
更新时间:2024-01-03 14:56:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载




If you are going to have a baby brother or sister, you'll want to know some baby facts.

It can be a lot of __1__ to have a new baby in the house, but it can be tiring, too. Babies need so much __2__ that your mom and dad will be busy making sure the baby gets the rest, food, clean diapers (尿布) and so on. __3__ this does not mean they love you any less — they just love the baby, too!

What can you do at home with the baby? If you are old enough, you may be able to hold or feed the baby. Your mom and dad will__4__ you the right way to care for your brother or sister. You can also __5__ in many other ways, like folding clothes, answering the phone, or getting your mother a cup of tea. That is helpful, especially when she is busy and __6__. And if the baby cries, you can try to cheer him or her up.

When a new baby __7__ the family, you will surely see some changes. __8__, many of them are good ones. Before you know it, that little thing will sit up, crawl (爬), run, and even play hide-and-seek (捉迷藏) __9__ you. In other words, this baby just might grow up to be a lifetime__10__!

( )1. A. use C. work ( )2. A. food

B. fun D. trouble B. love

C. care ( )3. A. Or C. And

( )4. A. ask C. give

( )5. A. feel C. help

( )6. A. tired C. sad

( )7. A. sees C. joins

( )8. A. Luckily C. Still ( )9. A. on C. for

( )10. A. classmate C. enemy 二、阅读理解

D. water B. But D. So B. get D. show B. understand D. follow B. happy D. hungry B. likes D. visits B. Possibly D. Usually B. beyond D. with B. friend D. child

Friends don't always share the same things. 1.______One of the ways is to talk to your friend and tell him or her how you're feeling. It's always important to share your feelings with your friend.

Of course, sometimes friends do drift apart (疏远). 2.______And sometimes this means that a friendship may not be as close as it once was. This also means that you may find a

different group of friends to spend time with, too.

Then what should you do to keep friends? 3.______Smile, talk to them, listen with interest and praise them for the things you like about them. People naturally like to make friends with the people who understand and enjoy them.

4.______Sometimes when you focus on “Keeping friends”, you might begin to do things or act in some ways that aren't normally part of your personality. 5.______ If keeping a friendship means you have to become someone who you aren't, that friendship isn't worth keeping.

A. One helpful thing is to be sure you let others know you like them.

B. When you have a different opinion with your friend, what should you do?

C. Moreover, if your friend is unfriendly to you, that doesn't mean you should become hurtful to other people.

D. As we grow older, our interests change.

E. It's also important to remember that you should always be yourself.


if nobody they in save for fast later friend young unless kitchen When I was young, I liked to play jokes on others, especially on my parents and 1.________. One day my mother was cooking in the kitchen while I was playing with my 2.________

