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小编给你一个美联英语官方试听课申请链接:http://www.meten.com/?tid=16-73374-0 处理客房突发事件 经典对话

A=Floor Service Attendant 楼层服务员 G=Guest 顾客

G:I have a bad stomachache, maybe I had too much seafood. 我的肚子痛得厉害,可能是海鲜吃得太多了。 A:Shall I call a doctor for you? 我帮您叫医生好吗?

G:yes , please do and make it quick. 好的,麻烦你快点。

A:Right away, sir. May I have your room number, please? 马上就去,先生。请问您住几号房。 G:Room 1879 1879 房。

A:I see ,sir. Before the doctor’s arrival, is there anything else can I do for you? 明白了,先生。在医生到来之前,有什么能为您效劳吗? G:No, thanks. 不用了,谢谢。 常用句型百宝箱 1. 意外事故

1) May I have your attention , please? This is an emergency. The hotel is on fire now.

Please leave your room immediately and follow the emergency exit door. Please leave this building immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

紧急事故,请注意!酒店发生火警。请立即离开房间,从太平门撤离。谢谢您的合作。 2) Ladies and gentleman, attention please! There is a small fire in hotel but it is already under control, so please remain clam. For your safety, please follow me to the lobby by the emergency exit. Please leave your luggage behind and don’t use the elevator. Thank you for your cooperation.


3) My wife has slipped in the bathroom. She can’t stand up. 我妻子在浴室摔倒了。她没法站起来。 4) My husband has fainted. 我丈夫晕倒了。

5) My nose/face/leg/hand/… is bleeding. 我的鼻子/脸/腿/手??在流血。

6) I have a terrible headache/stomachache/toothache. 我头痛/胃痛/牙痛得厉害。 7) It’s painful. 那里很痛。 8) That hurts! 那里受伤了!

9) Please don’t move! Your rib might be broken. 请别动!您的肋骨可能骨折了。

10) I’ll get help immediately. Please don’t move him. 我立刻去叫人来帮忙。请别动他。 11) I’ll call the doctor/ambulance. 我去叫医生/救护车。

12) Help is on the way, ma’am. 很快就会有人来帮忙了,女士。 13) Everything will be alright. 一切都会好起来的。

14) Don’t worry, leave it to me. 别担心,有我呢。 15)






pills/bandages/plasters/absorbent cotton?

您是否需要一些/阿司匹林/止痛药/安眠药/绷带/胶布/药棉呢? 16) Are you feeling better now? 您现在感觉好些了吗? 2. 客人遗失物品

1) My bag was stolen, and my passport was in it. 我的包被偷了,护照还在里面呢! 2) I’m sorry to tear that, sir. 我们对此深表遗憾,先生。


3) Would you tell us when and where you last saw it? 您最后一次见到它是在什么时候、什么地方呢? 4) Could you describe it ,please? 您能不能描述一下它是什么样子呢? 5) Shall I call the police for you ,sir? 我帮您报警,好吗? 6) Is that all you can do? 你们能做的就只有这些吗、

7) Get me your manager. I want to speak to him right now. 我要见你们经理,我要求马上见他。

8) I’m afraid we had warned you to mind your valuables, sir. And if you’ll excuse me, I’ll find our duty manager for you.


