定语从句Microsoft Word 文档

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初 中 英 语 语 法 知 识 汇 编

主 从 复 合 句


定语从句:放在名词后对名词进行修饰的从句。分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句两种,初中英语主要要求了解限制性定语从句的基本用法。 先行词:被定语从句修饰限制的名词。


时态一致性原则:当主句为现在时态时,从句时态不受限制(使用应该时态的时态);当主句为过去时态时,从句应使用相应的过去时态。 e.g The book that I bought yesterday is very interesting. (主句The book is very interesting为现在时态,因此定语从句that I bought yesterday不受主句时态影响,根据自身的时间状语yesterday,使用一般过去时) He said the man who was talking with Mr. Smith there was our new teacher.

(主句the man was our new teacher为过去时态,因此定语从句who was talking with Mr. Smith there同样也使用过去时态)

This is the most exciting movie that I have ever seen. We will visit the town where the famous man was born. 关系词的选用:关系词的选用同先行词以及它自身在从句中所充当成分的不同有关。也就是说:要选用正确的关系词,不仅要考虑先行词表示什么,还应考虑关系词在从句中作何种成分。先行词的选用方式如下:

1)先行词表人,关系词作从句主语时,关系词用who或that; e.g Do you know the boy who/that is wearing a red T-shirt over there? The students who/that haven’t finished homework won’t be allowed to watch TV.


e.g I want to meet the student (who/whom) they are talking about.

The person (who/whom) we met in the park yesterday is John’s father.



e.g The boys with whom we played football yesterday are from the No.5 Middle School.

Who is the woman with whom you just talked about the new film?


e.g The girl whose father is a teacher is our new classmate. Do you know the boy whose brother is a famous actor?

2)先行词表物,关系词作从句主语时,关系词用that或which; e.g The book that/which was written by Lu Xun is very exciting.

Have you bought the dictionary that/which is very useful for your English study?


e.g The bike (that/which) my mother bought for me last week is lost. I think this is the dog (that) Jim is looking for.



e.g I’d like the picture in which there are some beautiful flowers. This is the bus by which you can get to the park.


e.g I’m interested in the bicycle which wheels are much bigger than others. Did you see the cat which ears are black?


e.g I will never forget the day when the soldiers saved me under the falling building.

Do you remember the morning when a traffic accident happened to John? 4)先行词表示地点,关系词作从句状语时,关系词用where。 e.g We will visit the place where the people are very friendly.

The school where we studied ten years ago is much more beautiful than before.


e.g The place that used to be beautiful has been polluted now.

(2)先行词表示地点时,如从句动词为及物动词,其后无宾语,或从句中含有说明地点的介词(其后无时间),那么关系词应为动词宾语或介词宾语,此时关系词不能用when(副词不能用作宾语),而用which。 e.g The city which we visited last week is a good place to shop.

Yesterday we visited the house which the famous person was born in.

5)先行词为reason,从句用来说明原因,关系词用why,在从句中作状语。 e.g This is the reason why I left without telling you. Can you tell me the reason why you are late again?

附:关系词代词that、which和who的辨析: 1)指物时的that和which: 下列情况通常只用that:


e.g The second lesson that we learn is the most interesting of all. This is the most interesting story that I have ever heard.

(2)当先行词为anything、nothing、all、none、few、the one等不定代词时。

e.g All that I want is to travel all over the world.

We did everything that we can do to help him with his lessons.

(3)当先行词受all、any、no、only、very、last、one of等词语修饰时。 e.g This is one of the books that I’m interesting in.

The only thing that we could do was to wait until Mr. Smith came back. (4)当先行词即指人又指物时。

e.g Look at the man and his dog that are crossing the street. (5)以which开头的疑问句中。

e.g Which is the car that killed the boy?


e.g This is a useful dictionary that will help you a lot. 而下列情况通常只用which:

(1)当先行词自身为that并且表物时。 e.g I have found that which I’m looking for.

(2)关系代词作介词宾语且介词前置位于关系词前时。 e.g This is the school in which we are study English. 2)指人时的who和that:



e.g Those who has finished homework can go home now. (2)there be句型中。

e.g There is a young man who wants to talk with you. (3)关系词在从句中作表语时。

e.g John isn’t the boy who he was two years ago. (4)表人的先行词有较长的定语时。

e.g You were the only person in your class who was invited to the party. 从句的位置及其它:


e.g I bought the book that teacher asked us to buy.

The man who is standing under the tree is our math teacher.

2)关系词作从句主语时,从句动词形式的判定:关系词作从句主语时,从句谓语动词应根据先行词是否开可数、是单数还是复数来判定其形式(关系词作从句主语时,从句谓语动词形式同先行词保持一致)。 e.g The apples that are for you are bigger than those for us.

The students who are going camping must get to school by 9:00 tomorrow morning.

The book that was written by my brother is very boring.

The litter that is in the classroom must be taken out right now.



e.g I hate the people _____ don’t help others but thinking of themselves. A. what B. who C. which

(先行词people表人,排除C;what不能引导定语从句,排除A) This is the music _____ I like best. Will you please play it again? A. when B. where C. that (先行词music表物,与时间和地点无关,排除A、B)


e.g I like the songs _____ wonderful words.

A. what have B. that has C. that have


