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Unit 1

Unit 1 Planning your future career


Starting out Reading Focus Reading More Practical Translation Focused Writing Final Project

Starting out—Task 1

Task 1Step One Work together with your partner and fill in the table with the attributes that you think make a good employer and a good employee on page 2.

Starting out—Task 1Reference1: A good employee Common to both A good employer

a strong sense of responsibility

good health

good verbal skills

loyalty to and respect for employersbeing diligent being obedient

being intelligent and creativegreat communication skills


a sense of humor assertiveness good ability of financial management


good ability in dealing with interpersonal relationships

Starting out—Task 1Reference2: A good employee Common to both A good employer


good health

ability of putting the right person in the right position being considerate of employees'needs

enthusiasm for work

being intelligent and creative great communication skills

punctualityexpertise in a given area a reasonable demand of payment

a sense of humor generositywillingness to listen to different opinions open-mindedness

Starting out—Task 1 Step Two Choose the most important three attributes for people in each role, and give your reasons. Reference: employee: good health, cooperativeness employer: good health, great communicative skills, ***Good health is the foundation for career development, whatever role one plays. For an employee, cooperativeness ensures the smooth progress of a work project, since many projects involve the cooperation of many workers. As an employer, he must be good at Communicating with different people, which is the guarantee of a pleasant interpersonal relationship in his business, along with the successful building up of the social network.

Starting out—Task 1Step Three Based on your work done in the previous two steps, tell each other what you would like to be after graduation, an employer or an employee? Give reasons for your choice.

Words or phrases for your reference: run a business, in possession of business, be tolerant of be considerate of , ambitious, a sense of achievement manage, endure, confident, good-tempered, cooperative open-minded, punctual, positive, flexible, generous

Starting out—Task 2

Task 2Read the four cases of job hopping on page 2 and judge whether they are beneficial or disadvantageous to the persons concerned.

Starting out

Task 3Read the following two pieces of parental advice on page 3 and discuss with your partner which one you would follow.

Starting out—Task 3

1. Whatever you decide to do with your life, make sure it’s something practical. You will want to be able to make a good living for yourself and your family. 2. We don’t care what you set out to study; just make sure it’s something you enjoy.

Starting out


ob market in US

This year’s college graduates in US are faced with a hard test of job market . Listen carefully to a report on the high unemployment rate for American youth this summer and do the following exercise:

Starting outExercise Directions: Based on the report you’ve just heard, tell whether the following statements are True or False, make corrections if they are false.

1. The unemployment rate of people at 20 to 42 age bracket in May was 14.7%, five tenths percentage points lower than the national rate . FCorrection: The unemployment rate of people at 20 to 24 age bracket in May was 14.7%, five percentage points higher than the national rate. 2. According to NACE, employment situation in 2007 was more optimistic, with more college graduates finding jobs and with a higher starting pay than in this year. T

Starting out3. Taking an internship n.实习生,实习program is an effective way to catch public attention. F Correction: Taking an internship program is an effective way to get noticed , and then a job.

4. Job market predictions tells that in the next 8 years graduates with a degree in biomedical engineering are promising to secure a good job. T 5. Sarah Kramer found a job with a major IT company in Washington, after applying to about a hundred and fifteen jobs and going on fifty interviews. FCorrection: Sarah Kramer found a job with a major consulting company in Washington, after applying to about a hundred and fifty jobs and going on fifteen interviews.

Starting out

Audio scriptJob Market—an Extra Hard Test for New College Graduates10 June 2010

This is the VOA Special English Economics Report. June means one more big test for many students finishing college -a test of the job market. Wish them luck. Americans age twenty to twenty-four faced an unemployment rate in May of fourteen and seven-tenths percent. That was five percentage points higher than the national rate.

This week, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said his "best guess" is for a continued economic recovery. But the central bank chief expects unemployment to remain high for some time because of slow job creation. So where does that leave this year's graduates?

Starting out Audio script The National Association of Colleges and Employers全国大学生与雇主协会 says about one-fourth of those who applied for a job have

found one. NACE says that is up a little from last year. But the number is down sharply from two thousand seven, the year before the financial crash. Starting pay is also down. Josh Safran graduated from American University in Washington with a business degree. He is still looking for a job.(JOSH SAFRAN) "Once you get noticed by a company, it gets a lot easier, but it’s so hard to get noticed because there’s so many people looking for so few jobs." One way to get noticed is through an internship program, says Reuben Smith-Vaughn, another graduate of American University.

Starting out Audio script(REUBEN SMITH-VAUGHN

) "I know I personally got my job that way. And the people that worked there before me got their jobs that way. So I think it’s a key when getting a job." Internships may offer little or no money. Some students even pay for them. But NACE says ninety-two percent of the employers it asked had plans to hire interns实习生this year.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook职业展望手册 published by the Labor Department offers job market predictions through twenty eighteen. The highest growth is expected in biomedical engineering. Twenty-two year old Sarah Kramer just got her degree in biomedical engineering from Columbia University in New York. She found a job with a major consulting company in Washington. But her search was not easy.

Starting outAudio script(SARAH KRAMER) "I started in August before my senior year.

And I set up appointments with career services. I applied to about a hundred and fifty jobs. I went on maybe fifteen interviews."

Ms. Kramer says many of her friends have not found jobs. Many have chosen to go to graduate school instead. But she has suggestions for students entering their final year of college who want a job when they graduate.(SARAH KRAMER) "Well, advice for a rising senior is to start early. Take advantage of your career services at your school as much as you can. And don’t give up, and just keep applying to as many jobs as you can.‖

Starting out

Audio scriptJosh Safran says he may have to do what a growing number of recent college graduates are doing. (JOSH SAFRAN) ―Worst-case scenario [si'nɑ:ri u] n. 情景 剧本 , if I

don‘t find a job by the end of August, I move back with my parents."

Reading Focus

Traits of the Key Players

Reading Focus

1 23 4 5 6

Viewing Global Understanding Detailed Information Critical Thinking Language Points Vocabulary in Action

