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篇三:letter to my father 写给父亲的信

Letter to My Father -Ten years ago i wrote this to you!


Once i always think that i'm unfornuture,because i was born in a poor family.we have little money,i even couldn't do the things what i like .there are so many children in our family,my elder sister,my brotherand i,my sister is in the university,my brother is in the high school,i am studying in the university too! every year we have to pay several ten thousand yuan for the tuition,my parents are all famers,for such a pool family you can imagine how hard our life! Not untill i came to the university i didn't know how much i love my family ,how difficulty my parents are? father is the backbone of my family,i can't imagine what our life will be like without my father,my father is always working in the buldingsite,he even seldom have time to share whith his children.he is always earn the money with all his might,that just for our family,he wants us live a better life, now my father is more than fifty years old,yes, he is old and gray!but he is never complaint!

In the hot summer,when everyone are away for the summer holidays at a seaside,only my father still working in the building site;when it's in the cold winter,heavy snowy,it,s still my father standing in the buildingsite.he's never

complaint,he's just earning money day by day .year by year.he's never told us how difficult he is,he's always in high spirit, he's always positive to everything! I have never seen my father cried,but i know how diffcult he is.

As a man, a husband,especially a father,he's never wants his family know his weak,his tears,his upsets!he's always try his best to make our family full of happiness!he's always try his best to satisfied us.he's never want his children are different from the others,whatever the things which can help our study,he's never hesitates,whatever how difficut he is ,he can always do it!

i'm prount of my father,i love him,some times i wish if there's next time, iwould rather as his father and he's my child.i want my father have a good rext, have a good meal,have a wonderfullday.never tired,never have endlessworks,never feel lonely!

So i want to tell everywhatever your parents are,whetherthey are rich or poor,we should love them by our heart,when we were born,our parents have never quiet,they are always care about us untill they died!every time when we think we are old enough we just the children in their eye forever!i love my parents so much that every time when i think one day my parens will left me ,my eyes will be full of tears, ilove my parents,i want alway with them.i hope every one will show your sincerely love to your parents!

Your baby


