更新时间:2023-10-05 05:57:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
存储引擎:Engine=innodb 字符集: charset=utf8
Character set utf8 查看字符集:show character set;
show global variables like'%char%'; show global variables like'%collation%';
显示字符序:show collation;
设置服务器级别:set global character_set_server=gbk; 显示服务器级别:show global variables like 'char%';
数据库进入命令:mysql -h hostname -u username -p mysql -h localhost -u root –p 帮助:help
Help create database; mydb数据库
数据库导入命令:mysqldump -h localhost -u root -p mydb >e:\\mysql\\mydb.sql
source e:/song.sql;
从外部导入:mysql -h localhost -u root -p mydb2 < e:\\mysql\\mydb2.sql 创建数据库:create database mydb; 显示系统当前日期:select now(); 显示数据库:show databases;
显示数据库结构:show create database 数据库名; 显示表:desc 表名;
选择数据库:use mydb;
删除数据库:drop database 数据库名; 创建表:create table mydb; create
null,DepartmentName varchar(20),Note text,primary key(DepartmentID)) -> ENGINE=INNODB;
create table Salary(SalaryID int(10) not null,InCome decimal(4,2), OutCome decimal(4,2),Time date, DepartmentID int(10) ,primary key(SalaryID),constraint constraint_Salary
-> engine=innodb;
修改表:alter table 表名 属性;
创建一个表带默认存储引擎和字符集:create table name (myname varchar(10)) engine=innodb charset=utf8;
创建相同表结构的表:create table 新表名 like 原来表名;
create table Employees1 like Employees; create table 新表名 select *from 原来表名; foreign
变换列:alter table 表名 change 列名 新的列名 新的列的说明; alter table name change myname firstnmae vrachr(20); 增加列:alter table 表名 add 列名 列的说明;
alter table name add lastname varchar(10) not null; 修改列:alter table 表名 modify 列名 列的属性(数据类型) alter table name modify lastname varchar(10); 删除列:alter table 表名 drop column 列名:
alter table name drop column lastname;
删除表:drop table 表名; 显示表信息:show tables ; Describe mydb;
显示表结构:show create table 表名 ; Show create table \\ G
在数据库表中插入信息:insert into 表名 values();
Insert into 表名 set a =’2016//01/01’ 显示数据库表的内容:select * from 表名;
显示系统变量的值:show variables like ‘tiem_zone’; 设置时区时间:set tiem_zone=’+9:00’;
修改更新表:update 表名 set 列名=列的内容; update 表名 set a =’2016//01/01’;
数据库表增加列:alter table表名 add 列名 数据类型; 创建索引:create index 索引名 on 表名 (列名);
追加索引:alter table 表名 add index 索引名 (列名); 删除索引:drop index 索引名 on 表名;
alter table 表名 drop index 索引名; 显示索引:show index from 表名; Show index on 表名;
添加主键:alter table 表名 add primary key(列名);
添加唯一索引:alter table 表名 add unique key或index 索引名(列名); 添加多列索引:alter table 表名 add unique key 或index 索引名(列名,列名,列名);
删除主键索引:;alter table 表名 drop primary key ;
创建外键约束:alter table 表名 add constraint constraint_xx约束的名字 foreign key (那个列是外键) references 主表名(主表的那一列); 删除外键约束:alter table 表名 drop foreign key constraint_xx;
创建视图:create view 视图名 as select*from 表名 where status=1; 删除视图:drop view 视图名;
新建用户:create user 'xw'@'localhost' identified by'123456'; 显示用户:select 用户名 from 用户名; 查看当前权限:show grants;
查看其它用户权限:show grants for test@locahost; 查看系统所有权限:show privileges;
显示具体权限:show grant for xw;
select user,host from mysql.user;
更改用户名:rename user 'xw'@localhost to 'xw'@'%'; Rename user’xw’
查询权限:select user,host from user; select user();
更改用户密码:set password for 'xw'@'%'=password('123'); Alter user ‘user_1’@’localhost’ identified by ’111’;
修改当前密码:set password =password('123'); 授权用户:grant all on yggl.Employees to 'user_1'@'localhost';
grant all on yggl to 'user_1'@'localhost';
grant select,insert on *.* to 'test2'@'localhost'; grant select on yggl.* to'test1'@'%' identified by'123';
grant select on yggll.Salary to 'user_1'@'localhost' with grant option; 收回权限:revoke select on yggll.Employees from 'user_1'@'localhost';
revoke select on *.* from test@localhost; revoke select on yggl.*from'test1'@'%';
新建用户:mysql> create user 'test'@'localhost' identified by 'test123'; 授权:mysql> grant select on *.* to 'test'@'localhost' with grant option;
新建并授权:mysql> grant select on *.* to 'test2'@'localhost' identified by '123456' with grant option;
删除用户:drop user user_3@localhost;
Timestam p :可以根据时区自动进行设置 显示主机:ipconfig/all
主表的约束字段必须有索引:子表+reference +主表
⑴ 使用命令创建用于企业管理的员工管理数据库YGGL,默认的字符集设为utf8. mysql> create database YGGL -> charset=utf8;
⑵ 使用命令创建数据库YGGL中各表 首先将YGGL数据库变成当前活动的数据库 mysql> use YGGL; Database changed
① 创建部门信息表Departments,存储引擎设为innodb. mysql> create table Departments( -> DepartmentID int(10) not null, -> DepartmentName varchar(20), -> Note text,
-> primary key(DepartmentID)) -> ENGINE=INNODB;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.39 sec)
② 创建员工信息表Employees,存储引擎设为innodb
mysql> create table Employees( -EmployeeID int(10) not null,Name varchar(6), Sex
date,Address null,primary
varchar(30),PhoneNumbr int(11),DepartmentID
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.41 sec)
③ 创建员工薪水情况表Salary,存储引擎设为innodb
mysql> create table Salary( -> SalaryID int(10) not null, -> InCome decimal(4,2), -> OutCome decimal(4,2), -> Time date,
-> EmployeeID int(10) not null, -> primary key(SalaryID),
-> constraint constraint_Salary foreign key(EmployeeID) references
-> engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.42 sec)
④ 创建一个结构与Employees表结构相同的空表Employees1;
mysql> create table Employees1 like Employees
-> ;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.20 sec)
⑶检查前面创建的表,如果有错误或遗漏的列及主键、外键定义,则用ALTER TABLE命令修改。
mysql> alter table Employees add constraint constraint_Employees foreign key(DepartmentID) references Departments(DepartmentID);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.86 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
(4) 使用命令删除数据库和表 删除表Employees;
mysql> drop table Employees; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.14 sec)
mysql> drop database YGGL;
Query OK, 3 rows affected (0.44 sec)
实验3 索引和约束
1.掌握索引的使用方法 2.掌握约束的实现方法。
1. 创建和删除索引 2. 创建和删除约束
说明:按实验步骤对数据库YGGL中的三个表进行操作,三个表结构如下(具体参看实验2): Departments (DepartmentID,DepartmentName,Note) Employees
ID) Salary(SalaryID,InCome,OutCome,Time, EmployeeID) 要求:完成实验步骤中的SQL。
1. 使用CREATE INDEX语句创建索引和约束
mysql> create index in_brith on Employees(Birthday);
mysql> create index in_name on Employees(Name,Address); (3)在Departments表的DepartmentName列建立唯一性索引in_depname。
mysql> create unique index in_depname on Departments(DepartmentName);
(4)使用SHOW INDEX语句查看Employees表的索引。
mysql> show index from Employees;
(5)使用SHOW INDEX语句查看Departments表的索引。
mysql> show index from Departments;
2.使用ALTER TABLE语句向表中添加索引和约束
mysql> alter table Employees add unique index in_birth(Birthday);
mysql> alter table Employees add index in_Name_Sex(Name,Sex); (2)删除表Departments的主键。
mysql> alter table Departments drop primary key;
mysql> alter table Departments add primary key(DepartmentID);
mysql> alter table Salary drop foreign key constraint_Salary; (5)为表salary添加适合的外键。
mysql> alter table Salary add constraint constraint_Salary foreign key(EmployeeID) references Employees(EmployeeID); 3.在创建表时创建索引和约束
创建与表Departments表相同结构的表Departments1,将DepartmentName列设为主键, DepartmentID列上建立一个索引
mysql> create table Departments1 select* from Departments; mysql> alter table Department1 add index in_DepartmentID (DepartmentID); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec) Records: 0 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
4. 用适合的方法完成下面的操作
mysql> create table Employees3(EmployeeID int(10)not null unique ,Name varchar(6)not null primary key ,Sex char(2),Education varchar(40));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.26 sec) (2) 创建一个表Salary1,要求所有Salary1表上出现的EmployeeID都要出现在Salary表中,利用完整性约束实现,要求当删除或修改Salary表上的EmployeeID列时,Salary1表中的EmployeeID值也会随之变化。
mysql> create table Salary1 like Salary; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.32 sec)
mysql> alter table Salary1 add constraint constraint_Salary1 foreign
key(EmployeeID) references Salary(EmployeeID) on update cascade;
(3) 将表Salary中的数据插入到表Salary1中。
ysql> insert into salary select*from salary;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) (4) 删除或更新表Salary中的数据时,观察表Salary1中的数据有何变化?
实验4 权限管理
1.掌握数据库用户帐号的建立与管理 2.掌握数据库用户权限的管理
1.理解数据库安全的重要性 2.了解MySQL的安全机制
1.数据库用户帐号的建立与管理 2.用户权限的管理
说明:按实验步骤对数据库YGGL中的三个表进行操作,三个表结构如下(具体参看实验2): Departments (DepartmentID,DepartmentName,Note) Employees
(EmployeeID,Name,Sex,Birthday,Education,WorkYear,Address,PhoneNumber,DepartmentID) Salary(SalaryID,InCome,OutCome,Time, EmployeeID) 要求:完成SQL
1. 数据库用户帐号的建立与管理
mysql> create user 'user_1'@'localhost' identified by '123456'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec) mysql> create user 'user_2'@'localhost' identified by '123456'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> rename user 'user_2'@'localhost'to 'user_3'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) (3)将用户user_3的密码修改为123456。
mysql> set password for 'user_3'@'localhost'=password('123456'); Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec) (4)删除用户user_3。
mysql> drop user user_3@localhost; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
(5)退出MySQL,再次以user_1用户身份登录MySQL。 mysql> exit; Bye mysql> exit; Bye
C:\\Users\\asus>mysql -u user_1 -p Enter password: ******
Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \\g. Your MySQL connection id is 3
Server version: 5.7.10-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. 思考题:
1.以user_1用户身份登录MySQL后,可以对服务器端数据库YGGL进行查询以及更新操作吗?实际操作试试,并解释原因。 不能,因为没有赋予权限
2.MySQL的用户信息存储在MySQL哪个数据库的哪个表中? 存储在mysql数据库里的user表里。
(1)授予用户user_1对YGGL数据库中Employees表的所有操作权限。 mysql> grant all on yggl.Employees to 'user_1'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> grant select,insert,update on yggl.Departments to 'user_1'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
(3)授予用户user_1对YGGL数据库的所有权限。 grant all on yggl to 'user_1'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)
mysql> grant select on yggll.Salary to 'user_1'@'localhost' with grant option; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec)
mysql> grant select on yggl.Salary to 'user_3'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> revoke select on yggll.Employees from 'user_1'@'localhost'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.03 sec) 思考题:
数据库权限:和一个具体的数据库中的所有表相关。 用户权限:和mysql所有的数据库相关。
实验5 数据查询
1.SELECT语句的使用 2.连接查询和子查询的使用
说明:恢复song.sql文件中的三个表: Play_list:歌单表 Play_fav:歌单收藏表 Song_list:歌曲列表
(1) 查询每位艺术家的名字和他的专辑名 mysql> select artist,album from song_list; (2) 按歌单订阅人数降序,显示歌单的信息
mysql> select play_name,bookedcount from play_list order by bookedcount desc; (3) 按歌单创建时间升序,显示歌单的信息
mysql> select play_name,createtime from play_list order by createtime; (4)查询每个专辑的歌曲数量
mysql> select album ,count(song_name) from song_list group by album; (5)查询点播次数最多的歌曲
mysql> select playcount,song_name from song_list order by playcount desc limit 0,1;
mysql> select artist ,count(*) from song_list group by artist having count(*)>=2;
mysql> select play_name,bookedcount from play_list order by bookedcount desc limit 0,3;
mysql> select album ,song_name from song_list where album like '%Straight%';
mysql> select song_name,status,case status when '1' then '已删除' when '0' then '正常' else '未知' end from song_list;
(10) 查询歌曲数量在第2位到第5位的歌单信息
mysql> select trackcount, play_name from play_list order by trackcount desc limit 1,5; (11)查询收藏歌单“每日歌曲推荐”的用户id和收藏时间
mysql> select userid,play_fav.createtime,song_name from song_list ,play_fav where song_list.id=play_fav.userid;
mysql> select play_name,play_fav.userid,play_fav.createtime from play_fav,play_list where play_id = id;
mysql> select play_name,play_id,play_fav.createtime,play_fav.status, case play_fav.status when '0' then 正常' when '1' then '已删除' else '未知' end from play_list,play_fav;
| play_name | play_id | createtime | status | case play_fav.status when '0' then '正常' when '1' then '已删除' else '未知' end |
mysql> select play_name,song_name from song_list,play_list;
实验5 数据查询(2)
Departments (DepartmentID,DepartmentName,Note)
Salary(SalaryID,InCome,OutCome,Time, EmployeeID) 要求:写出正确SQL语句。
(1)查询每个雇员的所有信息 mysql> select*from employees; (2) 查询每个部门的部门号和部门名
mysql> select DepartmentID,DepartmentName from Departments; (3) 查询每个雇员的学历,消除重复行。
mysql> select distinct Education , Name from employees;
mysql> select Address , PhoneNumber,EmployeeID from employees where EmployeeID='000001';
mysql> select EmployeeID,InCome from salary where InCome >= 2000;
mysql> select Name ,Address,Birthday from Employees where Birthday >'1970'; (7)查询女员工的地址和电话,并使用AS子句将结果中各列的标题分别指定为地址、电话。
mysql> select Address as 地址 ,PhoneNumber as 电话 from Employees where Sex
mysql> select Name as 姓名 ,Birthday 出生日期 from Employees where Sex='1';
mysql> select Name,Sex ,case Sex when '1' then '男' when '0' then '女' end from Employees;
mysql> select SalaryID ,InCome ,case when InCome<2000 then '低收入' when InCome between 2000 and 3000 then '中等收入' when InCome >3000 then '高收入' end as 收入水平 from Salary where time between '2012.12.01' and '2012.12.31';
mysql> select DepartmentID,Name from Employees where name like '王%';
mysql> select PhoneNumber,EmployeeID,DepartmentID,Address from Employees where Address not like'%中山%';
mysql> select Name,Address, Education from Employees where EmployeeID like'%0_';
mysql> select EmployeeID from salary where InCome between 2000 and 3000 and time '2012';
(15)查询所有工作时间不在3到6年之间的所有员工的员工号,员工名和工作时间。 mysql> select Name,EmployeeID ,WorkYear from Employees where year(now()) -year(WorkYear) not between 3 and 6;
mysql> select case sex when '1' then '男' when '0' then '女' end as '性别',count(employeeid) as '人数' from employees group by sex;
mysql> select DepartmentName,count(DepartmentName) from Employees, Departments where Employees.DepartmentID=Departments.DepartmentID group by DepartmentName;
mysql> select Education ,count(EmployeeID) from employees group by Education; (19)查询员工数超过2人的部门名称和员工数量。
mysql> select DepartmentName ,count(EmployeeID) from Employees ,Departments where Employees.DepartmentID=Departments.DepartmentID group by DepartmentName having count(DepartmentName)>=2;
mysql> select * from employees order by Birthday desc;
mysql> select * from employees order by EmployeeID limit 0,5;
(23) 查询Employees表中第5到第10位员工信息。
mysql> select * from employees order by EmployeeID limit 4,10; (24)查询在财务部工作的雇员的情况。 mysql>
departments.departmentid=employees.departmentid and departmentname='财务部';
mysql> select * from employees where DepartmentID = (select DepartmentID from departments where DepartmentName='财务部');
mysql> select*from Employees where EmployeeID IN (select EmployeeID from Salary where InCome <2500);
mysql> select name from employees where DepartmentID in (select DepartmentID from departments where DepartmentName = '财务部');
-> and Birthday <= all (select Birthday from employees where DepartmentID in (select DepartmentID from departments where departmentname = '研发部'));
mysql> select Name,EmployeeID from employees where DepartmentID=(select DepartmentID from employees where name='李丽');
mysql> select EmployeeID,Name,Birthday from employees where Education=(select Education from employees where Name='朱俊');
实验6 表数据插入、修改和删除
1. 使用SQL语句向表中插入数据 (1) INSERT命令
? 向表Employees、Departments 和 Salary各插入二行数据。
mysql> insert into Employees values ('000002','王丽','大专','1993-04-13','2','2012-02-3','辽东学院','15641506713','1'),('000003','小慧','本科','1993-09-28','1','2012-01-01','辽东学院','13378569867','2');
Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.16 sec) mysql> select*from employees;
mysql> select * from departments;
mysql> insert into departments values('6','开发部',null),('7','资料部',null); Query OK, 2 rows affected (0.06 sec) Records: 2 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from departments; mysql>
mysql> select * from salary;
? 创建与表Department结构和数据都一样的新表Department1
mysql> create table Department1 like Departments; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.48 sec)
INSERT INTO employees (EmployeeID, Name, Education, Birthday, Sex, WorkYear, Address, PhoneNumber, DepartmentID) VALUES
(1,'李林','大专','1966-01-23','1', '1986-01-23','中山路32-1-508','83355668', 2);
REPLACE INTO employees (EmployeeID, Name, Education, Birthday, Sex,
WorkYear, Address, PhoneNumber, DepartmentID) VALUES
(1,'李林','大专','1966-01-23','1', '1986-01-23','中山路32-1-508','83355668', 2); INSERT INTO与REPLACE INTO相似,但是,INSERT INTO 是往里插入数据,而
REPLACE INTO 则是替换替换跟他重名的,如果没有重名的则是插入。
2. 使用SQL语句更新表数据
⑴ 将编号为’011112’的职工的收入改为2890
mysql> update salary set income=2890 where EmployeeID='011112'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) Rows matched: 0 Changed: 0 Warnings: 0 ⑵ 将所有职工的收入增加100
mysql> update salary set income=income+100; Query OK, 26 rows affected (0.08 sec)
Rows matched: 26 Changed: 26 Warnings: 0 3. 使用SQL语句删除表数据
⑴ 删除表Employee中编号为2的职工的信息。
mysql> delete from employees where employeeid='2'; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec) ⑵ 删除所有收入大于2500的职工信息
mysql> delete employees from salary , employees salary.employeeid=employees.employeeid; Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.11 sec)
⑶ 使用TRUNCATE TABLE语句删除表中所有行 mysql> truncate table salary;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.39 sec)
实验7 触发器
where income>2500 and 触发器
说明:按实验步骤对数据库YGGL中的三个表进行操作,三个表结构如下(具体参看实验2): Departments (DepartmentID,DepartmentName,Note) Employees
Salary(SalaryID,InCome,OutCome,Time, EmployeeID)
mysql> create trigger delete_em after delete on Employees for each row delete from Salary where EmployeeID=OLD.EmployeeID;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.33 sec)
mysql> create table Departments1 like Departments; Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.07 sec)
mysql> insert into Departments1 select*from Departments; Query OK, 5 rows affected (0.13 sec) Records: 5 Duplicates: 0 Warnings: 0
mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create trigger Departments_ins after insert -> on Departments for each row -> begin
-> insert into Departments1
-> values(new.DepartmentID,new.DepartmentName,new.n -> end //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.06 sec)
mysql> delimiter;
创建完后添加一个部门到Departments,然后查看Departments1表中的变化情况。 mysql> select * from departments1;
mysql> delimiter //
mysql> create trigger add_Salary after update on Employees for each row -> begin
-> declare years int;
-> set years=new.workyear-old.workyear; -> if years>0 then ->
-> end if; -> end //
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> delimiter;
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- 1-合肥供电公司新建住宅小区供配电设施建设工程管理办法(试行)(办公会研讨后修改稿) - 图文
- 01.青年教师优质课竞赛
- 预应力张拉
- 高中数学拔高训练
- 最全最新源码编译安装 - MySQL - 5.6.10
- 处理客户邮件技巧
- 运动控制系统第3版 课件
- 2011年7月自学考试计算机网络安全试题
- 自考战略性绩效管理
- 咸宁市城区城市基础设施配套费征收管理办法
- 浅论罗马法中的人格
- 红帽linux系统管理模拟试题
- 中国文献学讲义 - 图文
- 2016级《会计学》练习题第1版(学生用)
- 如何理性看待网络红人