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1. ____ student with a little common sense should be able to answer the question.

A. Each

B. Any

C. Either C. such fine C. hard C. latter

D. One D. so fine a D. high D. later D. regular D. prior D. lonely D. worthless D. tired D. in D. with D. obliged D. possible D. sparing D. sometimes D. no sooner D. Actually D. late D. hardest D. well

D. was seriously injured D. soon

2. It is a pity that we should stay at home when we have _____ weather.

A. so fine A. large A. late

B. such a fine B. strong B. last

3. Because of the _____ emphasis placed on classroom work, instructor will report your absences to the adviser. 4. In Britain, the best season of the year is probably _____ spring.

5. Free medical treatment in this country covers sickness of mind as well as _____ sickness.

A. normal A. previous A. single A. worthy A. annoyed A. on A. from

B. ordinary B. former B. sole

C. average C. late C. alone

6. As _____ president, his views are treated with respect when he is interviewed. 7. I shall have a companion in the house after all these _____ years. 8. There are several characteristics of the book _____ special attention.

B. worthy of B. worried B. with

C. worth of C. angry C. about C. to

9. I am _____ of your stupid conversation.

10. As a small boy, he was slow _____ learning to read and write.

11. Some plants are so sensitive ____ pollution that they can only survive in a perfectly clean environment.

B. against B. guilty

12. I don not alter the fact that he was the man _____ for the death of the little girl.

A. accounting

A. preferable A. economic A. some time A. no longer A. Almost A. latter

C. responsible C. available C. saving C. some times C. any longer C. Usually C. later

13. There were no tickets _____ for Friday’s performance.

B. considerable B. economical B. sometime B. not more B. properly B. latest B. fully

14. The car is quite ______ of petrol.

15. For ______ he lived in the south of Europe for the sake of his health.

16. When they met again a few years later, they said that they were ______ young. 17. ______ the male are more beautiful than the female in the world of animal.

18. Everyone who went on that trip returned full of tales which were talked about for months _____.

19. One point is that if the assignment is worked out _____, the worker will gain a power that would not be possible otherwise.

A. thoroughly A. correct

C. thorough C. right

20. The patients believe that the doctor knows exactly how to put them _____.

B. straight

21. After the fight, a caretaker found that a young man _____ so he telephoned for an ambulance immediately.

A. was injured seriously A. often

B. was serious injured B. quick

C. seriously injured C. fast 1

22. All too _____ it was time to go back to school after the summer vacation.

23. — How can I get there very fast?

— You will get there _____ if you go by taxi.

A. more faster A. seriously A. easily A. normally A. strongly

B. faster

C. more fast C. badly

D. more fastly D. severely D. properly D. surprisingly D. deeply D. quite certainly D. merely D. the nicest D. much wise

24. I used to smoke _____ but I gave it up three years ago.

B. heavily B. regularly B. obviously B. bitterly

25. My computer hasn’t worked _____ since I dropped it on the floor.

C. quickly C. particularly C. heavily C. very likely C. nearly C. nice

26. Not _____, the process of choosing names varies widely from culture to culture. 27. I found my daughter sitting in the kitchen, crying _______.

28. I think the Red Team will win the final game; it’s _____ that they will.

A. almost surely A. barely A. nicer

B. rather possibly B. hardly B. the nicer B. more wiser

29. It is ______ impossible to find a good educational computer program in this part of the country. 30. I like Betty and Maud, but I think Betty is _____ of the two. 31. He is _____ than diligent.

A. wisest

C. more wise

32. Hot objects emit _____ do cold objects.

A. rays more than infrared B. rays are more infrared A. perfect A. inferior to

B. perfectest

C. more than infrared rays D. more infrared rays than C. most perfect C. inferior to

D. more perfect D. more inferior to D. too less common

33. Whether you agree or not, this was the _____ arrangement for Paul under the circumstances. 34. An assistant manager is _____ a manager in position.

B. inferior than

35. Thunderstorms are ____ in Ireland than in England.

A. very less common A. the higher the price is

B. much less common

C. more less common B. the higher price it is D. higher the price is C. as high as

D. as high to

36. The harder the shrub is to grow, _____.

C. the higher price it would have A. so high as

37. Prices for bikes at that store can run _____ $ 250.

B. so high to

38. Columns may be circular or polygonal in cross section, and are generally at least _____ than they are wide.

A. four times as tall as C. four times tall

B. four times more taller D. four times taller

B. if not the most popular type D. if no more popular type C. as same as

D. the same

39. Track lighting is one of the most popular types, _____ of lighting on the market today.

A. if not most popular type C. if not any more popular type A. the same as

40. Her manner and attitude toward him were quite _____ they had always been.

B. same like

41. The best way to control rats is by seeing that they have as _____.

A. possibly little nourishment

B. nourishment possibly little D. little nourishment as possible

C. little as possibly nourishment

42. — That trumpet player was certainly loud.

— I wasn’t bothered by his loudness _____ by his lack of talent.


A. as

B. so much as B. as much as B. the man’s

C. than

D. rather than D. so many as D. that of man D. ones of their owners D. not more rich

43. The average person loses _____ one hundred hairs per day from the head.

A. so much as A. man

C. as many as

44. Marine reptiles are among the few creatures that are known to have a possible life span greater than _____.

C. the one of man’s C. their owners C. no richer

45. Dogs possess hearing abilities far superior to _____.

A. those of their owners A. not rich

B. that of their owners B. no more rich

46. It’s truth that I don't earn enough money, but you are ____ than I; you can hardly keep body and soul together. 47. College enrollment was 924000 last year. That was ______.

A. more than 22.5 per cent in 1992 C. 22.5 per cent more than in 1992 A. good

B. better

B. 22.5 per cent more than 1992 D. more than 22.5 per cent that in 1992 C. goodest C. very fewer

D. best D. too fewer

48. One of the _____ parts of the trip was meeting some wonderful people.

49. There are _____ custom tailors and dressmakers in the US than in European countries.

A. so fewer

B. far fewer

【答案】1—5 BCBAB 【PART TWO】

1. Yesterday I was walking downstairs when I missed my foot and had a bad fall, nothing serious, _____.

A. even

B. either

C. then

D. though

D. four times as large

2. After the new reform, the output of the paper mill is now _____ as it was in 2002.

A. three times as high

B. twice as big

C. as twice many

3. — what do you think of this matter?

— This is a matter of _____ importance I think.

A. especial

B. fairly

C. rather

D. special

4. — You keep on coughing. What’s the matter? — Oh, I’ve got a cold. Nothing serious, _____.

A. yet

B. indeed

C. though

D. anyway

5. — Could you mail these letters for me, please?

— ____ letters? Your friends are going to be very happy to hear from you again!

A. What

B. Some

C. More

D. Different

6. — Could you _____ take care of my dog while I ‘m away? — Sure. Leave it to me, please.

A. perhaps A. books than A. good

B. possibly

C. maybe

D. probably D. many books as D. bit D. really D. died

D. as expensive as

7. We have a big library in our school. There are more than twice ____ five years ago.

B. as many books as B. best

C. many more books than C. better

8. That’s my idea. Can you think of a _____ one?

9. The young lady failed the driving-test _____ because she was a bit careless while turning round the corner.

A. simply A. half dead A. as many as

B. easily B. deadly B. as much as

C. hardly C. dying

10. He was lying in the hospital _____, with his ribs broken.

11. The suit just costs less than 100 yuan, but I bought it for _____ 300.

C. as high as 3

6—10 BDBDD 11—15 CCCBA 16—20 ACCAC 21—25 DDBBD 26—30 DBCCB

31—35 CDAAB 36—40 ACDBA 41—45 DBCDA 46—49 CCDB

12. — It’s six o’clock and your father is still at the office. — I know. Who else would _____ he does?

A. be as hard working as

B. be working harder than C. do harder work than

D. work as hard as

13. — Are you satisfied with what she has done? — Not at all. It couldn’t be ______.

A. so bad

B. any worse

C. much better

D. the best

14. — ______ do we have to go? — Just one more mile.

A. how farther

B. How long

C. How far

D. How much farther

15. — That kind of computer is very expensive. — I’ll buy one, ______.

A. as well

B. though

C. then

D. instead

16. — Are you satisfied with what the captain explained? — Not at all. It couldn’t have been _____.

A. so bad

B. the worst

C. a little bad

D. worse

17. — Do you regret paying ten dollars for that book? — No, I would _____ have paid twice as much.

A. certainly

B. gladly

C. hardly

D. ready

18. — Why didn’t you go to the cinema last night? — It was something _____ interesting.

A. far less

B. more or less

C. much more

D. as much as

19. — The cake is delicious.

— Well, at least it is _____ the one baked last week.

A. as bad as

B. no worse than B. too small a car

C. no better than C. a too small car

D. not better than D. such a small car

20. Peter won’t drive us to the station. He has _____ to take us all.

A. a very small car

21. — He isn’t particular about his food. — Yes, he eats _____ anything.

A. nearly A. possible

B. mostly B. probable

C. almost C. likely

D. possibly D. surely

22. People are encouraged to speak openly, but careless remarks are ____ to hurt others’ feelings. 23. — Did all of the boys go to the cinema?

— No. They _____ went to the internet bar instead.

A. almost

B. mostly B. to nowhere

C. never

D. nearly D. nowhere

24. As it has seat at the back and a basket at the front, I can take my small daughter to school, to the library, shopping ____ in fact.

A. to anywhere

C. anywhere

25. — _____ did you sleep last night? — I sat up reading too late to fall asleep.

A. How long A. complete

B. When B. entire

C. How soon C. through

D. How D. perfect

26. Our school has the ____ writings of William Shakespeare. 27. — The boy is gaining weight recently.

— I’m afraid so. He always has a great deal more, chocolate and sweets, for example, ____ is necessary.

A. that

B. where

C. what

D. than

28. He lost all his money, but _____, he was regarded as the thief.


A. worse was followed A. Where; discovering A. twice his age A. though

B. worse followed B. When; to find

C. worst followed

D. worst was followed D. How; to discover

29. _____ the hidden gun was needed ______.

C. How much; finding

30. The five-year-old boy often says what children _____ will say.

B. twice as old as his age B. unless

C. twice older than his age D. twice age more than his C. therefore

D. either

31. It’s true that the old road is less direct and a bit longer. We don’t take the new one, ____, because we don’t feel safe on it. 32. As a matter of fact, this is just as ______.

A. an example as the other example is good C. good example as the other A. twice as big as

B. a good example as the other D. good an example as the other C. as twice big as

D. the twice size of

33. The science lab being built in our school is _____ the former one.

B. twice more bigger than

【答案】 1—5 DAACC

6—10 BBCAA 11—15 BDBDB 16—20 DBABB 21—25 CCBCD 26—30 ADBAA 31—33 ADA


1. This _____ girl is Linda’s cousin.

A. pretty little Spanish A. convenient A. anxious A. larger

B. Spanish little pretty B. fair

C. Spanish pretty little C. easy C. weak

D. little pretty Spanish D. comfortable D. patient D. a large

D. as wide as not half

2. If it is quite ____ to you, I will visit you next Tuesday.

3. My mother always gets a bit _____ if we don’t arrive when we say we will.

B. ashamed B. a larger

4. Mr. Smith owns _____ collection of coins than anyone else I have ever met.

C. the larger

5. What a table! I’ve never seen such a thing before. It is _____ it is long.

A. half not as wide as

B. wide not as half as

C. not half as wide as

6. — Why didn’t you buy the camera you had longed for? — I had planned to, but I was $ 50 _____.

A. fewer

B. less

C. cheap

D. short

7. A rough estimate, Nigeria is ____ Great Britain.

A. three times the size as example.

A. effective A. the most A. the best

B. individual B. more B. better

C. inevitable C. worse C. the most

D. unfavorable D. the least D. more

9. David has won the first prize in singing; he is still very excited now and feels ___ desire to go to bed. 10. Bob ran the 100 meters in 9.91 seconds, and I have not seen _____ this year. 11. — Have you been to New Zealand? — No. I’d like to, _____.

A. too

B. though

C. yet

D. either

12. — Must I turn off the gas after cooking?

— Of course. You can never be _____ careful with that.

A. enough A. eventually

B. too

C. so

D. very D. purposefully

13. There was such a long queue for coffee at the interval that we _____ gave up.

B. unfortunately

C. generously 5

B. the size three times of

C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of

8. At times, worrying is a normal, ____ response to a difficult event or situation — a loved one being injured in an accident, for

14. — How is everything going on with you in Europe? — Quite well. Not so smooth as I hoped ______.

A. though A. very

B. instead B. far

C. either C. more

D. too D. still D. As usual

D. a little more sad than D. just

D. all his half income D. hardly D. very D. largely D. at all D. many more D. German large white D. As a result

15. John is very lazy. He falls ______ behind in his studies.

16. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. ____, she is a great musician.

A. After all

B. As a result

C. In other words

17. Lizzie ____ to see her friend off at the airport.

A. a little more than sad A. yet

B. more than a little sad B. even

C. sad more than a little C. rather

18. If you can’t come tomorrow, we’ll ____ have to hold the meeting next week. 19. The husband gave his wife ____ every month in order to please her.

A. all half his income A. no A. such

B. his half all income B. such B. that B. very

C. half his all income C. nearly C. more

20. It is _____ any wonder that his friend doesn’t like watching television much.

21. Sometimes it was a bit boring to work there because there wasn’t always ____ much to do. 22. The great success of this program has been ____ due to the support given by the local businessmen.

A. rather A. in all

C. quickly C. after all

23. I’d like to buy a house — modern, comfortable, and ___ in a quiet neighborhood.

B. above all B. much more

24. The number of people present at the concert was ____ than expected. There were many tickets left.

A. much smaller

C. much larger

25. John Smith, a successful businessman, has a _____ car.

A. large German white A. At last

B. large white German B. In fact

C. white large German C. In a word

26. The winter of 1990 was extremely bad. _____ most people say it was the worst winter of their lives. 27. _____ students are required to take part in the boat race.

A. Ten strong young Chinese C. Chinese ten young strong A. little white wooden A. careful

B. Ten Chinese strong young D. Young strong ten Chinese C. white wooden little C. effective C. In time C. the heavier

D. wooden white little D. acceptable D. Besides D. the heaviest D. much fluently than D. initial D. formally

28. The _____ house smell as if it hasn’t been lived in for years.

B. little wooden white B. practical B. Still

29. When we plan our vacation, mother often offers ____ suggestions.

30. I don't mind picking up your things from the store. _____, the walk will do me good.

A. Sooner later A. heavier A. as fluent as A. traditional

31. Mary kept weighing herself to see how much ____ she was getting.

B. heavy

32. He speaks English well indeed, but of course not _____ a native speaker.

B. more fluent than B. historic

C. so fluently as C. remote C. obviously

33. In ____ Chinese culture, marriage decisions were often made by parents for their children.

34. Most people on this island are recreational fishers, and ____, fishing forms an actual part of their leisure time.

A. accidentally

B. purposefully

35. I must be getting fat — I can _____ do my trousers up.


A. fairly

B. hardly B. heavily B. only

C. nearly C. badly C. even C. best

D. seldom D. hardly D. yet D. worst

36. Mr. Smith used to smoke ___ but he has given it up.

A. seriously A. but

37. Everyone was on time for the meeting — ____ Chris, who’s usually ten minutes late for everything. 38. That doesn’t sound very frightening, Paul. I’ve seen ____. What did you like most of the film.

A. better

B. worse

39. — You don’t look very ____. Are you ill? — No, I’m just a bit tired.

A. good

B. well

C. strong

D. healthy D. tiring; boring D. 800 meters length D. important

40. Mr. Smith, ____ of the _____ speech, started to read a novel.

A. tired; boring A. 800-meter-long A. present

B. tiring; bored B. 800-meters-long B. thankful

C. tired; bored C. 800 meter length C. interested

41. Many students signed up for the ____ race in the sports meeting to the held next week. 42. All the people _____ at the party were his supporters.

43. — I’m very ____ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. — Mm, it does have a _____ smell.

A. pleasant; pleased A. no such A. ordinary A. another

B. pleased; pleased B. no a B. easy B. other

C. pleasant; pleasant C. not such C. smart C. more

D. pleased; pleasant D. no such a D. simple D. each

44. As I know, there is _____ car in this neighborhood.

45. I am surprised that you should have been fooled by such a _____ trick. 46. If you want to change for a double room you’ll have to pay _____ $ 15.

47. — I was riding along the street and all of a sudden, a car cut in and knocked me down. — You can never be ____ careful in the street.

A. much A. close

B. very

C. so

D. too D. closing D. Naturally D. especially D. as many as D. the highest

D. more than twice as many D. as much an art as D. most

48. It was raining heavily. Little Mary left cold, so she stood _____ to her mother.

B. closely B. Luckily B. naturally B. as soon as B. a higher

C. closed

49. Two middle-aged passengers fell into dead sea. _____, neither of them could swim.

A. In fact A. extremely A. as long as A. a high

C. Unfortunately C. basically C. as much as C. the higher

50. It’s always difficult being in a foreign country, _____ if you don’t speak the language.

51. After supper she would sit down by the fire, sometimes for ____ an hour, thinking of her young and happy days. 52. Boris has brains. In fact, I doubt whether anyone in the class has _____ IQ. 53. Americans eat _____ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice A. an art much as A. more

B. as twice as many B. much an art as B. much

C. twice as many as C. as an art much as C. many

54. It is general believed that teaching is _____ it is a science.

55. Many people have helped with canned food, however, the food bank needs ____ for the poor. 56. In that case, there is nothing you can do ____ than wait.


A. more

B. other

C. better

D. any D. a little far D. the largest

57. You’re standing too near the camera. Can you move _____?

A. a bit far

B. a little farther B. that is the largest

C. a bit of farther C. is the largest

58. Greenland, _____ island in the world, covers over two million square kilometers.

A. it is the largest

59. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _____.

A. the more for life are you equipped C. the more life you are equipped for A. our holiday will be better C. the better our holiday will be

B. the more equipped for life you are D. you are equipped the more for life B. our holiday will be the better D. the better will our holiday be

60. In recent years travel companies have succeeded in selling us the idea that the future we go, _____.

【答案】 1—5 AAABC

6—10 DCCDB 11—15 BBAAB 16—20 ABDAD 21—25 BDBAB 26—30 BAABD 31—35 ACACB

36—40 BCBBA 41—45 AADAD 46—50 ADACD 51—55 ABDDA 56—60 BBDBC


