
更新时间:2023-08-05 12:59:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载



I. 单选题

1. Any help from you will be greatly appreciated. Please give me a reply at your earliest


A. convenience

B. instruction

C. consideration

D. interruption

2. I told him to keep his_________, but he wouldn't listen to me, and now he is really

in_________ trouble.

A. words;/

B. word;/

C. promise;the

D. secret;the

3. The driver was at _____loss when ______ word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding.

A. a; /

B. /; /

C. the; the

D. a; the

II. 完成句子

4. In spite of my _____________ (curious), I knew I had to say no.

5. Pieter Hoff used to export lilies and tulips from the Netherlands. He retired from the flower export business seven years ago. Now, he is trying to help people grow trees and plants in the desert—and save water. In many places, much of the freshwater supply is used for irrigation. Yet most of that water may be lost through evaporation into the air. So Pieter Hoff has invented a simple plastic device called the Groasis Waterboxx. He says he got the idea from nature.

Pieter Hoff says, “If you look to the Rocky Mountains of the Sierra Nevada, you find trees all over the mountains. So trees are actually able to grow on rocks. They have very strong roots.”

Mr. Hoff says the trick is that nature does not dig a hole like we humans do to plant seeds. Nature plants the seeds through birds or animals on top of the soil. Their waste then acts as a cover. It prevents the humidity(湿气) in the soil from evaporating.

The Dutch inventor says he is simply copying that system. The Waterboxx is a round device about the size of a motorcycle tire. It sits flat on the ground with the bottom open to the earth. Seeds or a young planting grow out of a hole in the center.

Some people call the Waterboxx a water battery because of its ability to collect and store water.

The cover has deep ridges(脊线). These collect rainwater. But the device is designed to collect water even when there is no rain. The cover gets cold during the night and creates condensation(冷凝水).

The water is collected through two holes and in the holes there is a siphon(导管) to carry it to the soil. Pieter Hoff says the nice thing about the siphons is that, once collected, the water is not able to evaporate anymore.

The roots of the plant may have to grow several meters deep to reach groundwater. Once growth is established, the box can be removed and used to start another planting. The company also makes a version for one-time use.

Researchers at Mohammed—the First University in Oujda, Morocco, tested the Waterboxx for three years in the Sahara. They said close to ninety percent of the trees planted with the device survived. Without it, they aid, only about ten percent survived.
















4. curiosity

5. (1)ntroduction









(10)kept / stored / staying


1. 句意:我会非常感激你的帮助,请在方便的时候给我回复。A.convenience便利;



D.interruption打断。短语at your earliest convenience在你最方便的时候,符合句意。故选A。

2. 句意:我告诉他遵守诺言,但是他不听我的,现在他真地有麻烦了。keep one's word 表示“遵守诺言”,其中word表示“诺言”,是不可数名词;in trouble是固定词组,意思是“处于麻烦中”。故选B。

3. 句意:当司机因为超速驾驶被禁止开车的消息传来的时候,他不知所措。at a loss:不知所措;word指消息、信息;前面不加冠词。故选A。

4. 句意为:尽管我很好奇,但我知道我不得不拒绝。此处my为形容词性物主代词,后面要加名词。curious名词形式为curiosity。故填curiosity。

5. (1)根据第一段可知,本文是对Pieter Hoff教授和他的Groasis Waterboxx的介绍,introduction,名词,介绍。故填introduction。

(2)根据So Pieter Hoff has invented a simple plastic device called the Groasis Waterboxx.可知,故填Inventor。

(3)根据He retired from the flower export business seven years ago.可知,故填working。

(4)根据He says he got the idea from nature.可知,come up with,固定短语,想起,想出。故填coming。

(5)根据Now, he is trying to help people grow trees and plants in the desert—and save water. 可知,这是Pieter Hoff发明Groasis Waterboxx的目的,故填Purpose/Aim。(6)根据Now, he is trying to help people grow trees and plants in the desert—and save water.可知,故填wasting。

(7)根据The Waterboxx is a round device about the size of a motorcycle tire.可知,故填big。

(8)根据The water is collected through two holes and in the holes there is a siphon(导管) to carry it to the soil. Pieter Hoff says the nice thing about the siphons is that, once collected, the water is not able to evaporate anymore.可知,这是工作原理。故填principle。

(9)根据Some people call the Waterboxx a water battery because of its ability to collect and store water.可知,故选fixed。

(10)根据 Pieter Hoff says the nice thing about the siphons is that, once collected, the water is not able to evaporate anymore.可知,故填kept / stored / staying。

