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启航名师 黄涛

2013年1月5日下午的考研英语科目已经结束几个小时,接下来各位考生还有重要的专业课考试。 今年英语(一)的大作文继续延续了14年的图画作文出题模式:看图说画。今年的图画挺有意思,大致内容是这样的:一群毕业生站在一条道路的分岔口,前面写着求职、考研、出国和创业四条出路,可以看出大学生毕业时面临着人生的多种选择道路,而且关键一点就是,命题老师怕有些考生看不懂主题,还挺有人性关怀地在图画下面写了两个汉字:选择,因此突出说明这次作文主题就是选择自己合适的道路。




确定主题之后,按照我冲刺班讲授的方法,从思考主题词写法,注意词性变换choice和choose,以及主题词同义替换等方法来按照黄涛给出的模板来开始写作。在写大作文时,第一段需要简短描述图画的内容。比如:毕业生graduates, 求职job-seeking或seeking a job,出国going abroad,其中创业和考研是一个翻译表达的难点,实力不强的考生可以考虑不写出来,实力强的考生可以把这当作是展示自己实力的机会,这也是获取阅卷老师给高分的亮点所在。





比如可以选用我们冲刺课堂上传授的精彩句型1, " Whoever standing in front of this miniature will be overwhelmingly impressed. 2,How thought-provoking it seems to be! 或3,What is vividly illustrated in the painting above is that …. (对漫画笼统地描述)。 然后再补上后面的文字解释说明:“The caption(图画中的文字) make choices/alternatives, choose/opt to do sth 分的关键词。

第二段要求展开阐释漫画背后所预示的主题,并加以具体论证说明。在这一段首句可以直接采用" It is, most likely, that the drawer intends not only to think about its real connotation but also to display a serious situation to us. 在句型运用方面,可以考虑使用启航课堂上反复提到的必杀词组“As is universally acknowledged,和What makes things even better/worse等。


Sample Writing

As is apparently drawn in this miniature, in the middle stand many graduates, confronting a few choices such as seeking jobs, receiving further education, going abroad and so on. The Chinese caption above informs us readers of the conspicuous message that various folks will make different choices upon their graduation. (参见黄涛冲刺班作文讲义第7页作文经典句型)How impressive this drawing seems to be in depicting one of the most prevalent themes that college graduates are confronting various alternatives before graduation.

After careful reflection and mediation, we examinees come to understand the enlightening drawing. I contend that this thought-provoking image conveys one profound layer of implication concerning choices. (参见黄涛冲刺班讲义精彩段落第15页内容) It is universally acknowledged that college graduation no longer ends and we should make different choices according to our varying situation. (参见黄涛冲刺班讲义高分句型必备部分)

From what have been discussed above, it admits of no doubt that in doing things whether great or small there are more or less difficulties, it is much better for one to choose a job that can be done within his capability. It is therefore, necessary that some effective measures are taken to make it work. On the one hand, we should be sensible to find what we are skillful at and make a plan about the future. On the other hand, it is demanding for us to change to another job if it does not fit us. (参见黄涛冲刺班讲义V-40页)

In my personal sense, the message applies to our young graduates especially. In such a rat-race society, everyone is bound to make a choice at this critical life stage. In this sense, I should make a rational choice after graduation. Just as the Nobel Prize winner Mo Yan puts it, it is our choice that has changed everything in our life. (参见黄涛作文冲刺班讲义第12页作文九大高分句式之引用名人名言)





小作文的难点在于需要自己想出一些细节性的东西来,这是广大考生靠背诵模板做不到的地方,也是综合检验考生的实力所在,这也给考生充分的自由空间,具体内容要求考生自由发挥的余地较大,结合这次的小作文主题,考生可以思考出,比如比赛的地点和时间,参赛的选手,以及要求外教做精彩点评等,写到这些内容需要考生一个扎实的语言基本功,否则只能是望“卷”兴叹,写不出任何东西,这是避免小作文模板化的倾向,下面是黄涛提供的一个参考范文。 Directions:

Write an e-mail of about 100 words to a foreign teacher in your college, inviting him or her to be a judge for the upcoming English speech contest.

You should include the details you think necessary. You should write neatly on your ANSWER Sheet. Do not sign your own name at the end of the e-mail. Use "Li Ming" instead. Do not write the address. (10 points)


Dear my teacher,

I am writing this letter for the purpose of inviting you to attend our speech contest on behalf of the Students’ Union. In particular, I feel it a great honor to invite you to be a judge for the approaching competition.

There will be other three Chinese judges. However, we are greatly eager to need a native speaker to be one of the judges. To our great joy, we learn that you have been judges for several times on different occasions. To be more exact, you are more experienced or eloquent in speaking than other foreign teachers. After the speech contest, you are required to make a brief comment on the contestants’ performance.

The competition will held at 7:00 in the evening on January 18th in our college auditorium. All the students as well as participants are looking forward to seeing you turn up at the contest. We would be highly honored by your distinguished presence. Please inform me of your decision as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely, Li Ming

启航教育 黄涛

