
更新时间:2023-03-08 04:45:14 阅读量: 高中教育 文档下载


避免做某事 escape doing sth. 对…是必要的 be essential for/to 每三周 every three weeks 每隔一天 every other day 为…树立榜样 set an example to

除了…之外,只得做某事 doing nothing except do 用…来换… exchange sth. for sth. 原谅某人做某事 excuse sb. for doing sth. 正如所预料的 as is expected

对某人期待太高 expect a lot/too much of sb. 医药费 medical expense 向某人解释某事 explain to sb. sth. 把自己的意思表达清楚 explain sth.

表示同情 express sympathy 面临 ba faced with/by sth. 朝北、东 face north\\east 不能/没有做某事 fail to do sth. 电力不足、中断 power failure 假牙 false teeth

对…很熟悉 be familiar with 对于某人来说很熟悉 be familiar to sb. 因为…而著名 be famous for 作为…而著名 be famous as

为全世界的人所知名 be famous to people all over the world 据我所知 as far as I know

被…吸引住 be fascinated with/by sth. 举行告别会 hold a farewell party 过时了不时髦了 be out of fashion 失宠失利; lose favour 支持;赞成 be in favour of 帮某人忙 ask a favour of sb. 用…来喂养… feed…on/with… 吃,以…为食物 feed on

把…喂给…吃 feed sth. to sb.

与困难作斗争 fight against difficulities 算出;弄清楚 figure out 装满 be filled with 决赛 the finals

因做某事而罚某人款 fine sb. for doing sth. 着火 catch fire 把火扑灭 put out a fire

被解雇了 be fired/dismissed 试穿 fit on

适合(做)… be fit for/to do sth.


保持健康 keep fit

注视… fix one’s eyes on/upon 长距离飞行 a long distance flight 流利的英语 fluent English

集中注意力 focus attention /mind on 民间音乐 focus attention/mind on 如下 as follows

听从忠告 follow one’s advice 食物链 food train

某人做某事是愚蠢的 It’s foolish of sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 forbid sb. to do sth 禁止做某事 forbid doing sth. 地心引力的力量 the force of gravity 强迫某人做某事 force sb. to do sth. 天气预报 the weather forecast 填写表格 fill in a form 以…的形式 in the form of

前任总统 former president/student/wife 发财 make a fortune 提出 put forward

期盼;等待 look forward to sth. 释放某人 set sb. free 没有…的;免除的 be free of/from 冰点 freezing point 冷冻食物 frozen food 淡水 fresh water 与---交朋友 make friends with 把某人吓死 frighten sb. to death 从那时起 from then on 充满的;有很多的 be full of 为了消遣 for fun

开玩笑 make fun of

在最近,久远的将来 in the near /distant future 增重 gain weight

一般说来 generally speaking 代沟 generation gap

克服,战胜困难;从(疾病,震惊等)中恢复 get over 在某方面有天赋 have a gift for 投降;屈服;上交 give in 发出(蒸汽、光等) give off

发出(热、气味等]; 分发;(供给等)用完;筋疲力尽 give out 放弃 give up

看一眼 glance at/towards/up 复习; 走到另一边去;检查 go over


出去;(灯火)熄灭 go out 走上前去 go up to

完成目标 achieve a goal 进球 score a goal 黄金时代 golden age 对某人/某物有好处 be good for sb. 好多 a good many

认为理所当然 take it for granted that

因…感激某人 be grateful to sb. for sth./doing sth. 感激地 with gratitude

用微笑/吻来迎接/招呼某人 greet sb. with a smile/kiss 人口的增长 the growth of population

养成做某事的习惯 form a habit of doing sth/ get in to a habit of doing 切成两半 cut sth by half/ into halves 手拉手 hand by hand 上交 hand in

碰巧做 sb. happens to do= It so happens that 刻苦工作 be hard at work

对…有害 do harm to= be harmful to 和睦相处 live in harmony

在某方面有问题/困难 have problems/ trouble/ difficulty with sth. 前往 head for

身体健康良好 in good health 听说,得悉, hear about 心脏病 heart trouble 全心全意地 heart and soul 用心记忆,暗记 learn sth. by heart 激烈的讨论 heated discussion

帮助某人做某事 help sb. with/ (to) do sth. 在…的帮助下 with the help of

毫不犹豫 without (any) hesitation

隐藏 hide sth. from = conceal sth. from 以高速度 at high speed

高度评价;重视;赞扬 speak/ think highly of 历史性会见 historic meeting 历史研究 historical research 打在某人的鼻子 hit sb. on the nose 阻挡;抑制 hold back (电话用语)别挂断;抓牢;坚持 hold on 推迟;拖延;挡住 hold off 度假 on holiday

老实说… honestly speaking 表示敬意;为了招待…;为了纪念 in honor of

为祖国争光 win honor for one’s motherland


想要 hope for

抱乐观的希望,尽量往好处想 hope for the best 东道国,举办国 host nation/ country 按小时计酬 pay/ charge by the hour 伤害某人的感情 hurt one’s feelings (突然)想到一个主意 come up with an idea 不懂,无知的 be ignorant of

对某人来说做某事是非法的 It is illegal for sb. to do 对…产生影响 have an impact on

在脑海中留下深刻印象 impress sth. on one’s mind 被…深深感动;对…留下深刻印象 be impressed by/with 在五十几岁时 at one’s fifties 我不方便做某事 It is inconvenient for me to do 个人体育运动项 individual sports 把某事通知某人 inform sb. of sth. 使某人得到通知 keep sb. informed of 进一步的消息,更多的信息 further information 从…处继承 inherit sth. from 受了重伤 be badly injured 鼓励某人做某事 inspire sb. to do

求生的本能 an instinct for survival 教、指导、指示某人做某事 instruct sb. to do

给房屋保火险 insure one’s house against fire 打算做某事 intend to do

对…感兴趣 take interest in = be interested in 追求利益 look for interests 每隔一段时间,每隔一段距离 at intervals

把…引进;传入;把…列入;插入 introduce --- into 婉拒邀请 decline one’s invitation

需要做---,包含做--- involve doing sth.

介入,卷入 be involved in = involve oneself in 新闻条目 news items 把…从…隔离开 isolate --- from 交通阻塞 traffic jam 参军 join the army 连接 be joined to

共同努力 a joint effort/joint efforts 恶作剧 a practical joke 使某人大为高兴的是 to one’s great joy

从外表判断 judge from/ by one’s appearance 比…小,地位低 be junior to 喜爱…;对…着迷 be keen on 敏捷的头脑 a keen mind 记日记 keep a diary


阻止;防止 keep---from--- 遵守;保持 keep to 消磨时间 kill time

一位知识渊博的 a man of knowledge= a knowledgeable man 理解;认识 have a good knowledge of 快车道 the fast lane 最后但并非最不重要的(一点) last but not least 过后,后来 later on 嘲笑 laugh at

突然大笑起来 犯法 诱使某人做某事 通向;导致 斜靠 依靠某人做某事 至少;最低限度 讲授…;作关于…的讲座 给某人一个教训 位于/在于 乘电梯 要求搭车 点着的火柴 很可能… 100. (靠)…生活 严密保藏某物 渴望得到某物 渴望做某事 很久以前 不久,不久以后 照顾 轻视,看不起 调查 把…看作… 注意;留神 浏览;核查 依赖 输了一场比赛 输了一个球 灰心 沉迷干… 茫然不知所措 停车场 碰运气 使某人发疯 burst into laughter

be against the law/ break the law lead sb. to do lead to

lean against lean on sb. to do at least

give a lecture on sth. teach sb. a lesson lie in take a lift ask for a lift a lighted match

It is likely that= be likely to do live by doing

keep sth under lock and key long for sth long to do sth long before

before long look after look down on look into

look upon/ on--- as--- look out

look through

look to = depend on = rely on = lean on lose a game lose by a goal lose heart

lose one’s heart

be at a loss= be at sea the parking lot

try one’s luck/ fortune drive / send sb mad


发疯 go mad 寄航空邮件 by air mail 寄信给某人 mail sth to sb

保养公路 maintain a highway 主修(工程学) major in engineering 多数;半数以上 a/ the majority of (有目的且快速地)冲向 make for 偷;带着…逃跑 make off with (1)开出;写出 (2)理解 make out

(1)编造 (2)化妆 (3)构成;凑足 make up 补偿;弥补 make up for 成功地做某事 manage to do 上市;出售 on the market

娶;嫁;与…结婚 marry sb = get married to sb 事实上 as a matter of fact = in fact 不要紧 It doesn’t matter. 意味着做--- mean doing 本意为;打算做--- mean to do 用;依靠 by means of--- 同时;其间 in the meantime 采取措施做某事 take measures to do 纪念 in memory of 提及做某事 mention doing--- 更不用说;此外 not to mention 给某人带个口信 give sb a message 给某人留个条 leave a message for sb 牢记某事 keep/ bear sth in mind 拿定主意做某事 make up one’s mind to do 避免做某事 miss doing sth 错误地做某事 do sth by mistake 把…误认为… mistake A for B 把---和---混合 mix --- with --- 流动图书馆 a mobile library

心情好/坏 in a good/ bright/ bad mood

没有心情做某事 be in no mood for doing sth/ to do sth 一轮新月 a new moon

非常乐意做某事 be more than happy/glad/pleased/ready/willing to do 以---的名义 in the name of 以---的名字命名 be named after 打个盹儿 take/ have a nap 土产的 be native to

如必要的话 if necessary= if it is necessary 非常需要 need sth badly 对…神经紧张的 be nervous about


向某人点头 nod at/ to sb

(表示惊奇)不是别的,正是 no(ne) other than 记笔记 take notes 仅仅;只不过 nothing but (有意)注意 take notice of

到现在为止 by now = up to now = up till now = so far 既然;由于 now that

许多(修饰可数名词) a good/ great many= a number of

反对做某事 object to doing sth / be opposed to doing sth 强迫某人做某事 oblige sb to do = force sb to do

因某事而感谢某人 be obliged/ thankful/ grateful to sb for (doing) sth 遵守规则 observe the rules

庆祝某人的生日 observe one’s birthday 我想起一个主意。 An idea occurred to me. 某人突然想起--- It occurs to sb that---

提供某人某物 offer sb sth = offer sth to sb 主动提议做某事 offer to do

把…对公众开放 open sth to the public 为某人动手术 operate on

依照某人的看法 in one’s opinion 对面的 be opposite to

有次序;整齐 keep sth in good order 混乱;发生故障 be out of order 命令某人做某事 order sb to do

文明的发源 the origin of civilization 换言之 in other words 除了 other than 前几天 the other day

克服缺点/困难 overcome one’s faults/ difficulties 悦人的景色 a pleasant outlook

开阔视野 broaden/ widen one’s outlook 把…归功干 own --- to 由于 owing to

某人自己的书 a book of one’s own 单独地;独立无援地 on one’s own

100. 跟上时代 keep pace with the times= keep up with the times 一双,一对 a pair of 引起恐慌 cause a panic

平行的;类似的 be parallel to/ with

原谅某人做某事 pardon/ excuse/ forgive sb for doing sth 禁止停车 no parking

(在…中)起作用 play a part/ role in

参与;参加 participate in/ take part in/ join in (过于)讲究的;挑剔的;吹毛求疵的 be particular about


去世 pass away

对(某人)有耐心 have patience with sb = be patient with sb 为…铺平道路 pave the way for 偿还(欠款) pay back

还清债务 pay off the debt

与某人和解;同某人言归于好 make (one’s) peace with ---所特有的 be peculiar to 用铅笔 in pen

请求许可 ask for permission 允许做某事 permit doing sth 允许某人做某事 permit sb to do sth 孜孜不倦地学习 persevere in doing sth (固执地)坚持 persist in doing

说服某人做某事 persuade sb to do= persuade sb into doing

说服某人不做某事 persuade sb not to do = persuade sb out of doing 分辨,挑出 pick out 拾起;获得;学会;买到;(用车,船)接人 pick up 去野餐 go on a picnic

清楚地了解 get a clear picture of 一堆;一摞 a pile of

同情/可怜某人 take/ have pity on sb 人民解放军战士 PLA man

用简明的英语 in plain English

首先 in the first place = first of all= to begin with 发生;举行 take place

代替;取代 take the place of 按计划 as planned

高兴做某事 be pleased to do 大量的;充足的 plenty of 跳入,陷入 plunge into 指着 point to/ at 指出 point out

做某事没有意义 There is no point/ sense in doing sth 改革开放政策 the reform and open-door policy 受…的欢迎 be popular with/ among

推迟,延期做某事 delay/ postpone/ put off doing sth 上台;执政 come into/ in power 停电 power cut/ failure 社会实践 social practice 练习做某事 practice doing

为某事赞扬某人 praise sb for doing sth 为了某事而向某人祈祷 pray to sb for sth 祈求做某事 pray to do sth

宁愿做---也不做… prefer to do --- than to do ---


为某事做准备 prepare for sth

在某人面前 in the presence of sb = in sb’s presence 出席 be present at

赠送;提供 present sth to sb = present sb with sth 现政府 the present government 记者招待会 press/ news conference

保护森林免遭灭绝 preserve forests from extinction

假装做某事/在做/已做 pretend to do sth/ to be doing sth/ to have done 阻止某人做某事 prevent sb from doing sth 平/特价 regular/ special price

为---感到自豪 be proud of = take pride in 基色 primary colour 原则上 in principle

把某人关进监狱 cast/ throw/ put/ send sb in(to) prison 在进行中 in process 获利 make a profit 在进展中 in progress 取得进步 make progress 违背诺言 break a promise

守约 keep/ stick to one’s promise 许诺某人某事 promise sb. sth. 答应做某事 promise to do sth

保护某人免受…的侵害 protect sb. from/ against sth 为某人提供某物 provide sb with sth 当众,公开地 in public 对公众 to the public

因某事惩罚某人 punish sb. for sth.. / doing sth 购买力 purchasing power 故意地;有意地 on purpose 把---收起,放好 put away

放下;记下;镇压 put down 提出;建议;把(钟表指针)前拨 put forward 关掉,熄灭;脱去,脱掉;推迟 put off 穿上;上演;开(灯、收音机等) put on 熄灭;出版;公布;伸出 put out 举起;搭建;提出(计划等);留宿 put up

容忍 put up with

胜任这份工作 be qualified for the job

胜任做一名教师 be qualified as a teacher = be qualified to teach (使)具有…资格 qualify sb. as---

质量好 be of good/ high quality 因某事同某人吵架 quarrel with sb. about sth. 下倾盆大雨 rain cats and dogs 提出一个问题 raise a question


养育五个孩子 raise five children 筹钱 raise money 广泛的 a wide range of 在---和---之间变化 range from --- to ---

range between--- to ---

英语写作经典句型(一) 例句:


Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen.

… the most + 形容词 + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) … the + ~ est + 名词 + (that) + 主词 + have ever + seen (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) A + be + 形容词最高级 + B + have/ has ever + (known/ heard/ had/ read, etc) 英语写作经典句型(二) 例句:


The harder you work, the more progress you make. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问。

The more books we read, the more learned we become. 1)The + ~er + S + V, … the + ~er + S + V …

The + more + Adj + S + V, … the + more + Adj + S + V…

The + 形容词比较级 + S + V, the + 形容词比较级 + S + V … 愈…愈… 例句:

Nothing is easier than to give up. 没有比放弃更容易的事了。

Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事。 2)Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V

Nothing is + more + 形容词 + than to + V Nothing is + 形容词比较级 + than to + do sth. 英语写作经典句型(三) 例句:


It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.

It is widely/universally acknowledged/recongnised + that 从句 全世界都知道... 例句:


It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems. It is time + S + 过去式 该是...的时候了 例句:


It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life. It is conceivable + that 从句 (可想而知的) It is obvious + that 从句 (明显的) It is apparent + that 从句 (显然的)



帮助别人是值得的 It pays to help others.

It pays to do sth. ...是值得的。 英语写作经典句型(四) 例句:


There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from bad to worse. There is no denying that + S + V ... 不可否认的... 例句:


There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired. There is no doubt + that 从句 毫无疑问的... 例句:


There is no one but longs to go to college. There is no one but … 没有人不... 英语写作经典句型(五) 例句:


We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much. … cannot emphasize the importance of … too much. 再怎么强调...的重要性也不为过。 英语写作经典句型(六) 例句:


The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us. 1)The reason why + 从句 is + that 从句 ...的原因是... 例句:


Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don’t like it. 2)That is the reason why … 那就是...的原因 英语写作经典句型(七) 例句:


An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won’t create (produce) any pollution. An advantage of … is + that 从句 ...的优点是... 英语写作经典句型(八) 例句:


Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream. Due to / Owing to / Thanks to sth. / doing 因为... 英语写作经典句型(九) 例句:



So precious is time that we can‘t afford to waste it. So + adj. + be + 主语 + that 从句 如此...以致于... 英语写作经典句型(十) 例句:


Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no means satisfactory. by no means = in no way = on no account 一点也不 Adj. + as + 主语+ be, S + V… 虽然...但是… 英语写作经典句型(十一) 例句:

通过做运动,我们能够始终保持健康。 By taking exercise, we can always keep fit.

By +doing, … can … 通过/借着...,..能够.. 英语写作经典句型(十二) 例句:


Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed.

… enable + Object(受词)+ to + V ...使..能够.. 英语写作经典句型(十三) 例句:


What an important thing it is to keep our promise! How important a thing it is to keep our promise!

What a + adj. + N + S + V! = How + adj. + a + N + S + V! 多么...! 英语写作经典句型(十四)


On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.

On no account can we + V =by no means, … 我们绝对不能... 英语写作经典句型(十五) 例句:


The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. leave much to be desired 令人不满意 英语写作经典句型(十六) 例句:


Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished. Those who … ...的人... 英语写作经典句型(十七) 例句:


Smoking has a great influence on our health.

have a great influence on … 对...有很大的影响



Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. pose a great threat to … 对...造成一大威胁 例句:


Reading does good to our mind. 工作过度对健康有害。

Overwork does harm to health.

do good to 对...有益 do harm to 对...有害 英语写作经典句型(十八) 例句:


Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports. be + forced/ compelled/ obliged + to do 不得不… 英语写作经典句型(十九) 例句:


For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination. For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式... 过去...年来,...一直... 例句:


Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard. Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式。 英语写作经典句型(二十) 例句:


We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.

do one’s utmost to do = do one’s best to do 尽全力去... 我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境。

We should spare no effort to beautify our environment. spare no effort to do sth. 不遗余力的

英语写作经典句型(二十一) 例句:


The progress of thee society is based on harmony. be based on 以...为基础

英语写作经典句型(二十二) 例句:


We should bring home to people the value of working hard. bring home to + 人 + 事 让...明白...事 英语写作经典句型(二十三) 例句:



Taking exercise is closely related to health. be closely related to …与...息息相关 英语写作经典句型(二十四) 例句:


We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.

get into /form/develop the habit of doing = make it a rule to do 养成 ... 的习惯 高考写作常用谚语 观点陈述:

As the tree,so the fruit. 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。. 总结感召:

Facts speak plainer than words. 事实胜于雄辩。

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 千里之行始于足下。 Experience is the mother of wisdom. 实践出真知。 Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。 A fall into the pit,a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。

For you:

No pain; no gain. 没有付出就不会有收获

God helps those who help themselves. 天助自助者。 An idle youth,a needy age. 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲。

To live is to learn,to learn is to better live. 活着为了学习,学习为了更好的活着。 All work and no play makes jack a dull boy. 只工作不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。

Know the enemy and know yourself, and you can fight a hundred battles with no danger of being defeated. 知己知彼 百战百胜

One false step will make a great difference. 失之毫厘,谬之千里。


One man’s meat is another man’s poison. 萝卜青菜各有所爱 Ill news travels fast. 坏事传千里。 It is hard to please all. 众口难调。

Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。


