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II. Vocabulary

1. Considerable expertise is required to be a successful trial lawyer. 1。相当的专业知识,需要一个成功的律师。

A. know-how 技术 B. authority 权威的 C. prudence谨慎 D. resolution分辨率 2. So it came about that even in ancient times tales of Moon voyages were written without any trace of magic and the earthiness of something that might be possible.


A. footprint 足迹 B. measurement测量 C. remainder 剩余的 D. sign 标志 3. I’d like to come with you, but that’s not a promise. Don’t build on it. 3。我想跟你走,但是这不是一个承诺。不要指望它。

A. bring on 带来 B. depend on 取决于 C. take on 接受 D. think on思考 4. I must go and work up my notes, ready for the test. 4。我必须去工作,我的笔记,准备测试。

A. complete 完全 B. take 采取 C. review回顾 D. get获得

5. Groundwater, a resource that exists everywhere beneath the Earth’s surface, is under increasing risk from contamination and overuse.


A. popularization推广 B. pollution C. contraction收缩 D. industrialization工业化 6. The most prominent technological success in the twentieth century is probably computer revolution.


A. noticeable B. solemn 庄严 C. prosperous繁荣 D. prevalent 普遍 7. Neon light is utilized in airport because it can penetrate fog. 7。霓虹灯是利用在机场,因为它能穿透雾。

A. pass through 通过 B. break up 打破 C. transmit 传输 D. suspend暂停 8. There is no point in applying for that job as you are not properly qualified. 8。有申请那份工作你不合格不点。

A. reason 原因 B. result 结果 C. chance 机会 D. use 使用

9. It is estimated that almost one million earthquakes occur each year, but most of them are so minor that they pass undetected.


A. with no damage .无损伤B. with no notice 不通知 C. with no name没有名字 D. with no problem没有问题的

10. Inspired by another movement in art called Dadaism, the Surrealist movement has been one of the most influential art movements in the 20th century.


A. Despised鄙视的 B. Influenced 影响 C. Stifled D. Created 创建

11. In less than a millionth of a second, the vast computer of an international airline can ______ accept 800 booking inquiries, and search its 50 million memory units for appropriate replies.



A. simultaneously同时 B. implicitly .含蓄 C. complacently D. cautiously谨慎 12. There are two hundred and forty stamps in the sheet, arranged in twenty rows of twelve stamps _____.


A. individually .单独 B. across 在 C. horizontally 水平 D. vertically 垂直 13. Many of the conditions that _____ population pressures—overcrowding, unemployment, poverty, hunger and illness—lead to dissatisfaction.

13。许多_____人口压力,过度拥挤,失业,贫困的条件下,饥饿和疾病导致的不满。 A. bring forward 提出 B. bring out 将 C. result in 导致 D. result from结果 14. A severe illness _____ the hot weather has left the baby very weak. 14。一种严重的疾病_____炎热的天气让宝宝很弱。

A. in accordance with根据 B. in line with 符合 C. in conjunction with与 D. in agreement with 协议

15. It is a long time since we’ve been ____; I hope everything goes as well as last time. 15。这是因为我们一直____时间长;我希望一切顺利,以及最后一次。

A. united up联合 B. brought up 起来了 C. teamed up 联手 D. picked up拿起 16. An increasing proportion of our population, unable to live without advanced medical ____, will become progressively more reliant on expensive technology.


A. interaction作用 B. interference 干扰 C. intervention干预 D. interruption中断 17. In what _____ to a last minute stay of execution, a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites.

17。在什么_____到最后一分钟停止执行,议重视会宣布应急资金将保持两个老化卫星。 A. applies应用 B. accounts 账户C. amounts金额D. attaches

18. Despite their good service, most inns are less costly than hotels of _____ standards. 18。虽然有好的服务,最快捷的_____标准比酒店便宜。 A. equivalent等效 B. alike C. uniform均匀 D. likely可能

19. It has been estimated that earthquake-related fatalities have numbered in the millions and earthquake-related destruction has been _____ calculation.

19。据估计,地震相关的死亡人数已经有数百万与地震相关的破坏已经_____计算。 A. under下 B. over在 C. behind后面D. beyond超越

20. We’re in a _____ position here, with the enemy on the hill above us. 20。我们在这里_____位置,与敌人在山上我们。

A. strong 强B. powerful有力的C. vulnerable 脆弱D. negative负


1.Parents heartily endorsed the plan for a school playground. 1。家长们热心支持学校操场的计划。 A. adored 崇拜 B. admired仰慕 C. supported支持 D. denied拒绝 .

2.Black clouds, thunder and lightning show that a storm is imminent. 2。乌云,雷声和闪电表明暴风雨即将来临。

A. coming到来B. Irremediable不可收拾C. unavoidable不可避免的D. irresistible不可抗拒

3.She had upset some boiling oil on her arm and was in agony. 3。她把一些油在她的手臂很痛苦。

A. great pain 极大的痛苦 B. Suffering遭受 C. danger危险 D. despair绝望的 4.The walls of the boathouse had been sapped away by the waves. 4。该船屋墙被消耗掉的波浪。 A. carried away B. destroyed摧毁 C. washed up 冲 D. stricken受灾 5.You must always be ready to sacrifice inclination to duty. 5。你必须随时准备牺牲倾向的责任。 A. liking 喜欢 B. tendency倾向 C. interest兴趣 D. career职业 6.Age had withered the old lady's face. 6岁的枯萎了。老妇人的脸。 A. destroyed B. hurt伤害 C. made decrepit由 D. flecked斑点的 7.Unable to sleep, the patient thrashed about in bed. 7。无法入睡,那个病人在床上辗转反侧。

A. twisted扭曲 B. Twitched抽搐 C. tossed about颠簸 D. tossed off抛出的 8.The committee's plans are set out in the report made by the chairman. 8。该委员会的计划是建立在由主席所作的报告。 A. mentioned 提到 B. intended to do打算做C. arranged 设置D. made known and clear清楚和明确

9.He suffered a long period of depression before his first suicide attempt. 9。他遭受了长期的抑郁症在他第一次企图自杀。

A. Inoculation接种 B. hypertension高血压 C. ailments疾病 D. dejection沮丧的 10.He was never able to enjoy the metropolitan delights of cinemas and theatres. 10。他也没能享受到电影院和剧院的都市的乐趣。 A. artistic艺术 B. modern现代 C. urban 城市 D. various不同 11.There was no school play because the principal ________ his consent. 11。没有学校玩因为主________他的同意。 A. took silence for 沉默 B. withheld扣留了C. rewarded 奖励 D. awarded授予 12.In many countries now, smoking is not ________ in public places. 12。在许多国家,现在,不在公共场所吸烟________。 A. permissive 许可 B. permissible允许 C. permutable置换 D. pernicious有害 13.The boy's curiosity ________ him to ask endless questions. 13。这个男孩的好奇心________他没完没了地问问题。 A. made B. helped帮助 C. confused 混乱 D. prompted引发

14.Condemned to death, Socrates could have escaped but chose to die by drinking ________ poison - seeking truth even to the end.

14。被判死刑,苏格拉底也可以逃脱,但选择死在饮用________毒药寻求真理到底。 A. strong 强 B. dead死 C. dying 死亡 D. lethal致命的

15.We believe in ________ treatment of prisoners so that they can turn over a new leaf. 15。我们相信在囚犯的________处理使他们能够翻开新的一页。 A. human 人类 B. humane人道的 C. cruel 残酷 D. stern严厉 16.Being a commander, he should remain calm at the ________ moment. 16。作为一名指挥官,他应该保持冷静,在________时刻。

A. critic 批评家 B. crisp脆的 C. crucial 关键 D. crinkly 起皱的 17.Health without riches is ________ to riches without health. 17。健康而无财富________财富而无健康。 A. preferable更好 B. better更好 C. desirable理想 D. desirous拟 18.The decision made by the party recently goes against everything I ________. 18。由甲方决定最近的事违背我的________。

A. stand in with站在 B. stand fast站快 C. stand in awe of 敬畏 D. stand for站 19.The ________ of ill-feeling from the Treaty of Versailles made Hitler more determined to take revenge on France in World War Two.

19。从凡尔赛条约不适的感觉________使希特勒更决心报复法国在第二次世界大战。 A. inheritance 继承 B. result结果 C. wish希望 D. desire愿望 20.Medical ________ do not permit doctors and surgeons to advertise. 20。医疗________不允许医生和外科医生做广告。 A. duties 职责 B. standards标准 C. laws 法律 D. ethics道德


1. Henry Ⅵ was an overwhelming success, perhaps partially because Shakespeare drew characters from actual English history.

1Ⅵ。亨利是一个巨大的成功,也许部分由于莎士比亚画人物从实际的英国历史。 A. great .伟大 B. Amazed惊讶的 C. unexpected意外 D. unbelievable难以置信的 2. The new communication system is by no means a minute invention. 2。新的通信系统是不是一个微小的发明。 A. insignificant B. minuscule微不足道的C. accidental意外 D. significant 重大 3.On the notice board there was a list of forthcoming events at school. 3。在公告板上有一张学校即将举行的活动。

A. exciting兴奋 B. arising产生的 C. warning警告 D. approaching.接近

4.In the Pacific Northwest, as climate and topography vary, so do the species that prevail in the forests.

4。在太平洋西北地区,由于气候和地形的变化,那么在森林中普遍存在的物种。 A. coexist共存 B. invade侵入 C. dominate .控制 D. gather收集

5.Behind him were the ruins of a city, shattered, devastated, crumbled piles of concrete and stone that glowed.

5。在他后面的一个城市,打破,破坏了遗址,碎成堆的混凝土和石头,发出。 A. burnt 烧毁 B. ravaged.肆虐 C. isolated 分离 D. conquered.征服 6.Revision of technical prose requires word by word review and elimination of whatever is redundant.

6。技术散文的修改需要逐字审核和消除任何多余的。 A. talkative健谈 B. profuse多 C. abundant丰富 D. wordy罗嗦

7.In the last chapter I proposed the hypothesis that a pure poetry-exists, employing the term \ else\


A. conjecture猜想 B. deduction演绎 C. inference.推理 D. supposition假设 8.Tacit parental approval should be obtained before marriage.


A. tactful B. permissive 允许C. intact.完整的 D. implicit隐式

9.Then he sat and thought in the concentrated, abstracted way he has almost forgetting my presence.

9。然后他坐在集中思想,抽象的方式,他几乎已经忘了我的存在。 A. preoccupied关注B. observant细心 C. intent 意图 D. careful小心

10.An Alexandrian speculator finally thought of a way of turning cat mummies into money. 10。亚历山大投机者终于想到一个办法,把猫木乃伊变成钱。 A. spectator旁观者 B. observer.观测器 C. businessman商人 D. magician魔术师 11. These demands _____ the agreements we have reached. 11。这些要求_____我们所达成的协议。 A. run away from逃离去 B. go against to反对 C. go counter to 去专柜 D. act counter from法案从柜台

12. Mary’s _____ was whether to go to the party in her old dress or to stay at home. 12。玛丽的_____是去参加她的旧衣服或呆在家里。 A. plight .困境 B. emergency 应急 C. dilemma 困境 D. jam.堵塞

13. In temperate regions the growth rings on turtles’ epidermal plates ____ seasonal variations in growth.

13。在温带地区在海龟的表皮板____的季节变化,生长年轮。 A. stimulate.刺激 B. reflect 反映 C. include包括 D. prevent 防止

14. When new math was introduced into schools, many parents were _____ by the approach it involved.

14。当新的数学引入学校,许多家长都_____所涉及的方法。 A. interested 很感兴趣 B. enjoyed C. perplexed .困惑 D. informed告知

15. Most of the great European thinkers of the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries helped to _____ the conception Shaftesbury first formulated.


A. develop发展 B. involve 涉及 C. discover发现 D. grow长

16.It is unfair for the manager to ____ the typist for being late, because she has been ill for a week.

16。为经理,____打字员,迟到是不公平的,因为她已经病了一个星期。 A. advise 建议B. reproach羞辱 C. revive 复兴D. strike走向

17.A vast cigar-shaped body of gas was raised and eventually _____ from the surface of the sun.

17。一个巨大的雪茄形体的气体是凸起的,最终_____从太阳表面。 A. descended .后裔 B. outrun逃脱的C. abstracted抽象 D. reflected反映

18.What a coincidence! It _____ me only this very morning that we hadn't seen each other for twenty years.

18真是太巧了!它_____我今天早晨,我们没有看到对方为二十年。 A. hit on 击中 B. struck袭击C. reproached 辱骂 D. reflected on反映

19.Many people mistake a familiar for a vulgar style, and suppose that to write without affectation is to write _____.


