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Unit 6 Topic 2

I 重点词汇和短语

town, country, month, Mrs. , furniture, quiet, neighbor, store, bank, street, corner, museum, supermarket, station, mail, restaurant, hear, piano, loud, really, end, road, child, close, far, service, area, stop, fan, line, bad, someone, check, move, city, traffic, cost, London

a lot of=lots of, close to, right now=at once, far from

look for 寻找 a parking lot 停车场at the street corner 在街道的拐角

play the piano 弹钢琴knock at (the door) 敲(门) in the suburbs 在郊外;在郊区

hear sb. doing sth. 听到某人正在做某事at the end of 在……的尽头;在……的末尾II 语言点

Section A

1.What’s your home like? 你的家是什么样?

like在这里是介词, What is sb./ sth. like? 意为“某人/物怎么样?” 。

like 用作动词时意为“喜欢”。

be like与look like的区别:

be like主要用来描述人的性格或事物特征, 也可以用于描述人的外貌特征;

look like只用于描述人或物的外貌特征。

a) --- What is she like? --- She is very kind.

b) --- What does she look like? --- She is tall with black hair.

2.Do you live with your grandparents? 你与祖父母住在一起吗?live with……意为“与……住在一起”,with在这里是“和,与,跟,同”的意思,

如:Why not play games with us? 为什么不和我们一起玩游戏呢?

with 还有“有,伴有,带有”的意思,

如:Someone wants to rent a house with furniture. 有人想租带有家具的房子。

and 和with 都有表示“和”的意思,但and 是关系连词,连接两个主语时表示复数形式;而with是介词,跟在主语之后,表示从属关系,不能决定谓语的单复数。

如:Lucy and I are good friends. Lucy和我是好朋友。

Lucy with her mother often goes shopping(=Lucy often goes shopping with her mother). Lucy 经常和她妈妈去购物。

3.in the country 在乡下,在农村

4. Michael is looking for an apartment near our school. 迈克正在找一套我们学校附近的房间。

look for 寻找。强调寻找的动作; find 找到, 发现。强调结果;

find out 着重指通过分析、调查等弄清或查明一件事情。

5. for rent意为“出租,招租”,尤用于广告。wanted 意为“求租”,还可以指“被通辑的”。

rent 意为“租用”。rent sth. from sb.向某人租用某物

a) We rent our apartment from Mr. Smith. 我们租用史密斯的公寓。

也可以表示“出租”。rent sth. to sb.把某物租给某人

b) She rents out her apartment to students. 她把公寓出租给学生。

5. family 指“家庭或者成员”,或指“家族”,与居住的房子无关。house指“家庭住宅”,着重于房屋这一概念。home 指“家庭成员共同生活的地方”,有时也指“出生的城市或者国家”。

6 .House with furniture for a family of three家具齐全,适合三口之家居住的房屋

7. Looking for a quiet double room under ¥300 per month

求租一间安静的双人间, 月租低于300元

under 相当于less than, 意为”低于……”。per相当于every, 意为“每,每一”。

Section B

1.Would you like me to help you? 需要我帮忙吗?

Would you like sb. to do sth.意为“想要某人去做某事”,相当于want sb. to do sth.

回答方式主要有以下几种:Thanks. That would be fine./ That's very kind of you. / Thank you for you help. / Yes, please.

2. Are there any near here?附近有(商店)吗?

any 在句中用作代词, 指代stores, 以避免与前文重复。

3. What’s the matter?怎么了? 该句常用来询问某人/物出了什么问题或毛病。

询问具体某人/物出什么问题时, 可表达为:

What’s the matter with sb. /sth.?= What’s wrong with sb. /sth.?

口语中还可以用What’s up?

e.g. What’s the matter with your kite, Kate?

4. I can hear you playing the piano. 我听见你在弹钢琴。

hear…doing sth.意为“听见……正在做某事”, 强调正在进行的动作。

hear…do sth意为“听见……做某事”, 强调全过程。

e.g. I hear her singing in her bedroom.我听见她正在她的卧室唱歌。

I often hear her sing in her bedroom. 我经常听见她在卧室里唱歌。

5. ……, but I'm afraid it's too loud. 但恐怕声音太大了。“I'm afraid”委婉说出令人不快、失望或者感到遗憾的事。意为“恐怕、我怕、很遗憾”。常用的结构有:be afraid of 和be afraid to do sth. 如:I'm afraid of dogs. 我害怕狗。/ I'm afraid to go out at night. 我害怕晚上出去。

6. Ms. Smart lives at the end of Elm Road. Smart先生居住在榆树路的尽头。

at the end of ... 在……尽头。end 做名词,意为“末尾,终点”。end 做动词时,意为“结束,终止”,与finish同义。by the end of 意为“到……为止”,用于表示时间。

in the end 表示“最后,终于”相当于at last.

6. There are no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree.右边没有房子, 但是有一棵大树。

no 在此用作形容词, 相当于not a/an或not any, 意为“没有, 无”。后面直接跟可数名词的单、复数形式, 以及不可数名词。

e.g. There isn’t a book on the desk. →There is no book on the desk.

I don’t have money in my purse.→I have no money in my purse.

Section C

1. There be+ sb./ sth. + V-ing +状语某处有某人、物正在……

a) There is a bird singing in the tree.在树上有一只小鸟在唱歌

2. a lot of = lots of 许多的;大量的, 用来修饰名词(可数名词复数形式或不可数名词)

There are a lot of students in the school. (=many)

There was a lot of snow last year. (=much)

There’s a lot of rice in the bag. (=much)

3. community service center 社区服务中心train station 火车站

4. not far from here 离这儿不远far from…离……远

a) My home is not far from the school 我家离学校不远。

5.call sb. for help向某人打电话求助

6. Hello, this is Linda speaking. 喂, 我是琳达。

电话用语, 不用I和you, 而用this和that。如:

This is Mary (speaking).我是玛丽。Who’s that (speaking)?你是谁?

7. The kitchen fan doesn’t work.= The kitchen fan is broken.厨房的排气扇不工作了。

work 进行顺利, 起作用, (机器)正常运转。

如: My clock doesn’t work.我的钟不走了。

8.There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.我厨房的排气扇出问题了

there is something wrong with sb. / sth. = something is wrong with sb. / sth.某人、物出问题了9.I’ll get someone to check it right now.我马上派人来检查

someone=somebody某人right now=at once立刻,马上

get sb. to do sth. 派某人做某事

a) My teacher often gets me to clean the blackboard.老师经常让我擦黑板。

Section D

1. Many people are moving from cities to the suburbs. 许多人正从城市搬迁到郊区。

the suburbs 泛指“城郊,市郊”。若表示具体的某个城市的市郊,如上海市及市郊, 可表示为Shanghai and its suburbs

2. People like living in a house with a lawn and a garden. 人们喜欢住带有草坪和花园的房子。

like doing sth.喜欢、享受做某事。like后接名词或动词的ing形式。

e.g. He likes reading novels.他喜欢读小说。

3. The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high. 不但交通拥挤,而且生活费用高。

heavy “拥挤的,大量的,重的”。heavy traffic交通拥挤heavy rain/snow大雨/大雪the cost of … 意为“……的费用”。the cost of living=the living cost生活费


a) the high/low cost of housing.昂贵/低廉的住房费用

III 语法There be 句型(见Unit 6 topic 1的语法)

IV 重点句型及交际用语

1、---Kangkang, what’s your home like? ---It’s an apartment.

2、---Would you like me to help you? ---Yes, thanks. I’m looking for a store.

3、---Are there any near here? ---Yes, there is one in front of our building.

4、I can hear you playing the piano.

5、…,but I’m afraid it’s too loud.

6、Oh, I’m really sorry about that.

7、There no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree.

8、There are many old people and families with young children living here.

9、We can it for help.

10、---Oh, what’s the matter? ----My kitchen fan doesn’t work.

11、Sorry, I can’t hear you . The line is bad.

12、There is something wrong with my kitchen fan.

13、Ok, I’ll get someone to check right now.

14、The traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.

V 作文范文

I would like to live in the suburbs because they are clean and quiet. There are many houses with beautiful gardens in the suburbs, but cities are often very noisy. There are many factories in cities and they make the air very dirty. The cost of living is high and the traffic is very heavy in cities, so I don’t like living in cities.

