2017-2018学年度牛津译林版英语5B 期中检测卷(含听力材料)

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班级____________ 姓名__________________ 学号_______________


一、 听句子,选出你所听到的内容。(听两遍,10分) ( )1. A. fit B. fits C. pick ( )2. A. take of B. takes off C. take off ( )3. A. shows me B. show me C. show to me ( )4. A. by B. buy C. bye

( )5. A. try on B. tries on C. is trying on ( )6. A. bike B. bus C. taxi ( )7. A. Mike B. Mike’s C. Mikes ( )8. A. drink B. drinks C. drinking ( )9. A. later B. late C. letter ( )10. A. hurt B. hers C. hurts

二、 听录音,根据所听内容判断是否与图片相符,相符的写“T”,不相


( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,根据听到的句子,选择正确的应答。(听两遍,5分) ( )1.A. He goes to school by bike. B. He goes to school on foot.

C. He goes school on foot.

( )2.A. We are. B. Liu Tao is C. Liu Tao and Tim do. ( )3.A. Because I’m ill. B. Because it’s my birthday today. C. Because I’m happy.

( )4.A. No, they can’t. B. Yes, she can. C. No, she can’t.

( )5.A. They often go there on foot. B. They often go for a walk by the lake.

C. They are watching TV at home.

四、听录音,根据对话及问题,选择正确的答案(听两遍,5分) ( )1. A. No, it’s cold. B. Yes, it’ hot. C. No, it’s hot. ( )2. A. On foot. B. By bike C. By bus. ( )3. A. Yes, it is B. No, it’s far from it. C. No, it isn’t.

( )4. A. She has a cold B. His arm hurts C. She can’t hear well. ( )5. A. Yes, it’s near her school. B. No, it isn’t. C. Yes, it is. 五、听录音,补全下列句子。(听三遍,5分) 1. Cinderella ______ on the new ________and shoes.

2. My uncle _______ on a big ship. He goes to many _______.

3. Go _______this Moon Street, you can see my house on your ________. 4. She likes_______ sweets, so she ________her teeth twice every day.

5. You________ talk or eat _________.



( )1. near hear ( )2. ship bike ( )3. room mushroom ( )4. peach watch ( )5. dress traffic 二、词汇

A. 根据所给中文提示完成下列句子,每空一词(20分) 1. They cannot drink _______( 和) eat in the library. 2. We take the______(火车) to Nanjing this weekend. 3. Nancy likes r_______ bikes in the park.

4. Cinderella tries on the shoe, it_________. (合适) 5. Then, _________(长颈鹿)comes to see us. B. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. Who_______(help) you with your English? 2. Your gloves _______(be) under the sofa.

3. Where are my socks? I can’t find _______(they). 4. I have some nice _______ (dress). 5. Mary _______(try) on her new skirt. 6. I want ______(show) you my new kite.

7. Miss Li _________(not work) on Saturdays. C. 选择合适的词或短语,填在横线上。(只填序号) 1. get off 2. go to the party 3. get there 4. before supper 5. have a good time 6. come back 7. have to 8. it’s time to 1.---Do you do your homework___________? --- No, I do it after supper.

2. We all ___________ at Ben’s birthday party.

3. The old man can’t find the park. He asks the policeman how to ___________. 4. _________ get up, Linda. 5. Who can’t _________? Why? 6. I ___________ go now.

7. You can take Bus No. 114 and _________in front of Xinhua Bookshop. 8. When does she________? She comes back at five o’clock. 三、英汉词组互译(10分)

1.脱下他的外套___________________ 2.come back before Sunday___________ 3. 一位公交车司机________________ 4. get there by metro_________________

5. 向我们展示他的新自行车_________________6. live on Moon Street_____________

7. 问路______________ 8. eat chicken for his lunch________________

9. 刷牙________________ 10. leave her shoe behind_________________


( )1.---Whose jeans are these?---________

A. They’re Linda’s B. It’s Linda’s C. They are Linda.

( )2. That girl_______ so dad. Her hand_______.

A. look, hurt B. looks, hurts C. looks, hurt ( )3. Do you have______ drinks? I’m very _______

A. any, thirsty B. some, hungry C. any, hungry

( )4. Mike shouldn’t eat ________ cola, it’s bad for_______.

A. too many, he B. too much, him C. much too, him

( )5. My father goes to work_____7:00 ______every morning.

A. in, in B. in, / C. at, /

( )6. My parents and I live in the different_______

A. city B. country C. cities

( )7. ---______ you taking _______medicine? ---Yes, I am.

A. Do, take B. Are, take C. Are, taking

( )8. ---What’s wrong with______, Yang Ling? ---I _____a high fever.

A. her, has B. her, have C. you, have

( )9.Lily ______ understand this question.

A. doesn’t B. isn’t C. don’t

( )10. In the ________, we ask “Where’s the _______?”

A. US, toilet B. UK, toilet C.US, W.C.



( ) 1. Why is Kitty so say? A. Thirty-eight

( ) 2. How is your father? B. Because her dog is ill ( ) 3. Who is the boy in black? C. It’s Mike’s ( ) 4. How old is your father? D. He is fine. ( ) 5. Whose football is it? E. He is Mike. 六、翻译句子(10分)

1. ---你为什么上学迟到?---因为我家离学校远,我是步行来上学。 --- ________ ________ you come to school late?

---________ my home is far ______ the school. I go to school _____ _____. 2. ---刘涛在桌底下发现一本故事书,这是谁的书?---它是迈克的。

---Liu Tao _______ a storybook _______the desk. _________ book is this? ---It’s________.

3. 这儿有一条漂亮的连衣裙,请试一试它。

_________ is beautiful dress here. Please ______ it _______. 4. ---你的父母每天怎么去工作的?---我爸爸乘地铁去上班,我妈妈步行去医院上班。

---________ ________your parents go to work every day?

--- My father ______to work _______ ________. My mother_______ to the _______.



