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[[]开曼公司] 公司备忘录

1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3.

The name of the Company is [【】 CAYCO]. 公司名称为[【】开曼公司]。

The Registered Office of the Company shall be at the offices of [●], George Town, Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, or at such other place as the Directors may from time to time decide.

公司的注册地址为[●],乔治镇,大开曼岛,开曼群岛,或者董事随时决定的该等其他地址。 The objects for which the Company is established are unrestricted and shall include, but without limitation, the following:

公司的设立目的并不受限制,且包括但不限于如下内容: (a)


To carry on the business of an investment company and to act as promoters and entrepreneurs and to carry on business as financiers, capitalists, concessionaires, merchants, brokers, traders, dealers, agents, importers and exporters and to undertake and carry on and execute all kinds of investment, financial, commercial, mercantile, trading and other operations.

(a) (i)



To carry on whether as principals, agents or otherwise howsoever the business of realtors, developers, consultants, estate agents or managers, builders, contractors, engineers, manufacturers, dealers in or vendors of all types of property including services.

(ii) 就各种房地产包括相关服务作为被代理人、代理人或者其他开展房地产经纪、开发、



To exercise and enforce all rights and powers conferred by or incidental to the ownership of any shares, stock, obligations or other securities including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing all such powers of veto or control as may be conferred by virtue of the holding by the Company of some special proportion of the issued or nominal amount thereof, to provide managerial and other executive, supervisory and consultant services for or in relation to any company in which the Company is interested upon such terms as may be thought fit.

(b) 行使或执行所拥有的任何股份、股票、债券或其他证券被授予或附带的全部权利和权力,

包括但不限于公司因拥有已发行的特定比例或票面数额的上述证券而被授予的所有该种投票权或控制权等一般性权利。基于公司认为合适的条款,向公司拥有权益的任何公司提供、或提供与该等公司有关的管理或其他执行、监督和咨询服务。 (c) To purchase or otherwise acquire, to sell, exchange, surrender, lease, mortgage, charge,

convert, turn to account, dispose of and deal with real and personal property and rights of all kinds and, in particular, mortgages, debentures, produce, concessions, options, contracts, patents, annuities, licences, stocks, shares, bonds, policies, book debts, business concerns, undertakings, claims, privileges and causes in action of all kinds. (c) 购买或者其他方式取得,销售、交换、放弃、出租、抵押、收费、转换、移交,结算、处

分和处臵不动产和动产以及所有相关权利,特别是在各种行动中涉及的抵押权、债券、产品、特许权、选择权、合同、知识产权、养老金、许可证、股票、股份、保证金、保险单、账面负债、商行、保证、索赔、特权和主张。 (d) To subscribe for, conditionally or unconditionally, to underwrite, issue on commission or

otherwise, take, hold, deal in and convert stocks, shares and securities of all kinds and to enter into partnership or into any arrangement for sharing profits, reciprocal concessions or cooperation with any person or company and to promote and aid in promoting, to constitute, form or organise any company, syndicate or partnership of any kind, for the purpose of acquiring and undertaking any property and liabilities of the Company or of advancing, directly or indirectly, the objects of the Company or for any other purpose which the Company may think expedient.

(d) 有条件或无条件地认购、包销、经授权或其他方式发行、取得、持有、处臵及转换股票、


发起或意图发起设立、组成或创办任何公司、财团或任何类型的合伙企业旨在:取得并承担公司的权利和义务,直接或间接推进公司的宗旨,或为公司认为适合的其他任何目的。 (e) To stand surety for or to guarantee, support or secure the performance of all or any of the

obligations of any person, firm or company whether or not related or affiliated to the Company in any manner and whether by personal covenant or by mortgage, charge or lien upon the whole or any part of the undertaking, property and assets of the Company, both present and future, including its uncalled capital or by any such method and whether or not the Company shall receive valuable consideration therefor. (e) 就任何人士、单位或公司履行其全部或任何义务提供保证或担保、支持或确保:无论其在





To engage in or carry on any other lawful trade, business or enterprise which may at any time appear to the Directors of the Company capable of being conveniently carried on in conjunction with any of the aforementioned businesses or activities or which may appear to the Directors of the Company likely to be profitable to the Company.

(f) 从事或开展任何其他合法的贸易、营业或事业,且该等贸易、业务或事业是公司董事认为


In the interpretation of this Memorandum of Association in general and of this Clause 3 in particular, no object, business or power specified or mentioned shall be limited or restricted by reference to or inference from any other object, business or power, or the name of the Company, or by the juxtaposition of two or more objects, businesses or powers and that, in the event of any ambiguity in this clause or elsewhere in this Memorandum of Association, the same shall be resolved by such interpretation and construction as will widen and enlarge and not restrict the objects, businesses and powers of and exercisable by the Company.


4. Except as prohibited or limited by the Companies Law (2002 Revised), as amended, supplemented, reissued or restated from time to time, the Company shall have full power and authority to carry out any object and shall have and be capable of from time to time and at all times exercising any and all of the powers at any time or from time to time exercisable by a natural person or body corporate in doing in any part of the world whether as principal, agent, contractor or otherwise whatever may be considered by it necessary for the attainment of its objects and whatever else may be considered by it as incidental or conducive thereto or consequential thereon, including, but without in any way restricting the generality of the foregoing, the power to make any alterations or amendments to this Memorandum of Association and the Articles of Association of the Company considered necessary or convenient in the manner set out in the Articles of Association of the Company, and the power to do any of the following acts or things, viz:



to pay all expenses of and incidental to the promotion, formation and incorporation of the Company; to register the Company to do business in any other jurisdiction; to sell, lease or dispose of any property of the Company; to draw, make, accept, endorse, discount, execute and issue promissory


notes, debentures, bills of exchange, bills of lading, warrants and other negotiable or transferable instruments; to lend money or other assets and to act as guarantors; to borrow or raise money on the security of the undertaking or on all or any of the assets of the Company including uncalled capital or without security; to invest monies of the Company in such manner as the Directors determine; to promote other companies; to sell the undertaking of the Company for cash or any other consideration; to distribute assets in specie to Members of the Company; to make charitable or benevolent donations; to pay pensions or gratuities or provide other benefits in cash or kind to Directors, officers, employees, past or present and their families; to purchase Directors and officers liability insurance and to carry on any trade or business and generally to do all acts and things which, in the opinion of the Company or the Directors, may be conveniently or profitably or usefully acquired and dealt with, carried on, executed or done by the Company in connection with the business aforesaid provided that the Company shall only carry on the businesses for which a licence is required under the laws of the Cayman Islands when so licensed under the terms of such laws.


The liability of each Member is limited to the amount from time to time unpaid on such Member's shares.


The share capital of the Company is US$[●] divided into [29,613,193] common shares of a nominal or par value of US$[●] each and [25,500,000] preferred shares of a nominal or par value of US$[●], all of which are series A preferred shares, each with power for the Company insofar as is permitted by law, to redeem or purchase any of its shares and to increase or reduce the said capital subject to the provisions of the Companies Law (2002 Revised) and the Articles of Association and to issue any part of its capital, whether original, redeemed or increased with or without any preference, priority or special privilege or subject to any postponement of rights or to any conditions or restrictions and so that unless the conditions of issue shall otherwise expressly declare every issue of shares whether declared to be preference or otherwise shall be subject to the powers hereinbefore contained.



If the Company is registered as exempted, its operations will be carried on subject to the provisions of Section 193 of the Companies Law (2002 Revised) and, subject to the provisions of the Companies Law (2002 Revised) and the Articles of Association, it shall have the power to register by way of


5. 5. 6.


continuation as a body corporate limited by shares under the laws of any jurisdiction outside the Cayman Islands and to be deregistered in the Cayman Islands.



Capitalized terms that are not defined in this Memorandum of Association bear the same meaning as those given in the Articles of Association of the Company.


8. 8.









[【】开曼公司] 公司章程

1. In these Articles Table A in the Schedule to the Statute does not apply and, unless there is something in the subject or context inconsistent therewith, 1.

本章程中,除非题目或上下文所述,否则法令附件中表A并不适用且不相一致: \Affiliate\

of a company or corporation shall mean any company, corporation, or other entity that controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with, the specified company or corporation, within the meaning of Rule 144 of the Securities Act. means these Articles as originally framed or as from time to time altered by Special Resolution.

means the persons for the time being performing the duties of auditors of the Company.




\Board of Directors\

\China Subsidiaries\


\Common Share\





\Memorandum of Association\


means the Board of Directors of the Company.

means the PRC 【】 and [●], each a limited liability company established under the laws of the PRC.

shall bear the meaning as ascribed to it in the Share Purchase Agreement.

means a common share in the capital of the Company with a par value of US$[●] each. means [【】].

means debenture stock, mortgages, bonds and any other such securities of the Company whether constituting a charge on the assets of the Company or not.

means the directors for the time being of the Company.

includes bonuses and interim dividends. means [【】]

shall bear the meaning as ascribed to it in the Statute.

means the Memorandum of Association of the Company, as amended and restated from time to time. means calendar month.

means paid-up and/or credited as paid-up. means, for the purpose of these Articles, the Peoples' Republic of China, excluding Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and the Islands of Taiwan.


\PRC 【】\

Dalian 【】 Computer Technology Co. Ltd. (大连【】计算机技术有限公司), a wholly-foreign owned enterprise established by the Company under the laws of the PRC.

means the Series A Preferred Shares and other preferred shares, if any, that may be duly created and issued from time to time. means a firm commitment public offering of Common Shares on an internationally recognized securities exchange, including without limitation, in Japan, Hong Kong or the United States (registered under the Securities Act) with a minimum market capitalization of US$160 million. means the registered office for the time being of the Company.

means the common seal of the Company and includes every duplicate seal.

includes an Assistant Secretary and any person appointed to perform the duties of Secretary of the Company.

means the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, of the United States of America. means the date of the first sale and issuance of Series A Preferred Shares.

\Preferred Shares\

\Qualified IPO\

\Registered office\



\Securities Act\

\Series A Original Issue Date\

\Series A Original Issue Price\ means the price per share of US$[●] at

which the Series A Preferred Shares were issued on the Series A Original Issue Date, subject to adjustments made for share splits, share subdivision, share combination and the like. \Series A Preferred Share\

mean a series A preferred share in the capital of the Company with a nominal or per share par value of US$[0.01] having the rights set out in these Articles. 8

\Share Premium Account\

\Share Purchase Agreement\

\Special Resolution\



means the account of the Company which the Company is required by the Statute to maintain, to which all premiums over nominal or par value received by the Company in respect of issues of shares from time to time are credited.

means that certain Series A Preferred Shares Purchase Agreement entered into or to be entered into among the Company, the PRC 【】, the Founder, and certain investors and certain shareholders of the Founder for the sale and issuance of Series A Preferred Shares on the Series A Original Issue Date.

means a Members resolution expressed to be a special resolution and passed either (i) as a unanimous written resolution signed by all Members entitled to vote or (ii) at a meeting by Members holding a majority of not less than 75% of all Common Shares then outstanding, calculated on a fully converted basis, including holders of at least a majority of the then outstanding Series A Preferred Shares as a single class (which Members, being entitled to do so, vote in person or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy at a general meeting of which notice specifying the intention to propose the resolution as a special resolution has been duly given).

means the Companies Law (2002 Revised) of the Cayman Islands as amended and every statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in force. means, with respect to any subject entity (the \entity\(i) any company, partnership or other entity (x) more than 50% of whose shares or other interests entitled to vote in the election of directors or (y) more than a 50% interest whose in 9

\written\ and \in writing\


“章程” “审计师” “董事会” “中国子公司”

“交割” “普通股”

the profits or capital of such entity are owned or controlled directly or indirectly by the subject entity or through one or more Subsidiaries of the subject entity, (ii) any entity whose assets, or portions thereof, are consolidated with the net earnings of the subject entity and are recorded on the books of the subject entity for financial reporting purposes in accordance with the International Accounted Standards (IAS), (iii) any entity with respect to which the subject entity has the power to otherwise direct the business and policies of that entity directly or indirectly through another Subsidiary. Notwithstanding the above, as applied to the Company, the term \includes, without limitation, the China Subsidiaries, [【】.] (the \Japan Subsidiary\【】\if any.

include all modes of representing or reproducing words in visible form.









“公司” “债券”


“创始人公司” “股东” “公司大纲” “月” “已付” “中国”


“优先股” “合格的首次公开发行” “注册处” “印章”














指公司的公章以及每一复制印章。 11



“A系列首次发行日期” “A系列首次发行价格”


“股份溢价帐户” “股份购买协议”






指在A系列首次发行日期发行的A系列优先股的每股价格[ ]美元。

指公司股本中A系列的优先股,每股面值[ ]美元,享有本章程中所述权利。



指明示为特别决议的股东大会决议并以以下方式通过:(i) 所有有投票权的股东一致同意并签署书面决议;(ii) 持有当时发行在外股份中不少于75%的绝大部分普通股股东通过,该等应基于全部转换的基础上,包括当时发行在外的至少大部分A系列优先股的股东作为单独类别(该等股东在年度股东大会上有权以个人投票,或者代理人经许可进行投票,且该等股东大会通知中已经列明决议拟以特别决议方式通过)。








Words importing the singular number include the plural number and vice-versa. 单数形式的词语亦包括复数。

Words importing the masculine gender include the feminine gender. 阳性形式的词语亦包括阴性。

Words importing persons include corporations. 此处所述“人”亦包括公司。



The business of the Company may be commenced as soon after incorporation as the Directors shall see fit, notwithstanding that only part of the shares may have been allotted.


2. 3.

The Directors may pay, out of the capital or any other monies of the Company, all expenses incurred in or about the formation and establishment of the Company including the expenses of registration.





Certificates representing shares of the Company shall be in such form as shall be determined by the Directors. Such certificates may be under Seal. All certificates for shares shall be consecutively numbered or otherwise identified and shall specify the shares to which they relate. The name and address of the person to whom the shares represented thereby are issued, with the number of shares and date of issue, shall be entered in the register of Members of the Company. All certificates surrendered to the Company for transfer shall be cancelled and no new certificate shall be issued until the former certificate for a like number of shares shall have been surrendered and cancelled. The Directors may authorise certificates to be issued with the seal and authorised signature(s) affixed by some method or system of mechanical process.

代表公司股权的凭证,其格式应由董事决定。该等凭证应盖有印章。所有的股权凭证应连续编号或者以其他方式识别,且其应表明所代表的股份。股东的名称和地址,股份数额以及发行日期都应在公司股东登记名簿上记录。为了转让而交回公司的所有股权凭证都应被注销,在代表同等数额股份的旧股权凭证未被交回及注销之前,不应发行新的凭证。董事可以授权发行通过自动程序方式或系统打上印鉴及授权签名的凭证。 5.

Notwithstanding Article 4 of these Articles, if a share certificate be defaced, lost or destroyed, it may be renewed on payment of a fee of one dollar (US$l.00) or such lesser sum and on such terms (if any) as to evidence and indemnity and the



payment of the expenses incurred by the Company in investigating evidence, as the Directors may prescribe.





Subject to the relevant provisions, if any, in the Memorandum of Association and these Articles, in particular Article 19, and to any direction that may be given by the Company in general meeting and without prejudice to any special rights previously conferred on the holders of existing shares, the Directors may allot, issue, grant options over or otherwise dispose of shares of the Company (including fractions of a share) with or without preferred, deferred or other special rights or restrictions, whether with regard to dividend, voting, return of capital or otherwise and to such persons, at such times and on such other terms as they think proper. The Company shall not issue shares in bearer form. 根据组织大纲和章程中的相关条款,特别是第19条,以及公司在股东大会上给予的指示,且在无损事先授予现存股票持有人权利的情形下,董事可以分配、发行或授予期权,或处臵公司的股票(包括不足买卖单位的部分),同时在涉及股利、投票权、资本回报方面,以及在董事认为的适当人选、时间及其他条件上,规定或不规定优先、滞后、或其他特定权利及限制。公司不应该发行无记名股。 7.

The Company shall maintain a register of its Members and every person whose name is entered as a Member in the register of Members shall be entitled without payment to receive within two months after allotment or lodgement of transfer (or within such other period as the conditions of issue shall provide) one certificate for all his shares or several certificates each for one or more of his shares upon payment of fifty cents (US$0.50) for every certificate after the first or such less sum as the Directors shall from time to time determine provided that in respect of a share or shares held jointly by several persons the Company shall not be bound to issue more than one certificate and delivery of a certificate for a share to one of the several joint holders shall be sufficient delivery to all such holders.







The instrument of transfer of any share shall be in writing and shall be executed by or on behalf of the transferor and the transferor shall be deemed to remain the holder of a share until the name of the transferee is entered in the register in respect thereof.


8. 9.

Except as otherwise provided in these Articles, the Memorandum of Association or an agreement between the Company and any Members, the Directors may not decline to register any transfer of shares without reasonable cause. If the Directors refuse to register a transfer they shall notify the transferee within two weeks of such refusal, providing a detailed explanation of the reason therefor. 除非本章程另有规定,如缺乏合理原因,公司大纲或者公司与其任何成员、董事之间的协议不能拒绝任何股份转让的登记。如果董事拒绝一项转让登记,其应在拒绝后的两周之内向受让人发出通知,详细解释拒绝原因。任何试图违反本章程或《优先购买权及合售权协议》(定义见股份买卖协议)的条款转让公司任何股份的行为均为无效,如优先股股东违反本章程或《优先购买权及合售权协议》(定义见股份买卖协议)的条款出售其持有的公司任何股份,则该等股份的所有权利将被中止。



The registration of transfers may be suspended at such time and for such periods as the Directors may from time to time determine, provided always that such registration shall not be suspended for more than forty-five days in any year.

10. 董事会可随时决定转让登记中止的时间和期限,但在一年之内这种登记的中






Subject to the provisions of the Statute, these Articles, and the Memorandum of Association, shares may be issued on the terms that they are, or at the option of the Company or the holder are, to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner as the Company, before the issue of the shares, may by Special Resolution determine.

Subject to the provisions of the Statute, these Articles, and the Memorandum of Association, the Company may purchase its own shares (including fractions of a share), including any redeemable shares, provided that the manner of purchase has first been authorised by the Company in general meeting and may make payment therefor in any manner authorised by the Statute, including out of capital.


11. (a) 根据法令的相关条款,本章程以及公司大纲以及各交易协议(定义见股


(b) 根据法令的相关条款,本章程以及公司大纲,公司可以购买自己的股票




If at any time the share capital of the Company is divided into different classes of shares, the rights attached to any class (unless otherwise provided by the terms of issue of the shares of that class) may, whether or not the Company is being wound-up and except where these Articles or the Statute impose any stricter quorum, voting or procedural requirements in regard to the variation of rights attached to a specific class, be varied with the consent in writing of the holders at least 67% of the issued shares of that class, or with the sanction of a Special Resolution passed at a general meeting of the holders of the shares of that class.



The provisions of these Articles relating to general meetings shall apply to every such general meeting of the holders of one class of shares except that the necessary quorum shall be one person holding or representing by proxy at least one-third of the issued shares of the class and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by proxy may demand a poll.

12. 如果在任何时间,公司股本被划分为不同的类别股,那么附着于每类股份的


本章程中涉及大会的条款,应适用于所有类别股的股东大会,但如果某人士持有或通过代持人持有该类已发行股份的1/3的份额,则该人士即构成法定人数,此外,亲自出席或通过其委托人出席大会的该类股票的任何股东均有要求对某事项进行投票的权利。 13.

The rights conferred upon the holders of the shares of any class issued with preferred or other rights shall not, unless otherwise expressly provided by the term of issue of the shares of that class, be deemed to be varied by the creation or issue of further shares ranking pari passu therewith.

13. 除非某类股票发行条件另有明示规定,授予该类已发行股票股东的优先权或

其他权利,不应由于另行创制或发行其他同等级的股票而被视为遭到更改。 COMMISSION ON SALE OF SHARES



The Company may in so far as the Statute from time to time permits pay a commission to any person in consideration of his subscribing or agreeing to subscribe whether absolutely or conditionally for any shares of the Company. Such commissions may be satisfied by the payment of cash or the lodgement of fully or partly paid-up shares or partly in one way and partly in the other. The Company may also on any issue of shares pay such brokerage as may be lawful.

14. 在法律允许的范围内,公司可以向认购或承诺认购公司任何股票的人支付一






15. A系列优先股的股东有如下转换权(“转换权”):


Right to Convert. Unless converted earlier pursuant to Article 15(b) below, each Series A Preferred Share shall be convertible, at the option of the holder thereof, at any time after the Series A Original Issue Date into such number of fully paid and

nonassessable Common Shares as determined by dividing US$[●] by the Series A Conversion Price, determined as hereinafter provided, in effect at the time of the conversion. The price at which Common Shares shall be deliverable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares (the \Series A Conversion Price\initially be US$[●] per share (i.e., the initial per share conversion ratio between Series A Preferred Shares and Common Shares shall be 1:1, derived by dividing US$[●] by the initial Series A

Conversion Price). Such initial Series A Conversion Price shall be subject to adjustment as hereinafter provided. Nothing in this Article 15(a) shall limit the automatic conversion rights of Series A Preferred Shares described in Article 15(b) below.

The holders of the Series A Preferred Shares have conversion rights as follows (the \Conversion Rights\


(a) 转换的权利。除非已根据15条(b)款进行了转换,所有A系列优先股

从其最初发行之日起,基于股东的选择都可转换为一定数量的足额付款且无增缴义务的普通股,该数量由A系列优先股的转换价格除以[25,500,000]美元来确定,该转换价格应是在转换时由下述方法确定的有效价格。基于A系列优先股的转换,普通股的交付价格(“A系列优先股的转换价格”)最初应为每股[ ]美元。(比如,以[ ]美元除以根据股份买卖协议发行的A系列优先股的总数来计算)。这些最初的A系列优先股的转换价格应根据下文所述进行调整。本款的规定不应限制15(b)中规定的A系列优先股的自动转换权。



Automatic Conversion. Each Series A Preferred Share shall automatically be converted into Common Shares at the then effective Series A Conversion Price upon the closing of a Qualified IPO. In the event of the automatic conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares upon a Qualified IPO, the person(s) entitled to receive the Common Shares issuable upon such conversion of Series A Preferred Shares shall not be deemed to have converted such Series A Preferred Shares until immediately prior to the closing of such sale of securities.

(b) 自动转换。基于合格的首次公开发行,每一发行在外的A系列优先股


行前,A系列优先股自动转换,那么直到临近证券买卖交割之前,基于这些A系列优先股的转换而有权获得拟将发行的普通股的人士,才被视为已完成该次转换。 (c)

Mechanics of Conversion. No fractional Common Share shall be issued upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares. All Common Shares (including any fractions thereof) issuable upon conversion of more than one Series A Preferred Share by a holder thereof shall be aggregated for purposes of determining whether the issuance would result in the issuance of any fractional share. Before any holder of Series A Preferred Shares shall be entitled to convert the same into full Common Shares and to receive

certificates therefor, the holder shall surrender the certificate or certificates therefor, duly endorsed, at the principal office of the Company or of any transfer agent for the Series A Preferred Shares to be converted and shall give written notice to the Company at such office that the holder elects to convert the same. The Company shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, issue and deliver at such office to such holder of Series A Preferred Shares a certificate or certificates for the number of Common Shares to which the holder shall be entitled as aforesaid and a check payable to the holder in the amount of any cash amounts payable as the result of a conversion into fractional Common Shares. Shares of Series A Preferred Shares converted into Common Shares shall be cancelled and shall not be reissued. Such conversion shall be deemed to have been made immediately prior to the close of business on the date of such surrender of the certificate or certificates for the Series A Preferred Shares to be converted, and the person or persons entitled to receive the Common Shares issuable upon such conversion shall be treated


for all purposes as the record holder or holders of such Common Shares on such date. For the avoidance of doubt, no conversion shall prejudice the right of a holder of Preferred Shares to receive

dividends and other distributions declared but not paid as at the date of conversion on the Series A Preferred Shares being converted.

(c) 转换机制。在A系列优先股转换时,不得发行不足买卖单位的普通股。



Subject to the Article 19 and other Articles, the Company may give effect to any conversion pursuant to this Agreement by one or more of the following methods:



If the total nominal par value of the Series A Preferred Shares being converted is equal to the total nominal par value of the Common Shares into which such Series A Preferred Shares convert, the Company may, by resolution of the Board, redesignate the Series A Preferred Shares to Common Shares. On redesignation, each Series A Preferred Share to be converted shall become a Common Share with the rights, privileges, terms and obligations of the class of Common Shares and the converted Common Shares shall thenceforth form part of the class of the Common Shares (and shall cease to form part of the class of Preferred



Shares for all purposes hereof).



(ii) The Board may by resolution resolve to redeem the Series A

Preferred Shares for the purpose of this Article (and, for accounting and other purposes, may determine the value therefor) and in consideration therefor issue fully-paid Common Shares in relevant number.

(ii) 董事会为了本条规定的目的,可通过决议回购A系列优先股(以

及为了会计或其他目的,可决定回购价值),并且发行相关的已付款的普通股作为对价。 (iii)

The Board may by resolution adopt any other method permitted by Statute including capitalising reserves to pay up new Common Shares, or by making a fresh issue of Common Shares, except that if conversion is capable of being effected in the manner described in paragraph (i) above, the conversion shall be effected in that manner in preference to any other method permitted by law or the Articles.

(iii) 董事会可通过决议采纳任何制定法允许的其他方法,包括用资本



Availability of Shares Issuable Upon Conversion. The Company shall at all times keep available out of its authorised but unissued Common Shares, free of liens of any kind, solely for the purpose of effecting the conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares such number of its Common Shares as shall from time to time be sufficient to effect the conversion of all outstanding Series A Preferred Shares, and if at any time the number of authorised but unissued Common Shares shall not be sufficient to effect the


conversion of all then outstanding Series A Preferred Shares in addition to such other remedies as shall be available to the holder of such Series A Preferred Shares, the Company will take such corporate action as may, in the opinion of its counsel, be necessary to increase its authorised but unissued Common Shares to such number of shares as shall be sufficient for such purposes.

(d) 基于转换而发行的普通股的可获得性。公司应单独为了实现A系列优



Cessation of Certain Rights on Conversion. Subject to Article 15(c), on the date of conversion of any Series A Preferred Share to a Common Share, the holder of the Series A Preferred Shares to be converted shall cease to be entitled to any rights in respect of that share and accordingly his name shall be removed from the Register of Members as the holder of such Series A Preferred Shares and shall correspondingly be inserted onto the Register of Members as the holder of the number of Common Shares into which such Series A Preferred Shares convert.

(e) 特定转换权利的中止。根据15(c)的规定,在A系列股转换为普通股



(i) shall be credited as fully paid and non-assessable;

(ii) shall rank pari passu in all respects and form one class with the

Common Shares then in issue and;

(iii) shall entitle the holder to all dividends payable on the Common

Shares by reference to a record date after the date of conversion.






Common Shares Resulting from Conversion. The Common Shares resulting from the conversion of Series A Preferred Shares:

(ii) 应该在所有方面与此时发行的普通股相同,且成为其中的一类。 (iii) 其股东有权得到转换登记日后普通股的所有股息。



16. (a) 特别定义。基于本第16条之目的,应适用如下定义:


\Options\purchase or otherwise acquire either Common Shares or Convertible Securities.


Special Definitions. For purposes of this Article 16, the following definitions shall apply:


“期权”指认购、购买或以其他方式购买普通股或可转换证券的权利、期权或认股权证。 (ii)

“Convertible Securities” means any notes, debentures, preferred shares or other securities or rights, which are

ultimately convertible or exercisable into, or exchangeable for, Common Shares;

(ii) “可转换证券”指最终可被转换为、执行为、或臵换为普通股的任

何票据、债券、优先股或其他证券或权利。 (iii)

\Additional Common Shares\Additional

Common Share\reissued shares) issued (or, pursuant to Article 16(c), deemed to be issued) by the Company after the Series A Original Issue Date, other than:


(iii) “额外普通股”(每一“额外普通股”)应指所有公司于A系列原始



Common Shares issued upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares authorized herein;

(A) 基于在这里被授权的A系列优先股的转换而发行或将发行

的普通股; (B)

in the aggregate up to [3,000,000] Common Shares (including any of such shares which are repurchased) issued to officers, directors, employees and consultants of the Company pursuant to any equity plans or incentive arrangements approved by the Company;

(B) 依据公司决议通过的任何股东权益计划或激励机制向公司


(C) as a dividend or distribution generally to members of

the Company in proportion to their holdings of

Common Shares (with all issued and outstanding Series A Preferred Shares counted as issued and outstanding Common Shares on an as-converted basis);

(C) 按照股东持有普通股(所有的在股份已经转换的情况下计为


向公司股东派发的股息或分配。 (D)

issued or issuable as a result of any share split or share consolidation or the like which does not affect the total amount of issued share capital in the Company provided that the Series A Conversion Price, in effect prior to the issuance of such equity securities has already been


adjusted as a result of and in accordance with Article 16(g);

(D) 作为任何不影响公司已发行股本总额的分拆或合并、资本重


转换价格在该等股东权益证券发行之前已经依据16(g)或作为其结果被调整。 (E)

(E) 根据公司在具备资格的首次公开发行中的认购报价已发行



upon exercise or conversion of outstanding Options issued and outstanding as of the Series A Original Issue Date.

issued or issuable pursuant to an offer for subscription made by the Company upon a Qualified IPO; and

(F) 基于正在流通的已发行期权的行使或转换并在A系列原始



No Adjustment of Conversion Price. No adjustment in the Series A Conversion Price shall be made in respect of the issuance of Additional Common Shares unless the consideration per share for an Additional Common Share issued or deemed to be issued by the Company is less than the Series A Conversion Price in effect on the date of and immediately prior to such issue.

(b) 不得调整的转换价格。与额外普通股的发行有关的A系列转换价格不

得调整,除非公司已发行或被视为已发行的额外普通股的每股对价低于在该等发行日或紧接该发行日之前生效的转换价格的[ ]%。 (c)

Deemed Issue of Additional Common Shares. Subject to Article 16(b) above, in the event the Company at any time or from time to time after the Series A Original Issue Date shall issue any Options or Convertible Securities or shall fix a record date for the determination of holders of


any class of securities entitled to receive any such Options or

Convertible Securities, then the maximum number (as set forth in the instrument relating thereto without regard to any provisions contained therein for a subsequent adjustment of such number that would result in an adjustment pursuant to clause (ii) below) of Common Shares issuable upon the exercise of such Options or, in the case of Convertible Securities and Options therefor, the conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities, shall be deemed to be

Additional Common Shares issued as of the time of such issue or, in case such a record date shall have been fixed, as of the close of business on such record date, provided that:

(c) 额外普通股的视为发行。根据上述16(b),如果公司于A系列原始发



no further adjustment in the Series A Conversion Price shall be

made upon the subsequent issue of Convertible Securities or Common Shares upon the exercise of such Options or conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities;


在可转换证券或普通股基于该等期权的行使或该等可转换证券的转换或臵换的随后发行中,不得进行对A系列转换价格的其他调整。 (ii)

if such Options or Convertible Securities by their terms provide,

with the passage of time or otherwise, for any increase or decrease in the consideration payable to the Company, or

increase or decrease in the number of Common Shares issuable, upon the exercise, conversion or exchange thereof, the Series A Conversion Price computed upon the original issue of such Options or Convertible Securities (or upon the occurrence of a record date with respect thereto), and any subsequent

adjustments based thereon, shall, upon any such increase or decrease becoming effective, be recomputed to reflect such increase or decrease insofar as it affects such Options or the rights of conversion or exchange under such Convertible Securities;


(ii) 如果随着时间的经过或基于其他原因,在该等行使、转换或臵换


价有任何的增加或减少,或对可发行普通股份的数额上有任何增加或减少,在该等期权或可转换证券的原始发行时(或在与此相关的登记日期发生时)被计算的,并任何随后基于上述而调整的A系列转换价格应当在该等增加或减少生效时被重新计算,以反映在其影响该等期权或转换或臵换该等可转换证券的权利时的上述增加或减少。 (iii)

upon the expiration of any such Options or any rights of conversion or exchange under such Convertible Securities which shall not have been exercised, the Series A Conversion Price computed upon the original issue thereof (or upon the occurrence of a record date with respect thereto), and any subsequent adjustments based thereon, shall, upon such expiration, be recomputed as if:

(iii) 当该等已不得被行使的期权或转换或臵换可转换证券的权利终




in the case of Convertible Securities or Options for Common Shares, the only Additional Common Shares issued were Common Shares, if any, actually issued upon the exercise of such Options or the conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities and the

consideration received therefor was the consideration actually received by the Company for the issue of all such Options, whether or not exercised, plus the

consideration actually received by the Company upon such exercise, or for the issue of all such Convertible Securities which were actually converted or exchanged, plus the additional consideration, if any, actually received by the Company upon such conversion or exchange, and

(A) 就普通股的可转换证券或期权而言,唯一已发行的额外普通



发行的普通股。为此接受的对价是无论是否行使公司为发行所有该等期权而现实接受的对价;是公司在行使时或为发行所有被现实转换或臵换的可转换证券而现实接受的对价;是在该等转换或臵换时公司现实接受的额外对价(如有)。 (B)

in the case of Options for Convertible Securities, only

the Convertible Securities, if any, actually issued upon the exercise thereof were issued at the time of issue of such Options, and the consideration received by the Company for the Additional Common Shares deemed to have been then issued was the consideration actually received by the Company for the issue of all such Options, whether or not exercised, plus the

consideration deemed to have been received by the Company upon the issue of the Convertible Securities with respect to which such Options were actually exercised;

(B) 就可转换证券的期权而言,只有在其行使时现实发行的可转




no readjustment pursuant to clause (ii) or (iii) above shall have the effect of increasing the Series A Conversion Price to an amount which exceeds the lower of (i) the Series A Conversion Price on the original adjustment date, or (ii) the Series A

Conversion Price that would have resulted from any issuance of Additional Common Shares between the original adjustment date and such readjustment date; and

(iv) 不得根据上述本条的(ii)或(iii)对转换价格进行再调整,而将A系




in the case of any Options which expire by their terms not more than 30 days after the date of issue thereof, no adjustment of the Series A Conversion Price shall be made until the

expiration or exercise of all such Options, whereupon such adjustment shall be made in the manner provided in clause (iii) above.

(v) 就根据其条款于发行日后30日内失效的任何期权而言,在所有



Adjustment of Conversion Price Upon Issuance of Additional Common Shares. In the event that after the Series A Original Issue Date this Company shall issue Additional Common Shares without consideration or for a consideration per share received by the Company (net of any selling concessions, discounts or commissions) less than the Series A Conversion Price in effect on the date of and immediately prior to such issue, then and in such event, the Series A Conversion Price shall be reduced, concurrently with such issue, to a price equal to the consideration per share for which such Additional Common Shares are issued. If such Additional Common Shares are issued for no consideration, then the consideration per share shall be deemed to be the then current per share par value of Common Shares.

(d) 发行额外普通股时对转换价格的调整。如果本公司于A系列原始发行


列转换价格为每股对价发行额外普通股,那么在该等情况下,A系列转换价格应于该等发行相一致的被减少,减少至与该等额外普通股发行的每股对价相等的价格。如果该等额外普通股以无对价发行,那么每股对价应被视为当时的每股普通股票面价值。 (e)

Determination of Consideration. For purposes of this Article 16, the consideration received by the Company for the issue of any Additional Common Shares shall be computed as follows:

(e) 对价的确定。基于本16条的目的,公司为发行任何额外普通股而接受






Cash and Property. Except as provided in clause (ii) below, such consideration shall:


insofar as it consists of cash, be computed at the aggregate amount of cash received by the Company excluding amounts paid or payable for accrued interest or accrued dividends;

(A) 在其包含的现金范围,是以公司接受的排除已付金额或待付



insofar as it consists of property other than cash, be computed at the fair value thereof at the time of such issue, as determined in good faith by the Directors; provided, however, that no value shall be attributed to any services performed by any employee, officer or director of the Company; and

(B) 在其包含的现金以外的资产范围,是以该发行时的公平价值

计算。然而倘若任何公司员工、管理人员或董事履行的服务没有创造任何价值,则可由董事善意的确定; (C)

in the event Additional Common Shares are issued

together with other shares or securities or other assets of the Company for consideration which covers both, be the proportion of such consideration so received with respect to such Additional Common Shares, computed as provided in clauses (A) and (B) above, as determined in good faith by the Directors.

(C) 如果额外普通股与其他股份或证券或其他公司资产以包含




Options and Convertible Securities. The consideration per share received by the Company for Additional Common Shares deemed to have been issued pursuant to Article 16(c), relating to Options and Convertible Securities, shall be determined by dividing

(ii) 期权与可转换证券。公司为根据第16条被视为已发行的额外普




the total amount, if any, received or receivable by the Company (net of any selling concessions, discounts or commissions) as consideration for the issue of such Options or Convertible Securities, plus the minimum aggregate amount of additional consideration (as set forth in the instruments relating thereto, without regard to any provision contained therein for a subsequent adjustment of such consideration) payable to the Company upon the exercise of such Options or the conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities, or in the case of Options for Convertible Securities, the exercise of such Options for Convertible Securities and the conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities by

(X) 公司已接受的和可接受的(如有),为发行该等期权和可转

换证券的对价总额(排除任何出售的减让、折扣和佣金);加上行使该等期权和转换或臵换该可转换证券时或在可转换证券的期权和转换或臵换该等可转换证券情况下应向公司支付的最小额外对价总额(如相关法律文件中所述,但不是指其中所包含的与随后该对价调整有关的条款) (y)

the maximum number of Common Shares (as set forth in the instruments relating thereto, without regard to any provision contained therein for a subsequent adjustment of such number) issuable upon the exercise of such Options or the conversion or exchange of such Convertible Securities.


(Y) 普通股在行使该等期权或转换或臵换该等可转换证券时可



(f) 【保留】。 (g)

Adjustments for Shares Dividends, Subdivisions, Combinations or Consolidations of Common Shares. In the event the outstanding Common Shares shall be subdivided (by share dividend, share split, or otherwise), into a greater number of Common Shares, the Series A Conversion Price then in effect shall, concurrently with the

effectiveness of such subdivision, be proportionately decreased. In the event the outstanding Common Shares shall be combined or

consolidated, by reclassification or otherwise, into a lesser number of Common Shares, the Series A Conversion Price then in effect shall, concurrently with the effectiveness of such combination or consolidation, be proportionately increased.


(g) 普通股的分红利股、分拆、联合或合并的调整。如果正在流通的普通股被分拆(通过分红利股、股份拆分或其他方式)为更大的普通股数额,那么已生效的A系列转换价格应与该等分拆生效的同时按比例的减少。如果正在流通的普通股通过重新分类或其他方式被联合或合并为较小的普通股数额,那么已生效的A系列转换价格应与该等联合或合并生效的同时按比例的减少。 (h)

Adjustments for Other Distributions. In the event the Company at any time or from time to time makes, or files a record date for the determination of holders of Common Shares entitled to receive any distribution payable in securities or assets of the Company other than Common Shares then and in each such event provision shall be made so that the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares shall receive upon conversion thereof, in addition to the number of Common Shares receivable thereupon, the amount of securities or assets of the

Company which they would have received had their Series A Preferred Shares been converted into Common Shares on the date of such event and had they thereafter, during the period from the date of such event to and including the date of conversion, retained such securities or

assets receivable by them as aforesaid during such period, subject to all


other adjustment called for during such period under this Article 16 with respect to the rights of the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares.

(h) 其他配发的调整。如果公司为确定有权接受任何以除普通股外的公司证券或资产支付配发的普通股持有者而在任何时候或不时制订或编制的登记日期,那么在每次该等事件中,应当制定条款以使A系列优先股的持有者在转换公司证券或资产数额(除因此可接受的普通股数额以外的)时可以接受被保留的在上述期间内可接受的该等证券或资产(其应当已在该事件发生日和从该事件发生日至并包括转换日的期间内接受将其A系列优先股转换为普通股的证券或资产)。该等条款受限于所有基于本16条于该期限内进行的与A系列优先股持有者权利有关的其他调整。 (i)

Adjustments for Reclassification, Exchange and Substitution. If the Common Shares issuable upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares shall be changed into the same or a different number of shares of any other class or classes of shares, whether by capital

reorganization, reclassification or otherwise (other than a subdivision or combination of shares provided for above), then and in each such event the holder of each Series A Preferred Shares shall have the right thereafter to convert such share into the kind and amount of shares and other securities and property receivable upon such reorganization or reclassification or other change by holders of the number of Common Shares that would have been subject to receipt by the holders upon conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares immediately before that change, all subject to further adjustment as provided herein.

股份重新分类、臵换及更替的调整。如果在A系列优先股转换时可发行的普通股被转变为其他种类相同或不同数额的股份,无论是通过资产重组、重新分类或是其他方式(除上述的股份分拆或联合),那么在每一该等事件中,A系列优先股的持有者应有权将该股份转换为该重组或重新分类或其他改变时该数额普通股的持有者可接受的股份种类和总额。该数额受限于紧接该变化前的A系列优先股转换,并全部受限于其他此处所述的调整。[似有语句遗漏] (j)

No Impairment. The Company will not, by amendment of these Articles or its Memorandum of Association or through any



reorganization, transfer of assets, consolidation, merger, dissolution, issue or sale of securities or any other voluntary action, avoid or seek to avoid the observance or performance of any of the terms to be

observed or performed hereunder by the Company but will at all times in good faith assist in the carrying out of all the provisions of Article 16 and in the taking of all such action as may be necessary or

appropriate in order to protect the Conversion Rights of the Series A Preferred Shares against impairment.


无损失。公司不得通过修订章程或其公司大纲或通过任何重组、资产转让、合并、兼并、分解、发行或销售证券或其他任何自发行为,避免或寻求避免对在此应由公司遵守或履行的任何条款的遵守或履行;但是公司应善意的协助实施所有16条项下条款并采取所有必要的或适宜的措施以保护A系列优先股权利转换免受损失。 (k)

Certificate as to Adjustments. Upon the occurrence of each

adjustment or readjustment of the Series A Conversion Price pursuant to this Article 16, the Company at its expense shall promptly compute such adjustment or readjustment in accordance with the terms hereof and furnish to each holder of Series A Preferred Shares a certificate setting forth such adjustment or readjustment and showing in detail the facts upon which such adjustment or readjustment is based. The Company shall, upon the written request at any time of any holder of Series A Preferred Shares, furnish or cause to be furnished to such holder a like certificate setting forth (i) such adjustments and

readjustments, (ii) the Series A Conversion Price, and (iii) the number of Common Shares and the amount, if any, of other property which at the time would be received upon the conversion of the Series A Preferred Shares.

(k) 调整证明。每一次基于本16条的A系列转换价格调整或再调整时,





(i) 其他


All calculations under this Article 16 shall be made to the nearest cent or to the nearest one hundredth (1/100) of a share, as the case may be. Upon conversion of such number of Series A Preferred Shares, the resultant aggregate number of Common Shares to be issued to each holder of Series A Preferred Shares if not a whole number (but part or fraction of a Common Share), shall be rounded up to the nearest multiple of one (1) Common Share such that the resultant aggregate number of Common Shares to be issued to such holder of Series A Preferred Shares shall be a whole number.


所有本16条项下的计算应按情况而定计算到股份的最近的百分位或最近的百分之一。如果不是整数(而是一股普通股的部分或分数),在该数量的A系列优先股转让时,将向每位A系列优先股持有者发行的合计普通股总数量应为最近的一股普通股的倍数,以使将向每位A系列优先股持有者发行的合计普通股总数量是一个整数。 (ii)

The holders of at least [a majority] of any outstanding Series

A Preferred Shares shall have the right to challenge any determination by the Directors of fair value pursuant to this Article 16 with respect to such series of Preferred Shares, in which case such determination of fair value shall be made by an independent appraiser selected jointly by the Directors and the challenging parties, the cost of such appraisal to be borne equally by the Company and the challenging parties.

(ii) 至少大部分的(多数)任何正在流通A系列普通股持有者应有权


先股有关的确定。在这种情况下,该公平价值的确定应由选定的独立评估者与董事和质询者共同作出,评估费用由公司与质询者平均负担。 (iii)

No adjustment in the Series A Conversion Price need be made if such adjustment would result in a change in such conversion


price of less than US$[0.01]. Any adjustment of less than US$[0.01] which is not made shall be carried forward and shall be made at the time of and together with any subsequent adjustment which, on a cumulative basis, amounts to an adjustment of US$[0.01] or more in such conversion price.

(iii) 如果该等调整将导致少于0.01美元的该等转换价格的变化,A系




17. In the event that the Company shall propose at any time:

17. 公司应在任何时候作出计划的情况:


to declare any dividend or distribution upon its Common Shares, whether in cash, property, shares or other securities, whether or not a regular cash dividend and whether or not out of earnings or earned surplus;


(a) 宣告任何普通股股息或配发,无论是否以现金、资产、股份或其他证

券的形式;无论是否是常规的现金股息;并且不论是否是利润或盈余; (b)

to offer for subscription pro rata to the holders of any class or series of

its shares any additional shares of shares of any class or series or other rights;

(b) 按比例向任何类别或系列股份的持有者提供认购任何种类或类别的额

外股份或其他权利的报价; (c)

to effect any reclassification or recapitalization of its Common Shares outstanding involving a change in the Common Shares; or


(c) 实现任何具有明显变化的普通股重新分类或资产重组; (d)

to merge or consolidate with or into any other corporation, or sell, lease or convey all or substantially all its property or business, or to liquidate, dissolve or wind up,

(d) 与(向)任何其他公司兼并或合并、出售、租赁、转让所有其资产或


then, in connection with each such event, the Company shall send to the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares:



at least 20 days' prior written notice of the date on which a record shall be taken for such dividend, distribution or subscription rights (and specifying the date on which the holders of Common Shares shall be entitled thereto) or for determining rights to vote in respect of the matters referred to in (c) and (d) above; and


至少提前20天,书面通知记录该等股息、配发或认购权利(并指定普通股持有者被赋予权利的日期)或确定与上述(c)和(d)有关的投票权的日期;并 (ii)

in the case of the matters referred to in (c) and (d) above, at least 20 days' prior written notice of the date when the same shall take place (and specifying the date on which the holders of Common Shares shall be entitled to exchange their Common Shares for securities or other property deliverable upon the occurrence of such event).

(ii) 在发生上述(c)和(d)中所述事件的情况下,至少提前20天,书面





Each such written notice shall be delivered personally or given by first class mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares at the address for each such holder as shown on the books of the Company.



18. (a)(i) Each Series A Preferred Share shall be redeemable at the option of

the holder thereof, out of funds legally available therefor including capital, at a redemption price providing 5% per annum return on the Series A Original Issue Price per share plus all declared but unpaid dividends thereon up to the date of redemption, proportionally adjusted for share subdivisions, share dividends, reorganizations, reclassifications, consolidations, or mergers (the \Series A

Redemption Price\events: (i) any breach of these Articles or the Memorandum of Association or any representation, warranties, agreements,

undertakings or covenants of the Share Purchase Agreement or any of the Transaction Agreements (as defined in the Share Purchase Agreement) by any party thereto other than the holders of the relevant Series A Preferred Shares; or (ii) the Company fails to secure, by the 4th anniversary of the Series A Original Issue Date, a Qualified IPO.

18. (a) (i)



生后的[90]日内未予补救) (ii)到A系列原始发行日的第四个周



In addition, in the event prior to the fourth (4th) anniversary of the Series A Original Issue Date the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares come to believe the Company can achieve a Qualified IPO or the Company has received a bona fide offer for a merger or

consolidation with another company where the Company is not the surviving entity, by capitalization, or through a sale of all or

substantially all of the outstanding equity securities or the assets of the Company or otherwise for no less than US$160 million

(\Company Sale\approved by the Members, the Series A Preferred Shares and Common Shares held by those Members who voted in favor for such Qualified IPO or Company Sale shall be redeemable as set forth in this Article 18. In this instance, the redemption price for the Series A Preferred Shares and the Common Shares shall be at the price offered by the prospective buyer in the Company Sale or at the market value as determined by an independent third party

appraiser jointly appointed by the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares and the Members who voted against the Company Sale or the Qualified IPO, as if the Company were listed through a

Qualified IPO. To the extent any Common Shares are elected to redeemed by holders of thereof pursuant to this Article 18(a)(ii), such Common Shares shall be treated as \with respect to all provision relation to redemption set forth in this Article 18 (but, no other Article). Holders of Common Shares who vote against such Company Sale or Qualified IPO shall pay to the Company at least 10 days prior to the Redemption Date, on a pro rata basis, the amount of money necessary for the Company to

redeem on the Redemption Date all of the Series A Preferred Shares and Common Shares requested to redeemed, provided (the

\Redemption Funding\Series A Preferred Shares and the Common Shares and the

Company's obligation to redeem such shares pursuant to this Article 18(a)(ii) shall not be conditioned in any way to the Company receiving the Redemption Funding.

(ii) 另外,如果在A系列原始发行日的第四个周年日或根据投资人协





再存续的兼并或合并(通过资本化或通过出售全部或大部分公司正在流通的股东权益证券或资产或除此之外不低于1600万美元)的报价,并且该有资格的首次公开发行或公司出售没有被股东决议通过,那些投票赞成该有资格的首次发行和公司出售的股东所持有的A系列优先股和普通股可以如本18条所述赎回。在这种情况下,A系列优先股和普通股的赎回价格应为:在公司出售的情况下,公司出售中可能的买主的报价,或联合由A系列优先股持有者和投反对票的股东聘用的独立第三方评估者所确定的市场价格,以两者中[价高]的为准;或在合资格的首次公开发行的情况下,如同公司通过合资格的首次公开发行上市已经挂牌。就普通股根据18(a)(ii)被投票决定由持有者赎回方面,该普通股应被视为关于18条中所列与赎回有关的所有条款(非其他条款)的A系列优先股。对公司出售或有资格的首次公开发行投反对票的普通股持有者应于赎回日至少10天前向公司按比例支付公司于赎回日赎回所有被要求赎回的A系列优先股和普通股所必要的款项(赎回资金)。然而,除非A系列优先股和普通股的赎回权利以及公司赎回该等股份根据18(a)(ii)所负的义务不够成公司接受赎回资金的条件。 (ii)

The Company shall redeem all of the Series A Preferred Shares requested to be redeemed at the Redemption Date (as defined below). If on the Redemption Date (as defined in Article 18(b) below) the number of Series A Preferred Shares that may then be legally redeemed by the Company is fewer than the number of Series A Preferred Shares requested to be redeemed, then (i) the number of such shares that the Company may legally redeem from the holders thereof shall be calculated ratably in proportion to the aggregate Series A Preferred Redemption Price for which redemption was requested, and (ii) any remaining Series A Preferred Shares to be redeemed shall be carried forward and redeemed as soon as the Company has legally available funds to do so.

(iii) 在本章程第18条(a)(i)项下所列任何事项发生时,公司应当在赎




系列优先赎回总价格的比例计算 (ii)任何将被赎回的剩余A系列优先股应被结转并在公司合法的具有可用资金时立刻赎回。


Holder(s) of the Series A Preferred Shares requesting redemption shall furnish to the Company and the other holders of the Series A Preferred Shares, a notice of redemption (the \Initial Redemption Notice\such notice shall be given by hand or by mail to the registered office of the Company and the other holders of the Series A Preferred Shares at any time. Upon receipt of the Initial Redemption Notice, the other holders of the Series A Preferred Shares may also elect to redeem their Series A Preferred Shares by delivering a separate Redemption Notice to the Company (copying all other holders the Series A Preferred Shares) within fifteen (15) days of the receipt of the Initial Redemption Notice. Upon receipt of the Initial Redemption Notice, the Board of Directors shall determine the date on which the Series A Preferred Shares that is the subject of such notice shall be redeemed, which shall in any event be within 30 days from the date of the Initial Redemption Notice (the \Redemption Date\ The Company shall pay the Redemption Price based on a payment schedule mutually agreed by the Company and the redeeming holders of the Series A Preferred Shares provided that any portion of the Redemption Price not paid by the Company on the Redemption Date shall accrue interest at the rate of [●]% per annum from the Redemption Date.

(b) 如果本章程第18条(a)(i)项下所列任何事项发生,要求赎回的A系列

优先股持有者应当向公司以及其他A系列优先股持有者发送一份赎回的通知(“首次赎回通知”),该通知应人工送达或通过信件在任何时候向公司或其他A系列优先股持有者的注册办事处送达。收到首次赎回通知后,其他A系列优先股持有者也可以于收到首次赎回通知后15天内通过向公司单独送达一份赎回通知选择赎回其A系列优先股。收到首次赎回通知后,董事会应决定作为该通知主题的A系列优先股赎回的日期(“赎回日期”),并且该日期应在首次赎回通知后的30天内。公司应根据一份公司于赎回A系列优先股持有人双方同意的付款时间表支付A系列赎回价格,除非A系列赎回价格中任何未由公司在赎回日支付的那部分款项可从赎回日开始产生利率为每年【】%的利息。 (c)

From and after the Redemption Date, all dividends on the Series A the Series A Preferred Shares the Series A Preferred Share designated for redemption on the Redemption Date shall cease to accrue and all rights of the holders thereof, except the right to receive the Redemption Price thereof (including all accrued and unpaid dividend up to the


Redemption Date), without interest, upon the surrender of the certificate or certificates representing the same, shall cease and terminate and such series of the Series A Preferred Shares shall cease to be issued shares of the Company, retired and shall not be reissued.

(c) 从赎回日开始或赎回日后,所有被指定在赎回日赎回的A系列优先股



(d) 在A系列优先股或普通股赎回或购回时,按情况而定:

(i) the nominal or par value of such Series A Preferred Shares or

Common Shares shall be redeemed or paid out of profits of the Company or the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares or at the discretion of the Board in such other manner (including out of the Company’s capital and otherwise than out of its profits or the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares) subject to the applicable legal restrictions; and


该等A系列优先股或普通股的票面价值应被赎回或从公司利润中、新发行股份的受益中或依据可行的规章限制,通过董事会裁量决定的其他方式支付(包括从公司资本和其利润和新发行股份的收益中);并且 (ii)

the premium (if any) on such Series A Preferred Shares or Common Shares shall be paid from the share premium account or out of profits of the Company or the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares or at the discretion of the Board in such other manner (including out of the Company’s capital and otherwise than out of its profits or the proceeds of a fresh issue of Shares) subject to the applicable legal restrictions.

On a redemption or repurchase of the Series A Preferred Shares or Common Shares as the case may be:

(ii) 该等A系列优先股或普通股的溢价(如有)应从股份溢价账户中、





19.(A) Notwithstanding any other contrary provision in these Articles, so

long as any Series A Preferred Shares are outstanding, any action (whether by amendment of the Memorandum of Association or these Articles or otherwise, and whether in a single transaction or a series of related transactions) that effects or approves any of the following transactions involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries shall require the written approval of not less than seventy-five percent (75%) of all issued and outstanding Common Shares and Series A Preferred Shares (on an as-if converted basis), voting together as a single class:

19. (A) 尽管本章程任何其他相反条款,只要任何A系列有限股份是正在流通



(a) 修正或废止任何公司大纲及章程或类似章程文件的条款;


Authorize or issue shares of any class of stock or securities exchangeable for or convertible into shares of the Company or any Subsidiary, except for the issuance of the Conversion Shares;

Amend or repeal any provisions of the Memorandum and Articles of Association or a similar charter document:

(b) 授权或发行可臵换或可转换为公司或其子公司股份的任何类别





Authorize, amend or establish, or allocate additional shares in connection with, the Employee Incentive Plan or any other employee compensation or incentive plan or arrangement;

(c) 授权、修订或建立、分配与员工激励计划(定义见股份买卖协议)

或任何其他员工补偿或激励计划或安排有关的额外股份; (d)

(d) 宣告或支付任何股息;


Authorize a merger or sale, license or spin-off all or substantially all of the assets or of any assets the disposal of which would have a material effect on the business; Declare or pay any dividends;

(e) 授权兼并、出售、许可或拆出全部或大部分资产或对其的处臵可



(f) 采取行动授权公司的清算或破产;


Establish or invest in, or divest or sell any interest in, any Subsidiary; or

Take any action to authorize liquidation or winding up;

(g) 建立或投资于、撤资、或出售公司在附属子公司中的全部或实质

性部分的利益; (h)

Redeem, repurchase or otherwise acquire, directly or indirectly, through Subsidiaries or otherwise, its securities, other than repurchases from employees upon termination of employment


and the redemption of Series A Preferred Shares in accordance with the terms of their issue.

(h) 直接或间接的通过子公司或其他方式赎回、购回或以其他方式购


(B) Notwithstanding any other contrary provision in these Articles, any

action (whether by amendment of the Memorandum of Association or these Articles or otherwise, and whether in a single transaction or a series of related transactions) that effects or approves any of the following transactions involving the Company or any of its Subsidiaries shall require the written approval of holder(s) of not less than sixty-seven (67%) of the Series A Preferred Shares (on an as-if converted basis):

(B) 尽管本章程中的任何其他相反条款,任何实现或批准下列涉及公司或



Increase, reduce or cancel the authorized or issued share capital of the Company and/or any of its Subsidiaries or issue, allot, purchase or redeem any shares or securities convertible into or carrying a right of subscription in respect of shares or any share warrants or grant or issue any options rights or warrants or which may require the issue of shares in the future or do any act which has the effect of diluting or reducing the effective shareholding of the holders of the Series A Preferred Shares or the Conversion Shares in the Company, except for the redemption of the Series A Preferred Shares in accordance with the terms of their issue and same for the issue of Conversion Shares;





Amend or change the rights, preferences, privileges or powers of, or the restrictions provided for the benefit of the holders of Series A Preferred Shares;



Take any action that authorizes, creates or issues shares of any class or series having preferences superior to or on parity with the Series A Preferred Shares; or



Take any action that reclassifies any outstanding securities of the Company into securities having preferences or priority as to dividends or assets senior to or on parity with the preferences reserved for the Series A Preferred Shares.



Any action (whether in a single transaction or a series of related transactions) that effects or approves any of the following transactions involving the Company or any or its 100% owned Subsidiaries shall require the consent of at least four (4) out of five (5) of the Directors of the Board:

(C) 任何实现或批准下列涉及公司或其100%全资附属子公司交易的行为



Enter into any business transaction in excess of US$1 million;从事超过一百万美元的商业交易;



Incur any borrowing;发生任何借贷,但在正常经营过程中发生的应付帐款除外;

Place free cash other than as short term, liquid deposits at a sound financial institution;除短期,流动并在金融机构的存款之外的存放活动现金;


(a) Incur any capital commitment or dispose of any assets in excess

of US$100,000; 发生任何超过五百万美元的资本承担或资产处理 (b) Make any loans or grant any guarantees; 任何贷款或向外提

供任何担保,但为任一集团公司利益的担保或在正常经营过程中发生的应收帐款除外 (c) Provide or set policy on any loans to shareholders, directors

and employees; 提供或设定向股东、董事或员工贷款的政策 (d) Enter into any joint-venture or alliance or other such

arrangement or agreement; 达成就对集团整体而言具有重要意义的任何合资、联盟或其他该等安排或协议 (h)

Alter or expand the business to areas materially different from the product and/or service offered as of the Closing; 改变或扩展业务到与截止时的产品或服务的提供地实质性不同的地区

Appoint or remove any members of senior management, including without limitation, its President, CEO, COO, CFO, CTO, any Vice President, General Manager, Vice General Manager or any person holding a position higher or equivalent to any such position; 聘任或解聘任何高级管理成员,包括但不限于其主席、CEO、COO、CFO、CTO、副主席、总经理、副总经理或任何在公司就任高于或与上述等同职位的人

Appoint or remove the auditor or make any significant revision to accounting policies; 聘任或解聘审计师或对会计政策做出重大变更

Approve the annual business plan or budget; 决议通过年度业务计划或预算

Conduct business with related parties except on arms length terms in the ordinary course of business and in transactions that in each case does not exceed US$100,000; 与关联方进行业务




(k) (l)



Transfer, license or dispose of any intellectual property, patents, trademarks, service marks and domain names. 转让、许可或处臵任何知识产权、专利、商标、服务标志及域名,但在正常经营过程中发生的除外

All other corporate actions that require Board approval shall be decided by a simple majority of the directors of the Board.




No person shall be recognised by the Company as holding any share upon any trust and the Company shall not be bound by or be compelled in any way to recognise (even when having notice thereof) any equitable, contingent, future, or partial interest in any share, or any interest in any fractional part of a share, or (except only as is otherwise provided by these Articles or the Statute) any other rights in respect of any share except an absolute right to the entirety thereof in the registered holder.


20. 任何人在持有任何信托之上的股份时,不被公司认可,公司不受约束或以





The Company shall have a first and paramount lien and charge on all shares (whether fully paid-up or not) registered in the name of a Member (whether solely or jointly with others) for all debts, liabilities or engagements to or with the Company (whether presently payable or not) by such Member or his estate, either alone or jointly with any other person, whether a Member or not, but the Directors may at any time declare any share to be wholly or in part exempt from



the provisions of this Article. The registration of a transfer of any such share shall operate as a waiver of the Company's lien (if any) thereon. The Company's lien (if any) on a share shall extend to all dividends or other monies payable in respect thereof.

21. 对于注册在有债务、责任的任何人(无论独立或与他人连带)的名下的股

份,或者其或其财产与公司有约定,本身独立或与连带其他人,公司对其名下股份拥有第一和永久留臵权,并且向其所费。无论是否该人,董事会可以在任何时间宣布全部或部分免除该条的行使。该种股份转让的注册应按照公司的留臵权的放弃来操作。公司的股份留臵权适用于所有红利或其它与之相关的应付项目。 22.

The Company may sell, in such manner as the Directors think fit, any shares on which the Company has a lien, but no sale shall be made unless a sum in respect of which the lien exists is presently payable, nor until the expiration of fourteen days after a notice in writing stating and demanding payment of such part of the amount in respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable, has been given to the registered holder or holders for the time being of the share, or the person, of which the Company has notice, entitled thereto by reason of his death or bankruptcy.

22. 在董事认为适当的时候,公司可以买卖任何公司拥有留臵权的股份,除非

即将支付的关于该留臵权的款项在出面声明和要求支付,该留臵权已给与注册持有人或股份持有人或公司已经通知的基于死亡或破产原因的人之后十四天内,否则不能进行任何买卖。 23.

To give effect to any such sale, the Directors may authorise some person to transfer the shares sold to the purchaser thereof. The purchaser shall be registered as the holder of the shares comprised in any such transfer, and he shall not be bound to see to the application of the purchase money, nor shall his title to the shares be affected by any irregularity or invalidity in the proceedings in reference to the sale.

23. 为使该买卖生效,董事可以批准转让卖给买方的股份。买方注册为该转让


到在交易过程中非正常或无效因素的影响。 24.

The proceeds of such sale shall be received by the Company and applied in payment of such part of the amount in respect of which the lien exists as is presently payable and the residue, if any, shall (subject to a like lien for sums not presently payable as existed upon the shares before the sale) be paid to the person entitled to the shares at the date of the sale.


