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I. II. III. IV. V.

History of the Film Development Well-known film company Hollywood Academy Award Conclusion

American movies began with silent movies.Early silent films gradually developed into sound films, and then to today's blockbusters . The box-office blockbuster starts from Spielberg's "Jaws" (1975) and Lucas' "Star Wars" (1977).

" The jazz singer“ 电影史上第一部有声影片《爵士歌手》

Charles ChaplinIn the era of silent film Chaplin is one of the most talented and influential figures. The preparation of his own, directing, acting and issue his own film.

She is the silent period most beautiful and most intelligent girl, her famous pageboy became the girls imitated fashion.Imitated adj.模仿的,仿造的

Aged Page whenever talking about golden era of Hollywood, especially silent films, is still very excited. She starred in many musicals, she likes most is" Samson and Delilah"

Louise Brooks

The film won the unprecedented $ 410 million in box office receipts,breaking the box office records and becoming the highest grossing film.gross 总收入

Film CompanyParamount Pictures, Inc 派拉蒙影业公司Mission:Impossible 《碟中谍》 The Godfather 《教父》 Indiana Jones《夺宝奇兵》 Forrest Gump《阿甘正传》

Warner Bros.华纳兄弟影业公司Zola Biography《左拉传》 Slumdog Millionaire《 贫民窟的百万富翁等》 Harry Potter The Matrix《黑客帝国》

二十世纪福斯电影公司 20TH CENTURY-FOX

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Inc.,MGM 米高梅电影公司

DreamWorks SKG 梦工厂 S---Steven Spielberg K---Katzenberg G---David ·Geffen

The Walt Disney Company 迪士尼电影公司

Kolumbia TriStar Motion Picture Group0 哥伦比亚影业公司

Universal Picture Co 环球影片公司

Hollywood Sign

Hollywood – landscape

Sunset Boulevard

Universal Studios HollywoodStudios are divided into three zones: the tram tour(电影车之旅), StudioCenter (影城中心) and entertainment centers(娱乐中 心).


performing car in movie scene

Hollywood s main street is the Sunset Blvd and Hollywood, Blvd. Both sides of the street to film the occasion with senior stores。 Hollywood today has been a diverse, vibrant and active urban area. As a culture of the United States, it has great symbolic significance. It can be said that the history of the development of Hollywood film is history of the development of the United States of America. Vibrant 充满活力的 Diverse 多元化的 Urban 城市

吉恩· 奥特里(Orvon Gene Autry)

Hollywood Walk of Fame好莱坞星光大道

Phonograph records: have contributions to the record industry 留声机唱片:对唱片产业有所贡献

Tragicomedy mask:have contributions to the live theater 悲喜剧面具:对现场戏剧有所贡献

Film camera: have contributions to the film industry 电影摄影机:对电影产业有所贡献

Broadcast microphone: have contributions to the b

roadcasting industry 广播麦克风:对广播产业有所贡献

TV: have contributions to TV industry 电视机:对电视产业有所贡献

Academy Award

Won 11 Academy Awards: “Ben-Hur” (宾虚, 1959), “Titanic” (1997) “The Lord of the Rings” (指环王3,2003) 欣赏《指环王3》 2004彼得杰克逊最佳导演

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