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苏州科技学院外国语学院 英国文学史



英国文学史为“英语”和“英语(师范)”专业任意选修课,属于考查课,共24学时,1.5学分。本课程涵盖英国文学史上从中古英语时期、中世纪、文艺复兴、17世纪文学、18世纪文学、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义、后现代主义至当代各个时期重要的文学思潮、流派及其发生的社会、文化、哲学背景以及各个时期重要作家的代表性作品。 本课程所讲授的知识是英语专业本科生知识结构不可或缺的一部分,是英语专业学生人文素养必要的组成成分,也是英语专业八级考试“人文知识”部分考核的内容之一。 鉴于本课程学时短,内容多,本课程的特点是以史为经,以作家作品为纬,详讲文艺复兴、18世纪文学、浪漫主义、现实主义部分,略讲其它部分。



学生在学习本课程后应该对英国文学史上中古英语时期、中世纪、文艺复兴、17世纪文学、浪漫主义、现实主义、现代主义至当代各个时期重要的文学思潮、流派及其发生的社会、文化、哲学背景以及各个时期重要作家的代表性作品有个宏观的了解,能解释相关的名词,熟悉各个时期的主要特点和重要作家及其重要作品,并能结合文学的外在与内在因素对文学作品做出初步评论。 三、教材及主要参考书


订本)( A Short History of English Literature (Newly revised & enlarged edition)(“十一五”国家级规划教材).郑州:河南人民出版社,2008.


文学史》(A Brief History of English Literature---- from the Old English period to 1990s). 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2008.



Part One Early and Medieval English Literature

Chapter 1 The Making of England

I. The Britons : a tribe of Celts, the early

inhabitants in the Island, form which (Britons) Britain ( i.e. Land of Britons) got its name.(识记,重点)

II. The Roman Conquest : In 55 B.C. Britain

was invaded by Julius Caesar, the Roman conqueror. The Roman conquest lasted for about 400 years (to AD 410). Road systems in London were built. (识记,重点)

III. The English Conquest : Britain invaded by

three tribes (pirates) from North Europe: The Angles, Saxons and Jutes. Seven kingdoms were established----then combined into a united kingdom called England (the land of Angles)--- the three


tribes mixed into one people called English or the Angles, and the three dialects grew into one single language called Anglo-Saxon, or Old English. (识记,重点)

IV. The Social Condition of The Anglo-Saxons


V. Anglo-Saxon Religious Belief and Its

Influence: The Anglo-Saxons were heathen people, believing in old mythology in North Europe. They were Christianized in the 7th century. (识记,次重点)

Chapter 2 Beowulf

I. Anglo-Saxon Poetry: Beowulf (a poem of

more than 3000 lines) is the national epic of the English people. (识记,重点) II. The Story (理解,一般)

III. Analysis of its Content(理解,一般) IV. Features (应用,重点)


1) the use of alliteration ( certain accented words in a line begin with the same consonants;

2) the use of metaphors/kennings (e.g. “Ring-giver” for king , or “whale’s road” for sea)

3) the use of understatements (e.g. “not troublesome” for very welcome, “need not praise” for a right to condemn)

Chapter 3 Feudal England

1)The Norman Conquest

I. The Danish Invasion (识记,一般) II. The Norman Conquest

(1) The French-speaking Normans under

Duke William came in 1066. William was later crowned as King of England.(识记,次重点)


(3) The image of Sir John Falstaff(理解,重点)

VI. The Great Tragedies: Hamlet; Othello; King Lear; Macbeth(应用,重点) VII. Hamlet(应用,重点)

(1)The story(识记,一般)

(2)The character of Hamlet (hesitant humanist) (理解,重点)

(3) The melancholy of Hamlet(理解,重点)

VIII. The Later Comedies(识记,一般) IX. The Poems

(1) Venus and Adonis(识记,一般) (2) The Rape of Lucrece(识记,一般) (3) sonnets (154, definition) (理解,重点) X. Features of Shakespeare’s Drama(理解,次重点)

Chapter 7 Ben Jonson (1572-1637

Mainly remembered for his comedies: Everyman in his Humour; Volpone, or The Fox;


The Alchemist; Bartholomew Fair(识记,一般)

Part Three The Period of the English Bourgeois Revolution

Chapter 1 The English Revolution and the Restoration (skip)

Chapter 2 John Milton (1608-1674)

I. Life and work

(1) Areopagitica: appealing for the freedom of press. (识记,重点)

(2) three epics: Paradise Lost, Paradise Regained; Samson Agonistes(识记,重点) II. Paradise Lost

(1) The story(识记,一般) (2)Theme and characterization(理解,次重点) (3) The Image of Satan(理解,重点) III. Samson Agonistes(理解,次重点) IV. Brief summary (理解,次重点)


Chapter 3 John Bunyan (1628-1688)

(1) The Pilgrim’s Progress is a religious allegory. (识记,重点)

(2) Content of The Pilgrim’s Progress(理解,重点)

Chapter 4 Metaphysical poets and Cavalier poets

(1) definition of “Metaphysical poetry” (理解,重点)

(2) John Donne was the founder of the Metaphysical School. (识记,重点)

(3) Other members of the metaphysical school: George Herbert (1593-1633); Andrew Marvell (1621-1678); Henry Vaughan (1622-1695) (识记,一般)

Chapter 5 Some prose writers (Skip)

Chapter 6 Restoration Literature


I. Restoration Comedies (skip) II. John Dryden (1631-1700)

(1) The most distinguished literary figure of the Restoration period (1660-1688), poet, playwright, and critic. (识记,重点) (2) An Essay of Dramatic Poesy established his position as the leading critic of the day. (识记,次重点)

(3) He was the forerunner of the English classical school of literature in the next century. (识记,一般)

Part Four The Eighteenth Century

Chapter 1 The Enlightenment and Classicism in English Literature


I. The Enlightenment and the 18 century England

(1) After the “Glorious Revolution” of 1688,

England became a constitutional


monarchy and power passed form the King to the Parliament and the cabinet ministers. (识记,次重点) (2) The Enlightenment in Europe(理解,重点) (3) The English Enlighteners: The

representatives of the Enlightenment in English Literature were Joseph Addison and Richard Steele, the essayists, and Alexander Pope, the poet. (识记,重点) II. (Neo-)Classicism (理解,重点)

Chapter 2 Addison and Steele

1. Richard Steele (1672-1729) and The Tatler(识记,重点)

2. Joseph Addison (1672-1719) and The Spectator(识记,重点)

3. In the hands of Addison and Steele, the English essay completely established itself as a literary genre. Using it as a form a character sketching and story-telling, they


