( )5.Where were you last week? 六.情景交际。

1. --- What did you do yesterday ?

---I 2. --- What did you do last Sunday ?

--- We 3. --- What did they do last Sunday ?

--- They 4. --- What did Lucy do last Friday ? --- She the clothes. 5. ---What did she do last night ?

----- She 七.选择合适的动词形式。

am is are was were 1.I _______ in Grade Five this year. 2.I in Grade Four last year. 3.He ten last year. 4.She _____ nine this year. 5.We _____tall this year. 6.We _____ short last year 八.仿照例子写句子。


( B)

A. Yes, I am. B. She watched TV. C.I was at school. D. Yes, it was. E. No, I didn’t.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 例:Tom,water the flowers

Tom waters the flowers every day. Tom watered the flowers yesterday. 1.Sally and Rose , watch TV , at eight

2. we , help our mother with breakfast

3. John, have supper , at seven twenty

4. Susan , have an English class,

5. they, visit grandparents


( )1.Where you last night?

A. did A. was play A. helps

B. were B. did play B. helped

C. was C. played C. did help

( )2. I football with my friends ( )3. Ken Mocky last night ( )4. ---What did you ____________? ---I _____________ TV last Monday .

A. did, watched

B. do watched

C. did , watch

( )5. ____________ you sick this morning?

You __________ go to school today. A. Did ,didn’t A. near

B. Were , didn’t B. under


C. Do , didn’t C. at

( )6. They sat __________ a table in a restaurant .

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 ( )7. The hot dog ___________ very hot. He couldn’t breathe.

A. is A. he A. with

B. was B. him B. all

C. were C. his C. together

( )8. His father patted ___________ on the back . ( )9.We went to Uncle Booky’s house __________ . ( )10.---Where________ your aunt last Saturday?

---She __________ the library. A. were , was A. did visit A. eats A. cleaned A. wasn’t A. What ’s A. was A. weren’t A. has A. get A. reads

B. did , as

C. was , was

( )11.Yesterday he my house.

B. visits C. visited D.was visted B. eat B. clean B. didn’t B. Where’s B. were B. Am B. having B. gets B. did read

C.ate C. did clean C. doesn’t C. Who’s C. are C. was C. had C. got C. read

( )12. Yesterday morning Mocky the banana too quickly. ( )13. He didn’t his living room yesterday . ( )14. He____________ watch TV last night . ( )15. ____________ the matter? ( )16. Where__________ Ken last night ? ( )17. I ___________ at home last night .

( )18. We___________ an English class yesterday morning . ( )19.Lily __________ up at seven o’clock yesterday morning . ( )20.Linda and Peter__________ books n the library 十.用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Last Monday, Ken and his father went to a restaurant. They (sit) at the table next to the window. Ken was very hungry. He looked at the menu. Ken (want) a hot dog. French Fries, and orange juice. Ken ____(eat) his hot dog too quickly. It was very hot .He couldn’t breath. His father _____(pat) him on the back and _____(give) him some orange juice. She was better now.

2. Last Sunday ,the weather __________ ( be ) fine. Stephen ________ ( have ) a


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 new bike. He rode( 骑 ) it to his uncle’s farm.

On the farm, he ( see ) some animals . Stephen ___________( want ) to feed( 喂 ) the hens. He _____________ ( give ) some rice to them . He ______________( play ) with the dogs. He ______________ ( run ) after them. Then he ______________( be ) tired( 累的 ).He ____________( sit ) on the grass. He _____________ ( eat ) some chicken and ____________( drink ) some apple juice. He _____________( had ) a happy time there .

十一. 阅读理解。

1. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。

The Boys And The Frogs

One spring day some naughty boys were playing near a pond. They began to throw stones into the water. In the pond lived many frogs were much afraid of the boys, for the stones hurt some of the frogs. At last an old frog lifted his head out of the water and said, “Boys, please don’t throw stones at us.”

The boys said, “We are only playing.” “I know that, but please stop throwing stones, my boys. What is play to you is death to us,” said the old frog. So the boys stopped throwing stones and went away.

( )1.The story took place in_______.

A.autumn A. stones A. happy A. still A. live

B. spring B. books B. excited B. didn’t

C. summer C. toys C. afraid C. won’t

( ) 2.The naughty boys threw _____ into the water. ( )3.The frogs are ________.

( )4.At last, the boys _____ throw stones ( )5.Understand the meaning of “death”.

B. forever leave the world C. catch


Hello. I’m Tony. There are four people in my family. They’re my mother, my father, my grandmother and I. Today is Saturday. We go to the park and have a lot of fun together. Tomorrow we will do different things. I will play football with my friends. My mother will go shopping for my family. My father will go to work tomorrow. He is very busy. My grandmother will meet her old friends tomorrow.

根据示例短文,用√号标出每个人周日将要干的事情。 go shopping go swimming meet old friends 29

go to work play football go to the park

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 Tony Mother Father Grandmother

Unit 3 School sports day

Lesson 1

一. 根据课文内容判断下列句正(T)误(F)。 (1) Yesterday was school sports day. ( ) (2) Ken ran in the second race. (3) Ann ran in the first race. (4) Ken and Ann didn’t win a prize. (5) Mocky decided to run. (6) Mocky won a prize in the match.

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

二. 根据课文内容在人名适宜的名次下划勾。 (1) Ken was third/ first/ second in the race. (2) Mocky was fifth/ second/ first in the race. (3) Jane was fourth/ first/ third in the race. (4) Mary was fifth/ first/ second in the race. (5) David was second/ fourth/ first in the race. (6) John was third/ second/ fourth in the race. 三. 根据本课故事内容补全语篇。

Yesterday was school ________ ________. Ken, David and John ran in the _________ race. David ran very fast. He was _________ and he won the race. Ken was _________. John came __________. Ann, Mary and Jane ran in the _________race. Mocky was very excited. Jane was _________. She won the race. _________ was


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 second. Ann came _________. Ann didn’t win a prize. Mocky was ________. He decided to do the _________ __________. He jumped very well. Ann and Ken were ___________ because Mocky ___________a prize in the competition.

a) 写出下列数词所对应的基数词。 1 5 9

2 6 10

3 7 12

4 8 20



( )1. 当你的同学在比赛中获得好名次的时候,你会对他说:

A. Thank you

B. Congratulations! C It’s OK!

( ) 2. 当你的同学正在参加赛跑时,你会对他说:

A. Come in!

B. Come out!

C. Come on!

( ) 3.比赛即将开始,裁判员会对选手说:

A. Ready! Set! Go!

B. Are you OK?

C. Do you understand?

( ) 4. 当你的同学正在参加跳高比赛时,你在旁边鼓励他,你会说:

A. Run! Run!

B. Jump! Jump!

C. Swim! Swim!

六.从(II)栏中选择与(I)栏相对应的答语。 (Ⅰ)

( ) 1. Did Sam win the prize? ( ) 2. Was Amy third?

( ) 3. What are you going to do? ( ) 4. Who was first? ( ) 5. What can you do? 七.按要求完成下面的句子。

1. I have bread and two eggs today.(改为一般疑问句)

( Ⅱ ) A. I can jump. B. No, he didn’t C. Yes, she was D. I’m going to swim. E. Amy was.


英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 2. What would you like for dinner? (写出中文意思)

3. I’m have to eat vegetables.


4. I like carrot juice.





( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The First Race The Second Race

Lesson 2

一. 问题配对。 A:

( )1 .What day is it today? ( )2 .What do you do on Sunday? ( )3.Who is your favorite teacher? ( )4. What do you have for lunch? ( )5. What do you have on Friday? B:

( ) 6. What do you have for lunch? ( ) 7. What’s your favorite food? ( ) 8. What’s your favorite fruit? ( ) 9. What would you like? ( ) 10. Do you like mutton? 二. 选择题。

( )1.What would you like for lunch?_____


A. Play ping-pong. B. Miss Ye. C. It’s Monday. D. We have Chinese. E. I have rice and potatoes A. Grapes. B. Tofu.

C. I’d like some beans. D. I have some tomatoes. E. Yes, I do.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 A Yes, please. A your

( )3.Is it a tomato?___

A Yes, I am. ( )4.I like ___________

A a mutton A No, I don’t. A at AI’d like milk A sweet A I like pears A am

B mutton B Yes, I am. B on

C a apple C I don’t like. C in

( )5.Do you like fruit?____.

( )6.What do you have for dinner _________ Friday? ( )7.What do you have for breakfast?____________.

B I have some eggs C Yes ,please B sour B Fish and tofu B is

C salty

C I have cabbages C are

( )8.Why do you like apple? Because they are _________. ( )9.Potatoes are my favorite .What about you?_______. ( )10.The grapes ____sour. 三. 选出与其他三个不同类的词。

( )1.A.washroom B. bedroom C.1ivingroom D. flat ( )2. A. in ( )3.A.bed ( )4.A.milk ( )5.A.my

B. from C. on B. mirror B. coffee B.I

C. see C. your

D. under D. closet D. their

B Yes, it is.

C No, it is.

B No ,thanks. B yours

C I’d like some fish. C me

( )2.What’s ______ favorite food?

C. tomatoes D. water

四. 选择填空,圈出正确答案。

1. John ran in the __________( first, one ) race.

2. I _____________(am, was) very happy because I won the prize. 3. Mocky ___________( do, did ) the high jump yesterday.

4. Ken was not happy because he was the ___________( four, fourth ) in the race. 5. We ________( jump, jumped ) very well in the long jump competition. yesterday. 6. Did you play football last week? Yes, I ___________( did, do ) 五. 写出下列单词的缩写形式。 first--- fourth---

second--- fifth---


third--- sixth---

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 seventh--- tenth--- 六. 阅读理解。

Look,this is a picture of our classroom. It's very big and bright. It has two doors and four windows. There are 47 students in my class. We have lasses from Monday to Friday here. This is our English teacher. She is Miss Liang. She is strict,but kind. She is very funny. We all like her.

根据短文判断下列句子,对的打“√”,错的打“X。” ( )1.This is a picture of our schoo1.

( )2.There are47 desks and chairs in the classroom. ( )3.It has two doors and four windows. ( )4.The classroom is very big. ( )5.Our English teacher is Miss Liang. ( )6.We don't have classes on weekends.

eighth--- twelfth---

ninth--- twentieth---

Lesson 3

一、仿例子,完成下列各题。 例: four --- fourth--- 4th

twenty--- --- thirty--- --- forty--- --- fifty--- --- 二、选择。

( )1. We’re _________to run in some races.

A. go A. win

( )3. What can I __________?

A. did

( )4. _________, Mocky!

A. Congratulation

( )5. the boy in the tree?

A. What's


C. Who's

( )6. Look the pictures, please.


sixty--- --- seventy--- --- eighty--- --- ninety--- ---

B. goes B. won B. does

B. Congratulations

C. going C. wins C. do

C. Congratulating

( )2. Did Ken __________ the race?

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 A. in A. are A. any A. How many A. Where

B. at B. is B. some B. How much B. How much

C. on C. am C. a C. What C. How many

C. It's in Building 2.

( )7. There some trees and a bird in the picture. ( )8. There aren't pictures in the book. ( )9. apples would you like? Three ,please. ( )10. is the chair? Eighty yuan. ( )11. ----Excuse me. Where's Miss Wang's office? ---

A. He's in the TV room B. She's in the office

( )12. ---- Are those their books? --- A. No, there aren't A. Yes, there is. A. at A. eleven A. five

B. No, they aren't B. Yes , it is B. in B. eleventh B. fifth

C. Yes, there are. C. No, it isn't C. to

( )13. ---- Is there a computer room in your school? --- ( )14. I live a new house. ( )15. I’m ________ years old.

( )16. Mr. Li lives on the __________ floor. ( ) 17. How many books are there on the desk? There are ___________ books.

A. nine A. first


1. the, you , violin , can , play

? 2. of, wall, there , map , a , is, the, on, China. ? 3. go , we , there , shall , play , and ? 4. third, came, who

? 5. they, clean, house, the, did


B. ninth B. one

C. the ninth C. a

( ) 18. In American, the _________ day in a week is Sunday.

英 语 课 堂 同 步 训 练 ? 6. day, school sports, was, yesterday . 7. to, do, decided, the, high , Mocky , jump . 8. second, was, Mary

. 9. very, was, excited, Mocky

. 四、请将下列句子的序号与合适的图搭配起来。 A. Ken won second prize. It was a football. B. Ann won fifth prize. It was a dress. C. Mom won third prize. It was a cap. D. Cathy won fourth prize. It was a T-shirt. E. David won first prize. It was a bike.


My name is Tony . I'm English. I'm eleven. I'm a student in No.1 Middle School . I'm in Class Two, Grade Five. This is a picture of my family. You can see my father, my mother. My sister and I. My father and mother are teachers . My sister is a student, too. She and I are in the same school. She is Class Two, Grade Three. We have a cat . It s name is Mimi. It's under the chair.

( )1.The boy and his sister go to different (不同的)schools. ( )2.The boy and the girl are students. ( )3.There are four people(人)in the family . ( )4.The cat is on the chair. ( )5.Their parents are doctors.


