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《研究生英语读写译教程》(第二版)练习参考答案及参考译文 (注:第二版只有第六单元为全新单元,其余单元只是有些调整。)
1 He dropped out of Reed College because he did not see the value of it. (The answer to the second part of the question is open.)
2 Life was tough – he slept on the floor in friends’ rooms, he returned coke bottles and he walked 7 miles to get one good free meal…
3 He cited the example to demonstrate that what he had learned in his calligraphy class worked when designing the first Macintosh computer. 4 Jobs’ first story tells that the dots will somehow connect in your future. (What you have learned/experienced might help in your future career.)
5 He was publicly out. (The company that he and Woz established dismissed him.) The fact that he still loved what he did made him start over again.
6 He has learned a good lesson from his failure.
7 Do the things we love to do.
8 Open.
9 Open.
10 Open. (We should always want more, never be content and when we want to do something that others say is foolish, do it anyway.)
1 naively 2 curiosity 3 combination 4 let down 5 vision
6 baton 7 creative 8 mirror 9 trap 10 invention
1 drowned out 2 tuition 3 Commencement 4 deposit 5 typography 6 make way for 7 animation 8 intuition 9 destination 10 diverge
1 follow: orders, rules, advice, fads, an ideal, one’s instinct
2 trust in: honesty, the Lord, power, intuition, sixth sense
3 wear out, fade out, put out, make out, get out, break out
4 play writer/playwright, speedwriter, blog writer, letter writer, editorial writer 5 habitual, textual, accentual, sexual, spiritual, conceptual
6 shocking, stunning, eye-catching, astonishing, striking, dazzling
1热烈的鼓掌 2波涛汹涌的海面 3熟睡 4烟瘾大的人 5油腻而难消化的食物 6烈酒 7悲痛的消息 8沉闷冗长的读物 9〈化〉重水
15 我们遇到一对从巴黎来的夫妇,他们很有趣。
B 见译文部分。
1. I was asked to do the assignment. So I think there are three reasons for the failure in the
2. Although I worked hard to acquire more knowledge, I couldn’t improve my English.
3. Though…..
4. therefore---However
5. If we compare the number of people who worked in this department between 2001 and 2003,
it only increased from five people to twenty but the orders were twice more.
6. We have three ways of recruitment. The first is the recruitment agency, which we used two
years ago. The expenditure was very high and the people provided were not very suitable. The second is online recruitment. We have never used this method before, so we cannot say this is good or not. However, online recruitment is risky because of the unbelievable resources of the applicants.
7. are-is
8. including---include
9. has a negative impact,
have a positive and powerful effect
10. There never seems to be anything worth watching on television. Young people tend to listen to the radio more than older age groups while older people find it more enjoyable to chat with people of their age.
1. According to Rabbi Alexander Schindler, we should hold fast to many gifts such as beauty, love.
2. The author exploits the parable of open and closed hand in the very beginning of the text to control the idea of the whole text. ―Life is a paradox‖, because it encourages us to grasp its many gifts although it predetermines their final disappearance.
3. The author tells the audience his experience in hospital to prove the fact that people are indifferent to the grandeur of each day, and nobody sees the beauty of sunlight or responds to it.
4. According to the author, people are reluctant to accept losses and failures because they think that the world is theirs to command especially when they are young.
5. Since all of us will perish in the end, we must seek a wider perspective, viewing our lives as through windows that open on eternity, whereby to reconcile on life’s paradoxical demands. Though our lives are finite, our deeds on earth weave a timeless pattern.
6. Life is a process. During the process, we should hold fast to life, but not so fast that we cannot let go; we must accept our losses, and learn how to let go.
7. According to the author, we should pursue the ideal, for ideals alone invest life with meaning and are of enduring worth.
8. Alexander Schindler encourages the students to exalt above their personal considerations and to perfect the present world.
9. There is strong religious color in the text. Alexander Schindler asks us to hold fast to God’s gifts, to be reverent before each dawning day, to view our lives as through windows that open on eternity, and to add religion to the humblest of edifices.
10. The author delivers this speech to the university students in order to teach them how to cope with life’s paradoxical problems in a wise way, and what to pursue.
1. renounce 2. tender 3. petty 4. relish 5. gleaned
6. abounds in 7. parable 8. evanescent 9. redeem 10. sanctuary
1. indifference to 2. Preoccupied 3. redeem 4. clinging to 5. relentless
6. paradox 7. ordained 8. wanes 9. exalted
10. dawn/have dawned on
1. 2.
7只要一发现有可能反对他的人,他就本能地要用他的魅力和风趣将这人争取过来。 8她苍白的脸色清楚地表明了她那时的心情。
B 见译文部分。
READING COMPREHENSION 4. The Chinese philosopher’s waking life is c6. The sense of detachment toward life results in 7. ―Wake up and live‖ implies that
9. For most people, the Chinese mind is for the lovers of Chinese art, it is and for a smaller proportion of
10. The Chinese as a nation has survived for four thousand years because the Chinese
1 Because sport is mainly about ―astonishing salaries, hugely lucrative endorsements, television contract using numbers one is more accustomed to seeing in textbooks on astronomy‖.
2 Because even the great winners finally lose.
3 There is always a feeling of sadness after the game.
4 Life for many athletes was much downhill.
5 It means the rank or status of the team. (球队排名)
6 Human limitations might bring some sad situations.
7 Some people are naturally gifted, but others are not.
8 He would ―fight‖ fearlessly, but he didn’t want it to be a ―suicide attack‖.
9 Open.
10 Open.
1 lucrative 2 mortal 3 instill 4 wind up 5 prowess
6 cowardly 7 cultivated 8 identified with 9 surmount 10 intact
1 inglorious 2 fraught 3 cultivated 4 groomed 5 outset
6 lucrative 7 tournament 8 intact 9 hang around 10 lapse into
1晚上在参加宴会,出席音乐会,观看乒乓球表演之后,他得起草最后公报。 2这些早期的汽车速度缓慢,行动笨拙,效率不高。
4我真替她万分担忧,但此时此地既不宜教训她一番,也不宜与她争论一通。 5他们的主人,又是割啊,又是倒啊,又是上菜啊,又是切面包啊,又是说啊,又是笑啊,又是敬酒啊,忙个不停。
7 欢迎他的只有几下轻轻地、零零落落、冷冷淡淡的掌声。
8 勇敢过度,即成蛮勇;疼爱过度,即成溺爱;俭约过度,即成贪婪。
B 见译文部分。
1. Umberto Eco classifies memory into three types: organic memory represented by human brain; mineral memory represented by clay tablets, obelisks and electronic memory of today’s computer; and vegetal memory represented by the first papyruses and books made of paper.
2. According to Umberto Eco, the libraries function as the places for conservation of books and have been the most important way of keeping our collective wisdom. 3. ―Universal brain‖ means a place where we can retrieve what we have forgotten and what we still do not know.
4. According to paragraph 2, humans invent libraries because they know that they do not have divine powers, but they try to do their best to imitate them.
5. In the computer and Internet era, libraries should not be abolished because they should survive as museums conserving the past.
6. Compared with reading on a computer screen, reading printed books is the better way for us to read carefully, to speculate and to reflect about what we are reading. 7. Compared with computers, books have brought a lot of conveniences to humans computers can’t: books still represent the most economical, flexible way to transport information at a very low cost; books travel with you and at your speed; it is a valuable instrument and the best companions for a shipwreck.
8. Two industrially exploited inventions are as follows: one is printing on demand, namely, every book will be tailored according to the desires of the buyer; the other is the e-book which is useful for consulting information.
9. ―The idea that a new technology abolishes a previous one is frequently too simplistic.‖ What the author means is that there are a lot of new technological devices that have not made previous ones obsolete, that in the history of culture it has never been the case that something has simply killed something else. Rather, a new invention has always profoundly changed an older one.
10. In the computer and internet era, people fear the physical disappearance of books and printed material; but printed books have a future because computers encourage the production of printed material.
1. organic 2. designate 3. emulate 4. abolish 5. speculated
6. shipwreck 7. manuscript 8. masterpiece 9.obsolete 10. contribute to
1. option 2. flexible 3. reproduce 4. preservation 5. retrieve
6. divine 7. diffuse 8. on the verge of 9. browse 10. memory
1 凡是犯了错就应勇于承认。
4读书只能给智能提供知识的材料,思想才能把我们所读的东西变成自己的。 5仍然具有这种信念,普通的人要比自然的力量或人类造出来的机器更伟大,而且最终会控制它们。
B 见课文译文
Unit five Scientists, scholars, knaves and fools
1(a). What relationship between science and the humanities can you learn from the first paragraph?
To some degree, science and the humanities have the same concern: The question raised by science is the most important that can be asked in philosophy and religion. In his book Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, Wilson shows how various fields of inquiry, and especially the humanities and sciences, intersect with each other.
1(b). Do you think science and religion can be reconciled? (Open.)
2(a). What criteria does Author apply when distinguishing science from pseudoscience?
In para.2, the author mentions five diagnostic features as the criteria to distinguish science from pseudoscience: repeatability, economy, mensuration, heuristics and consilience.
2(b). Some label Acupuncture, Qigong, and Chinese Medicine as pseudoscience. Do you agree? Open.
3(a). What point does Author make in paragraph 4 and paragraph 5?
The author gives the topic sentence "The work of real science is hard and often for long intervals frustrating" at the beginning of para.4.
3(b). How does he backup his viewpoint?
In para.4, the author lists and analyses the reasons why it’s hard. In Para.5, the author develops the point by drawing on his own experience and quoting.
3(c). What example and quote does he use?
The example is from his own experience of counseling new Ph.D.'s in biology.
The quotation is from Percy Bridgman: "The scientific method is doing your damnedest, no holds barred."
4. Paragraph 6-8 discuss original discovery. How do these paragraphs relate to one another? Para.6 first introduces the topic sentence "Original discovery is everything" and then explains how the priority of making original discovery defines the process of scientific research.
Para7 and para.8 are about the importance of original discovery and they are related by two sentences of the same structure which introduce two opposite conditions and thus form a sharp contrast (make an important discovery, and ...; Fail to discover, and...).
5(a). According to Alfred North Whitehead, why do scientists learn what they need to know while remaining poorly informed about the rest of the world?
It’s because scientists are mainly concerned about making discovery. They have to concentrate on the part that is needed in the discovery while ignoring the rest.
5(b). What does the greeting question "What are you working on" reveal?
It reveals the fact that what they are doing are of the same nature (making discoveries) and scientists are quite aware what is common among them.
6(a). Will scientists content themselves with the discoveries they have made? Why?
No, they won't. Scientists who have already made some important discoveries are always
strongly motivated and they are ready to set new goals and make continuous efforts.
6(b). What's the difference between scientists and scholars in humanities?
According to Wilson, their research is of different nature: for scholars in the humanities the most valuable work is interpreting and explaining the existing factual knowledge while for scientists original discovery is everything.
7. Can scientists be defined as a social group with a set of beliefs, characters and motivations peculiar to them?
No, they can't. No particular beliefs, characters and motivations can be identified as the defining features. (See Para. 9-11)
8(a). In what sense is scientific research an art?
There is no limitation on how to make a discovery. Scientists enjoy the freedom of applying different thinking skills and styles just like an artist.
8(b). What scientists should do in order to be highly successful?
A scientist who wants to achieve great success should not be afraid of trying new research areas where no previous research can be referred to and he has to decide everything by himself in the exploration.
8(c). According to the author, what intelligence level does normal science require? Why?
The author mentions it as optimum intelligence: On the one hand he should have the adequate intelligence which allows him to do some basic scientific research; on the other, his intelligence level should not be above the one for normal science, otherwise, he would find the mediocre work intolerably boring.
9(a). What advice does the author give to the novice scientists?
The author gives a lot of advice in the last paragraph. It's mainly about how to do scientific research and how to make your work known to and accepted by other scientists.
9(b). Suppose you have the plan to pursue academic study, what difficulties do you think you would have? (Open.)
10. Paraphrase the following figurative sentences:
a. Science is the sword in the stone that humanity finally pulled.
Science is the tool that the human race finally possesses. It has great potentials and is believed to empower and benefit mankind.
b. They spread out like foragers on a picket line, each alone or in small groups probing a carefully chosen, narrow sector.
Similar to those who scatter around the rope along which horses are tied and begin to search widely for food or provisions, scientists, with particular research tasks in their minds, either working individually or cooperating with others, are desperate to make discoveries.
c. They are fellow prospectors pressing deeper into an abstracted world, content most of the time to pick up an occasional nugget but dreaming of the mother lode.
Like those who work together to search for minerals, they push themselves forward and explore deeply into their research areas. They feel satisfied whenever there is a clue to their research, but they would not stop moving forward until real breakthroughs are made.
d. Some are as stolid as tax accounts in April.
Just like the tax accounts taxpayers generally receive in April, some scientists are not very easily aroused or excited. They tend to act in a businesslike way.
e. To be highly successful the scientist must be confident enough to steer for blue water, abandoning sight of land for a while.
A scientist who wants to achieve great success should have trust in his own abilities and be keen on doing pioneering work which is full of risks and uncertainties, without any help from previous research.
Vocabulary and structure
1) diagnostic 2) at most 3) spreading out 4) elitists 5) driven
6) set foot on 7) at large 8) utilitarian 9) for its own sake 10) ethos
1) sift 2) Admittedly 3) diagnostic 4) counseled 5) notwithstanding
6) steer 7) probed 8) presumptuous 9) strewn with 10) follows up
1) ambition, objective, success, goal, victory
2) treasure, collector, critic, gallery, work
3) acquire, apply, broaden, extend, improve
4) experimental, natural, medical, behavioral, social
5) symmetry, parasite, pregnancy, science, gene
6) presumptuous, gregarious, generous, courageous, ferocious
7) productive, reclusive, compulsive, decisive, exclusive
8) marine, merge, oceanic, soil, plot, division
1、 我没有得到这样一个机会。
2、 他并不愚笨,仅仅是无知而已。
3、 如果他不通知我,我就不去。
4、 他无权签订这种合同。
5、 虽然他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。
6、 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
7、 今天下午学生统统要交作业。
1. 二十世纪,现代科学的概念作为一种信息世界的特殊品牌,实际上被不同的
2. 在美国,一个学位候选人研究社会科学领域可能获得文学学士学位,特备是
3. 社会学家使用多样性的研究方法,包括案例研究,历史研究,访谈,参与观
1. Some anthropologists were criticized for their involvement in military actions.
2. Because CIA wants them to collaborate with the U.S. government’s war on terror. The role social scientists play in the war is too early to assess though some reports show they succeeded in reducing attacks from the Taliban.
3. Montgomery McFate is a navy anthropologist. She is an advocate of the collaboration. Roberto Gonzalez is an associate professor of anthropology at San Jose State University and leading member of the Network of Concerned Anthropologists. He think in this kind of collaboration anthropology will become just another weapon.
4. ―Subject‖ means a person who is subjected to experimental or other observational procedures; ―fervent petitioning‖ refers to the earnest and formal request AAA received from some of its members to ban the involvement in the collaboration.
5. They find it difficult to be loyal to two communities.
6. Because civilian anthropologists have experienced ethical dilemmas, they would not fully cooperate in military actions. Washington needs social scientists trained in the agency’s own unique culture. But David Price argues that social scientists thinking in an agency-like way would not be as helpful as civilian anthropologists.
7. First, it’s difficult to build a military education system to train experts in the social sciences. Second, it takes longer to train them when compared to training general officers.
8. The Administration did not take the experts’ advice very seriously.
Vocabulary and structure
1. expel 2. full-fledged 3. fared 4. Colossal 5. Compromised
6. voluntary 7. anonymity 8. in-house 9. self-sufficient 10. besotted
1. pilot 2. unwittingly 3. ad hoc 4. smack of 5. spike
6. soak up 7. certify 8. qualms 9. downright 10. outreach
1. atheist 2. lyrics 3. colloquialism 4. counterpart 5. anti-heroine
6. self-regulation 7. undermine 8. Pentagon 9. pitfall 10. general
2 谈判时,我会感到紧张。一紧张,我就吃东西。
3 由于受季风影响,夏威夷一年四季如春。夏天到冬天昼夜温差很小。 4 八月中旬,修理组人员在骄阳下工作。
5 他发现自己在竭力抑制损伤灵魂的苦涩。
6 我把椅子挪过去坐下,开始两脚分开,但我突然觉得这样显得不尊重,太不拘礼节,便把两膝并拢,把双手随便地放在膝盖上。
B 见译文部分。
1. It is a precise measure of the amount of disorder.
2. Things around her -- The car, the refrigerator, teeth, windows, baby sitter, hair, the house, her glasses, and her son’s shoes – all seemed to get out of order.
3. Entropy can only increase, and can not be destroyed. The road to disorder is a one-way street.
4. Examples in para.4
5. Water at the same level can not work no more, because the energy has defused and driven away into chaotic caldron of randomness that can do us no possible good. (students can also quote refrigerator as an example)
6. If couples do not patch small things up, they are doomed to fall apart; relationships may worsen between nations once they lose opportunities to work out solutions to conflicts.
7. False. It is possible but not easy since creating order in one corner of the universe always creates more disorders somewhere else.
8. The answer is open. (students are supposed to indicate the price of combating entropy.)
9. Like anything else, abilities deteriorate when we stop applying our energies to them.
10. Our world is becoming more complex; our efforts to keep it in order would be much harder. Entropy is avoidable but which means consistent efforts. But not many people would consistently contribute their efforts.
1 get the better of 2 instinctively 3 chaotic 4 avalanche 5 random
6 combat 7 uneven 8 mechanics 9 collision 10 out of control
1. got the better of 2. Randomly 3. back on track 4. Preoccupied 5. Defuse
6. catch 7. Congregated 8. Futility 9. coincidence 10. well-oiled
1 waste treatment, waste disposal, waste management, waste classification, waste gas/water
2 turn down, put down, crack down, beat down, knelt down
3 give up, get up, back up, make up, stir up, put up
4 down payment, downtown, downturn, downtime, down tank
5 untangle, undress, unlock, unloose, untie, unpick, undo
6 irresponsibility, irrationality, irreducibility, irreligion, irregularity
2 那地区是个麻烦的地方,这是大家最容易看得出来的。
3 光射入了它能透过的几乎所有地方,赶走了黑暗,驱散了阴影。
4 她已试了好几次,要帮他们另找一所出租的房子,结果并未成功。 5 他们人数增加了,力量也随之增强。
7 还不等我决定是谈还是不谈,我就看出来了,说也罢,沉默也罢,我的任何行动都不过是徒劳。
8 俄国最大的进攻开始于6月22日,这是为了配合英美军队在西线的进攻。
B 见译文部分。
课文A 译文
1 斯坦福是世界上最好的大学之一,今天能参加各位的毕业典礼,我备感荣幸。我从来没有从大学毕业,说句实话,此时算是我离大学毕业最近的一刻。今天,我想告诉你们我生命中的三个故事。
2 第一个故事,是关于串起小小的点点。(原文为“connecting the dots”漂亮的字体是用高级的算法把点连在一起的,如专于此的Adobe公司的PostScript字体——译注)
3 我在里德大学呆了6个月就退学了,但之后仍作为旁听生混了18个月后才最终离开。我为什么要退学呢?
4 17岁时,因为年幼无知,我选择了一所和斯坦福一样昂贵的大学,我的父母都是工人阶级,他们倾其所有资助我的学业。在6 个月之后,我发现自己完全不知道这样念下去究竟有什么用。当时,我的人生漫无目标,也不知道大学对我能起到什么帮助,所以我决定退学。我相信车到山前必有路。当时作这个决定的时候非常害怕,但现在回头去看,这是我这一生所做出的最正确的决定之一。从我退学那一刻起,我就再也不用去上那些我毫无兴趣的必修课了,我开始旁听那些看来比较有意思的科目。
5 这件事情做起来一点都不浪漫。因为没有自己的宿舍,我只能睡在朋友房间的地板上;可乐瓶的押金是5分钱,我把瓶子还回去好用押金买吃的;在每个周日的晚上,我都会步行7英里穿越市区,到Hare Krishna教堂去吃我一周里唯一的一顿大餐。那顿餐的味道美极了。我跟随好奇心和直觉所遇见的和做的事情,事后证明大多数都是极其珍贵的经验。我举一个例子:
6 那个时候,里德大学提供了全美国最好的字体学课程。整个校园的每一张海报,每一个抽屉上的标签,都是漂亮的字体。我选择了一个字体学班,想学学如何能够做得到。在这个班上,我学习了各种衬线和无衬线字体,如何改
变不同字体组合之间的字间距,以及如何做出漂亮的版式。那是一种科学永远无法捕捉的充满美感、历史感和艺术感的微妙,我发现这太有意思了。 7 当时,我压根儿没想到这些知识会在我的生命中有什么实际运用价值;但是10年之后,当我们的设计第一款Macintosh电脑的候,这些东西全派上了用场。我把它们全部设计进了 Mac,这是第一台可以排出好看版式的电脑。如果当时我大学里没有旁听这门课程的话,Mac就不会提供各种字体和等间距字体。
8 当然我在念大学的那会儿,不可能有先见之明,把那些生命中的点点滴滴都串起来;但10年之后再回头看,生命的轨迹变得非常清楚。所以,你要坚信,你现在所经历的将在你未来的生命中串联起来。你不得不相信某些东西,你的直觉,命运,生活,因缘际会 正是这种信仰让我不会失去希望,它让我的人生变得与众不同。
9 我的第二个故事是关于爱与失去。
10 我是幸运的,在年轻的时候就知道了自己爱做什么。在我20岁的时候,就和沃兹在我父母的车库里开创了苹果电脑公司。我们勤奋工作,只用了10年的时间,苹果电脑就从车库里的两个小伙子扩展成拥有4000名员工,价值达到20亿美元的企业。而在此之前的一年,我们刚推出了我们最好的产品 Macintosh电脑,当时我刚过而立之年。然后,我就被炒了鱿鱼。一个人怎么可以被他所创立的公司解雇呢?这么说吧,随着苹果的成长,我们请了一个原本以为很能干的家伙和我一起管理这家公司,在头一年左右,他干得还不错,但后来,我们对公司未来的前景出现了分歧,于是我们之间出现了矛盾。由于公司的董事会站在他那一边,所以在我30岁的时候,就被踢出了局。我失去了一直贯穿在我整个成年生活的重心,打击是毁灭性的。
11 在头几个月,我真不知道要做些什么。我觉得我让企业界的前辈们失望了,我失去了传到我手上的指挥棒。我成了人人皆知的失败者,我甚至想过逃离硅谷。但曙光渐渐出现,我还是喜欢我做过的事情。在苹果电脑发生的一切丝毫没有改变我,一个比特(bit)都没有。虽然被抛弃了,但我的热忱不改。我决定重新开始。
12 我当时没有看出来,但事实证明,我被苹果开掉是我这一生所经历过的最棒
13 在接下来的5年里,我开创了一家叫做NeXT的公司,接着是一家名叫Pixar的公司,并且结识了后来成为我妻子的曼妙女郎。Pixar制作了世界上第一部全电脑动画电影《玩具总动员》,现在这家公司是世界上最成功的动画制作公司之一。后来经历一系列的事件,苹果买下了NeXT,于是我又回到了苹果。我和劳伦斯也拥有了美满的家庭。
14 我非常肯定,如果没有被苹果炒掉,这一切都不可能在我身上发生。对于病人来说,良药总是苦口。生活有时候就像一块板砖拍向你的脑袋,但不要丧失信心。热爱我所从事的工作,是一直支持我不断前进的唯一理由。你得找出你的最爱,对工作如此,对爱人亦是如此。工作将占据你生命中相当大的一部分,从事你认为具有非凡意义的工作,方能给你带来真正的满足感。而从事一份伟大工作的唯一方法,就是去热爱这份工作。如果你到现在还没有找到这样一份工作,那么就继续找。不要安于现状。
15 我的第三个故事是关于死亡。
16 在17 岁的时候,我读过一句格言,好像是:“如果你把每一天都当成你生命里的最后一天,你将在某一天发现原来一切皆在掌握之中。”这句话从我读到之日起,就对我产生了深远的影响。在过去的33年里,我每天早晨都对着镜子问自己:“如果今天是我生命中的末日,我还愿意做我今天本来应该做的事
情吗?”当一连好多天答案都否定的时候,我就知道做出改变的时候到了。 17 提醒自己行将入土是我在面临人生中的重大抉择时,最为重要的工具。因为所有的事情——外界的期望、所有的尊荣、对尴尬和失败的惧怕——在面对死亡的时候,都将烟消云散,只留下真正重要的东西。在我所知道的各种方法中,提醒自己即将死去是避免掉入畏惧失去这个陷阱的最好办法。人赤条条地来,赤条条地走,没有理由不听从你内心的呼唤。
18 大约一年前,我被诊断出癌症。在早晨7:30我做了一个检查,扫描结果清楚地显示我的胰脏出现了一个肿瘤。医生告诉我,几乎可以确定这是一种不治之症,顶多还能活3至6个月。大夫建议我回家,把诸事安排妥当,这是医生对临终病人的标准用语。我整天都想着诊断结果。那天晚上做了一个切
19 这是我最接近死亡的一次,我希望在随后的几十年里,都不要有比这一次更接近死亡的经历。在经历了这次与死神擦肩而过的经验之后,我能够更肯定地告诉你们死亡对我来说只是一个纯粹的理性概念。
20 没人想死。即使想去天堂的人,也是希望能活着进去。死亡是我们每个人的人生终点站,没人能够成为例外。生命就是如此,因为死亡很可能是生命最好的造物,它是生命更迭的媒介,送走耋耄老者,给新生代让路。现在你们还是新生代,但不久的将来你们也将逐渐老去,被送出人生的舞台。
21 你们的时间有限,所以不要把时间浪费在别人的生活里。不要被条条框框束缚。不要让他人的观点所发出的噪音淹没你内心的声音。最为重要的是,要有遵从你的内心和直觉的勇气,它们可能已知道你其实想成为一个什么样的人。其他事物都是次要的。
22 在我年轻的时候,有一本非常棒的杂志叫《全球目录》(The Whole Earth Catalog),它被我们那一代人奉为圭臬。那是在60年代末期,个人电脑、桌面发排系统还没有出现,所以出版工具只有打字机、剪刀和宝丽来相机。这本杂志有点像印在纸上的Google,但那是在Google出现的35年前;它充满了理想色彩,内容都是些非常好用的工具和了不起的见解。
23 在《全球目录》快无疾而终的时候,他们出版了最后一期。在最后一期的封底有一张清晨乡间公路的照片。在照片下面有一排字:Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.这是他们停刊的告别留言。我总是以此自诩。现在,在你们毕业开始新生活的时候,我把这句话送给你们。
24 Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.
25 谢谢大家。
亚历山大 M 辛德勒
1 生活的艺术就是知道何时抓紧与何时放手。因为生活就是一条悖论:它迫使我们牢牢抓住许多礼物,虽然注定到头来还是要放弃。古代的犹太大师曾经这样说过,“一个人握紧拳头来到这个世界,可是当他死的时候,手就松开了”。开始我们抓紧,最终我们必须放弃。
2 当然我们应该抓住生活,因为生活是奇妙的,美从上帝创造的世界的每个小孔中迸发出来。我们知道生活就是这样,可是往往回首往事时才认识到这条真理,当我们记起过去时,突然意识到往事不再。
3 我们记得逝去的美,消蚀的爱。可是我们更痛苦地记得,当美绽放时我们却没有看到,也没有以爱回报我们得到的爱。
4 最近的一次经历再次教给我这个道理。严重的心脏病发作后,我被送到医院,被精心地护理了几天。那不是一个令人愉快的地方。除了自己的疼痛和恐惧,噪音不绝于耳:医生和护士跑动的脚步声,痛苦的呻吟声和哭喊声,在那些天有两次出现了死亡的舞蹈和哮吼,然后是突然失去亲人的人们的哭泣。 5 一天早上,我必须做些附加检查,做检查的机器在医院尽头对面的一栋楼里,因此我不得不躺到带轮子的小床上被推着穿过庭院。
6 当我们从我的住院单元出来时,阳光照到了我身上。我的体验就是这么回事。只是阳光,然而它是多么美丽——多么温暖,多么闪耀,多么灿烂啊! 7 我看看是否还有其他人也珍视这金色的阳光,可是每个人都来去匆匆,多数人的眼睛盯在地上。于是我记起我过去一直多么频繁地漠视每天的壮观,太关注琐事,有时乃至蝇头小事,而没有对每天的辉煌做出反应。
8 从那次经历中拾得的感悟就跟经历本身一样平凡无奇。生活的礼物是珍贵的——可是我们对此太不以为意了。桑顿 威尔德在他的一部伟大作品,不朽的《我们的城镇》中道破这一要点。在剧中,一个年轻妇女生孩子时死掉,但允许返回尘世一天。她选择十六岁生日作为她想重温的日子。但是当她在熟悉的地方露面时,她发现每个人都太忙而不能欣赏那天的奇景。甚至连她的父母都没有注意到她,因此她要求回到属于她的地方。
9 难道这不是折磨我们的疾病吗?我们是盲目的,对世界无处不在之美大都视
10 因而这就是生活对我们自相矛盾要求的一极:不要太忙而忽视生活中的奇观和敬畏之事。每个黎明之前要心怀虔诚,拥抱每个小时,抓住金子般的分分秒秒。
11 抓住生活 可是不要抓得太紧而不能放手。这是生活这枚硬币的第二面,生活悖论的对立面:我们必须接受损失,学会如何放弃。
12 这是不太容易学到的教训,特别当我们年轻,以为世界掌握在我们手中,无论我们满怀激情、全力渴望什么,都能够,不,都将是我们的。但是后来生活推进,让我们面对现实,我们渐渐而确定地明白了第二条真理。
13 在生活的每个阶段,我们都得承受损失——并在这个过程中成长。只有我们从子宫降临并失去它的庇护之后,才开始独立的生命。我们进入一系列学校,然后离开父母和童年的家。我们结婚、生孩子,然后不得不让他们离开我们。我们面对父母与配偶的辞世。我们还得面临自身力量逐渐或迅速衰减。最后,就如松手和握紧的寓言所示:我们必须面对自身不可避免的死亡,可以说,失去我们自己,失去我们过去的或者梦想的一切。
14 在著名的犹太教哈西德教派大师班勒姆临死之际,他的夫人伤心地哭着,于是他责备道:难道你不知道我们被赋予生命,只是为了让我们可以学会如何去死吗?在放弃的艺术上,生命是伟大的老师。注意到这条真理不仅仅公正合理。这就是智慧的大门。松手和握紧的寓言让我们面对生活悖反的要求:首先我们被命令去紧紧抓住生活,欣赏生活的每一件礼物。然后我们被要求学会如何放弃这些礼物。
15 但是,我们为什么要顺从于自相矛盾的要求呢?既然美丽一瞬即逝,为什么还要制造美的东西?既然我们所爱的那些人最终要离我们而去,为什么我们还要用心去爱?
16 为了解决这个悖论,我们必须寻找更宽阔的视野,透过永恒的窗户看待生活。
17 生命决不只是存在,它是变化,无怨无悔的向前奔流。我们的父母通过我们而延续生命,而我们生命在孩子身上得到延续。我们建立的制度会持续存在,我们将通过它们存在下去。我们创造的美不会由于死亡而暗淡。我们的肉体会消失,双手会干枯,可它们创造的真善美将永世长存。
18 当最崇高的犹太殉道者Chanayo ben Teradyon被《摩西五经》经卷裹着身体在火刑柱上焚烧时,门生目睹到他可怕的痛苦,哭喊道:“我们的大师,我们的老师,您看到了什么?”他回答道:“我看见羊皮纸卷在燃烧,但是经卷上的文字,它们在天堂翱翔。”
19 不要耗费生命积聚终将成土成灰的东西。与其追求物质,不如追求理想,因为唯独理想能赋予生命以意义,并具有永久的价值。
20 一所房子加上爱就是一个家。一座城市加上正直就是一个社会。一堆红砖加上真理就是一所学校。最简陋的大厦加上信仰就是一座神殿。在人类无尽的努力之上加上正义就是文明。把这些放到一起,在当下的不足之上加以提升,加上人类得到救赎的前景,永远无争无求,你们就有了一个闪耀着绚丽的希望之光的未来。
(本文作者根据自己孩童时期的经历反思了体育运动在生活中的意义,并得出结论,在人生的课堂中,“挫败的懊恼”胜过“胜利的狂喜”。 )
1 有一次,某人与以制作《体育纵横》(Wide World of Sports) 节目而闻名遐迩的唐.奥尔迈尔 (Don Ohlmeyer) 接触时,说他想提一个问题,后者马上打断他的话答道:“如果你问的是有关体育的事,答案就是‘金钱’”。近几十年来,
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