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1. 药物(drug)是指能够影响机体(包括病原体)功能和(或)细胞代谢活动,用于疾病
1. Drugs are chemicals that alter the function of living systems by interactions at the
molecular level and can be used to prevent, diagnose and treat disease.
2. 不良反应(adverse drug reaction ADR)是指上市的合格药品在常规用法、用量情况下
3. 副作用( side effect)是由于药物作用选择性低,作用范围广,在治疗剂量引起的,与
4. 毒性反应(toxic effect)是由于用量过大或用药时间过长引起的严重不良反应。 5. 后遗效应(residual effect)是指在停药后,血浆药物浓度下降至阈浓度以下时残存的药
6. 变态反应(allergic reaction)是药物引起的免疫反应,反应性质与药物原有效应无关,
7. 继发反应(secondary reaction)是继发于药物治疗作用之后的不良反应。
8. 停药反应(withdrawal reaction)是指患者长期应用某种药物,突然停药后发生病情恶
9. 特异质反应(idiosyncrasy reaction)是指少数患者由于遗传因素对某些药物的反应性
10. 依赖性(dependence)是药物与机体相互作用所造成的一种状态,表现出强迫要求连
11. 量效关系(does-effect relationship)药理效应的强弱与其剂量大小或浓度高低呈一定关
12. 最小有效量(minimal effective does)或最小有效浓度是指引起效应的最小药量或最低
13. 最大效应(maximal effect Emax)在一定范围内增加药物剂量或浓度,效应强度随之增
14. 效价强度(potency)用于作用性质相同的药物之间的等效剂量的比较,达到等效时所
15. 构效关系(structure-activity relationship ,SAR)药物的结构与药理活性或毒性之间的关
16. 受体(receptor)是细胞在长期进化过程中形成的,对生物活性物质具有识别和结合的
17. 激动药(agonist)是指既有亲和力又有内在活性的药物,它能与受体结合并激动受体而
18. 拮抗药(antagonist)是指具有较强的亲和力,而无内在活性,拮抗药与受体结合但不
能激动受体。竞争性拮抗药(competitive antagonist)能与激动药竞争相同受体,但其结合是可逆的,竞争性拮抗药能使激动药的量效曲线平行右移,但最大效应不变。非竞争性拮抗药指拮抗药与受体的结合是相对不可逆的,或能引起受体构象的改变,从而干扰激动药与受体的正常结合,使激动药不能竞争性对抗这种干扰。增大激动药的剂量也
19. PA2:竞争性拮抗药对相应激动药的拮抗作用强度,pA2=-log[A2], [A2]是指在拮抗药这
20. PA2':非竞争性拮抗药的亲和力参数,又称减活指数,是指使激动药的最大效应降低一
21. pD2:药物-受体复合物解离常数KD的负对数(-logKD)为pD2,其值与A和R的亲
和力成正比。意义是引起最大效应的一半时(即50%受体被占领时)所需的药物浓度。 22. 吸收(absorption)是指药物从给药部位进入血液循环的过程。
23. 首关效应(first-pass effect)是指某些药物首次通过肠壁或经门静脉进入肝脏时被其中
24. 分布(distribution)是指吸收入血的药物随血液转运至组织器官的过程。
25. 血脑屏障(blood-brain barrier,BBB)指由脑毛细血管形成的血浆与脑细胞外液间的屏
26. 肝肠循环(hepatoenteral circulation)由胆汁排入十二指肠的药物有的直接随粪便排出,
27. 生物利用度(bioavailability ,F)是指药物从某制剂吸收进入血液循环的相对数量和速度。
是评价药物制剂质量的一个重要指标。分为绝对生物利用度(absolute bioavailability)和相对生物利用度(relative bioavailability)。一般认为,静脉注射的生物利用度是100%,如果把静脉注射与血管外途径给药时的AUC值进行比较,并计算后者的生物利用度,即为绝对生物利用度。也可在同一给药途径下对不同制剂进行比较,这就是相对生物利
28. 半衰期(half-life,t1/2)指血浆消除半衰期,是药物在体内分布达到平衡状态后血浆药物
29. 一级消除动力学(first order elimination kinetics)是指血中药物消除速率与血中药物浓
30. 零级消除动力学(zero order elimination kinetics)是指血中药物消除速率与浓度的零次
31. 稳态血药浓度(steady-state concentration,Css)在一级消除动力学药物中,若按固
定间隔时间给予固定药物剂量,在每次给药时体内总有前次给药的残存量,多次给药形成不断蓄积,随着给药次数的增加,体内总药量的蓄积逐渐减慢,直至在剂量间隔内药物的消除量等于给药剂量,从而达到平衡,这时的血药浓度称为稳态浓度或坪浓度。 32. 调节痉挛(regulative spasm):毛果芸香碱激动睫状肌环形纤维上M受体,使睫状肌
33. 调节麻痹(regulative paralysis)阿托品阻断睫状肌上的M受体,使睫状肌松弛而退向
34. 胆碱能危象(cholinergic risk)抗胆碱酯酶药如新斯的明治疗重症肌无力,因应用过量
35. 肾上腺素升压作用的翻转(adrenaline reversal)a受体阻断药酚妥拉明等可取消去氧肾
36. 最小肺泡药物浓度(minimum alveolar concentration, MAC)是指在一个大气压下,使
50%患者或动物对伤害性刺激不再产生体动反应(逃避反射)时呼气末潮气(相当于肺泡气)内麻醉药浓度,单位是Vol %,MAC越小,麻醉药的效价越高。 37. 镇静药(sedatives)能缓和激动,消除躁动,恢复安静情绪的药物。 38. 催眠药(hypnotics)是一类能引起睡意,促进和维持近似生理性睡眠的药物。 39. “开-关”现象(on-off phenomenon)患者服用左旋多巴后突然发生的少动(肌强直性运
40. 阿司匹林哮喘(aspirin asthma)有些哮喘患者服用阿司匹林或某些解热镇痛药后可诱
41. 瑞氏综合征(Reye’s syndrome)患病毒性感染伴有发热的儿童和青年,服用阿司匹林
42. 早后去极(early afterdepolarization , EAD)发生在完全复极之前的后去极,常见于2、
43. 迟后去极(delayed afterdepolarization,DAD)在细胞内钙超载情况下,发生在动作电
44. 折返激动(reentrant excitation)是指一次冲动下传后,又可顺着另一环形通路折回再
45. 金鸡纳反应(chichonic reaction)病人使用奎尼丁后,表现为头痛、头晕、耳鸣、腹泻、
46. 首剂现象:病人首次应用哌唑嗪等a1受体阻断药时表现为严重的直立性低血压,一般
47. 隔日疗法:在长程疗法中对某些慢性病例可采用隔日一次给药法,即将两天的总药量在
48. 库欣综合征:过量使用糖皮质激素所致物质代谢与水盐代谢紊乱的后果,表现为肌无力
49. 反跳现象:糖皮质激素长期用药因减量太快或突然停药所致原病复发或加重的现象称为
50. 允许作用:糖皮质激素对有些组织细胞无直接效应,但可给其他激素发挥作用创造有利
51. 索莫吉效应(Somogyi effect)为凌晨3时低血糖、早餐前高血糖的现象,是胰岛素使
52. 黎明现象(dawn phenomenon)糖尿病患者凌晨3-9时血糖明显升高的现象,是因胰
53. 抗菌药(bacteriostatic drugs)是指某种或某一类抗菌药物仅具有抑制病原菌生长繁殖
54. 杀菌药(bactericidal drugs)该类抗菌药物不但具有抑制病原菌生长繁殖的能力,而且
55. 抗菌谱(antibacterual spectrum)指抗菌药物的抗菌作用范围。
56. 抗菌活性(antibacterual activity)是指抗菌药物抑制或杀灭病原菌的能力,这是由于各
57. 最低抑菌浓度(minimal inhibitory concentration, MIC)在体外实验中,能抑制培养基
58. 最低杀菌浓度(minimal bactericidal concentration, MBC)在体外实验中,能够杀灭培
59. 细菌耐药性(bacterial resistance)是指病原菌对抗菌药物敏感性下降甚至消失的现象,
这种病原菌称为耐药菌,造成抗菌药物对耐药菌感染的临床疗效降低或者无效。 60. 二重感染:正常人的口腔、鼻咽、肠道等处有微生物寄生,菌群间维持平衡的共生状态,
61. 化疗指数(chemotherapeutic index, CI)是评价包括化学治疗药物在内的所有化学治疗
62. 抗生素后效应(post antibiotic effect, PAE)指抗生素或抗菌药物作用于细菌一定时间
63. 灰婴综合征:新生儿及早产儿使用氯霉素剂量过大时,常于用药后4天(2-9天)发生
64. 耐受性:是指连续用药后机体对药物的反应强度递减,但不致消失,增加剂量可保持原
67、双硫仑样反应(disulfiram reaction)指在应用某些含硫甲基四氮唑基团的头孢菌素过程期间饮酒,身体产生严重不适的现象。
68、赫氏反应(Herxheimer reaction)在使用青霉素治疗梅毒螺旋体或钩端螺旋体、雅司、鼠咬热、炭疽等感染时,可出现症状加重的现象,表现为全身不适、寒战、高热、咽痛、肌痛、心跳加快等,一般发生于开始治疗的6-8小时,12-24小时内消失,这种治疗矛盾的现象称为赫氏反应。
69、多药耐药性(multidrug resistance)指肿瘤细胞与某一抗肿瘤药物接触后,除对其产生耐药性外,还对其他多种结构不同且作用机制各异的抗肿瘤药物产生耐药性,即所谓的交叉耐药现象。
2. Pharmacology means the study of the rule and mechanism of mutual interaction
between drug and body.
3. Pharmacodynamics describes the mechanism of actions of drug on body
4. Pharmacokinetics describes the process and rule of drugs disposition, it means the
action of body on drug.
5. Passive transport is defined as a kind of transport process in which drugs transport
from a region of higher concentration to one of lower concentration.
6. Simple diffusion means that drugs transported from a side of membrane to anther
side obeying Concentration gradient.
7. Filtration is defined as the transport process in which drugs whose particle size is less
than the membrane gap in diameter move from the side of higher pressure to that of
lower pressure by dint of liquid static pressure or osmotic pressure disparity. 8. Active transport refers to the transmembrane movement of drugs with the aid of
special carriers and the requirement of energy consumption.
9. Absorption is the process in which drugs transport from the site of administration to
the blood circulation after extra-vascular administration.
10. First pass elimination: Some drugs are inactivated/metabolized in the GI tract and
liver before entering into the systemic circulation and result in the reduction of actual drug quantity entering into systemic circulation. This process is called first pass elimination
11. Distribution: drugs absorbed in the blood transport from the blood to tissues. 12. Tissue partition coefficient: when the distribution reaches homeostasis, the ratio of
the drug concentration between tissues and plasma remains constant, called tissue partition coefficient of drugs
13. Excretion: the process of parent drugs or their metabolites being discharged from
body by secretory organs is known as excretion
14. Hepato-enteral circulation: a portion of drugs those being carried to duodenum via
bile can be reabsorbed via epithelia of small intestines and entry into systemic circulation by way of liver. This cycle along liver, bile, small intestine is know as hepato-enteral circulation
15. Apparent volume of distribution means the ratio of in vivo drug quantity versus
concentration in plasma when the drug reaches dynamic equilibrium in the body. 16. Half life: means the period of time when the drug concentration in plasma reduces to
17. AUC: area under the curve, indicates the area under the concentration-time curve 18. Bioavailability: indicates the rate and extent of absorption into the systemic circulation
following extravascular administration of drugs
19. Clearance: mans the volume of body fluid containing a drug that can be eliminated by
the body in unit time.
20. Maintenance dose: in most clinical situations, drugs are administered in such a way
as to maintain a steady state of drug in the body, i.e, just enough drug is given in each dose to replace the drug eliminated since the preceding dose.
21. Loading dose: when the time to reach steady state is appreciable, as it is for drugs
with long half-lives, it may be desirable to administer a loading dose that promptly raises the concentration of drug in plasma to the target concentration. 22. Pharmacodynamics
23. Drug action referred to the initial interaction between drug and body. 24. Pharmacological effects is the physiological effects induced by drug action 25. Stimulation: enhancement of the body function is Stimulation 26. Inhibition: restraint or diminution of the body function is Inhibition 27. Etiological therapy: Elimination of the etiological factors to cure diseases
28. Symptomatic therapy: Improvement of disease symptom without eliminating the
cause of the disease
29. Side reaction: In the range of therapeutic dosage, the drug effects, which are not
related to the current therapeutic purpose, are described as side effects.
30. Toxic reaction can happened when the dose of the drug is high enough or drugs are
long term used.
31. Allergic reaction is a kind of response of the patient’s immuno-system to the antigen.
It is not dose related and only occur in a fraction of the population.
32. Idiosyncratic reaction is the result of abnormal reactivity to a drug caused by genetic
33. Secondary reaction results from long-term using of drug. Normal flora has been
inhibited and the insensitive flora becomes prominent
34. Drug tolerance means the response to the same dose of a drug decreases with
repeated uses.
35. Physical dependence is an adaptive physiological state produced by repeated use of
a drug. Once drug administration is stopped, abstinence syndromes will occur. 36. Psychological dependence is the feeling of satisfaction and psychic drive that require
periodic or continuous administration of the drug to produce a desired effect or to avoid discomfort .
37. Graded response: In a certain range of doses, the pharmacological response
increases with the increasing of doses, such as blood pressure, muscle contraction, urinary excretion of sodium.
38. Threshold dose indicates the least amount of drug needed to exert therapeutic, also
as know as minimal effective dose
39. Efficacy describes the maximal biological response produced by a drug
40. Concentration for 50% of maximal effect (EC50): The concentration that give rise to
50% of maximal effect
41. Potency is a term describing the comparative expression of a drug activity measured
in terms of dose required to produce a particular effect of given intensity related to a given standard reference.
42. Quantal response: Indicate that a given dose of a drug has or has not evoked a
certain effect in the various subjects under investigation.
43. LD50: A dose that gives rise to the death of 50% of subjects is called LD50
44. TI: therapeutic index. TI=LD50/ED50. It is a kind of index evaluated the safety of a
45. Receptor: A receptor can be defined as any biologic target macromolecule in cells
that interacts specifically with extracellular signal and converts it into intracellular effects
46. Ligand: A ligand is a compound that binds to a receptor specially and produces the
biological response. It was also called first messengers
47. Down-regulation/Desensitization: Chronic stimulation of receptors can cause
decreased numbers of receptors.
48. Up-regulation/Hypersensitization: In contrary, chronic blocking receptors may result
in receptor up-regulation
49. Agonist can bind to receptors, then activate receptors and produce pharmacological
50. Antagonist: A pure antagonist, which can bind to receptors without intrinsic activity,
antagonizes the biologic effects of the corresponding agonist.
51. Tolerance is said to develop when the response to the same dose of a drug
decreases with repeated uses.
52. Dependence means the body produce physiological or psychological dependence
and requirement to some drugs after long-term use of the drugs.
53. Withdrawal syndrome Termination of some drugs using after long-term medication
results in withdrawal symptoms or withdrawal syndrome
54. Cinchonism: It is described by the symptoms caused by toxicity of quinidine or
quinine et al, the alkaloids extracted from cinchona, which include 3 major symptoms: gastrointestinal disturbance like vomiting, nausea, diarrhea; visual and aural disturbances as diplopia, photophobia, altered-color, hearing loss, tinnitus; and central nervous system effects like headache, confusion, psychosis.
55. Mycardial remodeling: It is the most important intrinsic compensatory mechanism in
CHF. It refers to the slow dilation and structural changes occurred in the stressed myocardium, including myocytes hypertrophy, proliferation of connective tissue cells (fibroblasts) and myocardial fibrosis. After an initial beneficial effect, mycardial remodeling can lead to ischemic changes, impairment of diastolic filling, and myocytes apoptosis. Angiotensin II and aldosterone can cause mycardial remodeling during CHF.
56. First dose phenomenon: It refers to a precipitous drop in standing blood pressure,
palpitation and syncope shortly after the first dose of some antihypertensive drugs, especially prazosin.
57. Thyroid storm(thyroid crisis): is sudden acute exacerbation of all of the symptoms of
thyrotoxicosis, presenting as a life-threatening syndrome.
58. Insulin resistance: A diabetic requiring more than 200 units/day is regarded as insulin
resistant. Acute resistant may result from the increase of anti-insulin factor-corticosteroids, growth hormone thyroxine, and estrogens. Chronic resistance may be due to a decline in number and/or affinity of receptors or to defects in post-receptor mechanisms.
59. Hyperadrenalism-like syndrome: This is caused by lipid metabolism, and
redistribution or water-electrolyte metabolism disorders. The syndrome include moon faces, buffalo hump, central obesity, skin atrophy, acne, crinosity, edema, hypokalemia, hypertension, diabetes mellitus etc.
60. Rebound phenomena: Discontinuing or repid extenuation of glucocorticosteriods can
lead original diseases recurring or deteriorating.
61. Superinfections : There is a complete microecosystem in health adult.
After long-term using broad-spectrum antibiotics, sensitive bacteria growth is inhibited, non- sensitive bacteria takes the chance of breeding, resulting in new infections.
62. Chemotherapy:It is to use chemistry drugs treating or preventing the diseases
caused by pathogenic microbe, helminth or cancer cell .
63. Antibacterial drugs:substances to inhibit or kill bacteria and to prevent and cure the
bacteroidal inflammation .
64. Antibacterial spectrum: Antibacterial spectrum of a drug means the species of
microorganisms that the drug can inhibit or kill.
65. antibacterial activity:It means the ability of a drug that the drug can inhibit or kill
66. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC):MIC is the lowest concentration of
antimicrobial agents that prevents visible growth in 18-24 hours incubation.
67. Minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC):MBC is the lowest concentration of
antimicrobial agents that kills bacteria in culture medium.
68. Chemotherapeutic index (CI):CI is a term used to evaluate the safety of
chemotherapeutic drugs.The value is LD50/ED50 or LD5/ED95
69. Post - antibiotic effect , PAE:PAE shows the antimicrobial effect after the
concentration decreased below MIC.
70. Chemotherapy:It is to use chemistry drugs treating or preventing the diseases
caused by pathogenic microbe, helminth or cancer cell .
71. Chemotherapeutic index (CI):CI is a term used to evaluate the safety of
chemotherapeutic drugs.The value is LD50/ED50 or LD5/ED95
72. Antibacterial drugs are substances to inhibit or kill bacteria and to prevent and cure
the bacteroidal inflammation .
73. Antibacterial spectrum of a drug means the species of microorganisms that the drug
can inhibit or kill.
74. antibacterial activity:It means the ability of a drug that the drug can inhibit or kill
75. Minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC):MIC is the lowest concentration of
76. 77. 78.
82. 83.
antimicrobial agents that prevents visible growth in 18-24 hours incubation.
Minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC):MBC is the lowest concentration of antimicrobial agents that kills bacteria in culture medium.
Post - antibiotic effect,PAE:shows the antimicrobial effect after the concentration decreased below MIC
Herxheimer reaction:it is caused by toxins released by the large number of dead spirochetes eliminated during the initial part of penicillin treatment . Some patients show symptoms of ague, fever, laryngeal pain, headache and tachycardia.
Superinfections:There is a complete microecosystem in health adult. After long-term using broad-spectrum antibiotics, sensitive bacteria growth is inhibited, non- sensitive bacteria takes the chance of breeding, resulting in new infections. Tetracycline tooth:The Ca2+ in skeleton and the tooth that against fresh takes shape unites ,Create the brown permanent pigmentation of permanent on tooth ,Enamel hypoplasia .Moreover repress the skeleton to develop ,The children are forbidden to use it.
Cinchnism: That the dose may arouse a series of reactions is treatd by else alkaloids of quinine along with cinchona ,Express to disgusting 、Throw up 、Tinnitus 、Headache 、Hearing and sight go down, even temporary deaf.
CCNSA: Medicines can be able to kill cancer cell of every stage in cell cycle, including G0 stage cancer cell.
CCSA: Medicines is merely susceptible to one stage in cell cycle, insusceptible to G0 stage.
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