
更新时间:2023-04-28 20:28:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





Students are able to read and write the new words:flag, symbol, water, kill, ivory, cut, save, Thailand, be in great danger, cut down, get lost, one of, be made of Students should master the phrases: be in great danger, cut down , kill …for .., be made of , get lost , places with food and water.

SS can remember some useful sentences: The elephant is one of Thailand’s symbols.// Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost . // They can also remember places with food and water. // But elephants are in great danger. // People cut down many trees so elephants are losing their homes.

2. 能力目标:

Students can know the reading skills: they learn to guess the meaning of the words; they learn to find out the title; they learn to make a mind map ; they learn to find the questions.

3. 情感目标:

We can’t forgive(原谅) ourselves, we should give up killing(放弃杀戮), because animals are human’s friends. We should protect (保护)animals.

4. Process and method (过程与方法):


5. Cultural awareness(文化意识):


二、Teaching Key Points(教学重点):

1. Vocabularies, phrases, and sentences.

2. Reading skills.

三、Teaching Difficult Points(教学难点):

1. Using the target language to describe animals.

2. Understanding and Using the reading skills.

Teaching Methods(教学过程):

Step1: warm-up

I like elephants . Boys and girl s , do you like elephants? Please watch a video about “elephants”. The teacher plays the video and ask : What can elephants do? When the students watch the video "Thailand’s elephants performance”The teacher prepare for the Bb design. Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? Section B 2a-2c. Then students answer the questions: What can the elephants do ?

【教学设计说明】通过播放泰国大象表演的视频,激发学生的兴趣, 把学生引入本节课有关大象学习的氛围中。让学生通过视频了解了大象的能力,为文章的学习做了铺垫。

Step2 Lead-in & check 2a

Elephants are smart animals. But they are in great danger.(板书Blackboard design:in great danger).Some other animals are in great danger, too. What animals are in great danger? Check your homework. Ask one student to answer the question. The students can have their own ideas.

【教学设计说明】看过视频中聪明的大象,学生喜欢大象,但是大象处于危险之中,来引出2c, pandas and tigers are in danger, too. We should do what can we do to save them. 引出2b.

Step3 Reading

1. Fast reading :

●T: Now we know something about elephants, next we will learn an article to know more about the elephants. Open your books and turn to Page 29. Look at Activity 2b, read the article quickly and find the answer to this question:

What is the best title for the article?. Here is a tip for you : You can read the first paragraph or the last paragraph to find the title. Then the teacher check the answer and lead them to read the title: Let’s save the elephants. What’s the meaning of the word ”save”? Ask them to guess the meaning .

●Boys and girls , read the article quickly ,underline the key sentences ,find out the reasons.

?Elephants are smart animals. ( )

?Elephants are in great danger. ( )



2. Careful reading

●Look at the Bb, please. This is a min d –map of 2b. 2b mainly tells us the elephants , the importance of the elephants , the abilities of the elephants , facts and figures, how to save the elephants. Which paragraph tells us the importance ? Students find the answer : paragraph 1, abilities, paragraph 2, and paragraph 3 tells us facts and figures, how to save the elephants.




●Finish the mind map of 2c on your books.Tips: Catching the key words can help you. Check the answer to 2c.

●Read the article again then answer the questions below.

?Where are the students from? __________________________________

?Why is the elephant important in Thailand? ________________________

?Why are elephants in great danger? ________________________________

?When is Thai Elephant Day? ________________________________

? What can people do to save the elephants? _______________________________


3.post- reading

●Translate English into Chinese:

?People say that “an elephant never forgets”————————————————?They can also remember places with food and water.————————————

●Guess the meaning of the words and language points: Method( 方法): You can guess them by reading the sentences before or after the words.

()①.People also kill elephants for their ivory. A.喜爱 B. 杀死 C. 买下

()②.Elephants can walk for a long time and never get lost.


B. 迷路

C. 忘记


Step 4 Learn the new words and some language points

●The teacher show the pictures on the ppt. Students read them after the teacher. Then read the words on the books to remember the words.

●Students take out the learning paper , read the language points and take

notes on the books .






Step 5 Listening and Retelling the article

● The teacher plays the tape , asks the students to listen and read the

article in a low voice. At the same time , they can understand the article

again to find their questions. After listening , ask: Do you have any questions? Help the students to solve the questions.

●You are smart, but do you have a good memory? Next, I will ask you to retell the article according to the mind map on the Bb. Then give them an example. Do you know how to do it? The teacher retells the article to give a model. ( Students answer together)

●The whole class read the article and retell the article in groups. To have a competition, ask some students to retell the article.

●Do some exercises on the ppt.


Step 6 Summary

●In this class, we have learnt some new words and new phrases, please remember them. Ask the students to speak out the words and phrases. And we learn some reading skills : find out the title according to the first paragraph or the last paragraph; guess the meaning of the words by reading the sentences before or after the words; we learn to make a mind map ; we learn to find the questions. We also learned an article about how to protect the animals.

●Moral aims:We can’t forgive(原谅) ourselves, we should give up killing(放弃杀戮), because animals are human’s friends. We should protect (保护)animals. animals are our friends. No buying, no killing. To Love animals is to love ourselves(我们自己).


Step 7 Homework

Chose one:

A:Write a description of another animal according to the mind map.

B:Read the article twice and write the points 。Retell the passage again and write it out









2.最后的Practice, 学生做的不错,出错率不高。尤其是remember doing sth.



4.学生的预习效果不错,2a 与2c, 改动答案的不多。





本节课的教学内容是人教版Go for it 七年级下册Unit 5 Why do you like pandas? 的Section B , 2a-2c .

Unit5 这一单元共分为Section A 和Section B 两部分。Section A. 通过图文观察和听说活动,引领学生进入“参观动物园”的情景,目的在于让学生了解各种动物的英文名称,以及它们生长的地方和习性,并能运用英语简单谈论对动物的喜好和原因。Section B 中1a-1d 的听说活动主要围绕Tony and Mary 参观动物园的场景展开,先让学生通过解读图片,选择与动物的动作表情匹配的描述性形容词,使其更直观领会词汇的含义,再通过听训练学生捕捉描述性形容词,然后通过结对操练使其学会在真实情景中用描述性的形容词。2a-2c则转向对“濒危动物”的关注,2a 通过调查学生对濒危动物的了解引出保护濒危动物“大象”的语篇阅读。这样的选材旨在培养学生快速阅读和归纳语篇中心的能力; 2c 渗

透了构建思维导图(mind map )的阅读策略培养,帮助学生将抽象的零碎的信息匪类整理成与主体密切相关、又相对独立的块状知识。这不仅有助于学生深入理解语篇,抓住重要信息,而且能够增强学生的思维能力、提升注意力与记忆力、启发联想力和创造力。


整个初中3年的学习中,多个单元与本单元所涉及的语言知识相关联,如七年级上册Unit6 Do you like bananas? 和unit 9 My favorite subject is science.为相关话题单元,为本单元提供了话题和语法知识的支持。本单元涉及中考24个话题中的第22个话题:自然。Talk about animals是中考中常见的话题。涉及11个日常交际用语中第2个关于态度的表达中的talk about preference。所以学好本单元会为以后的学习打下基础。



Section B 部分的教学重点:

巩固Why 引导的特殊疑问句及其回答,并在2a-2c 的阅读教学中对学生进行阅读技能的培养。


我所讲的是第五单元的第四课时,本课时是2a-2c, 重点是培养学生的阅读能力。以及一些重要的短语和句子。



1. Koalas are quite c______ and smart.

2. The boy is very l______. He often gets up late.

3. The panda is very s______, so please be very quiet.

4. Dragon (龙) is the s______ of China.

5. People also k______ lots of other animals for their skins.


