
更新时间:2023-06-01 12:33:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载


模具预验收表Mold Approval Checking ListType 型号 Part Number 零件号 Part Name 零件名称 Mold Number 模具编号 Mold Supplier 模具供应商 Mold Weight 模具重量 Mold Dimension 模具尺寸 Grain 皮纹 L Type 类型 Supplier 供应商 W H Selfcheck 自检

SWELLSWELL Acceptance Final check check 终检 验收检查







Location 地点 Date 日期 Attendee 参加人员

SWELL custmer 主机厂 mold supplier 模具供应商

(for example) Group 区域 Identification 模具标识

O…ok X…not ok


not…undo Evaluation 评估 Checking Standard 检查标准 Mould name,size,weight,模具的名称、尺寸、重量

Checking Iterms 检查项目 mould Id. 模具标识 Id.plate location 标识的位置

Checking method 检查方法 by eye 目测 by measure 测量 by measure 测量 by measure 测量 by measure 测量 by measure 测量 by measure 测量 by eye 目测 by feeling 触摸 by feeling 触摸 by eye 目测

Selfcheck 自检

Result检查结果 Acceptance Final check check 终检 接受检查






Right position or not 是否在确定的位置 Based on the machine 按照注塑设备要求 Based on the machine 按照注塑设备要求 based on the machine 按照注塑设备要求 based on the machine 按照注塑设备要求 based on the machine 按照注塑设备要求

Mounting 模具定位

position ,size of location ring 定位圈的位置、尺寸 clamping holes /plate 底板螺栓孔 hydralic interface 油管接口 electric plug &socket 电气接口位置 parallelism between two clamping 模板间的平行度

Moulding 模具

out surface 外观 smoothness(for part surface) 光洁度(成型产品表面) smoothness(for parting line) 光滑情况(拼缝线) roughness(for cavity) 粗糙度(型腔) matching quallity of PL 分型面的匹配质量 shape of part 零件形状 flow-balance of resin 树脂流动是否平衡 welding line /air work 熔接痕/排气情况 Dimension tolerance(cavity side)尺寸公差(型腔侧) Dimension tolerance(core side) 尺寸公差(型芯) general thickness of part 产品壁厚

smooth 光滑 smooth 光滑 required quality

require shape 要求的形状 should be ok 应保持流动平衡 no affect sueface quality 对外观质量无影响 ± 0.2mm ± 0.2mm in tolerance 按公差要求 temperture ok 温度正常 OK no leak 无泄露 no leak 无泄露 according to request 按要求

by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by data 按数据 by data 按数据 by measure 测量 by test 测试 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测

Hot Runner System heater 热流道系统 加热器 wire connecting 电线的连接 resin leak (at sprue) 树脂泄露(浇口处) resin leak (at nozzle) 树脂泄漏(喷嘴处) thermal couple type 热电偶型号



Mold Approval Checking List



Cooling system 冷却系统

pipe connecting 水管连接 water leak 是否漏水

fixed 稳固 no leak 无泄露 >50% matching >70% matching ≥HRC55 fixed 已安装 smooth

平滑 no leak under 140kg/cm2 should have 应具有 smooth 平滑 fixed 安装 watching gate 观察口 same surface with core 与型芯一致 smoothly 平滑 《0.05mm ≥HRC55 same surface with core与型芯一致 smooth平滑 《0.05mm ≥HRC55 ≤0.03mm

by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by color by eye 目测 by test 测试 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by test 测试 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by measure 测量 by test 测试 by measure 测量 by test 测试

Guide Movement 导向部分

guide pillar x bush 导柱、导套 guide support area 导向支撑面积 surface treatment 表面处理

Hydralie cylinders 液压系统

wire & pipes 油管及信号线 action of cylinders 油缸动作 leak 渗漏 anti-loose for cylinders 油缸防松动措施

Ejecting Plate 顶出板

action 动作 L/s & it’s wire 行程开关 visibility of the ejector 顶出的可见性

Ejector 顶块

top surface of the ejector 顶部表面 Action 动作 gap between ejector and core 与型芯间的间隙 surface treatment 表面处理

Lifters 顶杆

top surface顶部表面 action 动作 gap between lifter and core 与型芯间隙 surface treatment 表面处理

by test 测试 by measure 测量

Sliders 滑块

gap at PL 分型面间隙 scrape/loose on guider 导向部位防止损伤、松动 angled pillar 斜顶杆 surface treatment 表面处理

surface treatmenta/no by test loose表面处理,无松动 测试 smooth光滑 by test 测试 According to spare parts list 按备件清单 by eye <30 gradient when raised 目测 ≥R15 R2--R5 should have 应具有 equiped at dangerious area在危险区域 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测

Maintenance 维修保养

spare parts 备件

Safety 安全

balance of the hook 吊装平衡 round of touching area 接触区域的圆角 normal round 一般圆角 lock system 锁紧装置 safety cover 安全罩


Take out parts 零件取出

fall from cavity 从型腔脱落 fall from core 从型芯脱落 fall 脱落 parts easy to take out 零件易取出 parts should not be damaged

no 无 no 无 no 无 should be easy 应易于取出 no 无 yse 是

by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by test 测试 by test 测试 by test 测试 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 by eye 目测 check 检查

while take out 零件取出不应损伤 parts should be take out by robert 零件应可以通过机 械手取出 Appearance quality burr of parts 飞边 零件外观质量 short injection 注塑不足 welding line 熔接痕 leak 漏料 sink mark 缩痕 scrape 划伤 white 白斑 burnt 烧焦 step 拼缝线错位 orther problem 其他问题 Documents of mold 模具资料 Operate manual, drawing,part list, 3D data .etc.操作手册,图纸,零 件清单,3D数模等 important items 重要项目 less important items 一般项目

no无 no无 no affect surface quality 不影

响外观质量 no 无 no affect surface quality 不影响外观质量 no 无 no 无 no 无 ≤0.03mm no 无 according to technical comment. 按技术协议

Evaluation items 评估项目


not ok not ok +

account 小计 account 小计 total 合计

Remark 备注:

Decision 结论

Appraiser 评估人


