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Unit 1



Unit2 短对话



Unit3 短对话







Unit5 短对话

长对话 短文

Unit6 短对话



Unit7 短对话




Short Conversation

W:Rack your brain for creativity and you will solve your problem.

M: I hope you’re right .But it doesn’t seem like I’ll ever be a great painter.

Q: What is the man having trouble with?

M: What are you doing just sitting there daydreaming ? You’ve got work to do !

W: Before I start anything , I like to rack my brain for creativity first. Q: What does the woman like to do ?

W: It’s a miracle! How did you finally solve the math problem? M: The answer just came to me out of a dream. Q: How did the man solve the problem?

M: You’re a great inventor. How do you get your great ideas?

W: They usually come to me suddenly when I’m well rested and relaxed. Q: When does the woman get her great ideas?

W: Please ,tell me how you get ideas for your novels.

M: Ideas burst into my mind while I’m walking in the park . I don’t know how .

Q: When does the man get ideas for his novels?

W: I just can’t think of a good topic for my essay! I don’t know what to do !

M: Try running .Execise always helps me clear my mind and think of ideas.]

Q: What does the man suggest the woman do to think of a good essay topic?

W: When I turned 50 , ideas just started flashing in my mind . It was


M: I’ve heard stories like that . It’s really not unusal. Q: What has the man heard before?

W: I just came up with an idea for passing this test!

M: Quick ! Write it down! ideas are fleeting! And it may be our only hope!

Q: Why should the woman wirte the idea down?

M: Countless great musicians and artists have created great works for the church.

W: Do you think that rellgion give people the ability to open their creativity?

Q: What does the woman wonder?

W: Years ago ,it easy for me to create new ideas. But now , I have none . M:Maybe you should see a psychologist who can help you. Q:What should the woman do according to the man?

Long Conversation

M: You better start working! Our boss will come any moment! W: I’ve already seen her . And I’m doing what she told me to do. M: She told you to sit around and do nothing?

W: No! She told me to rack my brain for creativity. M: What?

W: To rack your brain for creativity means that you think hard for a creative answer to a problem . Before I start my work , I want to think of the best idea possible . When it flashes into my mind , I’ll begin .

M: Hey ,that’s what I was doing last week ! But when she saw me doing it .she threatened to fire me!

W: No . You weren’t thinking of idea .You were just sleeping . There’s a big difference .

M: Oh .What problems are you trying to solve now?

W: Actually ,our boss told me to think of a way to tell lazy employees that they’ll lose their jobs if they don’t work harder.


Do you think that creative ideas come easily ,that they just flash into the mind without hard work? Hardly! Sure ,creative ideas come all of a sudden . But the fact remains that those sudden thoughts most often come after a person has worked , studied ,and tried several other solutions to whatever question he is trying to answer .Most often even ,even after he has come up with his creative idea ,the person will have to test it and think more about it . Sometimes this can take decades .

If you want to invent a creative idea of your own ,you must be active! Learn as much as possible and try out many solutions . After trying out

counties other ideas , the perfect ,most creative idea will certainly come to you .


W: Grades are in! And you see this ? I’m near the top of the class!

M: I’m glad to see you making the best of your school days . Good work! Q: Why is the man glad?

M: I remember my school days . I don’t think I was half as good as you were .

W: That’s not exactly true . I may work harder , but your grades were as good .

Q: What difference separates the man and woman as students?

W: What’s with the tears? You look like you just failed at school .

M: No . I only failed a test . But Mom’s gonna be angry with me this time.

Q: Why is the man upset?

M: Did you ask the professor about improving your marks ?

W: Yeah. And gave me a list of study methods that’ll help me to prepare for tests .

Q: What did the woman’s teacher do?

W: You were the last person to finish test . Why ? You have problems with it?

M: Nah! It was simple! I just wanted to check my answers . I’m sure I did well.

Q: Why did the man take a long time completing the test?

M: I studied all night for this test . I best I’ll score higher than you .

W: I’ll take that bet . There’s no way a person can do well after a sleepless night .

Q: Why does the woman believe she will get a higher grsde?

W: Professor . I have my test paper . Can I begin it now?

M: Wait a moment .You look really nervous , and I think you should relax first .

Q: What does the man want ?

M: You took that class in study methods , didn’t you? How’d you like it ? W: OK . I haven’t noticed my grades improve yet , but I’m more organized now .

Q: What has changed for the woman ?

W: When is the study lab? I need help some preparing for the test. M: Go down the hall past the café , through the library ,and into the main offices.

Q: Where is the study lab?

M: I like this new teacher .She’s so friendy and helpful . What do you think?

W: I always do better in classes when I’m comfortable . This should help a lot .

Q: What helps the woman ?

Long Conversation

M: What’s all this stuff in your basket? It look like you’re to buy up the store!

W: Yeah? I guess I do have a lot here . School shopping , you know .Everything you see here will help me be a better student . M: Hmm, several notebooks….

W: One for each class . I like to keep my notes separate , you know , to be organized , Yeah,and I’ll have lots of paper.

M: Enough to wite down every word the teacher says .

W: Well .maybe not every word . But I’ll wrie down the important things , so I can review later for tests. And a daily planner?

W: Yeah. That’s a good one ,there-complete with a calendar to help me plan my days . You should get one to help you remember when your classes are.

M: Thanks ,but I don’t have any problem with that . Still , a planner might be useful for me in setting aside time for assignments.


You might think that studying in school is something you should be doing on your own without assistance from others . In a way , you’re right . You are responsible for your own success and failure in school . This is way you must, by yourself , plan your time well and do your best to pass your exams . Still , there are people who can help you with your studies .

For example, your professor can be of great help . She is not only at the school to supply you information in lectures , but to help in other ways too . No doubt , she even has office hours for students who have questions about the material given in class . By talking t her about your questions ,you can improve your knowledge of whatever subject you’re studying . This information , in turn ,will you earn higher grades in your class.


Short Conversation

W: You should always stand up for honesty in your daily life . M: I’m aware of that , but lying and cheating are so much easier! Q: Why doesn’t the man always stand up for honesty?

W: I don’t know why my teacher told me that I should stand up for honesty .

M: Maybe he felt that you weren’t telling him the truth .

Q: Why did the teacher tell the woman to stand up for honesty according to the man?

M: I heard that you got caught cheating on the test . Why did you do it? W: I had to! My parents were putting so much pressure on me to pass! Q: Why did the woman cheat on the test?

M: Why are you returning your diamonds to the store? You don’t like them?

W: Well , when I brought them home , my father discovered they were fake .

Q: Why is the woman returning her disamonds?

W: I was so upset about stealing money from work . I couldn’t sleep at all.

M: Ah, your conscience got the better of you . I hope you return the money now .

Q: What does the man hope?

W: We can get essays from the Net instead of writing them ourselves! M: Never try that! Our teacher is sure to catch you if you do! Q: Why should the woman NOT use essays taken from the Net?

Since you became company president , there have been zero cases of theft .

W: That’s became I’m very firm against stealing-once I catch one ,he’s fired!

Q: Why have there no incidents of stealing since the woman became president?

M: Why shouldn’t I lie? Everyone else does it ,and it helps me ahead! W: That’s a very cynical attitude , And I don’t think what you’re saying is all ture.

Q:How does the woman feel about the man’s attitude ?

W: I always try to be honest ,even at the expense of losing friends .

M: And that’s why I like to be with you . I can always trust you to tell the truth.

Q: Why does the man like to be with the woman ?

M: I assure you , when you start lying , it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth.

W: I know . And I’ve been thinking about always standing up for honesty. Q: What has the woman been thinking about?

Long Conversation

W: Hi! Nice to meet you!

M:Me too! How do you feel about taking this class?

W: Well ,this is only the first day . I’ll let you know after we meet the teacher .But already , I can tell you that there’s nothing to worry about . M: Really? Can you share some of them with me? How do you wirte your essays ?

W: I don’t! For a small fee , I can buy them over the Net. M: What about tests?

W: No problem! I look at another student’s paper or wirte important information on my hands .Teachers are always too stupid to figure it out .Haven’t you ever cheated?

M: No . My conscience would get the better of me . Oh ,and there’s another thing . W: What’s that ? M: I’m the teacher.


My girlfriend asked me if I thought she was getting fat-a diffcult question for any boyfriend to answer ! Most people would lie in this situation . Actually , honesty is best .I told her what I really thought-that she was gaining weight . After she calmed down , she started exercising more . She also began trusting me more ,knowing I would be honest whenever she asked a difficult question .

Being honest has also helped me out at work . Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don’t agree with , I tell him what I really think .Though it’s tempting to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right . I am genuine with him and say what’s on my mind . So whenever he needs a straight answer , he comes to me .

Other people do likewise . And whenever someone asks me what is most important in life . I’ll say it’s honesty.

Q:How does the woman feel about the man’s attitude ?

W: I always try to be honest ,even at the expense of losing friends .

M: And that’s why I like to be with you . I can always trust you to tell the truth.

Q: Why does the man like to be with the woman ?

M: I assure you , when you start lying , it becomes harder and harder to tell the truth.

W: I know . And I’ve been thinking about always standing up for honesty. Q: What has the woman been thinking about?

Long Conversation

W: Hi! Nice to meet you!

M:Me too! How do you feel about taking this class?

W: Well ,this is only the first day . I’ll let you know after we meet the teacher .But already , I can tell you that there’s nothing to worry about . M: Really? Can you share some of them with me? How do you wirte your essays ?

W: I don’t! For a small fee , I can buy them over the Net. M: What about tests?

W: No problem! I look at another student’s paper or wirte important information on my hands .Teachers are always too stupid to figure it out .Haven’t you ever cheated?

M: No . My conscience would get the better of me . Oh ,and there’s another thing . W: What’s that ? M: I’m the teacher.


My girlfriend asked me if I thought she was getting fat-a diffcult question for any boyfriend to answer ! Most people would lie in this situation . Actually , honesty is best .I told her what I really thought-that she was gaining weight . After she calmed down , she started exercising more . She also began trusting me more ,knowing I would be honest whenever she asked a difficult question .

Being honest has also helped me out at work . Whenever my boss makes a decision that I don’t agree with , I tell him what I really think .Though it’s tempting to make him happy by telling him his ideas are always right . I am genuine with him and say what’s on my mind . So whenever he needs a straight answer , he comes to me .

Other people do likewise . And whenever someone asks me what is most important in life . I’ll say it’s honesty.

