新托福模拟题 Test2 P18
更新时间:2023-03-29 02:54:01 阅读量: 互联网资料 文档下载
1. What aspect of the jellyfish does the professor mainly discuss ?
A.The major polyps of the Portuguese man o’war jellyfish.
B.The deadly types of jellyfish such as the Irukandji jellyfish
C.The makeup of the jellyfish and its defense mechanisms
D.The cnidoblasts of the jellyfish and what they are used for
2.According to the professor, how does the jellyfish’s gelatinous body form affect them ?
A.It allows them to glide through the water quickly
B.It protects them from dangerous predators
C.It helps guide them through the ocean’s currents
D.It hides their cnidoblasts from potential prey
3.According to the professor, what is the main reason fatalities arise from the box jelly sting ?
A.It travel in large numbers and inflict severe damage
B.The neurotoxins in their tentacles attack the brain immediately
C.The victim already has a serious medical condition before the sting
D.The inpidual develops serve cramps and dies from drowning.
4.What is the rpofessor’s opinion of the Portuguese man o’war ?
A.She is concerned about its danger to humans
B.She is inpressed by its developed nature
C.She is adamant about its declining numbers
D.She is surprised by its ability to evolve
6.Listen again to part of the lecture.Then answer the question.
A.The tentacles are not connected to the medusa
B.Jellyfish have more than two forms
C.The late stage of the jellyfish is the polyp
D.All jelly fish do not develop a medusa
新托福模拟题 Test2 P1803-29
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