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SGS No: ASI 1 0 1 0 0 3



This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at

. Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and jurisdictional issues defined therein. Any other holder of this document is advised that information contained hereon reflects SGS’s

findings at the time of its intervention only and within the limits of Client’s instructions, if any. SGS’s sole responsibility is to its Client and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 2 of 17 : 05

SGS Job No. Page No. Revision No.

Supplier Assessment Report


1. Company Profile 公司概况

2. Audit Checklist and result 审核检查表及结果 2.1 Business License 工商营业执照 2.2 Production Capacity 生产能力 2.3 Foreign Trade Capacity 外贸能力

2.4 Product Research & Development Capacity 产品设计开发能力 2.5 Quality Management System and Product Certification


2.6 Suppliers/ sub-contractors Control 供应商/ 外包商控制 2.7 Production Process Control 生产过程质量控制

2.8 Random Product Inspection and Continuous Improvement


2.9 The Company Development Plan 公司发展计划

3. Attachments 附件 3.1 Documents 文件 3.2 Photos 图片

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 3 of 17 : 05

SGS Job No. Page No. Revision No.

Supplier Assessment Report

1. Company Profile 公司概况

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 4 of 17 : 05

SGS Job No. Page No. Revision No.

Supplier Assessment Report

2. Audit Checklist and result 审核检查表及结果

2.1 Business License工商营业执照


Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否

Refer to business license provided; it stated this company should be a manufacturing and trading business unit. The valid date of the business license was 21 Dec 2012. The company name and address were stated in business license were same as mentioned in report.

The license indicated the company had below business scope as below Special item: none

Normal item: manufacture and sale for Ice hockey helmets,Ice Skates , Helmets , Hockey protector.

Yes 2.1.2 Is the annual review done by local authority

有地方行政机关(工商局)的年度审核吗 ? 2.1.3 Who is the corporative representative?

法人代表是谁 ? 2.1.4 Conclusion: is it confirmed that the audited

company is a real manufacturer, foreign trader or combined?

结论:能否确认该公司是一个制造商、贸易商或两者兼备 ?

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

-- Yes

Refer to business license provided; it was reviewed in year 2009. Mr. Qun Ji (纪群)

Base on site observation; auditor noted the company should be a combined one.

Yes 2.1.1 Does the company have valid business

license (the company name, address,

product/ business scope complied with actual 被审核公司持有有效的营业执照 (公司名字、地址、产品/业务范围是否符合实际情况) 吗 ?

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 5 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.2 Production Capacity生产能力


Content 内容

Observations / Comments 发现 /注释

2.2.1 What is the annual revenue (export and /or import Refer to the financial report , the total yield

revenues) at the company based on the data of was RMB 2.3 million in 2009. government annual review report/ documents or other

根据政府部门的年度审核报告/ 文件或其它可靠的财务报告,该公司年度营业额 (出口和 /或出口额) 是多少 ? 2.2.2 If no financial report can be showed, to calculate the See 2.2.1

annual revenue based on production report, how much

如果没有以上报告出示给审核员评估,根据生产报告的计算,估计的年度产量是多少 ? 2.2.3 What is the factory floor size? 工厂面积大小 ?

1,145 square meter

2.2.4 Please describe the production flow involved at the Incoming material – IQC – Assembly –

cleaning –Inspection – Packing –store 请描述该工厂有关的生产流程。

2.2.5 Please describe the main facilities used at the factory.


Facility name 设施名称 Assembly flow line




Refer to below sheet.

Status 状况 Good Good

Quantity Number of years used 数量 1 3


3 2

cutting machine 30T/20T

2.2.6 Please gather the employee details by department.


Manager/Supervisor: 4 Foreign trading staff 3

Engineering staff: 2 QC staff: 1 Admin. staff: 0 Workers: 31 Financial staff: 2 Purchase staff: 1 Storage staff: 1 Number in total: 45

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 6 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.3 Foreign Trade Capacity外贸能力


Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释

Refer to on site observe, there were 3 2.3.1 How many foreign trading staffs in the company ? and

foreign trading staffs in this department with university. They had over 2 years 该公司有多少外贸人员?他们的教育水平和工作经验怎

experience on foreign trading. 样 ? By review the resume and interview, they 2.3.2 How about the English level (reading, writing and

speaking) and foreign trading experiences based on had passed the TEM- 4/CET-4. interview and education certificate (e.g.: do they know

根据面谈和教育证书,外贸人员的英语水平及外贸经验怎样 ?

2.3.3 Does the trading staff clearly know the responsibilities of Based on interview, the staff knew clearly

their responsibilities. 外贸人员清晰地知道其工作职责吗 ?

Based on interview, the staff knew the 2.3.4 Does the trading staff clearly know the product and

relevant technical information? basic information of product and relevant

technical. 外贸人员清晰地知道有关产品的知识和技术信息吗 ? 2.3.5 Does the company have successful experience of global


If Yes, please list the oversea clients’ names.

该公司具有成功的全球业务合作经验吗 ?如果有,请列出海外客户的清单。

2.3.6 Does the company have oversea agency?

该公司在海外有代理处吗 ? 2.3.7 Please mark the annual export capacity.


2.3.8 Conclusion: Do you think the company has foreign

trading experience and competent staffs?

结论:你认为该公司是否具有外贸经验和有能力的外贸人员 ?

2.3.9 Please describe: what does the audited company have

to do before getting contract from the oversea client based on the past experience?

请描述:根据过去的经验,该公司在获得海外客户订单之前需要做些什么 ?

Refer to relevant documents; auditor noted the company had successful experience of global cooperation.

But no oversea clients’ names list provided due to business secret. No oversea agency.

The company representative claimed 100% products exported.

Refer to the documentations of the

company and interview with the employees and management, auditor noted foreign trading experiences of the company and competent staffs in the company. Search client from B2B website or fairs. Collect relevant technical information from clients.

Submit sample & photos to client for approval in case of client requested. Confirm relevant business detail with client and follow up order.

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 7 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.4 Product Research & Development Capacity产品设计开发能力


Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释

Refer to staff resume, the factory had 2 2.4.1 How many R&D staffs at the company? And what are

staffs for R&D working, and they had 5

years experience. 该公司有多少设计开发人员?他们的教育水平和工作经

验怎样 ? GY-PH9000 , Ice hockey Helmets 2.4.2 如果该公司有成功的产品项目,请列出。

Refer to GY-PH9000, Ice hockey Helmets 2.4.3 Is there relevant design input, output, review,

verification and validation documentation available to and factory’s description auditor noted factory designed new products appearance

followed client’s request or market trending. 有相应的设计输入、输出、评审、验证与确认文件/记录

给审核员评审吗 ? But they not formed a procedure to handle

the R&D. 2.4.4 Are the R&D staffs equipped with adequate instruments

/apparatus based on the on-site observation?

They had separated office and computer with software, such as : PRO/E, UG etc .

If Yes, please list the key facilities provided, such as

有配备适当的仪器/ 设备给设计开发人员吗 ?例如设备、软件等。如果有,请列举主要的设备和软件。

2.4.5 Does the company have an effective design change

control procedure in place?

该公司有有效的设计更改控制程序吗 ?

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

Refer to factory’s description factory changed design followed client’s request.

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 8 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.5 Quality Management System and Product Certification品质管理系统与产品认证


Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否


2.5.1 Has the company obtained the valid No

certificate for their quality management system? Such as ISO9001, QC080000 and

该公司是否有为其质量管理体系获得有效的认证证书 ? 例如ISO9001, QC080000 等。

Yes 2.5.2 Is product certification done in terms of

selling designation (UL for US, CCC for China, CE for Europe …) at the company? I) Product certification list? if have

II) Sample of product certification, if have

(at least one of key products)?

III) Copy of product certification sample (1-5

key products, if have)?

在该公司,有针对不同的销售要求做了相应的产品质量认证吗 ?

I) 如果有,产品质量认证证书清单 ? II) 如果有,获产品质量认证的产品样品 ?


III) 产品质量认证证书副本 (如果有,1 ~ 5 个

产品) ?

CE certificate by AGC Product: Ice hockey helmets Model: GY-PH9000-C No.: SZAGC283080903 Date : 25 , Dec. 2008

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 9 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.6 Suppliers/ sub-contractors Control 供应商/ 外包商控制

Item项目 2.6.1

Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否

The factory claimed that they would require the supplier provide the incoming material quality inspection certificate , and these suppliers were long cooperate relative. The company would also assign the professional staff to factory to monitor. But no relative record kept.

Auditor noted company choose supplier followed the monitor result and the incoming material quality inspection certificate provided by supplier .

They claimed the suppliers were their long cooperate partner.

The company would also assign the professional staff to factory to monitor. But no relative record kept. Supplier list updated in year 2009.

Does the company establish and implement -- an effective suppliers/ sub-contractors assessment procedure (which covers the acceptable criteria of supplier/ sub-contractor)?

该公司是否建立及执行有效的供应商/ 外包商评估程序(包括可接受的供应商/ 外包商标准) ?

Does the company use the results of the assessments to determine acceptable/non acceptable sources?

该公司是否根据评估的结果来决定是否采用此供应商/ 外包商 ?




Does the company keep the assessment -- 该公司是否保存评估报告 ?

Does the company retain an updated list of Yes 该公司是否有更新的合格供应商/ 外包商一览表 ?

Are written instructions available for incoming material inspections /testing? 有文件化的来料检验 /测试指引 ?




Factory claimed that they assigned the

professional staff in the suppliers’ factory to inspection on site, but no document instruction.

No storage of non-conforming materials; The company representative claimed they rejected non-conforming material directly. The factory claimed that they would require the supplier provide the incoming material quality inspection certificate.

But not kept the inspection record.

Auditor noted a clear procedure for material release and recall.


Are raw materials inspection state clearly -- 物料检验状态有清楚地标识吗 ?

Is inspection and testing result recorded and -- maintained?

检验与测试结果有记录并保存吗 ? Are procedures of the control and release for material adequate?

控制和发放物料的程序适当吗 ?




This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 10 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

Item项目 2.6.9

Content 内容

Is non-conforming material adequately identified and controlled?

不合格的物料有适当的标识和控制吗 ?

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否 --

No storage of non-conforming materials; The company representative claimed they rejected non-conforming material directly. The storage facility and handling method was suitable.

2.6.10 Are storage facilities and handling methods Yes

储存设施和搬运方法适当吗 ?

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 11 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.7 Production Process control 过程质量控制

Item项目 2.7.1

Content 内容

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否

Auditor found factory had engineering drawing and ref. sample in Workshop. The workshop supervisor would train the worker before production.

Are the following items /documents provided Yes at appropriate location and under control when necessary?

- Work Instructions /procedures

- Workmanship standard /acceptance - Golden sample /Approval sample

若有必要,在适当的区域有提供下面的项目 /文件 ?

- 工作指引 /程序

- 工艺标准 /可接受标准 - 批准的样品

Are the environmental conditions such as Yes tidiness and cleanliness being controlled and

环境条件,整齐清洁在受控状态之下并适合生产运作吗 ?

Is corrective action documented and followed--- 纠正措施有记录并有跟进吗 ?

Are written inspections /testing instructions -- 有文件化的检验 /测试指引吗 ?

Are appropriate inspection /testing equipments -- 有适当的检验 /测试设备吗 ?

Does the company carry out a 100% function Yes and visual inspection? 公司有执行100%功能及外观检验吗 ?

Are non-conforming units clearly marked/ Yes segregated to prevent accidental dispatch? 不合格产品有清晰地标识/ 隔离以预防非逾期的使用吗 ?

Is inspection and test result recorded and -- maintained? 检验与测试结果有记录和保持吗 ?


The environmental condition was suitable for the operation performed.


Auditor noted that the company had

corrective action, but no records were kept. The factory would perform a basic impact test, but not formed a procedure and test instruction.

Refer to site observation; the company had basic inspection / testing equipment. They would submit test sample to exterior LAB to test.

All products were inspected 100% for function and visual inspection.

The company set up a procedure to control such non-conformance.






The factory kept the draft record not formed a procedure and inspection form.

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 12 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.8 Random Product Inspection and Continuous Improvement 产品随机检验与持续改进

Item项目 2.8.1

Content 内容

Is there a procedure to conduct random product inspection after final packaging in place?

在最后包装工序之后,是否有随机产品抽样检验程序 ?


Is there a clear procedure for handling customer complaint?

是否有清晰的程序处理客户投诉 ?


-- Are corrective & preventive actions

mechanism established and implemented effectively (including the suppliers/ sub-contractors control, incoming inspection, process control, final inspection and

customer complaint)? 是否建立并有效执行纠正及预防措施机制 (包括供应商/外包商控制、来料/过程/最后检验及客户投诉) ?

-- Can the finished/packaged product be

traced by lot identification to the appropriate 最后的完成品能否追溯到原材料的批次?

Auditor noted that the company had

corrective action, but no records were kept.


The company set up a procedure to handle the complaint.

Observations /Comments 发现 /注释 是/ 否 --

The company would only carry out a 100% function and visual inspection before packing.


Auditor noted factory can track per PO, but not established the material tracking procedure in document.

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 13 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

2.9 The Company Development Plan企业发展计划

Item 项目 1 2 3 4 5

Company Development Action(s) 公司发展行动

The factory workshop area arrived 5000 square meter The factory would had 300 workers They would add injection production line

The company would pass quality system certification / product certification The company would establish & develop GY brand.

Timeframe 期限 1-2 year 1-2 year 1-2 year 1-2 year 2 years

End of this section, and continue with next page. 本节结束,下一页继续。

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 14 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

3. Attachments 附件 3.1 Documents 文件



Description: Business License

Description: Company Org. Chart

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: lease contract

Description: exported certificate

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 15 of 17 : 05

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Supplier Assessment Report

3.2 Photos 图片

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: The front door of the company

Description: office

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: Product Samples

Description: Product Samples

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: Product Samples

Description: Product Samples

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 16 of 17 : 05

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http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: workshop

Description: workshop

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: workshop

Description: workshop

http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: wrokshop

Description: workshop

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and


Audited site

: (West Of Zhuhai Sports Center) 137/No. 111, Jianmin Rd, Xiangzhou, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China(company) Foreign trade industrial zone,No. 1139, Mingzhu south Rd, Qianshan, Zhuhai, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China( factory) : QIP-ASI101003 : 17 of 17 : 05

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http://www.77cn.com.cn http://www.77cn.com.cn

Description: warehouse

Description: incoming warehouse

-- End of the Report --

This document is issued by SGS subject to its General Conditions of Service printedoverleaf or available on request and accessible at . Attention is drawn to the limitations of liability, indemnification and

