
更新时间:2023-11-30 12:22:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. my father always ___________(带领)me to the park on weekends. 2. Come on, Danny. I have a piece of good ________(消息)to tell you.

3. If you work hard, you can have many __________(机会) to be successful(成功的)。 4. Helen`s family are going on a _____________(旅行)to Beijing next week. 5. We can see that the books ______ _______ _______(由??制成paper. 6. Xi’an is an ________(古老的citi. We all call it the Walled City. 7. Lucy _______(按the bell but no one answers.

8. We can also _________(享受some beautiful music at the evening party. 9. I will ________(搬家)to Beijing next year. My father works there. 10. They want to try some delicious __________(菜肴)in Shanghai. 11. Look! A ______________(一组) of children are swimming at the pool. 12. The ________(大桥)over the river is about 500metres long. 13. Don’t_________(穿过)the street when the traffic lights are red. 14. The ________(奶酪)sandwich is delicious. I like it very much. 15. I like keeping _______(日记)in my life.

16. On the __________(最后) day of the month, we will have a party. 17. Lyn is new, so she has________(很少的) friends here. 18. Brazil will hold the 31st O in 2016.

19. Liu Ming can play two i —the piano and the guitar. 1、 这个月我们在学校正在学习丝绸之路。

We’re_____ ______ the Silk Road this month _______ school.

2、——我可以问你一个问题吗?________ ________ ask you a question? ——当然可以。__________. 3、 校的信

Here _____ the ______ from my school. 4、 来说这是个好机会。

This is a ______ ________ ________ you.

5、 我会给李明发一封电子邮件告诉他这个好消息。

I ______ ______ Li Ming an e-mail and tell ______ the _______ _________. 6、真令人兴奋!________ _______! 7、将一起沿着丝绸之路旅行。

We will ____ _______ the Silk Road _______.

8——从北京到西安有多远?_____ ________ is it ______BJ _______Xi’an?

——大约1114千米。________ about 1114 kilometres. 9、 我们没有足够的时间把它看完。

But we don’t have _____ ______ ______ _______ it all. 10、 我们的旅行制定的计划发给你。

I ______ _______ you the school’s plan ____ our trip. 11、这些男孩子们没有足够的时间吃饭。

The boys don’t have ______ _______ to have dinner. 12、有一千公里长。

This river is one thousand _______ _______. 13、我爸爸明天上午就会从上海回到家。

My father will _______ _______ ________ from SH tomorrow morning.


Does your mother _______ ______ ______ to work every day. 15、史密斯先生想了解中国的文化。

Mr. Smith wants to learn about the ______ _______ China. 16、欢迎来到西安——围墙之城。

_________ _______ Xi’an —the Walled City. 17、 它大约12千米长,有600多年的历史。

It is about 12 ______ ________ and _______ 600years old. 18、你会在这座古城玩的很开心!

You will ______ _______ _______ _______ ________ here in this ancient city. 19、请跟我一起站在这儿并跟我一起移动。

Please _______ ________ with me and ______ with me. 20、看看那个标志牌,上面写着“禁止拍照”。 Look at the sign,”____ ________!”

21、The tree is more than twenty years old.(改为同义句) The tree is _______ twenty years old..

22、I can ring the bell in the Bell Tower.(对划线部分提问) ______ ________ you ring the bell?

23、We will have a good time at the party.(改为同义句)

We will _______ ________ at the party.


Let’s ______ _______ this street and ______ _______ ______ the traffic lights. 25、这条路将会带我们去黄河。

This road will _______ ________ _______ the Yellow River. 26、它是第一座架设于黄河之上的桥梁。

I t was _______ _______ ________ the Yellow River.

27、——我们可以在雕像前拍照吗?Can we ______ a picture _____ _______ ___ the statue? —— 当然可以!__________!

28、黄河有多长?_______ _______ is the Yellow River? 29、它是丝绸之路上主要的站点之一。

It’s _______ _________ the _______ ________ on the Silk Road.

30、它作为沙漠之城而闻名。It’s _______ ________ the City of Sands. 31、——我可以骑骆驼吗?_______ I ______ _______ ________? ——当然可以!__________!


I ______ ________ it ! We are walking on _______ _______ road _______ Marco Polo. 33、这个人帮丹妮和珍妮上了骆驼。

The man _____ Danny and Jenny _____ the camels. 34、小心!不要从自行车上摔下来。

Be careful! Don’t ______ ______ the bike. 35、这个周末我们去参观颐和园吧!

Let’s ______ _______ _______ to the Summer Palace this weekend! 36、她的裙子的颜色和我的一样。

Her skirt is ______ _______ color _______ mine.

