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保密性 confidentiality

保证金 advance payment, security 报价 quotation

备选方案投标 alternative bid

标准招标文件 Standard Bidding Documents SBDs 不可抗力 force majeure 采购 procurement

采购代理 procurement agent 采购公告 procurement notice 采购计划 procurement plan 采购决定 procurement decision 撤标 withdrawal of bid 承包商 contractor

澄清要求 requests of clarification 迟到的标书 late bid

初步描述 preliminary description 初步设计 preliminary design 错误纠正 correction of error

单一招标或局限性招标 single or restricted tendering 到岸价 Cost, Insurance, and Freight, CIF 非政府组织 Nongovernmental organization, NGO

分包商 subcontractor 封标 sealing of bid 腐败 corruption

付款方式 methods of payment 付款条件 terms of payment 附件 appendix

工厂交货价 Ex works, Ex factory, or Off the Shelf, EXW 工程范围 scope of works 工程量清单 bill of quantities

工程量清单报价 priced bill of quantities 工期 days for construction 公开招标 open tendering 公司总部 principal place 购买 purchase

固定总价 fixed lump sum

国际复兴开发银行(世界银行) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World Bank),IBRD


国际竞争性招标 international comparative bidding 国际开发协会 International Development Agency,IDA 国民生产总值 Gross National Product, GNP

国内竞争性招标 National Competitive Bidding, NCB 合格标准 eligibility criteria 合格的投标人 eligible bidder 合同价格 contract price 合同金额 contract amoun 核标 examination of bid 换标 substitution of bid

货交承运人(指定地点) Free Carrier (named place),FCA 货物清单 list of goods

计划完工日期 intended completion date 技术规范 specifications 监理 supervisor

检验代理 inspection agent

建设-拥有-经营 Build, own, operate, BOO

建设-拥有-经营-转让 Build, own, operate, transfer, BOOT 建设-拥有-转让 Build, operate, transfer, BOT 建筑工程 construction works 交货时间 delivery time 接受函 letter of acceptance 截止时间 deadline 截至日期 deadline

解释要求 requests of explanation

局限性招标 limited tendering

开标 bid opening, tender opening, opening of tender 开标地点 place of bid opening 开工日期 date of commence 联合国 United Nations, UN

联合国发展商业报 United Nations Development Business, UNDB 联营体 joint venture 两步法招标 two-stage bidding 履约保证金 performance security 每投标人一标 one bid per bidder

评标 bid evaluation, evaluation of bid, tender evaluation 评标标准 evaluation criteria

评标委员会 group of adjudicator, bid evaluation committee 欺诈 fraud

潜在的投标人 potential bidder

施工机械 construction equipment, construction plant

实质性响应 substantial response, be substantially responsive to 事后情况说明 debriefing 事后审查 post review 事前审查 prior review 适用法律 applicable law 授权书 letter of authorization

授权书(被授权人必须是律师)power of attorney 授予合同 award of contract 替代方案 alternative solution 替代建议 alternative proposal 通用条款 general terms and conditions 投标保证金 bid security, tender security 投标保证金 bid security 投标费用 cost of bidding 投标函 bid letter 投标价格 bid price 投标人 bidder, tenderer

投标人合格性 eligibility of bidder

投标人须知 instruction to bidders, instruction to tenderers 投标人资质 qualifications of the bidder 投标书 bid, tender

投标书澄清 clarification of bid

投标书的提交 submission of bid, submission of tender 投标书有效期 validity of bid

投标书有效期延长 extension of validity of bid 投标书语言 language of bid

投标书组成 documents comprising the bid

投标邀请 invitation for bids, invitation to tenders

投标有效性 bid availability 图纸 drawings

土建承包商 civil construction contractor 完工日期 date of completion, completion date 完税后交货 Delivered Duty Paid, DDP 违约赔偿 liquidated damages 现场参观 site visit 现场查勘 site survey

现场管理人员 site management personnel 现场技术人员 site technical personnel 响应性 responsiveness

项目评估文件 Project Appraisal Document, PAD 项目时间表,项目计划 project schedule 修改标书 modification of bid 选择性招标 selective tendering 询价采购 shopping 银行保函 bank guarantee

应标 response to the bidding documents

有限国际招标 Limited International Bidding, LIB 预付款 prepayment

运费付至(指定目的地) Carriage Paid To (named place of destination), CP

运费及保险费付至(目的地) Carriage and Insurance Paid (place of destination),CIP 招标代理 bidding agency 招标附录 appendix to tender

招标公告 notification of bidding, tender notice 招标号 bidding no., tendering no.

招标人 tenderer, contracting party, contracting authority, employer

招标文件 bidding documents, tender documentations, tender documents

招标文件澄清 clarification of bidding documents 招标文件修改 amendment of bidding documents 招标资料表 bidding data sheet, tendering data sheet 招投标范围 scope of bid 争端解决 settlement of dispute 政府采购法 government procurement law 政府采购协议 government procurement agreement 政府采购指令 government procurement directives 直接签订合同 direct contracting 中标标准 award criteria

中标通知 notification of award, award of tender 注册地点 place of registration

专用条款 special terms and conditions 专用账户 Special Account, SA

准备投标书 preparation of bid, preparation of tender 资格后审 postqualification 资格预审 prequalification

资格预审招标 prequalified tendering 资金来源 source of fund

资质信息 qualification information 自营工程 force accounting

