
更新时间:2024-03-15 17:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载



第一部分 UNIT1.

1) To lose weight, Katie substituted some low-fat foods for high-fat foods in her diet, for example, having fat-free milk instead of regular milk.

2) Our science teacher drew a(n) analogy between the way water moves and the way light travels in waves.

3) In a dictionary, the word “noun” is often represented by the letter “n”. 4) It is interesting that different styles of dress can be associated with different types of music.

5) AIDS is the biggest health challenge we have had to face this century. 6) Coal can easily be converted to gas.

7) Although people often say this is beautiful or that is beautiful, it is mot easy to define the concept of beauty. 8) The famous TV producer successfully reduced the history of space travel to a 2-hour show.

9) I have a(n) image in my mind of how I want my room to be.

10) Jack carried bundles of old clothes and magazines to the garage sale.

11) There are all beautiful photos. It’s really hard for me to choose the best one. 12) When asked where his mother was, the little boy pointed to the kitchen. 13) John didn’t marry Mary in the end. He married Julie instead.

14) The best thing about traveling is that you can meet different people and learn about various customs.


1) Ever since my brother took that job offer, he has been traveling back and forth, and we rarely talk these days.

2) The rain was so heavy and the road so muddy that it took us all day to reach our destination.

3) Computer terminals are seen everywhere in offices now. 4) Students should pay attention to the distinction between formal and informal words when they are learning a foreign language.

5) Since the final exam is drawing near, you are not supposed to play football after school.

6) Let’s make a(n) bet on who will be the first one to finish reading the book. 7) He offered to take me for a ride in his car but I refused, because he is such a(n) rotten driver!

8) We don’t see any racial prejudice here: people of all skin colors seem to get on well with each other.

9) As the train came near, people waiting on the platform picked up their bags and got ready to board.

10) Even if you can’t afford to stay in a 5-star hotel, you can still find clean

and inexpensive accommodation.

11) What a delight to walk along the river on a sunny afternoon! 12) Because of traffic problems above ground, many people in Shanghai ride the subway to work.

13) He pretended to read a newspaper, but in fact he was observing the young girl who had just entered the teahouse.

14) The ever increasing housing price forces young couples to buy apartments away from the city center.

15) We welcome your valuable suggestions for improving our service.


1)Dick wrote a letter of apology to his girlfriend and begged her to forgive his rudeness.

2)The patient has responded to the drug and is recovering quickly.

3)The two countries have enjoyed a friendly relationship with each other for a long time.

4)His present job does not suit his abilities.he may do better at marking. 5)Fighting with fists is not a good way to settle an argument.

6)Under police questioning,he finally spilled out the teuth of what had happened that night.

7)The beautiful sunny morning put me in a happy mood.

8)The government called on people to hold on to the tradition of respecting the old. 9)The appearance of the superstar drew tremendous applause.

10)The young parents scolded their child because he spoke rudely to the guest. 11)When people heard that he was raising his younger sister single-handedly,they were so touched that they gave money freely to help him.

12)I want very much to thank you’ve done for me,but words fail me.


1) The Chinese new year seems to have lost its attraction as an important event of the year.

2) I`m tired of this routine job of answering phones and ordering takeout food. I need some excitement.

3) She hurried away as soon as she received a message from her husband.

4) Some neighbors who have detected the smell of gas from the apartment called911. 5) The saleswoman spoke in such a rude manner that i decided not to buy anything from her.

6) During the sars outbreak, devices for taking people`s temperature without actually touching the human body sold very well.

7) The ability to encourage others is essential to a leader.

8) Human beings very often take action without thinking about the impact on the environment.

9) The internet enable us to get information faster than ever.

10) Regular exercises and a healthy diet enable people to live longer.

11) Prof. Hogworth`s major research interest is the common characteristics shared by twins.


1) The 20 century is remarkable for its inventions.

2) I think I’ll just pop into this pub for a quick drink. 3) Crops may suffer if temperatures dip below freezing. 4) I took off my coat and hung it on the peg.

5) Mrs. Eber wouldn’t let her cat outside for fear that it would be hit by a car. 6) The patient managed to rise to his feet, but then he had to stick close to the tables for support on his way to the door.

7) Bats are the only mammals to have wings and to manage long flight.

8) The maid has to make sure the refrigerator is full of food, the cupboard full of clean linen and the beds changed regularly.

9) Mom asked Karen to go to a nearby supermarket to buy a(n) jar of coffee and some orange juice.

10) Jack worked here and there but never for long in one town.

11) These gloves fit so well it’s as if they were tailor-made to my hands. 12) Hang your coat on that peg and sit by the fire to warm yourself.



1)I did not see the other car at the time because it was outside my field of vision. 2)Do you think a beautiful face is an advantage or not for a woman? 3)Fever is a symptom of many illnesses.

4)The basketball player had barely sat down before the reporters started firing question at him.

5)Their old house had been large and spacious (宽敞的);by conteast the new flat seemed small and dark.

6)Every type of plant,with no exception,contains some kind of salt.

7)Parents should pay more attention to their children during their formative years. 8)Joey came close to despairing after six months of unemployment. 9)I’m tired of being treated like a slave.I’ll quit immediately.

10)Many of these problems had their origin in the upper levels of administeation. 11)Jonathan’s great grandfather left Ireland for the United States,which was believed to be a land of promise.

12)It’s interesting that some famous modern Chinese writers used be students of medicine.

13)Maggie is no ordinary woman.She has supported over a hundred children through school by working two jobs at the same time. 14)They have been hired to herd(放牧) Mr.Simpson’s sheep in the mountains the whole summer.


1) I don’t much time , so tell me briefly what have you sen in the factory.

2) Under no circumstances should you lend him any money, because he would never pay you back.

3) Students clashed(发生冲突) violently with the police and some of them were badly injured.

4) The club recruits new members on a regular basis.

5) The police are making enquiries and try to get the truth of the whole thing. 6) What sort of qualifications do I need for the job?

7) Today there are still many magnificent palaces kept intact(完整的) in this country.

8) He reacted to the insult(侮辱) by turning his back on Jimmy. 9) The government put down the rebellion with brutal force.

10) You need to see a doctor immediately. Otherwise the cough may develop into something more serious.

11) The entire nation celebrated upon learning the news of the successful return of their first astronaut from outer space.

12) Farmers in this village supply the city with fresh vegetables.


1) Some computer programs can be downloaded(下载) and used free of charge for a few weeks. But you’ll have to pay a(n) fee if you continue to use them after that. 2) This play is so popular that there is a long queue at the ticket window.

3) Despite the knowledge that the operation might fail, Judy decided to take a risk. 4) Oil is an important raw material, which can be processed(加工) into many different chemical products, including plastics.

5) Mark elbowed his way on to the crowded bus but failed to get a seat. 6) This instrument can be used to measure sea surface temperatures.

7) He was so seriously ill that even the most eminent doctors could not cure him. 8) The surgeon is performing a delicate(精细的) operation on Jessica’s knee. 9) My friends phoned me that they had set out at 7 o’clock, so they should arrive soon.


10) Chris had fallen in love with the decorative(装饰的) arts of the 18 centuries and wanted to furnish his house in that style. 11) I’ll never regret spending years teaching in that remote village. It’s actually the best part of my life.

12) Memories are not always reliable, because we tend to remember only those things we want to remember.

13) You must get rid of that annoying habit of clearing your throat every time you speak. 14) Successes don’t come by accident. Only those who try hard enough will be rewarded.

第二部分 UNIT2.

1) Is that the best excuse you can come up with?

2) That guy we met last night turned out to be Tina’s cousin.

3) I think I will hold on to the records, but you can have the tapes. 4) Will you take over the driving when we reach Los Angeles? 5) The passengers cheered when the yacht(游艇) picked up speed. 6) I’m hungry. It’s time for us to head for the restaurant.


1)The team was required to figue out a solution(解决方案)to the problem by the end of this month.

2)Margaret had difficulty with her mathematics,but her teacher managed to pull her through.

3)During the interview,every candidate(应试者)tried to bring out the best in themselves.

4)The diamond necklace that she wore at the party added to her glamour(魅力). 5)A sense of hope rose in him and his face began to light up.

6)True,you have failed this time,but at least you can draw some lessons from this experience.

7)There was a touch of humor in his tone when he told the story.


1)Quite a few professor will leave this college in fall. For instance,prof. Smith will go to teach ant oxford.

2)The soldiers are equipped with the latest weapons.

3)Kids, will you please switch off the tv ? It`s time to go to bed.

4)The captain of the ship asked two of his men to be on the look out for icebergs. 5)James kept looking at his watch . At last his guest took the hint and left. 6)Speed up. The floodwater is just behind us.

7)Is your novel based on a real life story or did you make it up.


1)Jimmy has turned down job offers from several different law firms. 2)After the long vacation,he didn’t feel like going back to work.

3)I know my son is far from the best singer,but certainly he’s not the worst. 4)After reading Hemingway,John was fired with ambition(雄心)to become a writer. 5)My wife doesn’t really care for tea;she likes coffee better.

6)Don’t mix up those papers,or we’ll nenver find the ones we need.


1) Many policemen were seriously injured when the police station was blown up by terrorists yesterday.

2) She’s finding it difficult to face up to the possibility of an early death. 3) He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he will get over it. 4) The TV is broken, but I’ve sent for somebody to repair it.

5) I think the door is locked, but I’d better go and make sure it is.

might be worried about her safety.

4) 去年,我取得了做外科医生的资格。回想在医科大学度过的五年,我觉得那是我生命中最艰苦也是最快乐的一段日子。

Last year I qualified as a surgeon. I looked back on the five years at medical university as the hardest as well as the happiest time of my life. 5) 布朗先生是一位十分杰出实业家。他曾经说过,“要想在商业领域里取得成功,你必须得冒许多险。”

Mr. Brown is an eminent businessman. He once said,“You have to take a lot of risks if you want to succeed in business. ”

6) 彼得靠在饭店里洗盘子维持生活。但是最近饭店准备裁员,彼得每天都生活在被解雇的恐惧之中。

Peter makes a living by washing dishes in a restaurant. But recently the restaurant has been planning to cut jobs and Peter is living in daily fear of being fired.

