Quiz 5 习题及答案

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读写教程第一册,单元测试卷五 试卷编号: Book1-Quiz5 考试时间: 120 分钟 满分: 100 分

Part 1 Skimming and Scanning (True/False) (Each item: 2)

Directions:Read the following passage. Then decide whether the following statements are True or False.

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog. Time limitation: 4 minutes and 12 seconds

What kind of car will we be driving in 2010? They would be rather different from the type we know today, with the next twenty years bringing greater change than the past fifty. The people who will be designing the models of tomorrow believe that environmental problems may well accelerate (加速) the pace of automotive design. Today they are students on the transport design course at London's Royal college of Art.

Their vision (相象中的画面) is of a machine with three wheels instead of four, electrically powered, environmentally clean, and able to drive itself along \built-in power supplies. Future cars will pick up their fuel during long journeys from a power source built into the road, or store it in small quantities for travel in the city.

Instead of today's seating arrangements-two in front, two or three behind, all facing forward-the 2010 car will have a versatile (有许多用途的) interior with adults and children in a family circle.

This view of the future car is based on a much more sophisticated (复杂的) road system, with strips built into motorways to supply power to vehicles passing along them. Cars will not need drivers, because computers will provide safe driving control and route finding. All the driver will have to do is say where to go and the computer will do the rest. It will become impossible for cars to crash (撞) into one another. The technology already exists for the car to become a true automobile.

1. Those who will design the models of tomorrow believe that environmental problems will quicken change in cars. T F

2. The car designers are most likely to believe that we will always have an imperfect world. T F

3. From the passage we know that inside the future car, seats are arranged in a circle. T F

4. A future road will direct a car to its destination. T F

5. We can infer from the passage that it will be impossible for cars in the future to crash into one another because computers control the driving and find the route. T F

Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

(Each item: 2)

Directions:Read the following passages carefully and choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.

There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne, the writer, did not visit. He went round the world a hundred times or more. Once he did it in eighty days, unheard of in the nineteenth century. He voyaged 6,000 miles under the sea, went around the moon, explored the center of the earth, and chatted with natives in Australia.

Jules Verne, the man, was a stay-at-home person. He was more likely to be tired from writing than from traveling. He did make a few visits to Europe and North America. And he made one 6-week tour of New York State. But that was all. He spent less than one of his 77 years traveling. Yet he was the world's most outstanding tourist. His books are crowded with hunting and fishing trips. Jules actually went hunting only once. Then he raised his gun and shot off the game officer's hat!

He wasn't a scientist himself, but he encouraged many people to become scientists. Long before radio was invented, he had TV working in his books. His name for it was different, though. He had flying machines 50 years before the Wright brothers flew their first plane at Kitty Hawk. In fact, there were few wonders of the 20th century that this man of the 19th century did not see coming. In his stories you can read about air conditioning, tall buildings, advanced weapons, tanks, boats that can travel under the water, and airplanes.

6. What was Jules Verne? A. A scientist. B. An inventor. C. A writer.

D. A great traveler.

7. What was unknown in the 19th century? A. Going under the sea.

B. Going around the world in 80 days. C. Going to the moon.

D. Going to the center of the earth.

8. How much traveling did Verne do in total? A. Six months.

B. Seventy-seven years. C. One year. D. Six years.

9. What made Verne's TV different from others? A. His showed books.

B. His was made by scientists. C. His was called something else. D. His was also flying machine.

10. What makes Verne's inventions so surprising? A. They were in stories. B. They were wonders.

C. They were working.

D. They were ahead of their time.

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Once upon a time there was a wise man that used to go to the ocean to do his writing. He had a habit of walking on the beach before he began his work.

One day he was walking along the shore. As he looked down the beach, he saw a human figure moving like a dancer. He smiled to himself at the thought of someone who would dance on the beach. So he began to walk faster to catch up.

As he got closer, he saw that it was a young man and the young man wasn't dancing, but instead he was reaching down to the shore, picking up something and very gently throwing it into the ocean.

As he got closer he called out, \

The young man paused, looking up and replied, \海星) in the ocean.\



\You can't possibly make a difference!\

The young man listened politely. Then he bent down, picked another starfish and threw it into the ocean, past the breaking waves and said, \

There is something very special in each and every one of us. All of us have a natural ability to make a difference. If we can become aware of that ability, we will have the power to shape the future.

All of us must find our starfish. If we throw our starfish wisely and well, the world will be wonderful.

11. Before he began writing, the wise man would ________. A. take a walk along the shore

B. go swimming in the ocean

C. have a walk and pick up starfish on the beach D. look down the beach and enjoy the scene

12. One day, the wise man saw a young man ________. A. dancing along the beach B. walking along the beach

C. picking up starfish for sale

D. trying to save as many starfish as possible

13. Near the end of the passage, \ A. the ability to make decisions B. natural abilities

C. starfish that the young man threw back to the ocean D. our ability to have an effect on the future

14. Which of the following statements is True according to the passage?

A. The wise man and the young man shared the same opinion on the subject of starfish. B. The young man disagreed with the wise man on the subject of starfish.

C. The wise man thought it impossible to save any of the starfish on the beach. D. The young man was unaware of his ability to make a difference for starfish.

15. The writer told this story in order to tell us that ________. A. every one of us is clever

B. all of us can help to shape our future

C. wise men are sometimes stupid

D. young people are actually wiser than old people

Questions 16 to 20 are based on the same passage or dialog.

Yukio is a twenty-four year old Japanese businessman. A few months ago, his company sent him to work at its New York City office for half a year. This was his first experience living in the United States.

Yukio thought New York City was very exciting, but he also found it very strange. It was difficult for him to get used to it. He found it strange to be with people from so many different races. He sometimes found American people very direct, open, and honest-though he still couldn't understand them. He wished he could become friends with some Americans, but he wasn't sure how to get along with them. Most of the time, he felt very lonely and missed Japan.

But soon some sunshine came into his life. A new clerk came to work in his office part-time. She was American, as were most of the clerks in his office. Her name was Cindy. She was very clever, friendly, and good-looking. Cindy was also a student studying business. Cindy and Yukio got along very well. They talked together whenever possible. Cindy told Yukio her dreams of having a successful business. She said she was not really interested in getting married or having children. She wanted to use all of her energy for business. Yukio found Cindy very interesting and very different from the women he knew before. In a similar way, Cindy found Yukio unique among all the men that she knew. Soon the two fell in love and they were both very happy.

But now it is almost time for Yukio to return to Japan. Yukio wants Cindy to return to Japan with him and marry him. But Cindy doesn't speak any Japanese. She fears that Yukio wants her to become an ordinary wife and have children right away. Cindy wants Yukio to stay in New York City.

They feel very bad, not knowing what they should do. Should they stay in New York? Should they go to Japan? Sometimes they think they should separate, but they also feel they cannot live without each other.

16. A few months ago, Yukio ____________________________________. A. was sent to New York City by his company B. went to New York City for a meeting

C. was told to open a new office for his company in New York City D. met his former girlfriend Cindy in New York City

17. According to the reading passage, Cindy ______________________________. A. didn't like Japan

B. was a student and a businesswoman C. was a student and a clerk

D. was dreaming of something not possible

18. Cindy was not concerned about getting married because _________________. A. Yukio didn't want to stay in New York City B. Cindy doesn't speak any Japanese

C. Yukio and Cindy didn't get along well sometimes D. Cindy wanted a successful business

19. According to your opinion based on the reading passage, which of the following statements is true?

A. Yukio thought people in New York were the same as people in Japan. B. Cindy was Yukio's first American girlfriend

C. Cindy had many other Japanese boyfriends before Yukio D. Yukio spoke very little English

20. The main idea of the passage is _________________________________. A. there can be difficulties in falling in love with a person from another culture B. American people and Japanese people cannot understand each other C. a man misses his country

D. a businessman and his clerk often fall in love with each other

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations (Each item: 1)

Directions:In this section you'll hear a long conversation or conversations. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 21 to 25 are based on the same passage or dialog. 21.

A. Brother and sister. B. Father and daughter. C. Husband and wife. D. Friends. 22.

A. It will help his learning skills.

B. It can give him a sense of belonging.

C. It can make him healthier, happier, and more active.

D. It will help him understand that his grandmother is not worthless.


A. She can play with and read to the children. B. She can get help with her medical needs. C. She can teach the children how to read. D. She can help with a lot of housework. 24.

A. He dislikes living together with elderly people.

B. He's worried they can't give her the special care she might need. C. He's worried about what she might teach the children. D. He doesn't want to spend extra money to take care of her. 25.

A. She is going to live in a nursing home.

B. She is going to live in her own home.

C. She is going to live with Kathy and John. D. She is going to live with Kathy's sister.

Questions 26 to 30 are based on the same passage or dialog. 26. A. In 1945. B. In 1939. C. In 1940. D. In 1954.


A. His name, job, and address. B. His name, job, and age.

C. His name, home country, and age. D. His name, job, and number of children. 28.

A. Because it was a difficult name for the government official to understand. B. Because Stravinsky was his family name and he was proud of it. C. Because he was well known by his name. D. Because he didn't like American names. 29.

A. They had met before.

B. He knew one of Stravinsky's friends.

C. He and his family saw Stravinsky at the circus.

D. He and his family loved a polka composed by Stravinsky. 30. A. 425. B. 500. C. 1000.

D. More than Stravinsky could remember.

Part 4 Understanding Passages (Each item: 1)

Directions:In this section you'll hear a passage or passages. Listen carefully and choose the best answer to the questions you hear.

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the same passage or dialog.


A. On a bus.

B. In a coffee bar. C. In a train. D. In a park. 32. A. Reading. B. Praying. C. Smoking. D. Singing.


A. Learn science. B. Stop smoking.

C. Throw books away. D. Look out of the window. 34.

A. A book.

B. A pack of cards. C. Some beads. D. His visiting card. 35.

A. A scientist. B. A president. C. A peasant. D. An artist.

Part 5 Word Dictation

(Each item: 1)

Directions:Listen and write down the words you hear. You are going to listen to the recording twice. During the first time, write the word that you hear. Check your answers as you listen the second time.

36. 37. 38. 39. 40.

Part 6 Vocabulary and Structure (Each item: 1)

Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 41. It was hard work but we all felt ________ at the end of the project. A. embarrassed

B. frustrated

C. rewarded D. challenged

42. The reality is, as it has always been, that teaching is a rewarding, but at times ________ profession. A. instructing B. benefiting C. well-paying D. frustrating

43. The teacher evaluated the performance of each of his students who ________ evaluated his performance. A. by turn B. in turn C. at turn

D. on turn

44. He is not my close friend and not one who I can ________ when I'm in trouble. A. look forward to B. look up to

C. look to D. look on

45. Disease _________ during the journey and many passengers had to be rushed to hospital for treatment. A. broke out B. broke down C. started off D. started out

46. The small town became a tourist attraction and its only restaurant became so crowded that the ______________ had to eat at home every night. A. locals B. citizens C. migrants D. emigrants

47. It is said that ________ to the plan so far have been positive. A. reactions B. views C. ideas D. opinions

48. The ________ child was helped to his feet. A. falling B. fallen C. fall D. fell

49. Take this baggage and _______ you can find enough space. A. hang it which B. hang it in which C. hang it wherever D. hang it when

50. A credit card is particularly useful __________ and there are often insurance benefits if you pay for your travel with the card. A. when it is traveling B. when traveling C. traveling

D. when they are traveling

51. Advertising is different from other forms of communication _______ the advertiser pays for the message to be delivered. A. in which B. in this way C. in that D. in order that

52. No matter _______ they added to their knowledge and abilities, the old professor was never satisfied.

A. what many B. how many C. what much D. how much

53. They didn't break the bad news to his mother _______ that she might break down. A. unless B. for C. because D. for fear

54. To be frank, I'd rather you ________ in the case. A. will not be involved B. not involved

C. not to be involved

D. were not involved

55. The coming of the railways in the 1830s ______ our society and economic life. A. transformed B. transported C. transferred D. translated

Part 7 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)

(Each item: 0.5)

Directions:Fill in the blanks in the following passage(s) by selecting suitable

words/expressions from the Word Bank. You may not use any of the words/expressions more than once.

Word bank: confused combating acquainting estimated diagnosed promote pressure assume access account solution obvious plague available virus

Questions 56 to 65 are based on the following passage.

New medicines have helped many live with AIDS, but they have also had some negative effects on the fight against the disease.

In recent years people who have been 56. with AIDS have been living longer, healthier lives. This is because those that have been infected with the disease have 57. to new medicines. These medicines should not however, be 58. with a complete cure for AIDS. AIDS continues to 59. for huge losses in life. This includes people who use the new medicines. The only sure way to protect yourself from AIDS is to avoid risks connected with the 60. that causes the illness.

One of the biggest concerns in recent years has been the public's attitude toward the disease. Having new medicines has lead many to 61. that AIDS no longer threatens a person's life. This has lead to careless behavior in places where these medicines are 62. .It is 63. that the number of people who got AIDS in developed countries in 2004 was up 10 percent from 2003.

Those in rich countries should remember 64. the AIDS epidemic is something the people on this earth must do together. We must act with care and show the world that educated communities can fight this 65. . If richer nations cannot stop the spread of AIDS, there will be no hope for the poorer nations.

Part 8 Cloze (with Options)

(Each item: 1)

Directions:Read the following passage carefully and choose the best answer from the


Questions 66 to 85 are based on the following passage.

Are good people in short supply? Is it progressively difficult to have a strong sense of

morality? What exactly is integrity? The answer 66. toforofthe first two questions is no. And as for integrity, it is like having an inner 67. that helps you do what is right. We often refer to the integrity of the soldiers. They protected the people and the land, and 68.

above allabove itover itcomponentcompassfactorthey held a core set of values that could serve 69. consistedincludedmade ofinasona model for everyone around them. Their values 70. a helpful and positive attitude. And, 71.

believingto believebelieveintegrity, kindness, and it or not, most people still hold on offout ofonto these values firmly. Most people will actually go 72. right.

their way to do what is Coming to the conclusion that the people today will sell their conscience 73. necessarilyparticularlyinevitablyoutoverupfor a little money or that honest people are scarce 74. leads to a decline in trust of strangers. We need to continue to focus on the positive and make a 75.

fascinatinggenuinefashionableeffort to greet one another with respect and openness. This will serve as preserveassureensurea model for others and 76. a positive future. When we see someone on the wasamwerestreet, we should look at them and say to ourselves, \77. the samethe familiarthe similartruly in need, this person would lend a hand and I would do 78. for him.\probably the case. Most people are truly helpful if they can be, and when we look at others with this in 79.

mindheartbraindoesmakestakes, we ourselves become open to their assistance. Sometimes , treating people with respect and trust they deserve.

that's all that it 80.

That isHere isIt is81. a story that might help you change your mind about people. My wife efficientnumerousoutstandingcould be considered forgetful and the things she has lost are 82. has lost her wallet three times in the past five years. Each 83. . She there was at instantinstancemomentdemonstratedgavepresentedleast $50 in it. Each time it was found by someone who 84. their integrity by returning it to her by means of an address or telephone number within the wallet.

The money and 85. else was still inside. There was nothing to keep the person who found her wallet from taking the money and saying that it was missing when they found the wallet, but that's not what happened.


Answers to Quiz 5:

Part 1 Skimming and Scanning (True/False)


Part 2 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

(每小题:2 分)

1-5 CBCDD 6-10 ADDBB 11-15 ACDBA

Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations

(每小题:1 分)

1-5 CBABC 6-10 ABCDA

Part 4 Understanding Passages

(每小题:1 分) 1-5 CBADA

Part 5 Word Dictation

(每小题:1 分)

1 infinite 2. mission 3. analysis 4. component 5. fashionable

Part 6 Vocabulary and Structure

(每小题:1 分)

1-5 CDBCA 6-10 AABCB 11-15 CDDDA

Part 7 Reading Comprehension (Banked Cloze)

(每小题:0.5 分)

1. diagnosed 2. access 3. confused 4. account 5. virus 6. assume 7. available 8. estimated 9. combating 10. plague

Part 8 Cloze (with Options)

(每小题:1 分)

1. to 2. compass 3. above all 4. as 5. included 6. believe 7. out of 8. out 9. inevitably 10. genuine 11. ensure 12. were 13. the same 14. mind 15. takes

16. Here is 17. numerous 18. instance 19. demonstrated 20. everything

