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I. Paraphrase the following sentences from the textbook. (20)

1. I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers

approached this rich continent. 2. This tendency towards irresponsibility persists in very many of us today. 3. The colonists farmed meager lands close to their communities and to safety. 4. It is little wonder that they went land-mad. 5. Mental depression is a recurring nightmare. 6. I often go the supermarket for the pure fun of it.

7. Such signs are unmistakable forms of body language.

8. People with a more dominant attitude will use more expansive gestures.

9. What if a woman decides that she isn’t interested in a man’s overtures?

10. In such settings, “hands off” is the best policy because a well-intentioned touch can be badly misconstrued.

11. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vane.

12. At first thought, it seems a trivial pursuit to examine the ways in which we address one


13. Our initial decision about the appropriate address form is based on relative ages. 14. Complications arise when relative age and relative rank are not both the same. 15. There would be widespread agreement that there is linguistic deficiency.

16. Let me touch upon one other way in which we are equipped somewhat less than ideally to

say what we want to say.

17. Can we not begin to imagine how near to despair these people must come who can almost

never find the word they are hunting for? 18. There are thousands of ideas that it is impossible to translate into popular language. 19. The man rattled off an account of the killer’s second attack. 20. What are some other universal nonverbal signals?

II. Answer the following questions according to the texts you have learned. (20)

1. What is the story “Salvation” mainly about? (Lesson one)

2. Why was Langston Hughes crying that night? (Lesson one)

3. What are those factors we must consider when addressing a person in a formal situation? (Lesson two)

4. Is it easy to choose words to express our ideas and feelings? Why? (Lesson three) 5. Why did the 38 people fail to call the police when the lady was in danger? (Lesson four) 6. What is body language? (Lesson five)

7. According to Steinbeck, what is the attitude of the Americans towards the land? (Lesson six) 8. What is mental depression? (Lesson seven)

9. Why do most people go to the supermarket when they have no intention to buy anything? (Lesson eight)

10. Can you explain why the author prefers wanting instead of having in terms of food and other

wonderful things? (Lesson nine)

11. Who does the second person “you” refer to in Lesson ten—“What Is It Like to Be Poor”? 12. Is it a record of George Orwell’s own life experience? (Lesson ten) 13. Why does Lawrence say London is “dull”? (Lesson twelve)

14. Were the animals warmly received by the Indians? (Lesson thirteen) 15. What does the musicians refer to in Lesson fourteen, men or animals?

III. Translate the following sentences. (20)

1. 我们心中十分焦急地等待比赛结果。

2. 我希望你不要超出正在讨论的问题的范围。 3. 千里之行,始于足下。

4. 他报出了一连串他所访问过的城市的名字。 5. 我们的目的是寻求友谊和合作。

6. 对他一生最有影响的就是他父亲。

7. 他对科学事业的贡献赢得了公众的承认。 8. 孩子们喜欢去农场是不足为怪的。 9. 那人手持大棍向我打来。

10. 那场事故造成多人死亡。

11. 政府组织遭受水灾地区的人民重建家园。 12. 他在宗教的环境里感到不自在。

13. 中国人和美国人打招呼的方式有什么不同之处? 14. 雪莱和济慈是同时代人。 15. 16. 17. 18.

这个悲剧发生地点是一个西班牙的村庄。 船经受住了飓风,没有人受伤。

由于他的病是致命的,医生已不抱任何希望。 连年的战争耗尽了这个国家的资源。

19. 有的作家文体晦涩难懂。 20. 工厂的生产突飞猛进。

21. 许多人滥用上帝的名义。

22. 我代表中国人民向你表示热烈欢迎。 23. 工厂的生产突飞猛进。

24. 他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。

25. 政府组织遭受水灾地区的人民重建家园。 26. 他在宗教的环境里感到不自在。

27. 中国人和美国人打招呼的方式有什么不同之处? 28. 当他不能证明自己的身份时,银行暂时停止了付款. 29. 警察从指纹上认定了罪犯。 30. 他显出吃惊的神色.

IV. Reading comprehension. Read the following poem and interpret (understand and explain) it in your own words. (20)

What happens to a dream deferred?

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up

like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode


Listen, children: Your father is dead. From his old coats I'll make you little jackets; I'll make you little trousers From his old pants.

There'll be in his pockets Things he used to put there, Keys and pennies

Covered with tobacco; Dan shall have the pennies To save in his bank;

Anne shall have the keys To make a pretty noise with. Life must go on,

And the dead be forgotten; Life must go on, Though good men die; Anne, eat your breakfast; Dan, take your medicine; Life must go on; I forget just why.


I. Paraphrase the following sentences from the textbook. (20)

1. I have often wondered at the savagery and thoughtlessness with which our early settlers

approached this rich continent. (I cannot understand why the early settlers were so savage and thoughtless in their attitude towards the American land.)

2. This tendency towards irresponsibility persists in very many of us today. (Many of us today

are as irresponsible as our ancestors in treating the land.) 3. The colonists farmed meager lands close to their communities and to safety. (They ploughed those pieces of land that were poor and close to their living places where they were safe.) 4. It is little wonder that they went land-mad. (It is not strange that they were foolishly enthusiastic about land.)

5. Mental depression is a recurring nightmare. (Mental depression is a terrible thing that occurs again and again.)

6. I often go the supermarket for the pure fun of it. (I often go there without the intent to buy anything but just for fun.)

7. Such signs are unmistakable forms of body language. (These signs are forms of non-verbal

communication understood by everyone.) 8. People with a more dominant attitude will use more expansive gestures. (More aggressive

people will employ more dominating forms of body language.)

9. What if a woman decides that she isn’t interested in a man’s overtures? (What would happen

if a woman were not interested in a man’s preliminary attention?)

10. In such settings, “hands off” is the best policy because a well-intentioned touch can be badly

misconstrued. (When this happens, “no touching” is the best thing to do because a touch can be seriously misunderstood even if you have a good intention.)

11. God had not struck Westley dead for taking his name in vane. (God had not killed him though he cheated.)

12. At first thought, it seems a trivial pursuit to examine the ways in which we address one

another. (In the beginning, it seems unimportant to study how we greet each other.) 13. Our initial decision about the appropriate address form is based on relative ages. (The first

thing about the proper form of address that we must consider is how old or how young the addressee is.)

14. Complications arise when relative age and relative rank are not both the same. (Difficult situations would occur if the addressee’s age and rank do not agree.)

15. There would be widespread agreement that there is linguistic deficiency. (All people agree

that language is not everything and cannot do everything we want it to do.)

16. Let me touch upon one other way in which we are equipped somewhat less than ideally to

say what we want to say. (I will treat briefly another way in which we cannot say want we

have to say in mind.)

17. Can we not begin to imagine how near to despair these people must come who can almost never find the word they are hunting for? (Can’t we say that people are sometimes in a desperate situation in looking for the words wanted?)

18. There are thousands of ideas that it is impossible to translate into popular language. (Many

ideas are abstract and cannot be conveyed by language.)

19. The man rattled off an account of the killer’s second attack. (The man described in detail how

the man attacked the girl for the second time.)

20. What are some other universal nonverbal signals? (Are there more forms of non-verbal

communication recognized all over the world? And what are they?)

II. Answer the following questions according to the texts you have learned. (20)

1. What is the story “Salvation” mainly about? (Lesson one) (The author’s first religious

experience and his disillusionment) 2. Why was Langston Hughes crying that night? (Lesson one) (For he was cheated and he lied for the first time in life)

3. What are those factors we must consider when addressing a person in a formal situation? (Lesson two) (Relative age and rank)

4. Is it easy to choose words to express our ideas and feelings? Why? (Lesson three) (No. Linguistic insufficiency)

5. Why did the 38 people fail to call the police when the lady was in danger? (Lesson four) (They were afraid and indifferent.)

6. What is body language? (Lesson five) (Non-verbal communication)

7. According to Steinbeck, what is the attitude of the Americans towards the land? (Lesson six)

(Irresponsible, savage and thoughtless)

8. What is mental depression? (Lesson seven) (The state of being in low spirits)

9. Why do most people go to the supermarket when they have no intention to buy anything?

(Lesson eight) (For fun; to be a part of the public life; not to be forgotten by others)

10. Can you explain why the author prefers wanting instead of having in terms of food and other

wonderful things? (Lesson nine) (Once you get it, you will not value it. It’s the death of desire.)

11. Who does the second person “you” refer to in Lesson ten—“What Is It Like to Be Poor”? (The author himself and people in similar situations)

12. Is it a record of George Orwell’s own life experience? (Lesson ten) (Yes, it is)

13. Why does Lawrence say London is “dull”? (Lesson twelve) (He did not like it and was not popular among people there.)

14. Were the animals warmly received by the Indians? (Lesson thirteen) (Yes) 15. What does the musicians refer to in Lesson fourteen, men or animals? (Animals)

III. Translate the following sentences. (20)

31. 我们心中十分焦急地等待比赛结果。(anxiety)

32. 我希望你不要超出正在讨论的问题的范围。(confine) 33. 千里之行,始于足下。(start with)

34. 他报出了一连串他所访问过的城市的名字。(rattle off) 35. 我们的目的是寻求友谊和合作。(seek)

36. 对他一生最有影响的就是他父亲。(dominant)

37. 他对科学事业的贡献赢得了公众的承认。(recognition) 38. 孩子们喜欢去农场是不足为怪的。(no wonder) 39. 那人手持大棍向我打来。(come at) 40. 那场事故造成多人死亡。(result in)

41. 政府组织遭受水灾地区的人民重建家园。(poverty-stricken) 42. 43. 44. 45.


中国人和美国人打招呼的方式有什么不同之处?(differ) 雪莱和济慈是同时代人。(contemporary)


46. 船经受住了飓风,没有人受伤。(endure)

47. 由于他的病是致命的,医生已不抱任何希望。(hold out) 48. 连年的战争耗尽了这个国家的资源。(exhaust) 49. 有的作家文体晦涩难懂。(style)

50. 工厂的生产突飞猛进。(by leaps and bounds) 51. 许多人滥用上帝的名义。(take one’s name in vain) 52. 我代表中国人民向你表示热烈欢迎。(on behalf of)

53. 他的演讲不断被一阵阵掌声所打断。(interrupt)

54. 当他不能证明自己的身份时,银行暂时停止了付款. (suspend) 55. 警察从指纹上认定了罪犯。(identify) 56. 他显出吃惊的神色. (assume)

IV. Reading comprehension. Read the following poem and interpret (understand and explain) it in your own words. (20)

What happens to a dream deferred?

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run?

Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load.

Or does it explode

(The poem was written by Langston Hughes. It is about dream and what would happen if a dream has no chance of being realized. More specifically, the poem is about the dream of the American blacks for equality, freedom, and other human rights. The poet encourages the blacks to hold their dreams, for it is what gives meaning and generates hope to a life of misery and suffering. The poem also sounds a warning: if nothing is done to help the blacks, and if the blacks cannot fulfill their dream, then it would be “fire” next time. Their dream is going to “explode,” destroying

everything in the American society. The poem is in the convention of free verse. It contains a number of questions, which is very unique. And simile is the most conspicuous figure of speech in it.)

Lament Listen, children: Your father is dead. From his old coats

I'll make you little jackets; I'll make you little trousers From his old pants.

There'll be in his pockets Things he used to put there, Keys and pennies Covered with tobacco; Dan shall have the pennies To save in his bank;

Anne shall have the keys To make a pretty noise with. Life must go on,

And the dead be forgotten; Life must go on,

Though good men die; Anne, eat your breakfast; Dan, take your medicine; Life must go on; I forget just why.

(This poem is a lament over the death of the father, the bread-winner of the family. As can be seen from the poem, the family has been poverty-stricken in the past years. And the untimely death of the father has plunged it into deeper misery. The mother, though grief-stricken, is a strong-minded woman. She assumes the whole responsibility of looking after the children. Life must go on, though it is difficult. The poem is written in the tradition of free verse. Parallelism is the major figure of speech.)

