高中英语必修2(外研版)Unit 4 Fine Arts - Western, Chinese a

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高中英语必修2(外研版)Unit 4 Fine Arts---Western, Chinese and Pop

Arts 知识点总结




alive living live lively 含义 用法 人或物“活着的”,侧重生与死的界限。 表语,只做后置定语或补语 人或物“尚在人间,健在的” 物“活着的”,也有“实况转播的” 人或物“活泼的,活跃,充满生气的” 定语,表语 名词前做定语 定语,表语,补语 The man alive is greater than he. 在活着的人中,没有人比他更伟大。 The living must finish the work of those dead. 活着的人必须完成那些死去的人的事业。 He said he had seen a live whale. 他说他见过活鲸鱼。 He had a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting. 他有一种奇特的方法,使他的课生动有趣。 词义辨析:destroy/damage/ruin 都有“破坏”的意思,程度和用法有不同。 destroy damage ruin 通常指无法修护的损坏。 部分的损坏,可以修复。 彻底的毁坏,通常指由自然现象、疏忽等造成的破坏。 The fire destroyed the building. 大火毁灭了大楼。 Smoking will damage your health. 抽烟会损害你的健康。 He ruined his prospects by carelessness.

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be/get tired of:对...厌烦

I'm so tired of your stinky shoes. 我真受不了你的臭鞋子。

tell by:从...可看出

In England,it's easy to tell a person's class by his speech. 在英国,根据一个人的言谈就很容易判断出其所属的社会阶层。

put off:推迟;延期

Because of the bad weather, we suggested putting off the meeting till tomorrow. 因为坏天气,我们建议把会议推迟到明天。 拓展:put 词组 1. put up with: 忍受 2. put out :熄灭,扑灭 3. put down: 记录,写下 4. put forward: 提出 5. put up:举起;张贴

一词多义:adopt vt.采纳,采用;领养

The store recently adopted a drug testing police for all new employees. 这家商店进来实行新雇员做药检的政策。 Sally was adopted when she was 4. Sally 四岁时被人领养。

一词多义:stand vt. 站立,坐落于;忍受

There stands a tall building between the bus station and the shopping center. 在车站和购物中心坐落着一座建筑物。

I can’t stand people smoking around me when i am eating. 我受不了吃饭的时候有人在我旁边抽烟。 拓展:英文中表达“忍受”含义的词还有: bear,endure,tolerate,put up with

一词多义:realize/realise vt.意识到;实现

Only after you lose your health, will you realize the importance of health.

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唯有在失去健康之后,我们才能意识到健康的重要。 My dream of being a teacher will be realized in 3 years. 我当一名教师的梦想会在三年内实现。

一词多义:observe v. 观察;遵守

Officers observed him driving at 90 miles per hour.

警察发现他以40英里每小时的时速驾车。(obseve sb. doing sth.观察某人正在做某事)

It is required that all traffic participants should observe the traffic rules to make traffic safer and faster. 确保交通顺利,每个人都要遵守交通规则。


contemporary adj. 当代的 delightful adj.令人愉悦的 scene n.景色;风景 aspect n.方面 imitate vt. 模仿;临摹 reality n.真实;现实;逼真 exhibition n.展览 expression n.表现;表达 landscape n.风景;景色 portrait n. 画像;肖像;人像 realistic adj.现实主义的


This is a painting by the Spanish artist, Pablo Picasso, considered to be the greatest

western artist of the twentieth century.

解析:本句的主干是“This is a painting”“ by the Spanish artist”是一个介词结构作定语,修饰前面的artist;“Pablo

Picasso”是同位语,解释补充前面的artist;“considered to be the greatest western artist of the twentieth century”是一个过去分词结构作定语,修饰前面的artist。

翻译:这是一幅西班牙艺术家毕加索的画,他被认为是20世纪最伟大的西方艺术家。 拓展:在写作中适当使用同位语可以提高语言质量,例如: Tom is from England. He is popular with his classmates.

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Tom, a boy from England, is popular with his classmates.

Picasso and another painter, George Braque, started Cubism, one of the most important of all modern art movements.

解析:本句的主干是“Picasso and another painter started Cubism”;“George Braque”是同位语,解释说明前面的

painter;“one of the most important of all modern art movements”也是同位语,解释说明前面的Cubism。 翻译:毕加索和另一个画家乔治?布拉克开始立体主义--最重要的现代艺术运动之一。

People generally agree that Pablo Picasso, who lived from 1881 to 1973, is the twentieth-century’s greatest western artist.

解析:本句的主干是“People generally agree that”;that引导的是agree的宾语从句;“who lived from 1881 to

1973”是一个由who引导的定语从句,修饰前面的Pablo Picasso。 翻译:人们普遍认为毕加索(1881-1973)是二十世纪最伟大的西方艺术家。


非谓语动词:doing和to do 作宾语

doing/to do作宾语一般考查固定搭配,先看下面两道经典例题: 1. When I went to visit her, she was the piano. A. practicing to play B. practicing play C. practicing playing D. practiced playing

2. I can't stand with Tom in the same dorm. He just refuses talking while others sleep. A. living; stopping B. to live; stopping C. living; to stop D. to live; to stop 解析:

1. C. 根据句意,应该是过去进行时,所以是was practicing;又因为practice doing sth.是固定搭配,所以选C。

2. C. 考查非谓语动词的固定搭配: can’t stand doing sth. “无法忍受做某事”;refuse to do sth. “拒绝做某事”

该考点下,同学们需要牢记: 1. 只能跟to作宾语的动词:

afford, aim, appear, decide, choose, desire, expect, hope, fail, happen, hesitate, manage, offer, plan, pretend, promise, refuse等。 2. 只能跟doing作宾语的动词或词组: (1)只能跟doing作宾语的动词:

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admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, enjoy, finish, imagine, keep, mind, practice, suggest等。

(2)一些动词词组或含介词短语后跟doing构成固定搭配。例如: Sometimes I feel like quitting my job. 有时候我想辞去我的工作。


can't help ;feel like ;prevent…from;put off;get used to;look forward to ;be busy ;object to ;give up;

be worth doing sth. 拓展:

有时候为了保持句子平衡,会用 it 作形式宾语,把真正的宾语(doing或to do)后置。例如: The man downstairs found it difficult to fall asleep. (真正宾语是to fall asleep) 楼下的人发觉难以入睡。

I think it no good telling him the truth. (真正宾语是telling him the truth) 我认为告诉他真相没有好处。



1. one's head in our country means \ A. Shake B. Shaking C. Shaked D. To shake 2. by sharks was a common occurrence. A. Killed B. Killing C. Being killed D. Having killed 3. It's no use a lot without doing anything. A. talked B. to say C. talking D. speaking 解析:

1. B. 谓语动词means前缺少主语。只有动名词或不定式可作主语,故排除A、C;动名词往往表示\经常性\,而不


2. C. 根据题意“被鲨鱼杀死”应该为被动关系,所以排除B,D。又因was前缺少的是主语,过去分词killed不可作主 语,只能选C。

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3. C. \为固定句型,意为\做某事没用\。it是形式主语,真正主语是doing短语。 该考点下,同学们需要牢记:

动名词(短语)做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。 1. 直接放在句首:

Helping others makes me happy. 帮助他人让我很开心。 注意:动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 2. 以it作形式主语,真正主语doing后置: It is no use talking without doing. 光说不做没有用。

牢记固定句型:It is no good/use doing sth. 做某事没有好处/用处


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3. C. \为固定句型,意为\做某事没用\。it是形式主语,真正主语是doing短语。 该考点下,同学们需要牢记:

动名词(短语)做主语往往表示经常性、习惯性的动作。 1. 直接放在句首:

Helping others makes me happy. 帮助他人让我很开心。 注意:动名词作主语时,谓语动词要用单数形式。 2. 以it作形式主语,真正主语doing后置: It is no use talking without doing. 光说不做没有用。

牢记固定句型:It is no good/use doing sth. 做某事没有好处/用处


