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8.慰问信(Consoling Letters), 道歉信(Letters of Apology)

8-1.1慰问病人(Expressing Sympathy to a Patient) 1.2慰问受伤者(Expressing Sympathy to the Wounded) 1.3安慰失业朋友(Consoling an Unemployed Friend) 8-2.1致歉拖延还书(Apologizing for the Book Overdue) 2.2致歉迟复信函(Apologizing for Not Applying Sooner) 2.3致歉失约(Apologizing for Breaking the Appointment)

8-1 慰问信(Notes of Sympathy on Illness, Injury, and Material Loss) 人们在病中或不如意时,格外需要他人的慰问和鼓励,因此慰问信的目的在于表达温馨友好的情意,真诚的了解、同情和鼓励。 慰问信要写得真诚,要注意措词。如果是轻病或者小损失,慰问信应该写得轻松一些;要是病情严重或者损失重大,慰问信就应该写得深沉一些。写慰问信时一定要围绕一个中心,那就是使收信人从中得到安慰和鼓舞。无论如何,整封信的基调必须亲切、友好、体贴、关怀,给人以乐观的希望。


1.Your friends are all hoping for your quick return to health (early

recovery / rapid recovery / return from the hospital). 您的朋友们都在期望您早日恢复健康(早日痊愈、迅速康复、早日出院)。 2.All of us are waiting for your rapid return. 我们都在等待着您的归

来。 3.We expect to see you back soon (as good as new in a few weeks). 我


4.We hope your convalescence 康复 will be rapid and pleasant.愿您


5.We are sure it won't be long before you're back on your feet again.


6.With best wishes for your quick and complete return to health,(用语


7.With every good wish for your swift recovery,由衷地祝您迅速康


8.I just can't tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident.我无法


告诉您当听到您遇意外事故后我是多么地感到遗憾。 9.I feel I simply must write this note and tell you how much you are in

the hearts and minds of everyone in the office.我感觉我真的必须写此短信告诉您办公室的每一个人都在牵挂着您。

10.Everyone at the office misses you and hopes you will be back at

your desk very soon. 办公室的每一个人都在思念着您,并愿您很快回来工作。 11.We were shocked and saddened beyond words by news of the crash.


12.I am very sorry to learn from the newspaper that a fire broke out

in.... 从报纸上获悉在…….突发火灾我很遗憾。

13.Please let me know of any assistance I can render to you.请告诉


14. P1ease don’t feel too much distressed for this frustration.对此挫


15. I know well that you can bear it like a man.我深知您会像个男子汉忍受它。 8-1范例一、(慰问病人) 1.1 (Date) Dear Joe, I felt very sorry indeed when I heard of your mother’s illness and I am anxious to know how she is recently. I think it is wise to find out once and for all what’s troubling her and get it over. I hope that your mother is feeling better now. I am sure that she will soon be completely recovered. I will come to see your mother in a few days. Accompanying this letter I am sending her a basket of assorted fruits with my best regards. Sincerely yours, Jasmine Mcdaniel 译文: 亲爱的乔:





你的挚友:杰斯明·麦克丹尼尔 feel v. 感受 recover v. 康复 illness n. 疾病 pain n. 痛苦 hardship n. 艰难 comfort n. & v. 安慰

at your service 听你的吩咐

I shall be very glad if I can be of service to you in any way. 愿为你效劳。 1.2 February 26,2007 Dear Jane, The Book Club just isn’t the same without you. So hurry up and beat that cold. Have you heard the latest news about An Xia? She just announced her engagement to David Chen. We’re planning a surprise shower and are looking forward to your being here. All the members send their best wishes, and we all hope to see you very soon. Fondly, …… shower n. (为即将要出嫁新娘举办的)贺礼赠送会





深情地:XXX 1.3 (Date) Dear Mrs. Xia,


Mrs. Saunders and I are mighty sorry to hear of your illness. Your many friends here in Dalian are thinking of you and won’t be happy until we hear you’re completely recovered. I understand you will be hospitalized for a few weeks, so I’m sending you the new bestseller to help you while away the time. I hope you will enjoy it. Cordially yours, …… while away vt.消磨,度过




1.4 【to the wounded】 Dear Tom, I just can’t tell you how sorry I was to learn of your accident. Your family tells me that you are progressing nicely, and that you’ll be out of the hospital in about 10 days. I’m certainly relieved to know that! In the next day or so you’ll receive a little package from Margaret and me. I hope you like it, and that it will help to pass the time more pleasantly. With every good wish for your swift recovery, Sincerely yours, …… 【说明】写给受伤病人的慰问信要尽量写得简短,用语尽量中肯贴切。信中不必讯问受伤或事故的前前后后,来龙去脉,而应表述你听说友人受伤后的难过心情,以及希望他不久就能痊愈的祝愿。

1.5 【to a friend in misfortune】 Dear Brown, I am very sorry to learn from the evening paper that a fire broke out in your block this early morning, and your house was burnt down. I wasn’t able to give you any help owing to distance, and I sincerely trust that you all managed to escape without injury. Hope to hear of your safety and to see you soon,


Yours, …… 【将上述慰问信译为汉语】 1.6 (To a friend disappointed in a love affair) Dear Halter, An old friend of yours is writing a line to say how grieved he is to hear of the breaking off of your engagement. It is a terrible blow. I know well what you must be feeling and you have indeed my sincere sympathy, but I am convinced you’ll bear it like a man. When can I see you? Take care, Yours ever, …… 【说明】朋友失恋,婚姻破裂,心中自然惆怅彷徨,消沉沮丧。可以写封信前去安慰他,鼓励他要以大丈夫的气概泰然处之,重塑自我形象,争取赢得新的爱情。

【put a halter round one's neck给自己套上绞索; 作茧自缚】 译文: 浩特(Halter)你好: 你的一位老朋友提笔简言表达他听说你解除婚约后是多么地伤心。这真是一次可怕的打击。我深知你现在的心情,你的确深得我的同情。我相信你会像个男子汉承受它。何时能见到你? 保重! 谨上 。。。。。。 1.7 (to an unemployed friend) Dear Tom, I was astonished when I learned that you had lost your position. Please don’t feel too much distressed for this frustration. A well-educated and competent young man like you can’t be laid off too long, and I am sure you will soon get an even better position. Please let me know what I can do to help you. Best wishes, Yours ever 【说明】失去工作让人灰心丧气,也需要朋友的安慰。信中应安慰朋友不要因为暂时的失业和困境而伤心难过,表示相信像他那样才华出众、能力非凡的青年不愁找不到更好更舒心的工作。



汤姆你好: 获悉你失去工作,我感到十分震惊。请不要为此次挫折frustraion感到过于苦恼。像你这样受过良好教育且能干的年轻人,不会过长时间没事干laid off,我相信你很快就会找到一份更好的工作。 请告知我能为你做些什么。 祝福你! 谨上 。。。。。。 翻译二 (to a friend failing in an examination) 乔你好:


sit for an examination 参加考试 参考译文 Dear Joe, I was sorry to learn that you had not been successful in the examination. Although I am sending you my sympathy, I feel you ought to be unduly distressed at the result. You are still eligible to sit again for the examination and I am confident that this time next year, I shall be sending a letter, not of sympathy, but of congratulation. My kindest regards and best wishes, Your sincere friend, ……

8-2道歉信: 概述:在各种各样的社交场合,我们不可能事无巨细,样样令人满意。有时因为某种疏忽或过失而必须向别人道歉。亲笔写一封短笺,解释一下自己过失的原因,请求对方予以谅解,以便加深相互理解和感情交流。



Useful expressions: 1. I do apologize for having to send you this letter about …就……不得不把此信寄给你非常抱歉。

2. I am writing to apologize for my poor behaviour at your party last night.对昨晚聚会上的不当举止表示歉意。

3. I must apologize for not writing to you for such a long time.久未写信给你我一定要向您道歉。

4. I am sorry for not answering promptly. 未能即时复信深表歉意。 5. Sorry for causing you all this inconvenience. 给你带来这一切的不便很遗憾。

6. I am awfully sorry that I didn’t come to your party yesterday.昨天未能参加你招集的聚会,我甚为遗憾。

7. The work kept me as busy as a been, but you were always in my thoughts.工作使我忙得不可开交,但你一直在我的心里。 8. I really don’t mean to hurt you.我的确、真的无意伤害你。

9. I am terribly sorry for putting you into trouble.非常抱歉使你陷入困境。

10. I write to apologize for my rude remarks in press conference last night.写信前去为我昨晚在记者招待会上的无礼言语表示道歉。 11. I tried to give you a ring to tell you about my change of plans, but the line was always busy.我试着打电话告知你我对计划的更动,但电话线一直忙着。

12. I beg a thousand pardons for not having written to you sooner.未能及早复信,我表示万分歉意,请原谅。

13. I am sincerely sorry that John and I can’t join your dinner party tonight. 由于我和约翰今晚不能参加您举办的晚宴,表示诚挚的歉意。

范例 2.1 (apologize for the book overdue) Dear Henry, I am sorry to tell you that I am unable to return the book that you were kind enough to lend me last month. I finished the book last week, and intended to return it to you


today as I promised to do. Yesterday I was unable to find it in the bookcase, where it should have been. Obviously some one has taken it away without first letting me know. I am still trying to search the book. Even when I finally recover the book, my delay in returning it to you will certainly have caused you some inconvenience. Again I do apologize for not returning the book. Peace, Yours sincerely, …… 【说明】这是一封不能如期归还图书的道歉信。信中以说明事由、解释疏忽为主要目的。信中说准备还书时,书却找不到了,显然是别人未经允许事先拿走了,他将继续寻找,既便找到此书再归还也耽误了对方时间,因此再次表示歉意。

『第一段:说明未能做到何事,而道歉;第二段:说明未能做到此事的原因;第三段:说明要尽快解决问题,即便问题得到解决,从时间上也给对方造成了损失,因此应再次表示歉意。』 2.2 (Apologizing for not Answer / replying Sooner)迟复信函 Dear Edgar, I am sorry for not answering promptly. I am busy cramming for the final examination, but now it is over. The summer vacation will soon begin and we’ll have plenty of time to enjoy each other’s company. Do you have any ideas as to how to spend the time? I hope to hear from you soon. Best wishes! Yours, …… 临时抱佛脚(应付考试) 【说明】按照西方人的习惯,收到信后应立即回信,如果久不通信则情疏意薄,甚至断送友谊。当然,如果当时未能复信,过一段时间应专门写一封信表示道歉。信中应讲明未能及时复信的原因并请求对方加以谅解。信中一般不涉及于道歉无关的内容,以免弄得双方都很尴尬。



2.3 (apologizing for breaking the appointment)

Try to translate the following into English: 布兰德福特你好:

恐怕本星期日我不能陪同你一起去展览会了。我在昨天踢球时扭了腰(sprain one’s back)。我当时认为不严重,但校医室的大夫(clinic doctor)说我应该卧床休息几天。请另找一人替我陪你去(take one’s place)好吗?对不起给你造成如此(all this)不便。

译文: Dear Blandford, I am afraid I won’t be able to go with you to the exhibition this Sunday. I sprained扭伤my back in a football game yesterday. I didn’t think it was very serious, but the clinic doctor insisted that I should stay in bed for a few days. Will you get someone else to take my place? Sorry for causing all this inconvenience. Yours sincerely, ……

{说明} 西方人大多数都很遵守时间,定下来的约会,如无特殊情况,通常不能作更改变动,而应准时赴约践行。如遇特殊情况或发生意外不能赴约,应事先写信或打电话通知对方,以免让对方无故等待而空耗时间。这封范例信函说明了自己在足球比赛中背部受伤,需卧床休息,所以星期天不能陪同朋友去看展览,并建议朋友另外找人陪同。同时为自己给朋友造成的不方便而表示万分抱歉。

2.4 (apologizing for the breach of Etiquette)失礼行为 Dear Cathy, I am writing to apologize for my bad behavior at your party last night. I know my behavior was inexcusable and undeserving of forgiveness. I am extremely sorry for the embarrassment I caused. I shall try not to be so rude again. Sincerely yours, …… 【说明】这封信是对自己在晚会上的失礼行为表示道歉,可能由于行为粗鲁使晚会主人陷入窘境,结果造成了不可饶恕的错误。为此特向主人




