新视界Unit1 A new start课后习题答案

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Unit1 A new start


She is a good student, but she is very shy and lacks confidence. 2.他承认自己设定的目标不够现实,因此考试成绩也不够理想。 He confessed that he had not set realistic targets/goals, so he didn’t do as well in the exam as he had expected.

3.如何组织时间,如何结交新朋友是大学新生面临的挑战。 How to organize time and how to make friends are challenges that freshmen are faced with.


It wasn’t until graduation that I realized college life was not all about studying. It could have been more colorful.

5.大学是人生中最美好的时光。好好享受大学生活,因为这样的时光不会再来 。

College years are the best years of a person’s life. Enjoy your college life because these moments will never come again. 第5题

So you’ve finished school, and are on your way to university to pursue your studies that will lead to a brilliant career. This will relieve your parents who have supported you all this time and they will fell very proud too. So what do you need in order to have confidence and not feel inadequate in those important first few weeks? Take some basic advice from someone who has already taken the first steps towards independence. University is a time to grow up, broaden your horizons and make your dreams come true. 第六题

1.neglect 2.frustrates 3.shivers 4.ideal 5.assured 6.I bet 7.confessed 8.rhythm 第七题

1. Stay up 2.try out 3.hand in 4. Hold on 5.go ahead Further reading 第三题:a d d d d a 第四题

1. Barely 2.spill 3.ignorant 4.sign up 5.artificial 6.rent 7.burst into tears 8.breathe 9.extreme 第五题

Many students in Britain take a gap year before starting university so they are order and more adult than some students in other countries. Getting to know the new teacher is important. Although the student may be impressed by them and even a little frightened, they are very happy to have so many intelligent people. Check in them every day. So shortly after students have sip, they are often invited to dinner or at least to run out of a glass of sherry with their professors.

After a few days, they become official members of college during a special event after the students have sworn to honor its rules and traditions. There are so many interesting activities and societies that there is no danger they will ever be surrounded by things to do during their times at university.


There’s a huge difference between school and university. At school, everyone sees you as a child, and the truth is, that’s what you are---a kid. Your parents and teachers make decisions for you and you don’t have any real responsibilities. But once you get to university, everything changes. Suddenly, you’re responsible for yourself and there’s no one to give you the kind of advice and guidance you received at school. No one’s going to tell you to get up in the mornings, and you don’t have to bother to go to lectures if you don’t want to. You have to be very careful with you’re allowance, as it’s very easy to spend too much money. It can take a long time to make good friends and you may share a dorm at night with people who are very different from you. As a result, life can seem much more complicated than when you were at school, when everything was very simple. But after some time you realize the truth---you are an adult and that’s fantastic.


1. The basketball club was so attractive to freshmen that he didn’t sign up for it until he waited an hour. (他等了一小时才报上名) 2. Looking back on my college life, I really wished I hadn’t spent all my times in studying. (我真希望我没有把所有的时间都用在学习上)So that I could have take up more hobbies.

3. Two mouths later, he realized that he shouldn’t have taken part in the reading group in the first place. (自己压根就不该参加这个阅读小组)。

4. She must have stayed up all night for a reason(她一定是出于某种原因而熬了通宵),otherwise she would have not sacrificed her sleeping time for nothing。

5. It wasn’t until the literature class that I met my tutor(直到文学课的时候我才见到了我的导师),a typical university professor.

