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Particularity about chinese-foreign university students' psychological problems and countermeasures research. In

both Chinese and English


Yanbian university of science and technology college is a sino-foreign cooperation university, the student psychological problems present particularity, mainly has: the former junior relationships, causes students to isolation and depression and other psychological doubts; Multicultural blend increased workloads, causes students to tire of study psychological state; Difficulties and family setbacks in life, leading to low self-esteem and jealousy, psychological misconceptions; Choosing a psychological misconceptions, causes students to disillusionment, poor self-esteem and other psychological conflict.


【 key words 】 chinese-foreign university; Humanistic environment; Psychological problem particularity; Countermeasure research


Psychology dinking hae-chan Mr Said: \being's main psychological adaptation is the adaptation of interpersonal relationship. Therefore, the human mental sickness is mainly due to the imbalance in the relationship.\Interpersonal relationship problems, schoolwork burden is overweight, setbacks in life, choosing a career on the psychological erroneous zone and so on are main factors lead to college students' mental barriers. The so-called psychological problem, is recent, the content is limited and has not yet been generalization, reaction intensity is less intense, temporarily unable to seriously affect the logic of thinking, psychological discomfort. With the deepening of the reform and opening up, people's economic life, values, ways of thinking, interpersonal relationship tends to diversification, that is in the maturity and not fully mature stage of the university students to explore constantly thinking, selecting, and, to produce different psychological problems.


1 中外合作大学学生心理问题的特殊性及原因

1 the particularity of chinese-foreign university students' psychological problems and the reasons

作为中外合作大学,延边大学科技学院具有优质教育资源和办学理念。除政治课教师和学生管理部门外,大部分是外教。来自韩国等十多个国家的不同肤色、不同种族的外籍教师,任职于教学和行政一线,管理模式和教学方法倾向国外大学。前后辈学生关系、多元文化的 As a sino-foreign cooperation university, yanbian university college of science and technology has a high quality education resources and education philosophy. In addition to the political lesson teacher and the student management department, mostly foreign teachers. From more than 10 countries such as South Korea's foreign teachers of different color, different RACES, in the teaching and administrative, management mode and teaching methods tend to foreign universities. Junior students before relationship, multicultural


Blend with each other, different national teacher of the differences in ideology and faith, to some extent, affects the student, make their psychological state also presented certain features, mainly displays in the following aspects:

1.1 前后辈人际关系,导致学生自我封闭和压抑等心理疑虑。

1.1 before junior relationships, causes students to isolation and depression and other psychological doubts.


Contemporary college students social communication line to the first, as a result, communication difficulties has become the primary factor of caused college students' mental problems. College students have a strong sense of communication, the desire for more and more people can understand and close to yourself, be your good friend. However, like the chinese-foreign cooperation in yanbian university institute of science and technology university, has a relatively strong family of color, especially pay attention to relations between former junior students. Not only at school, and in the bedroom, both in the group, or in various club, before have no successors. Plus because college break the boundaries of professional and grade, let different professional, different grade students live in a dormitory, have different culture, different mentality and mode of thinking, a former junior relationship continue.

1.2 多元文化的交融增加课业负担,导致学生厌倦学习等心理症状。

1.2 multicultural blend increased workloads, causes students to tire of study psychological symptoms.





Yanbian university college of science and technology as a sino-foreign cooperation university, with a variety of language teaching, professor curriculum decision, the open teaching, etc. Teacher's teaching language from the world more than 10 countries mainly adopt Korean, Chinese and English, one of the most commonly used is Korean and English. Every class have Korean nationality and han nationality and other minority students and Korean students need to learn in a year within 6 years after the other students has learned English courses, the han nationality students need must learn Korean well within a year, only such ability is qualified from the second grade began to learn professional class, otherwise will continue to learn Korean, until qualified. Different nationality students of the language barrier and too much foreign language student lift shoulder to burden, and lead to a powerful psychological burden, make them feel at sea, disappointment, inferiority complex, anxiety and so on.

1.3 生活上的困难和家庭挫折,导致自卑和嫉妒心等心理误区。

1.3 difficulties and family setbacks in life, leading to low self-esteem and jealousy psychological misconceptions.


Yanbian university of science and technology college of sino-foreign cooperative, nationality university, with most of Korean students. In yanbian area as the center of the Korean community in agriculture as the main industry of economy owes the developed area, per capita income below the national average. So the poor college students is more science and technology. With the deepening of the reform and opening up, the Korean using dual cultural advantage in and out of home and abroad, according to concerning sectional statistic, the national more than 200 Korean, working in a foreign country for a long time (more than 40 m, in the domestic big cities staff working for more than 50 m. Many students see their parents for a long time, or the breakup of families due to the long-term separation of parents, don't feel the warmth of family. Family environment changes and live in poverty, with students between the different levels of consumption, the psychology bearing capacity is low, with poor ability to resist setback, can lead to pain, anxiety, worry, inferiority, disappointed, even produce the adverse psychological problems such as envy.

1.4 陷入虚拟的网络世界,导致学生脱离现实生活、迷失方向等心理疾病。

1.4 into a virtual world, leading to students from the real life, lost direction of mental illness. 随着科技的发展,大学生早已进入一个全新的网络社会。由于延边大学科技学院是中外合办大学,当国内兄弟大学学生还不够明白网络的时候,这个学院每一个学生寝室里都有网




With the development of science and technology, college students are already entered into a new social network. Because of yanbian university college is a sino-foreign joint university of science and technology, when domestic brothers university students is not enough to understand network time, the college each student bedroom has a network. Students obtain new knowledge through the network, and in the spiritual enjoyment and satisfaction, however, this kind of satisfaction or enjoyment is often is abstract, not true. Some students because of indulging in the virtual network world, often through online life to hide from the reality life. This \alienation phenomenon alienating them the direct link with reality and the intimate relationship between people, brought a feeling of lost, is difficult to find in real life network world of self. As a chinese-foreign cooperatively-run school, international college to open networks allow within the scope of the maximization, make students get more knowledge at the same time, also can't avoid to devour the network to the student thought.

1.5 择业上的心理误区,导致学生理想破灭、自信心不足等心理冲突。

1.5 employment psychological misconceptions, causes students to disillusionment, poor self-esteem and other psychological conflict.


In the long run under the system of market economy, the chinese-foreign university professor of foreign and domestic companies have extensive ties, it is for the college students of science and technology provides the advantage of choosing a career. Therefore, for a long time, the school has been basically keeps 100% of the employment. This leads to chinese-foreign university students compared to other sister universities students have stronger sense of superiority. At the same time, it leads to students when choosing a career is often aimed high, the problem of high expectations. Enhanced self-awareness is a striking feature of the modern college students, and the realization of self value is the goal of their yearning and pursuit. Some students, however, one-sided pursuit of the so-called \choosing a career. But, as the global financial crisis, foreign investment, joint venture, a large number of workers or even closing their doors, or reduce employment, narrow face problems or employment. In the face of sudden difficult employment situation, students suddenly burst, the superiority in the pursuit of self-realization and runs counter to reality produce psychological conflict. Some students lose confidence, modesty, depression, emotional indifference, numbness



will mind.


Yanbian university of science and technology college students special reasons for psychological problems, in addition to the above-mentioned reasons, as well as other colleges and universities students, also has universality, namely, its own reasons, social reasons, family reasons, the school reason. Students themselves are the main reasons why the values of utilitarian and practical tendency; The school's emphasis on students' psychological aspects are the main reasons why, backward methods of work.

2 针对性地预防和解决心理问题的对策

2 targeted prevention and countermeasures to solve the problem of psychology


Students' psychological problem if not timely adjust, it will cause a series of physiological and psychological reaction, serious can lead to different degrees of mental illness or mental disorder. So should cause enough attention and take effective methods, make students psychological balance as quickly as possible. As a sino-foreign cooperation university, college of science and technology have long focused on students' mental health education and consulting work, and open a psychological consulting room, survey students' psychological problems, psychological counseling, guidance and communication and self-expression art.


Attaches great importance to and strengthen college students' mental health education, and to develop excellent psychological quality, is the need of talent cultivating cross-century construction. According to the characteristics of the college students of science and technology, the prevention and the main countermeasures are: to solve the problem of college students' mental 2.1 把心理教育课程纳入正常教学计划,全面普及心理教育。

2.1 the psychological education curriculum in normal teaching plan, universal access to psychological education.

大学生需要通过系统地学习并掌握心理学知识,以了解自身心理发展变化的规律与特点,正确评价自我,提高心理素质,促进心理素质优化。作为与国际接轨的中外合作大学,延大科技学院已经开设 “人际关系和精神健康”、“职业与心理学”、“现代社会与人类心理”、“生活与心理学”以及“现代社会与人际关系”等课程,对学生进行心理学指导。但这些课程都只是选修课,选课的学生很少。学校应该从国外聘请优秀的心理学教授,设定心理健康教育必修课,针对性的进行心理学辅导,使学生丰富这方面的2.2 加大心理咨询部门的职能,开展多渠道心理教育。



College students need to study and master the psychology knowledge, through the system in order to understand their own laws and characteristics of psychological development and changes, to evaluate themselves correctly, improve psychological quality, promote the psychological quality optimization. As in line with international standards of Chinese and foreign university cooperation, drawing big science and technology college has set up a \relationship and mental health\psychology\and \social and interpersonal relations\courses, undertake to the student psychology guidance. But these courses are optional, very few students' course selection. Schools should employ excellent from abroad, professor of psychology, set compulsory course for mental health education, pertinence of psychological counseling, enrich the students of this 2.2 increasing the function of psychological counseling department, to carry out psychological education through various channels.


Psychological clinics should be composed of psychological consultants a functional departments, to become school students a comprehensive understanding of the psychological condition, carries on the psychological quality education is an important part of, become a psychological disease prevention and control, to optimize the psychological quality the important function of organization. The school to ensure the establishment, funding, site. Psychological consulting room to use multiple channels to conduct propaganda activities, through psychological, psychological health lecture, the subject report, psychological salon mutual Angle and set up psychological counseling box, open the hotline, websites such as propaganda, open mind popularize mental health knowledge; For students' mental health evaluation, so that a comprehensive understanding of college students' mental health, take timely measures to adjust the college students' mental problems.

2.3 组织学生心理社团,倡导学生自我心理疏通。

2.3 organizing students' psychological association, advocate students self psychological dredge. 建立“健康自己,关爱他人”为宗旨的大学生心理社团。它应该是在心理咨询老师的指导下学生自发组织的专业性较强的团体,应该具有特殊性。具有共同心理问题的学生可以通过心理社团活动相互进行交流,共同解决存在问题。感化和引导一些性格孤僻、自卑内向、有心理障碍的学生。大学生心理社团是校园文化的一个重要组成部分,在一定程度上可以预防和解决大学生心理上的问题。

To establish \It should be under the guidance of psychological consultation teacher the students organize a professional strong groups, should have the particularity. Has the common psychological problems of students can communicate through mental activities mutually, common to solve the problems. Some withdrawn character and influence and guidance of inferiority introverted, students with psychological disorders. College students' mental associations is an important part of campus culture, to a certain extent, can prevent and solve the college students' psychological problems. 2.4 心理健康教育与思想政治教育相结合,齐抓共管,相得益彰。



2.4 the mental health education combined with ideological and political education, manages concertedly, bring out the best in each other.


Mental health education and the educational work of ideological and political education as two carrier, with the inevitable connection and difference. Ideological and political education focuses on cultivating students' world outlook, the outlook on life, values and morality, psychological health education focuses on improve personal physical and mental health. In actual work, both must be closely combined, and grasp their priorities. Follows the laws of college students' ideological understanding development and mental health law of development, understanding of those ideas and mental problem of intertwined contradiction, want to apply the psychological rehabilitation means to eliminate the psychological barrier, coupled with the thought guiding, which overcome the unhealthy psychological. Enhance the effectiveness of psychological education, to improve students' mental health level. Full-time workers to training of psychological education and ideological and political work consulting knowledge and skills; Personnel engaged in psychological education and consulting and training in ideological and political work knowledge and skills.

2.5 加强学校与家长的沟通,为学生提供良好的家庭育人环境。

2.5 strengthen communication between school and parents, a good family education environment for students.


Yanbian university of science and technology college student management implements the counselor teacher and foreign supervising professor to catch condominium dual management model. School according to the two channels than parents communication, group visits, door-to-door guidance, informed the students at the same time, to mental health education of parents, the parents change ideas, create a conducive to the development of mental health for the child's family environment, let parents treat children with healthy attitude, education child.


Contemporary college students are the backbone of the 21st century and the 21st century needs high quality talents. University of chinese-foreign cooperation in running schools as education development of new products, to provide good professional technology education environment of college students at the same time, strengthen the education of psychological health of college



students, make them have a happy state of mind, the harmonious interpersonal relationship, a correct concept of self, healthy personality, have the courage to face setbacks, maintain a healthy and harmonization of social psychology, so as to cultivate a generation after generation, intelligence and physique full scale development the international talents.


