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constitutional monarchy 君主立宪制 the Monarch 君主 Parliament 议会 House of Commons 平民院/下议院 The Government Party执政党 Royal Assent御准(女王批准)

Shadow Cabinet 影子内阁 jury system 陪审团制 the Conservative Party 保守党

the Labour Party 工党 common law 习惯法 Crown Courts 王室法院 The Celts 凯尔特人

Anglo-Saxons 盎格鲁萨克逊人 Norman Conquest 诺曼征服 The Great Charter 大宪章

The Hundred Years’ War 百年大战 The Black Death黑死病 Renaissance 文艺复兴

Humanists 人文主义者 the Great Lakes大湖区

Secretary of State国务卿 The US Congress 国会 the House of Representatives众议院

The Judicial Branch司法部门 the Supreme Court最高法院 the Boston Tea Party波士顿倾茶事件 、

The Bill of Rights人权法案 The Star-Spangled Banner星条旗 The Monroe Doctrine门罗主义

Emancipation Proclamation解放宣言/废奴宣言 Frontiersman拓荒者 The Civil War内战 The Westward Movement西进运动


英语国家概况精讲系列(一) Chapter 1 第一章 Land and People 英国的国土与人民

I. Different Names for Britain and its Parts 英国的不同名称及其各组成部分

1.Geographical names: the British Isles, Great Britain and England. 地理名称:不列颠群岛,大不列颠和英格兰。

2.Official name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. 官方正式名称:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国。

3.The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and Ireland, and hundreds of small ones.


4.Three political divisions on the island of Great Britain: England, Scotland and Wales. 大不列颠岛上有三个政治区:英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士。

(1) England is in the southern part of Great Britain. It is the largest, most populous section. 英格兰位于大不列颠岛南部,是最大,人口最稠密的地区。

(2) Scotland is in the north of Great Britain. It has three natural zones (the Highlands in the north; the Central lowlands; the south Uplands) Capital: Edinburgh



(3) Wales is in the west of Great Britain. Capital: Cardiff 威尔士位于大不列颠的西部。首府:加的夫

(4) Northern Ireland is the fourth region of the UK. Capital: Belfast. 北爱尔兰是英国第四个区域。首府:贝尔法斯特。

5.The Commonwealth (of nations) is a free association of independent countries that were once colonies of Britain. It was founded in 1931, and has 50 member countries until 1991. 英联邦是曾为英国殖民地的、但现已独立国家所构成的自由联合体。它成立于1931年,至1990年止已有50个成员国。 II. Geographical Features 英国的地理特征 1.Geographical position of Britain: 英国的地理位置:

Britain is an island country surrounded by the sea. It lies in the North Atlantic Ocean off the north coast of Europe. It is separated from the rest of Europe by the English Channel in the south and the North Sea in the east.


2.The north and west of Britain are mainly highlands; and the east and southeast are mostly lowlands.

英国的西部和北部主要是高地,东部和东南部主要是低地。 III. Rivers and Lakes 河流与湖泊

Ben Nevis is the highest mountain in Britain (1,343m). 本尼维斯山为英国最高峰,海拔1,343米。 Severn River is the longest river in Britain (338km).



Thames River is the second longest and most important river in Britain. (336km). 泰晤士河是英国第二大河,也是英国最重要的河。全长336公里。

Lough Neagh is the largest lake in Britain which is located in Northern Ireland. (396 square kilometres).

讷湖(内伊湖)是英国最大的湖,位于北爱尔兰。面积为396平方公里。 IV. Climate 气候

1. Britain's favorable climate 英国有利的气候条件:

Britain has a maritime climate-winters are not too cold and summers are not too hot. It has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The temperature varies within a small range. 英国属于海洋性气候:冬季不过于寒冷,夏季不过于炎热。全年有稳定可靠的降雨量,气温变化幅度小。

2.The factors influence the climate in Britain: 影响英国气候的因素:

1)The surrounding waters tend to balance the seasonal differences by heating up the land in winter and cooling it off in summer;


2)The prevailing south-west winds or the Westerlies blow over the country all the year round bringing warm and wet air in winter and keeping the temperatures moderate;

一年四季盛行的西南风和西风在冬季从大西洋带来温暖、潮湿的空气,使气温适宜; 3)The North Atlantic Drift passes the western coast of the British Isles and warms them. 北大西洋暖流经不列颠群岛西海岸,使气候变暖。


3.Rainfall 降雨量:

Britain has a steady reliable rainfall throughout the whole year. The average annual rainfall in Britain is over 1,000mm. There is a water surplus in the north and west, and a water deficit in the south and east.

英国全年降雨量稳定,平均降雨量超过1000毫米。 英国北部、西部雨量过多,但是南部、东部有所缺乏。

英语国家概况精讲系列(二) V. The People 人口

2.The difference between the ancestors of the English and Scots, Welsh and Irish: 英伦三岛民族的祖先:

The ancestors of the English are Anglo-Saxons, the Scots, Welsh and Irish are Celts. 英语国家概况精讲系列(三) Chapter 2 第二章

The Origins of a Nation (5000BC-1066) 英国的起源(公元前5000年—1066年) 3. The Celts began to arrive Britain about 700 BC. 约公元前700年,克尔特人来到不列颠岛。 4. The Celts came to Britain in three main waves. II. Roman Britain (55BC-410AD)


1.British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion. In 55BC and 54BC, Julius Caesar, a Roman general, invaded Britain twice. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudius invaded Britain



3。From 1630 to 1643,some 200 ships transported over 20000 Englishmen to the Massachusetts Bay colony.


4。The colonists were building a new way of life in the New World.There were a number of features which would play a role in forming the American character.They were :representative from of goverment,rule of law,respect of individual rights,religious tolerance and a strong spirit of individual enterprise.殖民主义者新生活方式的这些特点在美国人性格形成中发挥了重要作用:建立代义制政府,法治,对个人权利的尊重,宗教上的宽容及强烈的个人进取心。

5。In September 1744,the Frist Continental Congress was held ih Philadelphia which encouraged American to refuse to buy British goods.1744年9月,第一届大陆仁义在费城如开,鼓励美国人拒绝买英货。

6。The Declaration of Independence drafted by Thomas Jefferson of Virginia.The Declaration is a clear explanation of the political theory behind the revolution and this theory came from the British philosopher John Locke.


8。In September ,1783,the Treaty of Paris was signed,Britain recognized the indeperdance of the U.S.1783年9月簦订《巴黎和约》,英正式承认美国独立。

10。The first ten amendments to the U.S Constitution,which was called the Bill of Rights,adopted in 1791 which promise to protect individuals'rights. 成为宪法的前十条修正案正案被称为《人权法案》。


11.The Articles of Confederation was accepted by all the states by Match 1781.It has two serious weaknesses:1>there was no national executive of law-enforcing branch;2>Congress has no power to raise taxes.


12。The U.S went to war with Britain in 1812,the last war fought between these two countries.英美最后一次交火是1812的英美战争。

13。During the 13 years of Indian wars after the War of Independence,the Americans forced England to give up the Old Northwest and they forced Spain to open the Mississippi river.Their crossing of the Mississippi helped persuade Napoleon to sell the Louisiana Territory to the U.S.In 1853,in the Gadaden Purchase another 30000 spuare miles of Mexican land were added to the territory of the U.S.


14。The twp famous leaders of black movement in the U.S in the 1830s were Garrison and Frederick Douglass.在19世纪30年代两位著名的黑人领袖为加里森和道格拉斯 15。The Union army under the command of Ulysses s.Grant deteated the Confedetate army at Gettysburg,Pensylvania,this victory was the turning point of the Civil War.北方联军在尤利西斯。格兰特的指挥下,在宾夕法尼亚的葛底斯堡击败了南方联盟军,葛底斯堡大捷是美国内战的转折点。

16。Tn the Civil war,Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union at home and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery.So he issued the famous Emancipation



17。On November 19,1863,Abraham Lincoln made a short speech on the occasion of dedicating the national cemetery at Gettysburg.He ended his speech with these memorable words:\government of the people ,by the people,for the people,shall not perish from the earth. 1863年11月9日,林肯在葛底斯堡阵亡将士公墓落成仪式上发表了简短的演说,他以另人难忘的语言结束了演说“民有,民治,民享的政府永远不会从地球上消失。 18。A conference was held in Philadelphia in May 1787 to consider what should be done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate.All of the states except Rhode Island were represented at the Consititutional Convention.

1787年在费城召开的制宪会议上,除了罗得岛外,其他所有州都参加了,大家讨论如何使《联邦条款》能够满足需要。 另外有几个名词解释和问答题也要记得: 包括:Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件 the Declaration of Independence 独立宣言 the Emancipation of Proclamation 解放奴隶宣言 英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 16 Chapter 16 American History (2)(1900-1945)必背细节

1. In 1880,the U.S ranked first in the world in the production of steel; in 1900,the U.S. produced 245million tons of coal, ranking first in the world.1880年美国钢产`量世界第一,1900年煤产量世界第一。

2. Large corporation ,urbanization and new technology were the three features in the growth of American economy at the beginning of the 20 th century.大公司的出现,城市化及新技术的迅速发展是美国20世纪初经济增长出现的三大特点。


3. In 1903,the Wright brothers flew a plane for a brief 12 seconds at Kitty Hawk,North Carolina. This was the beginning of the appearance of the plane. In 1911,Glenn E.Curiss designed and flew a successful plane. 1903年,莱特兄弟发明了第一架飞机,但只飞行了12秒。1911年格伦。E。库利斯设计了一架飞机,并成功试飞。

4. At the beginning of the WWI, the U.S.was impartial neither in action, nor in thought.It pursued a policy of pro-Ally partiality.第一次世界大战开始时,美国宣布保持中立,但在行动和思想上都没有做到中立,美国真正奉行的是支持同盟国的政策。

5. The 1920s in the U.S. has been described by many historians as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposelessness.许多历史学家都把美国的二十世纪二十年代描写成一个物质上成功,精神是迷惘或漫无目标的时期。

6. The stock market crash was the beginning of long economic depression in the late 1920S and 1930S.股票市场的崩溃是1929-1933年的经济大萧条的开端。

7. The aim of President Roosevelt’s New measures was to save American democracy and the capitalist system.罗斯福总统“新政:措施的目的在于”拯救美国民主“及克服资本主义制度有史以来最严重的经济制度。


1.The United Kingdom is a unitary, not a federal, state. Parliament consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

英国是中央集权国家,而不是联邦制国家。议会由君主,上议院和下议院组成。 2.The main functions of Parliament are: (1) to pass laws; (2) to provide, by voting for taxation, the means of carrying on the work of government; (3) to examine government Policy and administrations, including proposal for expenditure; and (4) to debate the major issues of the day.


3.The House of Lords is made up of the Lords Spiritual and the Lords Temporal. The main function of the House of Lords is to bring the wide experience of its members into the process of lawmaking. In other words, the non-elected House is to act as a chamber of revision, complementing but not rivaling the elect House.

贵族院(上议院)由神职贵族和世俗贵族组成。它的主要作用是用议员的丰富经验帮助立法。换而言之,非选举的上议院是修正议院,补充而非反对由选举产生的下议院。 4.The House of Common is elected by universal adult suffrage and consists of 651 Members of Parliament (MPs). It is in the House of Commons that the ultimate authority.

下议院(平民院)由成人普选产生,由651名议员组成。下议院拥有最终立法权。 5.Britain is divided 651 constituencies. Each of the constituencies returns one member to the House of Commons. A general Election must be held every five years and is often held at more frequent intervals.



6.Britain has a number of parties, but there are only two major parties. These two parties are the Conservative Party and the Labour Party. Since 1945, either the Conservative Party or the Labour Party has held power. The party which wins sufficient seats at a General Election to command a majority of Government. The leader of the majority party is appointed Prime Minister. The party which wins the second largest number of seats becomes the Official Opposition, with its own leader and “shadow cabinet ”. The rule of Opposition is to help the formulation of policy. Criticizes the Government and debate with the Government.


英语国家概况精讲系列(十九) III.The Cabinet and Ministry 内阁和内阁部长

1. The Prime Minister presides over the Cabinet, is responsible for the allocation of functions among ministers and informs the Queen at regular meetings of general business of the Government. Cabinet members hold meetings under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister for a few hours each week to decide Government policy on major issues.

首相主持内阁,负责分配大臣们的职能,在定期会见女王时向女王报告政府事务。内阁在 首相的主持下,每周开会几小时,以决定在重大问题上政府的政策。

2. Ministers are responsible collectively to Parliament for all Cabinet decisions; individual Ministers are responsible to Parliament for the work of their department.


内阁的所有决定由大臣集体向议会负责,各大臣又为各自部门的工作向议会负责。 IV.The Privy Council 枢密院

2. Greater London is divided into 32 boroughs. 大伦敦被分为32个行政区。 英语国家概况精讲系列(二十) Chapter 8 第八章 刑事诉讼程序

1. In England and Wales, once the police have charged a person with a criminal offence, the crown Prosecution Service assumes control of the case reviews the evidence to decide whether to prosecute.


2. In Britain all criminal trial are held in open count because the criminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he has been proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt. The prosecution and the defense get equal treatment. No accused person has to answer the question of the police before trial. He is not compelled to give evidence in count. Every accused person has the right to employ a legal adviser to conduct his defense. If he can not afford to pay, he may be granted aid at public expense. In criminal trial by jury, the judge passes sentence, but the jury decided the issue of guilt or innocence. The jury composed of 12 or ordinary people. If the verdict of the jury can not be unanimous, it must be a majority.



有罪之前,他是无辜的。原告与被告同样平等,审判时被告不必回答警察的问题,不许强迫被告提供证据。每位被告都有权雇佣律师为其辩护。如果他不能支付律师费,可以用公用费用提供帮助。在由陪审团进行的刑事审判中,法官判刑,但陪审团决定是否有罪。陪审团一般由12人组成。如果陪审团不能做出一致判决,也必须是多数决定。 3.A verdict of “ not guilt” means acquittal for the accused, who can never again be charged with that specific crime.

“无罪”裁决意味着被告无罪,并且永远不得再以此罪名对其指控。 英语国家概况精讲系列(二十一) II. Criminal Courts 刑事法庭

1. Criminal Courts in England and Wales 英格兰和威尔士的刑事法庭

Magistrates’ Courts which try summary offences and “either way” offences. A magistrates’ court, which is open to the public and the media, usually consists of three unpaid “lay” magistrates-known as justices of the peace-who are advised on point of law and procedure by a legally qualified assistant. A Magistrates’ court sits without a jury.

治安(警事)法庭,负责审理判决犯罪,也审理“任意方式”罪行。治安法庭对公众和媒体公开,通常由三位无薪的“外行”地方官——地方治安官组成,由懂得法律知识的书记员和助手给他们提供法律规定和程序方面的建议。治安法庭审察时没有陪审团。 Youth Court which try most cases involving people under 18. 青少年法庭,负责审理18岁以下青年的大多数案件。

The Crown Court tries the most serious offences and ‘either way” offences referred to it by magistrates. The Crown Court is presided over by High Court judges, full-time circuit Judges


and part-time Recorders England and Wales are divided into six circuits for the purpose of hearing criminal case. Each circuit is divided into areas containing one or more centers of High Court and Crown Court.


2. Criminal courts in Scotland 苏格兰的刑事法庭

There are three criminal courts in Scotland.(1)the High Court of Justiciary;(2) the sheriff court;(3) the district court. Scotland has two types of criminal procedure, know as solemn procedure and summary procedure. In solemn procedure, a defendant is tried by a judge sits without a jury.

英格兰有三种刑事法院:(1)高级法院;(2)郡法院;(3)区法院。英格兰有两种刑事诉讼:庄重诉讼和即决诉讼。庄重诉讼里,被告由陪审团和法官审理。在即决诉讼中,法官独自审理,不用陪审团。 3. Criminal courts in Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰的刑事法庭

Cases involving minor summary offences are heard by magistrates’ courts presided over by a full-time legally qualified resident magistrate. County courts are primarily civil law courts. The Crown Court deals with criminal trails on indictment.

涉及轻微即决犯罪的案件由治安法庭听审,法庭由全职的法律合格的常驻治安法官主持。郡法庭主要是民事法庭。皇家刑事法庭根据起诉进行刑事审判. 英语国家概况精讲系列


(二十二) III.Civil Courts 民事法庭

1. Civil Courts in England and Wales 英格兰和威尔士的民事法庭

Magistrates’ Courts have limited civil jurisdiction, The main courts of civil jurisdiction are County Courts, the High Court deals with the more complicated civil case. Its jurisdiction covers mainly civil and some criminal cases. It has three divisions: (1) the family Division; (2) the Chancery Division; (3) the Queen’s Bench Division.

治安法庭只有一定的民事审判权。主要行使民事司法权的是民事法院,高等法院处理更为复杂的民事案。主要包括民事案和一些刑事案,高等法院有三个分支:(1)家事庭;(2)官庭;(3)王室庭。 2. Civil Courts in Scotland 苏格兰的民事法庭

The Civil Courts are the sheriff court and the Court of session. 民事法院包括郡法院和巡回法院(最高中心法院)。 3. Civil Courts in Northern Ireland 北爱尔兰的民事法院

County Court are primarily civil law courts. The magistrates’ court also deal with certain limited classes of civil cases. The high Court of Justice the superior civil law court.

郡法院主要是民事法院。治安法庭也审理某些有限类型的民事案件。高等法院就是高级民事法院。 IV. The Judiciary



There is no ministry of justice in the United Kingdom. Central responsibility lies with the Lord Chancellor the Home Secretary and the Attorney General. In England and Wales, lay magistrates are appointed on behalf of the Crown by the Lord Chancellor who is advised by committees in each county. The Lord Chancellor recommends the High Court and circuit judges. The highest judicial appointments and made by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister. 英国没有司法机构。中央政府的司法工作主要由娃哈哈官内政大臣和检察总长负责。在英格兰和威尔士,娃哈哈官根据各部委员会的建议任命外行人员为治安官。娃哈哈官推荐高等法官和巡回法官。最高级别的司法官任命由女王根据首相的建议做出。 V. Police 警察

The police service for United Kingdom is organized and controlled on a local basis under the Home Secretary and the Scottish and Northern Ireland Secretaries. London’s Metropolitan Police Force is directly under the control of Home Secretary. Police officers are not allowed to join a trade union or go on strike. They do not normally carry firearms.


VI. Treatment of offenders 对违法者的处理

The chief aims of the penal system are to deter the potential lawbreaker and to reform the convicted offender.



Capital punishment ( a sentence of death ) for murder has been abolished in the U.K, through proposal for its reinstatement are regularly debated by Parliament, and it remains the penalty for treason and piracy.


语国家概况精讲系列(二十三) Chapter 9 第九章 Social Affairs 英国社会

I. Health and Social Services 全国医疗保健计划

1. Britain is regarded as a welfare state. III. Religion宗教

1. Everyone in Britain has the right to religious freedom with out interference from the community or the State. He may change his religion at will may manifest his faith in teaching, worship and observance. Except that the Lord Chancellor may be a Roman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction to members of all churches or none.

在英国,人人都有信仰宗教的权利,社会和政府不得干涉。他可以随意改变宗教信仰,可以在教职,礼拜或仪式中表明他的信仰。除了娃哈哈官不可以是罗马天主教徒外,公共职务对各种信仰或没有信仰的人一律公开。 英语国家概况精讲系列(二十六) 2. Established churches



There are two established church in Britain: in England the church of England and Scotland the Church of England.

英国有两大国教,在英格兰是英格兰国教,苏格兰是苏格兰教会(长老教)。 。

IV. Festival and Public Holidays 节假日

The Christian festival of the year and Christmas, Easter, and Whit Sunday. 其主要的节日有圣诞节,复活节,圣灵降临节 英语国家概况精讲系列(二十七) Chapter 10 第十章 Sports 体育运动

1. Many international sports were introduced by the British who take their leisure time very seriously. There is widespread participation in sport in Britain.

许多国际体育项目是由认真对待休闲时间的英国人引进的,在英国,人们广泛参与体育。 2. Football ( or “soccer” as it is colloquially called ), the most popular sport in England as well as in Europe, has its traditional home in England where it was developed in the 19th century.


3. The game “Rugby” was invented at Rugby School in Warwich shire in the early 19th




4. Cricket, the most typically English of sports, has been in existence since the 16th century. On an international level, 5-day Cornhill Test Matches.


5. Although tennis has been played for centuries, the modern game originated in England in late 19th. The main tournament is the annual Wimbledon fortnight, one of the 4 tennis “Grand Slam” tournaments.


英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 13 chapter 13 geography 地理位置

1.Alaska and Hawaii are the two newest states in American.Alaska northwestern Canada,and Hawaii lies in the central Pacific.


2。The U.S has a land area of 9.3 million square kilometres.It is the fourth largest country in the world in size after Russia,Canada and China.


3.Of all states of American,Alaska is the lagest in area and Rhode Island the smallest.But on the mainland Texas is the largest sate of the country.



4。The Rockies,the backbone of the North American Continent,is also known as the Continental Divide.


5。The two main mountain ranges in American are the Appalachian mountains and the Rocky mountains. The Appalachians run slightly from the northeast to southwest and the Rocky mountains run slightly from the northwest to southeast.

阿巴拉契亚山脉和落基山脉是美国的两座大山脉。(本细节有考“一句话简答题”的可能) 6。The Mississippi River is the largest river in American,over 6000 kilometers.The Mississippi has been called \


9。The Rio Grande River forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the United States. 格兰德河是美国和墨西哥之间的开然界河(本细节考选择和简答可能性大)

10。the most important lakes in the United States are the Great Lakes. They are Lake Superior,which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, Lake Michigan ,the only entirely in the U.S.,Lake Huron,Lake Eire and Lake Ontario.They are located between Canada and the United States except Lake Michigan.

美国最重要的湖泊是五大湖:苏必利尔湖,密歇根湖,休伦湖,伊利湖和安大略湖,其中,苏必利尔湖为世界最大淡水湖,密歇根湖完全是美国境地内。 11。美国气候概述

1) A humid continental climate(湿润的大陆性气候) is found in the north-eastern part of the country.


2) In the south-eastern United States you can find a humid subtropical climate.(湿润的亚热带气候---东南部)

3)The Pacific northwest is favored with a maritime climate海洋性气候--太平洋西北岸) 4)The southern part of the Pacific coast in California(加州太平洋沿岸南部) has a Mediterranean climate (地中海式气候)with warm,dry summers and moist winters. 12。Many factors besides latitude influence the climate in the United States.Perhaps the most important forces are the Atlantic and Pacific oceans,the Gulf of Mexick ,and the Great Lakes. 影响美国气候的最主要的因素为:太平洋,和大西泮,墨西哥湾,五大湖。

15。New Englanders were originally knows as Yankees,which came to stand for alll American.新英格兰人最初曾被称作“美国佬:这一名称,后来渐渐指所有的美国人。(选择) 16。The Middle Atlantic States have about one fifth of the total population of the united states.大西洋中部各州的人口占美国总人口的1/5。

17。The soil is rich, the rain usually plentiful and the growing season long, These factors make the Midwest America's most important agricultural area .It is also a major manufacturing region and the nation's leading center of heavy industry.

中西部地区是美国最重要的农业区,也是主要的制造业区各最主要的重工业区。 18。Chicago,the largest and busiest port on the Great Lakes, is the largest industrial and commercial center of the area.芝加哥是五大湖最大最忙的港口,也是该地区最大的工商业中心。

19。Detroit is known as the automobile capital of the world. Omaha is known as the agricultural capital of the United states.底特律被称作“汽车之都,奥马哈被称作农业之都。 20。Dry farming ,irrigation farming, and the cattle and sheep herding are the main activities of the Great Plains of the American West.



21。Colorado has been called the steel city of the west ,Denver is the largest city of the Great Plains.科罗拉多市被称作“西部钢城”,丹佛市是大平原地区最大的城市。 22。the largest groups of Native Americans are found on the Colorado Plateau. 美国最大的土著群落位于科罗拉多高原。

23。Mmauna Loa,the world's largest volcano,is located on Haiwaii and erupts from time to time,Suger cane and pineapples are Haiwaii's main crops.Tourism is Haiwaii's most important industry.莫纳洛阿火山是世界最大和活火山,甘蔗和菠罗是夏威夷的两大作物,旅游业是夏威夷最重要的产业。

24。Honolulu is the capital of Haiwaii and Juneau is the capital of Alaska. 火奴鲁鲁是夏威夷的首府,朱诺是阿拉斯加的首府。 英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列Chapter 14 chapter 14(14章)population.Race and Ethnic groups

1.The United States of the American is the third most populous county in the world after Chind and India.美国是世界人口第三大国,仅次于中国和印度。

2。Immigration accounts for a major source of population growth,The United States has a more or less open-door policy to immigtants from independence until 1960s.Ellis Island of New York was an important immigration reception spot in the 1890s and at the turn of the century.19世纪末20世纪初,纽约的埃利斯岛是一个重要的移民入境接待点。

3。Almost 20 million people or 7.8% of the total population were immigrants in 1992.Between 80% and 90% of immigration to the United States now is from Asian and Hispanic countries.如今美国移民的80%到90%主要来源于亚洲和拉美国家。

4。Arizona,Nevada,and Florida have been the fastest growing states in population for the last 20


years.在过去的二十年里,亚利桑那,内华达和佛罗里达是人口增长最快的州。 5。The first immigrants in the American history cane from England and Netherlands. 美国历史是第一批移民来自英国和荷兰。

6。The first of these immigration waves in the mid-1810s and reached the highest point in 1845.The second wave covered the period between 1860 and 1890. The largest of the three immigration wave in American was from 1890-1914.三次移民浪潮中最大的一次是1890-1914年。

7.One in five American moves to a new home every year seeking new job opportunity,a better climate of other goals.有1/5的美国人每年搬一次家。 8。美国的四次大规模的人口流动: 流动方向

the Frist 1865-1880 east coast ------west the Second 1980-1920 rural areas ------cities

the Third 1920----1960 the south/black people ----other areas the fourth 1960-now Northeast /Central-N----the West/the South

9。A large number of blank people move out of the south to other areas during the period between 1920-1960.大批黑人离开南方涌向外地发生在1920-1960年间。

10。The largest of the racial and ethnic minorities in the United States is the blacks who number about 12.1% of the population. The first blacks were brought to North America as slaves in 1619.


11。three major Hispanic groups historically have had the greatest influence on the United


States.They are Mexico-Americans of Chicanos ,the Puerto Ricans and the Cuban-Americans.三大对美国影响最大的讲西班牙语的群体为:墨西哥后裔美国人,波多黎各人,古巴裔美国人。(一句话回答)

12。The most important obstacle to Hispanic success in the labor maket is their low education.Hispanics have the highest school dropout rate of any major racial and ethnic group.讲西班牙语的美国人在其他种族的民族中失学率最高,因此,阻挡他们在劳动力市场获得成功的最主要是教育程度低。

13。The Asian-Americans are the fastest-growing racial and ethnic group in the United States,The largest group of Asian-Americans are the Chinese-Americans.Experts say three Asian traditions best explain the success of Asian-American:eduction ,hardwork,and family. 美国少数民族人口中增长最快是亚裔美国人,亚裔美国人中又以华裔美国人最多,专家指出亚洲三大传统可以用来解释亚裔美国人的成功:教育,工作努和和家庭。(一句话回答)

14。Traditionally,the mainstream American were called WASPs,that is ,White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.传统上读,美国人的主流是祖先为英国新教徒的白人。 英语国家概况美国部分精讲系列 Chapter 15

1.The \Americas was founded at Jamestown ,Virginaia,in 1607.Between 1607 and 1733 the British eastablished 13 colonies along the east coast of North American.“最早的美国人”是印地安人,英国于1607年在美国建立了第一块殖民地,即在弗吉尼亚的詹姆斯,1607-1733年间,英国在北美洲的东海岸建立了十三个殖民地。

2。[u]In 1620,201 of Pilgrimw sailed to the New World in a ship called Mayflower.They arrived at Plymouth and built the Plymouth colony.1620年,有201名英国清教徒乘坐一名为”五月


(8) Probably laissez faire and “Protestant work ethic” helped. 很可能利益于“放手干”及“新教工作道德”。

(9) England, Scotland, and Wales formed a customs union after 1707 and this included Ireland after 1807. So the national market was not hindered by internal customs barriers.


(10) The enclosures and other improvements in agriculture made their contributions by providing food for the rising population, labour for the factories, and some of the raw materials needed by industry.


3.Typical examples of the inventions during the Industrial Revolution 工业革命中一些重大创新

(6) James Watt’s steam engine in 1765. 1765年詹姆斯瓦特的高效蒸汽机。 4.Consequences of the industrial Revolution 工业革命的结果

(1) Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of the world”; 英国成为了“世界工场”;

(2) Towns grew rapidly and became the source of the nation’s wealth. 城镇迅速兴起,成为国家财富的源泉。

(3) Mechanization destroyed the livelihood of those who could not invest in it . The working men worked and lived in a appalling conditions.


机械化摧毁了不能投入其中的人们的生活。工人们在可怕的条件下劳动与生活。 (4) The industrial revolution created the industrial working class, the proletariat, and it later led to trade unionism.

工业革命产生了工人阶级,即无产阶级。后来形成了工会制度。 语国家概况精讲系列(十二) III. The Chartist Movement (1836-1848) 宪章运动(1836-1848) 三个改革法案 3.A People’s Charter 人民宪章

There was widespread dissatisfaction with the Reform Act of 1832 and the New Poor Law. In 1836, a group of skilled workers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men’s Association. They drew up a charter of political demands (a People’s Charter) in 1838, with the intention of presenting it to Parliament. It had six points: (1)the vote for all adult males; (2)voting by secret ballot; (3)equal electoral districts; (4)abolition of property qualifications for members of Parliament; (5)payment of members of Parliament; (6)annual Parliaments, with a General Election every June.


4.Results of the Chartist Movement



Lenin said that Chartism was “the first broad, really mass, politically formed, proletarian revolutionary movement.”


英语国家概况精讲系列(十三) I. Trade Unions and the Labour Party 工会和工党

II. Colonial Expansion

英语国家概况精讲系列(十四) VI. Twentieth Century 二十世纪

1. Britain and the First World War 英国和第一次世界大战

The Work War I was fought from 1914 to 1918 primarily between two European Power blocs: “the Central power”. Germany and Austria-Hungary, and the “Allies”, Britain, France and Russia. During the war, the Britain lost much. Apart from the loss of manpower, there had been considerable disruption of the economy and society. Out of the war settlement came the establishment of the league of Nations.



除了劳动力损失,还有巨大的经济与社会瓦解。 2. Britain Between the Two World Wars 两次世界大战期间的英国

The effects of the New York Stock Market Crash of 1929 soon spread throughout Europe and by 1931 Britain was entering the Great depression.

1929年纽约股票交易所崩溃的影响迅速波及欧洲,到1931年英国进入经济大萧条。 3. Britain and the Second World War 英国与第二次世界大战

As Adolf Hitler and Nazism showed off their aggressive momentum in Europe, Chamberlain, the Prime Minister, found his policy of appeasement of German aggression was no longer tenable, and was forced to declare war on Germany on September 3,1939.

当阿道夫希特勒及纳粹主义显示他们对欧洲的侵略意图时,首相张伯伦发现他的绥靖政策已站不住脚,只得于1939年9月3日对德宣战。 英语国家概况精讲系列(十八) Chapter 7 第七章

Government and Administration 英国政府机构

The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy, the head of state is a king or a queen. The United Kingdom is governed, in the name of the Sovereign by His or Her Majesty’s Government. The System of parliamentary government is not based on a written constitution, the British constitution is not set out in any single document. It is made up of statute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determines common law and interprets statutes.


联合王国是君主立宪制国家,国家的首脑是国王或女王。联合王国以君的名义,由国王或女王陛下政府治理。英国的议会制度并不是基于成文宪法,英国宪法不由单一文件构成,而由成文法,习惯法和惯例组成。司法部门裁定习惯法或解释成文法。 I.The Monarchy 君主制

1.Elizabeth II, her title in the United Kingdom is “Elizabeth the Second, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith.


2.The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation. In law, She is head of the executive, an integral part of the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chief of all the armed forces and the “supreme governor” of the Church of England. She gives Royal Assent to Bills passed by parliament.


3.The monarch actually has no real power. The monarch’s power are limited by law and Parliament. Constitutional monarchy began after the Glorious Revolution in 1688.

君主政体实际已无实权。它的权力受限于法律和议会。君主立宪制是从1688年的光荣革命后开始。 III.Parliament 议会


