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File .................................................................................................................................................... 1 Edit .................................................................................................................................................... 4 View .................................................................................................................................................. 6 Add .................................................................................................................................................... 7 Display .............................................................................................................................................. 8 Setup ................................................................................................................................................. 9 Layout ............................................................................................................................................. 11 Void ................................................................................................................................................. 12 Shape ............................................................................................................................................... 12 Logic ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Place ................................................................................................................................................ 14 Route ............................................................................................................................................... 16 Analyze ........................................................................................................................................... 17 Manufacture .................................................................................................................................... 19 Tools ................................................................................................................................................ 21 Help ................................................................................................................................................. 22 如何设置allegro的快捷键 ............................................................................................................ 23


File-New new

File-Open open

File-Save save

File-Save As save_as

File-Create Symbol

create symbol (in Symbol Editor only)


netin param

File-Import-Artwork load photoplot

File-Import-Stream load stream

File-Import-IPF load plot

File-Import-DXF dxf in

File-Import-IDF idf in

File-Import- IFF iff in

File-Import-SPECCTRA specctra in

File-Import-Redac redac in

File-Import-Visula visula in

File-Import-PADS pads in

File-Import-PCAD pcad in

File-Import-Sub-Drawing clppaste

File-Import-Techfile techfile in

File-Import-Active Times signal atimes

File-Import-Placement plctxt in

File-Annotations annotation in

File-Export-Logic feedback

File-Export-Netlist w/Properties netout

File-Export-IPF create plot

File-Export-DXF dxf out

File-Export-IDF idf out

File-Export-SPECCTRA specctra_out

File-Export-Sub-Drawing clpcopy

File-Export-Libraries dlib

File-Export-Techfile techfile out

File-Export-Placement plctxt out

File-Export-Annotations annotation out

File-Export-IPC 356 ipc356 out

File-Export-Valor ODB ++ inside odb_out

File-Export-Save design to 14.0 downrev

File-Viewlog viewlog

File-File Viewer

No corresponding command

File-Plot Setup plot setup

File-Plot Preview (Windows NT only) plot preview

File-Plot plot

File-Properties file_property

File-Change Editor toolswap

File-Script script

File-Exit exit


Edit-Move move



Edit-Mirror mirror

Edit-Spin spin

Edit-Change change

Edit-Delete delete

Edit-Shape shape edit

Edit-Z-Copy zcopy shape

Edit-Delete Unconnected Shapes delete unconnected

Edit-Split Plane-Parameters split plane params

Edit-Split Plane-Create split plane create

Edit-Split Plane-Locate Islands locate islands

Edit-Compose Shape compose shape

Edit-Decompose Shape decompose shape

Edit-Vertex vertex

Edit-Delete Vertex delete vertex

Edit-Boundary (Shape editor only) boundary

Edit-Change Net (Pick) (Shape editor only) changenet pick

Edit-Change Net (Name) (Shape editor only) changenet name

Edit-Text text edit

Edit-Chamfer (in Designer and Studio series) draft chamfer

Edit-Fillet (in Designer and Studio series) draft fillet

Edit-Groups groupedit

Edit-Properties property edit


View-Zoom By Points zoom points

View-Zoom Fit zoom fit

View-Zoom In zoom in

View-Zoom Out zoom out

View-Zoom World zoom center

View-Zoom Center zoom center

View-Zoom Previous zoom previous

View-Color View Save colorview create

View-Color View Restore Last colorview restore


No corresponding command

View-Customization-Display display param

View-Customization-Toolbar No corresponding command


Add-Line add line

Add-Arc w/Radius add rarc

Add-3pt Arc add arc


add circle

Add-Rectangle add rect

Add-Frectangle add frect

Add-Text add text

Add-Shapes-Solid Fill add fshape

Add-Shapes-Unfilled add ufshape

Add-Shapes-Cross Hatch Fill add xshape


Display-Color/Visibility color

Display-Color Priority color priority

Display-Element show element

Display-Measure show measure

Display-Parasitic show parasitic

Display-Property show property

Display-Highlight hilight

Display-Dehighlight dehilight

Display-Show Rats-All rats all

Display-Show Rats-Components rats component

Display-Show Rats-Net rats net

Display-Blank Rats-All unrats all

Display-Blank Rats-Components unrats component

Display-Blank Rats-Nets unrats net


Setup-Drawing Size drawing param

Setup-Drawing Options status

Setup-Text Sizes define text

Setup-Grids define grid

Setup-Subclasses define subclass

Setup-Cross-section define xsection

Setup-Vias-Define B/B Via define bbvia

Setup-Vias-Auto Define B/B Via auto define bbvia

Setup-Constraints cns

Setup-Electrical Constraint Spreadsheet cmgr

Setup-Property Definitions define property

Setup-Define Lists define list

Setup-Areas-Package Keepin keepin package

Setup-Areas-Package Keepout keepout package

Setup-Areas-Package Height package_height

Setup-Areas-Route Keepin keepin router

Setup-Areas-Route Keepout keepout router

Setup-Areas-Via Keepout

keepout via

Setup-Areas-Probe Keepout keepout probe

Setup-Areas-Gloss Keepout keepout gloss

Setup-Areas-Photoplot Outline keepin photo

Setup-User Preferences env editor


Layout menu selections are available only in the Symbol Editor

Layout-Pins add pin

Layout-Connections add connect

Layout-Slide slide

Layout-Labels-RefDes label refdes

Layout-Labels-Device label device

Layout-Labels-Value label value


label tolerance

Layout-Labels-Part Number label part


Void menu selections are available only in the Shape Editor

Void-Shape void shape

Void-Circle void circle

Void-Element void element

Void-Auto void all


Shape menu selections are available only in the Shape Editor

Shape-Parameters shape param


shape check

Shape-Fill shape fill


Logic-Net Logic net logic

Logic-Net Schedule net schedule

Logic-Assign Differential Pair diff pairs

Logic-Identify DC Nets identify nets

Logic-Assign RefDes assign refdes

Logic-Auto Rename RefDes-Rename rename param

Logic-Auto Rename RefDes-Design rename area design

Logic-Auto Rename RefDes-Room rename area room

Logic-Auto Rename RefDes-Window rename area window

Logic-Auto Rename RefDes-List rename area list

Logic-Change Parts partedit

Logic-Terminator Assignment ecl param


Place-Manually place manual

Place-Quickplace quickplace

Place-SPECCTRA specctra

Place-Autoplace-Insight place insight

Place-Autoplace-Parameters place param

Place-Autoplace-Top Grids place set topgrid

Place-Autoplace-Bottom Grids place set bottomgrid

Place-Autoplace-Design place area design

Place-Autoplace-Room place area room

Place-Autoplace-Window place area window

Place-Autoplace-List place area list

Place-Interactive place interactive

Place-Swap-Pins swap pins

Place-Swap-Functions swap functions

Place-Swap-Components swap components

Place-Autoswap-Parameters swap param

Place-Autoswap-Design swap area design

Place-Autoswap-Room swap area room

Place-Autoswap-Window swap area window

Place-Autoswap-List swap area list

Place-Evaluate-Parameters eval param

Place-Evaluate-Design eval area design

Place-Evaluate-Room eval area room

Place-Evaluate-Window eval area window


alias Pgup zoom in


alias ~R angle 90(旋转90 度)

alias ~F mirror(激活镜相命令)

alias ~Z next(执行下一步命令)

alias End redisplay(刷新屏幕)

alias Del Delete(激活删除命令)

alias Home Zoom fit(全屏显示)

alias Insert Define grid(设置栅格)



命令基本上包含了大部分的菜单命令。下面列举几个常用的键盘命令。 1、x 100:Y 坐标不变,X方向移动100 个单位值(以设定的原点为参考点) 2、y 100:X 坐标不变,Y方向移动100 个单位值 3、x 100 100:移动到(100,100)坐标处 pick 命令与上面的x 或y 命令功能相同,只是在执行pick 命令时会弹出一个窗口,输入想要的

坐标值就可以,与上面相对应,pick 命令也提供三种模式:pick 、pickx 和picky 。4、mirror :激活镜相命令(本命令是先激活,后选择要镜相的对象)。5、rotate :激活旋转命令(本操作要先选取对象,后执行该命令)6、angle 90: 旋转90 度(本操作要先选取对象,后执行该命令) 二、常用快捷键alias F2 done :结束当前命令alias F3 oops :取消前一次操作alias F4 cancel :取消当前命令alias F5 show element :激活“属性显示”命令alias F6 add connect :执行布线命令alias F7 vertex :激活“增加倒角”命令alias F8 zoom points :点取放大alias F9 zoom fit :满屏显示alias F10 zoom in :放大窗口alias F11 zoom out :缩小窗口alias F12 property edit :激活“属性编辑”命令funckey + subclass -+ :切换到下一层funckey - subclass --:切换到上一层.

# F1 is normally reserved by the system for Help so we don't use it alias F12 toggle alias F11 zoom out

alias F10 zoom in alias F9 add connect alias F8 oops alias F7 cancel

alias F6 property edit alias F5 show element alias F4 pop swap

alias F3 set acon_oldcmd alias F2 unset acon_oldcmd alias Del slide

alias Insert custom smooth alias Home zoom fit alias End redisplay alias Pgup rotate alias Pgdown move alias ~N new alias ~O open alias ~S save alias ~X cup

alias ~G Define grid alias ~R show measure alias ~L mirror alias ~A save_as alias ~E change

funckey + subclass -+ funckey - subclass --

#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Script Aliases Description

#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- alias g.1 \ # sets grid to 0.1 mil alias g.3225 \alias g.532 \alias g.25 \

#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # OTHER ALIASES alias edps padedit

alias rps \alias unplrp report unplaced alias x pick alias y pick l alias ix ipick alias iy ipick 0

alias reopen 'open -q $module'

# autoroam

alias sar set pcb_autoroam alias uar unset pcb_autoroam

alias reopen 'open -q $module'

alias bubset 'settoggle shove_mode Off \$shove_mode' alias ~B bubset

alias smoothset 'settoggle smooth_mode Off Minimal Full; options smooth_level $smooth_mode' alias ~C smoothset

#-------------------------------------------------------------------- # COMMAND DEFAULTS

# allow slide to work on arcs by default set slide_arcs

# Compatibility aliases alias window zoom alias hilite hilight alias dehilite dehilight alias pickx pick alias picky pick l alias ipickx ipick alias ipicky ipick 0

source -q $ALLEGRO_SITE/site.env ### User Preferences section

### This section is computer generated.

### Please do not modify to the end of the file. ### Place your hand edits above this section. ###

set autosave_time = 10 set autosave

set scriptpath = C:\\pcbenv\\scripts set clippath = .

set devpath = F:\\work\\cadence\\allegro\\lib\\devices\\ set padpath = F:\\work\\cadence\\allegro\\lib\\pad\\

set psmpath = F:\\work\\cadence\\allegro\\lib\\symbols\\ set display_nodynamicarcwidth set display_nohilitefont unset display_nolinewidth

unset display_noskeletal_draw unset bug_solaris_hlt_lines set display_nocolor_dynamics unset display_raster_ops

set display_backingstore = on

set display_nosaved_geometry = size set display_manual_colorpriority unset display_drcfill set gloss_pad_shape unset no_dynamic_zoom set no_zoom_to_object set no_dragpopup set noswapripup

set logic_edit_enabled unset no_shape_fill set new_shape_fill_nt set pcb_cursor = infinite


protel老手 初学allegro自定义的一些类protel快捷键




funckey mm move 移动物体 funckey xa dehilight 取消点亮 funckey sn hilight 点亮

funckey l mirror 镜像放置物体 funckey g Define grid 定义栅格

funckey pl add line 画线(非连接线) funckey pt add connect 画连接线 funckey ps add text 添加字符 funckey tp color 定义颜色 alias Pgdown zoom out alias Pgup zoom in

alias Space angle 90 无效???

alias ~Z oops 上一步 alias End redisplay alias Del Delete alias Home Zoom fit alias Esc cancel

funckey rm show measure 显示距离 funckey dk define xsection 定义叠层结构

都是针对protel中习惯的快捷键定义的,还有很多没有定义,例如隐藏所有鼠线 nha,但是不知道cadence中隐藏所有鼠线的文字命令是什么所以没法写



protel引进网表 DN cadence ??

查看plane分割DI ??

修改polygen的边界EMV ??




